Local Veterans

Do you know of a Veteran who served his or her county while living in this county? Do you have diaries, letters, reunion memorabilia to share? Let's honor our Veterans together!
Name Rank Branch of Service
Conner, Leo AlexanderCol.
Civil War
Williams Andrew J.
Williamson Esquire T.
Spanish War
Pinnell, Dorsie M. Sr.
World War I
Henry F. Albright
Ira M. Armstrong
Alfred Benton
George E. Boyer
John E. Brewer
David Buffington
Zuma Burk
Edgar W. Burkett
William Cabral
Allen F. Caldwell
John h. Carter
Donald L. Cheek
Henry F. Crenshaw
Virgil U. Day
Claude C. DeShong
Robert S. Dillard, Sr.
James L. Dodson
Clarence H. Doty
Lewis C. Downing
James K. Duncan
Jake Eastman
John H. Erikson
Pondexter Foots
Leo J. E. Gadbois
Robert L . Gambrell
Grover Gibss
Lee O. Gordon
Will C. Greenhaw
Benjamin P. Greer
Preston B. Grissom
Thomas D. Hamilton
Edward H. Harris
Elbert N. Haynes
Thomas N. Hesson
Dewey R. Hill
Clarence B. Hobbs
Arthur L. Hollenbeck
Charley W. Howitt
Jim L. Jones
Richard E. Jones
John L . Keith
John A. E. Knight
James D. Lincoln
Henry C. Loggins
Clyde C. Looney
Benjamin F. Luck
Jordan E. McAllister
James A. McAuley
Joe Q. McBeth
M. Jack McCarley
Richard K. McKelvain
Ralph B. McWhorter
Walter Matthews
Albert H. Mearse
George W. Montgomery
Lawrence B. Ogden
John L. Oliver
Thomas E. Orrell
George H. Parker
Carl W. Post, Sr.
William M. Ramsey
Dock Rhodes
Samie N. Riley, Sr.
J. A. Roach, Sr.
William F. Roberts
Hubert L. St. Clair
John W. Shiprman
Sam M. Smith
Roy M. Smyers
Edward J. Stanley
Ed Stevenson
McKinley Stoner
Claud E. Sutphen
James G. Taylor
Roy Taylor
Walter E. Taylor
George N. Timmons
William N. Towles
Robert E. Trotter
Carl L. Underwood, Sr.
Charles W. Ward
Hairm L. West
John W. West
Jordan E. Westover
Alvin S. Williams
Hugh T. Wilson
Omar Wolf
Ralph W. Worley
Earl Wright
Bill Wyche, Jr.
World War II
Abbott, Lewis C.
Abbott, Ward A.
Abney, Allen
James P. Abney
Eathel Adams
John R. Adams
Donald P. Adkins
Leonard D. Adkins
Wayne I Aikey
Charles D. Alcorn
Alvis H. Alexander
Curtis R. Alexander
Onie G. Albright
W.T. Joe Albright
John T. Allen
Stanford G. Allen
Donald V. Alsobrook
Helene B. Altman, Sr.
Jim Anderson
Robert L. Anderson
Merrett L. Andrews
Rufus G. Andrews
Robert Anthony
H.C. Armstrong
Herschel P. Armstrong
John T. Armstrong
Vernon E. Armstrong
W. J. Jiggs Armstrong
Sammy Arnold
Allen Arthur
Alvin A. Arthur
Donald P. Atkins
William A. Atwood
Robert G. Atwood
Howard C. Austin
Russell D. Austin
Garland Awbrey
Lenin D. Baird
William A. Baird
Laymon L. Baker
Weldon E. Baker
Ercell D. Ballard
Finis E. Ballard, Jr.
John T. Ballew
Ralph B. Banks
Frank W. Barley
Goddard, Floyd L.Navy
Greaves, Jack W.
Greaves, Troy
Gross, James B. (J.B.)Army
Hodges, JackArmy
Richard J. Jones
Kelly, Alfred
Lopez, Epifanio G.
Lopez, Juan G.
McNett, Marvin H.
Roberts, Harold S.
Roberts, James W.
Roberts, Wesley B.
Scott, Forest C.
Smart, R.B. Bob
Weatherby, Gordon
Weatherby, James R.
Weatherby, Woodward
Davidson, J.B.Navy
Horn, Ronald DavidStaff Sergeant
Desert Storm/Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Enduring Freedom
Peace Time
Fowler, C.E. "Eddie"Navy
Marion, Jerreyl Lynn