Census of the Inhabitants of this City of Nacogdoches, April 30, 1835

RESIDENTS OF TEXAS, 1782-1836 COPYRIGHT 1984. Transcribed & Reprinted by The TXGenWeb Project with permission The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio, 801 South Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-080376, ISBN: 0-911317-33-3
Nacogdoches Archives, April 30, 1835. Vol. 75, pp. 174-79.
Census of the Inhabitants of this City of Nacogdoches.
                                                           Negroes   Total
Names of the Families      Age   Condition    Occupation   M   F     Souls

Don Henry RUEG             37    Single       Merchant
Louis RUEG                 35      do            do
Pedro MEDINA, servant      31    Widower      Laborer
Francisco YBARBO, do       17    Single          do
Pedro SERVANTES, do        25      do            do
Inez MORENO, do            22      do            do
James, negro               45      do            do        1
Nassau, do                 19      do            do        1
Silvia, negress            40      do            do            1
Carolina, do               23      do            do            1
Martha, do                 10      do            do            1
Peggy, do                   8      do            do            1
Elequisi, negro             3      do            do        1
Dick, do                    3      do            do        1
William, do                 1      do            do        1
Emma, negress               1      do            do            1
Valero, aggregated         11      do            do        1           17

Juan MORA                  37    Married     State Employee
Maria Carmel YBARBO        23    his wife
Jose Emilio                 4    his son
Jose Matias                 2      do                                   4

Antonio MENCHACA           39    Married      Tailor
Ma. Feliciana de los
    Santos SANCHES         26    his wife        do
Maria Con cepsion           8    daughter
Maria Rafaela               7      do
Maria Andrea                3      do
Maria Carmel                4      do
Jose Antonio,               1    son
Jose CARLOS, aggregated    54    Single       Tailor
Juan Bautista, do          12      do            do                     9

Adolphus STERNE            33    Married      Merchant
Eva Catherine              23    his wife
Maria Eugenia               6    daughter
Charles Adolphus            5    son
Joseph Amador               3    son
Manuel STERNE              13    Brother
Fabita,'negro servant      39                                  1        7

Juan LAZARIN               39    Married      Laborer
Ma. Josefa de la BEGA      32    his wife
Jose Antonio LAZARIN       14    son
Jose Francisco             12      do
Maria Teodora               8    daughter
Jose Eugenio                4    son
Maria INOCENCIA            22                                  1
Maria Cecilia               8                                  1        8

Charles S. TAYLOR          27    Married      Merchant
Mary                       20    his wife
Henrietta                   3    Daughter
Mary Rosa                   2      do
George                      1    son
Buford, aggregated         22    Single       Laborer
J. ROTH, aggregated        43      do           do

Frost THORN                38    Married      Merchant
Mary Susan                 23    his wife
Hayden EDWARDS             21    Single       Merchant
John THORN                 21      do           do
Leonard M. THORN           19      do           do
Washington TIVIS           46    Widower      Cashier

William SNEED              29    Single       Cart-wright
John MOSS                  24      do           do
Ebre, negro servant        40      do                      1
Sarah,     do              28                                  1
Jared,     do              21                              1
Moses,     do              23                              1
Louis,     do              24                              1
Randall,   do              30                              1
James,     do              14                              1
Bill,      do              10                              1
Avelina,   do               4                              1
Rufus,     do               2                              1
William,   do               1                              1           19

John C. MORRISON           35    Single       Carpenter                 1

Jacob DUNCAN               24    Single       Carpenter                 1

Moses CHOATE               35    Married      Carpenter
Maria URSULA               28    his wife
Maria Clara                 7    his daughter
Lara James                  4    his son
Adolphus Locoguez           2    his son
William Nels, Boarders     25    Single       Carpenter
Thomas GRUBBS,   do        25      do            do
Jones,           do        28      do            do                     8

Henry RAGUET               39    Married      Merchant
Marcia Ann                 35    his wife
Anna W.                    15    daughter
Condy                      12    son
Henry W.                   10      do
Augusta                     7    daughter
Maria                       4      do
Charles M.                  2    son
 (Christina) GARLING,
                 aggreg.   65                                           9

Joseph HERTZ               26    Single       Doctor
Albert EMMANUEL            27    Married      Merchant
Dorcas                     17    his wife
Hart, Aggregated           21                 Cashier                   4

John M. DOR                35    Single       Translator                1

John Charles LEPLICHER     37    Single          do                     1

Jose Maria MUSQUIZ         38    widower      Laborer                   1

Miguel CORTINAS            30    Married      Laborer
Jacinta ESPARZA            23    his wife
Maria Sinforoza             6    daughter
Maria Gertrudes CADENA     16    aggregated                             4

Juan CRUZ                  30    Married      Carpenter
Maria de JESUS             25    his wife
Jose Manurto                8    son
Jose Marcelino              2      do
Maria Isabel                2    daughter                               5

Ma. Juana GETRUDES         30    Single
Jose ALDRETE               13    son
Jose Lauro TIASO            4      do
Maria de la Luz             2    daughter
Ma. Grandis CURBELA        67    mother                                 5

Mariano SANCHEZ            59    Married      Laborer
Ma. Paula RUIZ             67    Wife
Julian SANCHEZ, son        37    Single       Laborer
Romaldo SANCHEZ            11    son                                    4

Jose Ma. ACOSTA            40    Married      Laborer
Ma. Josefa DELGADO         39    Wife
Francisco Desidorio        15    son
Juan Jose                  12      do
Maria de la Paz             9    daughter
Maria Gertrudis             7      do
Maria Tiodos                5      do
Jose Feliciano              2    son                                    8

Domingo YBARBO             57    Married      Laborer
Ma. Elena SANCHEZ          47    Wife
Maria Estefania            25    daughter
Maria Alejandra            23      do
Maria Barbara              21      do
Juan Benino                19    son
Jose Antonio               17      do
Juan Bautista              15      do
Maria Dorotea              13    daughter
Jose Langriano             11    son
Maria de la Luz             9    daughter
Jose Sirildo                3    son
Jose Gregorio               1    son                                   13

Maria GUADALUPE            45    Widow
Jose Esteban               13    son
Maria Francisca             8    daughter                               3

Agustin DIAS, aggregated   24    Single       Laborer
Jose GUADALUPE              6    son                                    2

Eugenio PEREZ              25    Single       Laborer                   1

Ma. Francisca ALAMARA      27    Single                                 1

Ma. Concepcion Santa CRUZ  75    Widow                                  1

Miguel HERRERA             37    Married      Laborer
Ma. Josefa de SOTO         21    his wife                               2

Manuela MORVAN             38    Widow                                  1

Manuel TOSCANO             47    Married      Laborer
Ma. Gertrudiz SANCHEZ      34    his wife
Maria Rosalia              16    daughter
Jose Santiago               9    son                                    4

Francisco MARTINEZ         32    Married      Laborer
Ma. Escolastica DIAS       28    Wife
Jose Tamislado              7    son
Maria Lorenza               5    daughter
Maria Trinidad              4      do
Jose Sisto                  3    son
Maria Juliana               1    daughter                               7

Julio SEBALLES             30    Married      Laborer
Maria JORDANA              29    his wife                               2

James BOULTER              37    Married      Blacksmith
Maria LISBANA              26    wife
Alfred                     10    son
William                     6    son
James                       3    son
Daniel Antonio              1    son
Nosere, negress            22                                  1
Andres, negro              18                              1            8

Ma. Telesfora YBARBO       41    Single
Valentin AGUASAVOL         27    Son-single   Laborer                   2

A.C. ALLEN                 28    Married      Laborer
C.M. ALLEN                 29    Wife
John K. ALLEN, brother     24    Single         do
J.L. ALLEN, brother        26      do           do
Nancy, negress             40                                  1        5

John S. ROBERTS            37    Married      Merchant
Maria GARRETT              33    Wife
John                       10    Son
Lycurgus                    5      do
Nancy, negress             26                                  1
Miller, negro               3                              1            6

Thomas J. RUSK             28    Married      Laborer
Mary                       23    wife
Benjamin                    6    son
John                        4      do
Cicero                      1      do
Aguilla, negro             24                              1
Scipio,    do              35                              1
James,     do              20                              1
Onis, negress              20                                  1
Charlotte, do              16                                  1       10

Solomon R. PECK            35    Single       Merchant
Isaac PARKER               32    Single       Cashier
Rente, negro               10                              1            3

Mariano MORA               57    Married      Laborer
Trinidad PROCELA           48    wife
Mariano MORA, aggreg.      18    Single       Merchant
Maria Leone,     do        12                                           4

Maria OBIDEA               31    Widow                                  1

J. Eugene MICHAMPS         53    widower      Confectioner
                                               & Distiller
Louis Eugene               13    son
Josephine                   9    daughter
Adele                       7      do
Laura                       6      do                                   5

Brijido PINEDA             57    Married      Laborer
Trinidad YBARBO            48    Wife
Jose Maria, son            21    Single         do                      3

Antonio Daniel KELLER      55    widower      Merchant                  1

Jose Angel CHIRINO         26    Single       Tailor
Juan Bautista YBARBO        8
Maria Antonia YBARBO        7

Casildo AGUILERA           35    Married      Laborer
Ma. Anta. MENCHACA         23
Maria Candida DELGADO      47    Widow
Jose Ma. Chirino, child    12
Luis CHIRINO               15
Teresa CHIRINO              6

Maria Timotea FLORES       28    Single

Maria Estefania PADILLA    26    Single
Maria Carmel PADILLA       13    daughter
Maria Josefa               11      do
Jose de la Luz ROGAS        8    son
Jose Benino PADILLA         3      do
Maria Lina                  1    daughter

Juana Francisca CASTANEDA  25    Widow
Jose Tiofilo FLORES         5    son
Maria Jasinta AROCHA        2    daughter

William G. LOGAN           24    Married      Merchant
Maria LOGAN                20    Wife

Francis MILHOME            68    Married      Merchant
Maria Prudence             60    Wife
Josephine                  22    Daughter
Joseph Pedro                3
Jim, negro servant         40                              1

Maria Brigida NANCERO      47    Single

Maria Silberia GUTIERRES   29    Single       Innkeeper
Alfred, negro servant      30                              1
James,      do             22                              1
Silvia,     do             20                                  1
Peter                      15                              1

James GRANT                28    Single       Merchant

Ma. Justa de LOZO          29    Married

Joseph MILGESON            45    Widower      Doctor

David FANCHERS             43    Single       Laborer

Maria LOFI                 30    Single
Ma. Luisa de Jesus         20    daughter
Pedro                      15    son
Matilde                    13    daughter
Delilah                    12      do
Callie                      9      do
Juan                        7    son
Maria Clemencia             4    daughter

Thomas Joseph              28
Ma. Josefa PERES           64    Widow

Vitoriana FALCON           30    Widow
Jose Bien                  13    son
Ma. Clemencia               8    daughter
Agustin                     5    son

Phillip MARTIN             27    Married      Carpenter
Mary COFFEY                29    wife
Andrew MARTIN               2    son

Ma. Joacoba DILL           26    Single

Maria     DOLORES              43    Widow
Maria     BERNARDA, servant    12                              1
Jose Ignacio la MARRIL      8    Aggregated

Miguel de los Santos COY   68    Married      Laborer
Maria Dolores RAMON        58    wife

Desiderio SAUCEDO          35    Married      Laborer
Juana Franca. de los
               Santos COY  20    wife
Dominga SAUCEDO             6    daughter
Maria Jacoba                5      do
Maria Andrea                2      do

Guadalupe SOSA             60    Widow

Juan Jose VILLA            25    Single       Laborer
Maria JIMINES              27    Aggregated
Maria Tiburcia CASTILLO    12    her daughter

Josefa CASTANEDA           39    Single

Eluterio LOPES             37    Married      Laborer
Maria Concepcion ARRIOLA   30    wife
Maria Bernadine            10    daughter

Joseph CARRIERE            53    widower      Schoolmaster
Juana Francisca            17    daughter
Joseph Elmo                11    son
John Remigio               10    son

Isaac JACOBS               42    Married      Carpenter
Bethesda                   35    wife
Nancy                      17    daughter
Franse En Thon              5    son
Llime Lem                   3      do
Melissa                     1    daughter

John ADAMS                 40    Married      Shoemaker
Bessie                     32    wife
Joseph James                2    son
David WILSON, aggregated   40    single       Shoemaker

Ma. Benancia Santa CRUZ    65    Widow

Maria Manuela BASQUEZ      29    Widow
Sirilia CORTINAS            2    daughter

Vicente PADILLA            55    Married      Laborer
Jose Maria MARTINES,       37    servant
Guadalupe TORRES, wife     29

Ma. Bernardina AROCHA      25    Single

Maria Belarda ARRIOLA      63    Widow

Ignacio de los Santos COY  56    Married      Laborer
Maria Getrudis CHIRINO     40    Wife
Andres AROCHA              16    Aggregated

Martin YBARBO              67    Married      Laborer
Maria Josefa ARRIOLA       73    his wife