Census Report of Tenehaw, 1835

COPYRIGHT 1984. Transcribed & Reprinted by The TXGenWeb Project with permission The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio, 801 South Bowie Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 84-080376, ISBN: 0-911317-33-3
Census Report of Tenehaw. Blake Collection, Vol. XIX, pp. 228-258, 298-301, 1835. Nacogdoches Archives, Vol. 85, pp. 21-74. Census of Municipality of Tenehaw.
Names                    Condition      Religion       Trade          Ages

(torn) ENGLISH           Married        Catholic       Farmer         45
(torn) wife                                                           35
James, 2nd son           Single         Catholic         do           24
John, 3rd son              do             do                          15
Baley, 4th son             do             do                          10
Joseph D., 5th son         do             do                           2
Elizabeth, daughter        do                                         12
Murvaner,     do           do                                         14
Hannah,       do           do                                         (torn)
Salina,       do           do                                         (torn)
Parmelia,     do           do                                          4
Poos, female servant       do                                         45
Ann,                       do                                         14

Jonas HARRISON           Married        Catholic       Lawyer         50
Nelley, his wife           do             do                          35
Jonas, her son           Single           do                          12
Jubb                       do             do                          10
Jefferson                  do             do                           8
John                       do             do                           6
William                    do                                          4
Clinton                    do                                          2
Margaret, daughter         do                                         14

E. RAINS                 Married        Catholic       Farmer         35
Mareener, his wife         do             do                          30
Palmira, daughter        Single           do                          12
Mary Ann,   do             do             do                          10
Sarah                      do             do                          (torn)
John, his son              do                                           "
Emy, his son               do                                           "
Presl                      do                                           "
Manerva                                                                1

Jonathan ANDERSON        Married        Catholic       Farmer         36
Hannah, his wife           do             do                          36
John, their son          Single           do                          20
Matthew, his son           do             do                          18
Wiett, son                 do             do                          16
Perry, son                 do             do                          12
Abraham                    do             do                          10
Mahala, daughter           do             do                          14
Pinkney, son               do             do                           8
James,    do               do             do                          (torn)
Archibald, E.,             do             do                           4

John BUCKLEY             Married        Catholic       Farmer         47
Elizabeth, his wife        do             do                          45
Martha, daughter         Single                                        8
Tyne, son                  do             do                          21
Elizabeth, daughter        do             do                          14
Sina,          do          do             do                          12
Turner, son                do             do                          10
John,     do               do             do                           8
Malinda, daughter          do             do                           1

Widow ELSEY              Widow                         Farmer         50
John, son                Single           do                          25
Mena Withers HUNT          do             do                          18
(torn) Ann                 do             do                          20
(torn) Nanes               do             do                          16

Stephen ENGLISH          Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Mary, his wife             do             do                          21
Elizabeth, daughter                                                    2

Joseph ENGLISH           Married        Catholic                      35
Leander, wife              do             do                          34
Almerah, daughter          do                                          2

John CHOATE              Married        Catholic       Farmer         34
Mary, his wife             do             do                          24
Radey Ann, daughter                                                    4
Widow LEACH                do             do                          50
Frankey, maid servant                                                 50

Moses WOOTON             Married        Catholic       Farmer         50
Margaret, his wife                        do                          40
Cre (torn), daughter     Single           do                          14
Malinda                    do             do                          12
Susan                      do             do                          16
Elizabeth                  do             do                           8
Jane                       do                                          7
Nathan, son              Single                                        6
Malinda,                   do                                          4

Nathan DAVIS, Jr.        Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Mary, his wife                            do                          22
Jane, daughter                                                         3
Elizabeth, daughter                                                    1

Harrison DAVIS           Married        Catholic       Farmer         2(torn)
Elizabeth, his wife                       do                          17

Nathan DAVIS, Sr.        Married        Catholic       Farmer         56
Jane, his wife                            do                          55
Mill, their servant                                                   36
Lewis, her son                                                        12
Anthony, her son                                                      10

John APPLEGATE           Married        Catholic       Farmer         35
Nancy, his wife                           do                          30
Caroline, daughter                                                    12
Nathen, son                                                            8

James ENGLISH            Married                       Farmer         45
Susan, his wife                                                       42
Richard, son                            Catholic                      20
Elizabeth, daughter                                                   16
William, son                                                          14
Polley, daughter                                                      12
Archibald D., son                                                      8
Wayne D., son                                                          6
Elisha, son                                                            4

John ENGLISH             Married        Catholic       Farmer         34
Elizabeth, his wife                       do                          30
Eliza, daughter                                                       10
Elvira, daughter                                                       8
James, son                                                             6
Christopher, son                                                       2
2 servants, male & female                                         27 &28

Isaac ROBERTS            Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Rhoda, his wife                                                       38
Henry, son                                                            15
Nancy, daughter                                                       13
Sina,     do                                                          11
Thomas                                                                 9
Anna, daughter                                                         6
Crecia, do                                                             4

Robert FOOT                                                           25

John BRADLEY             Widower        Catholic       Farmer         35
Mary, daughter                                                        15
Thomas, son                                                           12
James, son                                                            10
Catherine, daughter                                                    5

Miss Ann GRAY            Single         Catholic       Tailoress      25
James, her son                                                        10

John LATHAN              Married        Catholic       Farmer         45
Rosey, his wife            do             do                          44
Elizabeth, daughter      Single           do                          16
Susan, daughter                                                       14
Thomas, son                                                           12
John, son                                                             10
James, son                                                             8
Jane & Martha (2 servants 50 & 60)

John FORSYTH             Married        Catholic       Farmer         29
Martha, his wife           do             do                          26
Sam, son                                                               4
Jane, daughter                                                         2

King LATHAM              Married        Catholic       Farmer         27
Mary, his wife                                                        25
John, son                                                              4
Susan, daughter                                                        2
James, son                                                             2 mos.

John CRICHFIELD          Married        Catholic       Farmer         41
Sarah, his wife            do             do                          32
Henry, son                                                            19
Lucinda, daughter                                                     16
William, son                                                          12
John, son                                                             12
Wade, son                                                              6
Mahaley, daughter                                                      2

Widow CRICHFIELD         Widow          Catholic       Farmer         35
Harriet, daughter                                                     17
Brittain, son                                                         15
John, son                                                             12
Nancy, daughter                                                       10
Sally, daughter                                                        8

Elanson BARR             Married        Catholic       Farmer         35
Mahaly, his wife                          do                          27
Wiett, son                                                            12
Salina, daughter                                                      10
Sarah, daughter                                                        8
Elanson, son                                                           5
Sarah, daughter                                                        3
Lewis, man servant                                                    20
Baley, maid servant                                                   21
Jack, her son                                                          3

Jonas ENGLISH            Married        Catholic       Hunter         30
Martha, his wife                          do                          20

John HALEY               Married        Catholic       Farmer         45
Susan, his wife                           do                          45
Mark, son                Single           do                          21
Nellie, daughter           do             do                          18
Charles, son                              do                          16
John, Jr.                                 do                          12
Susan, daughter                                                       10
Bob, servant                                                           8

Lewis THOMPSON           Married        Catholic       Hunter         27
Molly, his wife                           do                          25
Peter, son                                                             7
Sam, do                                                                5
Betty, daughter                                                        2

Thomas ENGLISH           Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Sarah, his wife                           do                          27
William, son                                                          14
James                                                                 12
John                                                                  11
Wilburn                                                                9
Stephen                                                                8
Luisa, daughter                                                        6
Jonas                                                                  4
Mary Jane                                                              2

Jerry BOLING             Married        Catholic       Farmer         57
Elizabeth, his wife                       do                          50
Mary Ann, daughter                        do                          25
Manerva                                                                4

James BOLING             Married        Catholic                      25
Eliza, his wife                           do                          20
Jerry, son                                                             1

Samuel PORTER            Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Mary, his wife                            do                          38
William, son                                                          12
Eliza, daughter                                                       10
Luiza                                                                  8

Domingo                  Bachelor       Catholic       Farmer         50

Richard HALEY, Jr.       Married        Catholic       Farmer         27
Susan, his wife            do             do                          28
John, son                                                              5
Jane, daughter                                                         2

Samuel MCFADDIN          Married        Catholic       Farmer         37
Margaret, his wife         do             do                          35
Jonathan, son            Single           do                          15
William, son                                                          13
Joseph                                                                11
Mary, daughter                                                        19
Darius, do                                                             7
James Duston, son                                                      4

James FORSYTH            Married        Catholic       Farmer         28
Darius, his wife                          do                          28
Samuel, son                                                            4
John, son                                                              2
Jane, daughter                                                         6 mos.

Charley ASKENDS          Widower        Catholic       Farmer         35
James, son                                do                          18
John, son                                                             16
Sam, son                                                              14
Jane, daughter                                                         7

William PARMER           Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Malindy, his wife                         do                          24

Robert GOODWIN           Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Sarah, his wife                           do                          23
John, son                                                              2
James, son

Widow HALEY              Widow          Catholic       Farmer         50
Allen, son                                do             do           27
Mary, daughter                                                        16
John, son                                                             14
James, son                                                            12

Arch SMITH               Married        Catholic                      28
Malinda, his wife                         do                          27
Richard, son                                                           9
Alex, son                                                              7
Archibald, son                                                         5
Anthony, servant                                                      24

Joseph DAVIS             Married        Catholic       Farmer         50
Mary DAVIS, his wife                      do                          45
Sarah, daughter                                                       12

Mansan SMITH             Married        Catholic       Farmer         31
Matilda, his wife                                                     23
Eliza, daughter                                                        7

Willis WATSON            Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Nancy, his wife                           do                          40
Anah, daughter                                                        18
Elizabeth, daughter                                                   16
Mary Ann, daughter                                                    12
William, son                                                          14
Rebecca, daughter                                                     10
Caroline, do                                                           8

Widow DARK                                                            21
Marah                                                                  3

John WALKER                                                           29

Levi GILLIAN             Single         Catholic       Farmer         25

E. ROBERTSON             Single         Catholic       Farmer         55

John MEBBLE              Married        Catholic       Farmer         27
Eliza, his wife                           do                          17

Shirley GOODEN           Married        Catholic       Farmer         35
Elizabeth, his wife                       do                          35
William, son                              do                          12
Joseph                                                                 9
Jane, daughter                                                         8

Henry GOODWIN            Married        Catholic                      55
Sarah, his wife                           do                          54
George, son                               do                          17

John BURK                Single         Catholic       Farmer         27

Joshua ENGLISH           Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Candas, his wife           do             do                          20

William TODD             Married        Catholic       Farmer         48
Martha, his wife           do             do                          47
Samuel, son                do             do                          19
Susan, daughter                                                       18
Mary,     do                                                          16
William                                   do                          15
John                                                                  14
James                                                                  6
Thomas                                                                12
Wilson L.                                                             10
1 man servant                                                         50
Mariah, servant                                                       15
Dinah, maid servant                                                   16

John BEAUCHAMP           Married        Catholic       Farmer         45
Susan, his wife            do             do                          40
Benedict, son                             do                          20
Ellen, daughter                                                       18
Isabella,                                                             16
Mary, daughter                                                        14

Elizabeth ENGLISH        Widow                                        60
Archibald, son           Single                                       20

Jerry Baum BEAUCHAMP     Bachelor       Catholic       Mechanic       25

John GATES               Married        Catholic       Farmer         47
Jane, his wife                            do                          46
Hampton, son                                                          19
William                                                               17
Fanny, daughter                                                       15
James                                                                 12
Valentine                                                             10
John, Jr.                                                              8
Samuel                                                                 6
Sarah. daughter                                                        4
Susan,                                                                 2

John MCGEE               Married        Catholic       Mechanic       27
Susan, his wife                           do                          25
John, son                                                              4
Mary, daughter                                                         2

James WATKINS            Married        Catholic       Farmer         50
Minerva, his wife                         do                          48
William, son                                                          19

Richard CRAWFORD         Married        Catholic       Farmer         27
Susan, his wife                           do                          26
John, son                                                              4
Elizabeth, daughter                                                    2

Richard HALEY            Married        Catholic       Farmer         50
Sarena, his wife                          do                          30
Thomas, son                                                           17
Susan, daughter                                                        8
Jane, daughter                                                         6
Susan, do                                                              4
Parker, man servant                                                   31
Ann, maid servant                                                     27
George, her son                                                        6

King LATHAM              Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Mary, his wife                            do                          24
Mary, daughter                                                         7
Susan,    do                                                           5
Lewis, son                                                             3
Elijah, do                                                             2

Widow LATHAM             Widow          Catholic       Farmer         65
Margaret, daughter                                                    15

James LATHAM             Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Sarah Ann, his wife        do                                         22
Lewis, son                                                             1

William KING             Married        Catholic       Farmer         45
Nancy, his wife            do             do                          35
James, son                                                            12
Ann, daughter                                                         10
Patty, daughter                                                        8
Malinda, do                                                            6

Riten EVERETT            Married        Catholic       Farmer         30
Anna, his wife             do             do                          27
Jane, daughter                                                         5
James, son                                                             3
John, son                                                              1

Robert SMITH             Married        Catholic       Farmer         30
Sarah Ann, his wife        do             do                          27
Samuel, son                                                           12
Jose, son                                                             10
Isaac, do                                                              8
Susan, daughter                                                        6
Elizabeth, do                                                          4

Joseph JEWELL            Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Winna, his wife            do             do                          47
John, son                                                             16
Lindsey, do                                                           14
William,                                                              12
Susan, daughter                                                        8
Lydia,    do                                                           6

J. MILLER                Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Jane, his wife             do             do                          37
Susan, daughter                                                       16
William, son                                                          18
Jonas, son                                                            14
John, son                                                             12
Mary, daughter                                                         6

J.B. TUCKER              Widower        Catholic       Farmer         40
Charlotte, daughter                                                   14
Matilda, daughter                                                      7
Harrison, son                                                          5
George, man servant                                                   25
Henry, man servant                                                    24
Sophia, maid servant                                                  22
Her child (torn)                                                       2
Ellen, servant                                                        13

Evin SHOEMAKER           Married        Catholic       Mechanic       30
Matilda, his wife          do             do                          22
William, son                                                          12
John, son                                                             14
Dn., son                                                               8
Fanny, daughter                                                        3
Jackson, son                                                           1

Charles LINDSEY          Married        Catholic       Farmer         57
Polly, his wife            do             do                          55
Thomas, son                                                           28
Elizabeth, daughter                                                   24
Lydia,         do                                                     22
Samuel,   son                                                         20
Charity                                                               18
Sarah Ann                                                             16
Mandy, daughter                                                       14
May, do                                                               12
Thomas, son                                                            6

L.H. WIGGINS             Married        Catholic       Farmer         36
Mary, his wife             do                                         22
Margaret                                                               1

M. PETTETT               Married        Catholic       Farmer         28
Kizeah, his wife           do                                         27
Emily J., daughter                                                     9
Mary Ann, daughter                                                     7
Elizabeth Hannah, dau.                                                 5
B.J. Walker, son                                                       3

Micager LINDSEY          Married        Catholic       Farmer         31
Nancy, his wife            do             do                          21
Mary Ann, daughter                                                     5 mos.

Pennington LINDSEY       Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Sarah, his wife            do                                         16

Isaac LINDSEY            Married        Catholic       Farmer         50
Sarah, his wife            do             do                          45
Claborn, son                                                          16
Alford                                                                12
Barshaby, daughter                                                     9

George SCOTT             Single         Catholic                      30

John HAMMONA             Married        Catholic                      30
Malinda, his wife          do                                         28
Jinett                                                                10
Susan, daughter                                                        8
Elizabeth, do                                                          6

Newell HOGG              Married        Catholic       Farmer         20
Dashe, his wife            do             do                          17
John, son                                                              1

John HOGG                Married        Catholic       Farmer         70
Mary, his wife             do                                         69

B.H. SIMPSON             Married        Catholic                      30
Mary, his wife             do             do                          29
Minerva, daughter                                                     12
James, son                                                            10
Mahulda, daughter                                                      8
Jane, daughter                                                         6
Susan                                                                  4
Morning, maid servant                                                 26
Harry, her son                                                         4
Ann, her daughter                                                      2

Jackson CRANE            Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Lydia, his wife            do                                         35
John, son                                                             12
James, son                                                            10
Elizabeth, daughter                                                    8

Abraham SMITH            Married        Catholic       Farmer         25
Jane, his wife             do             do             do           24
Richard, son                                                           4
John, son                                                              2

David SMITH              Single         Catholic       Farmer         27

George BUTLER            Married        Catholic       Farmer         58
Elizabeth, his wife        do             do                          59
Ahira, son               Single           do                          19
Mary Ann                                                               8
James                                                                  5

Henry ASHABRAN           Married        Catholic       Tinker         45
Mary, his wife             do             do                          40
George J., son                                                        14
Elisha, son                                                           12
Lucinda, daughter                                                     11
William H.                                                            10
Sarah, daughter                                                        8
Daniel J., son                                                         6
Eneziah B., son                                                        5
Ahera B., son                                                          2

William CARNWELL         Married        Catholic       Saddler        27
Elizabeth, his wife        do             do                          27
Lucinda, daughter                                                      4

James GIBSON             Single                        Farmer         25

Batece POLVEDORE         Married        Catholic       Farmer         31
Luiza, his wife            do             do                          30
Susan, daughter                                                       12
Joseph, son                                                           10
Parmelia, daughter                                                     8
Peter, son                                                             6
John, son                                                              4

John PALVEDORA           Married        Catholic       Farmer         60
Luisa, his wife            do             do                          59

Joseph PALVEDORE         Married        Catholic       Farmer         28
Susan, his wife            do             do                          30
Juan, son                                                             10
Eliza, daughter                                                        8
Jose, son                                                              6
William, son                                                           4
Sarah, daughter                                                        2

David STRICKLAND         Married        Catholic       Farmer         34
Rachel, his wife           do             do                          29
Samuel, son                                                           12
Nancy, daughter                                                       10
Susan,   do                                                            8
Mary,    do                                                            6
Henry, son                                                             4

Edward MERCHANT          Married        Catholic                      45
Elizabeth, his wife        do             do                          40
Bury, son                                                             15
Ezabel, daughter                                                       9
Tennessee, do                                                          7
Bradley, son                                                           5

John HEATH               Married        Catholic                      27
Marelda, his wife          do                                         23

CLABORN WALKER           Single         Catholic       Farmer         24

Nancy GALWAY             Widow          Catholic                      60

William NALE             Widower        Catholic       Farmer         47
George, son                               do                          14
Violett, daughter                                                     10
Alex, son                                                              9
Margaret, daughter                                                     7

Elizabeth WADE           Widow          Catholic       Farmer         48
Philip, son                               do                          22
Eliza, daughter                                                       20
Nancy, do                                                             15
Joseph, son                                                           15
William, do                                                           10
Sarah, daughter                                                        8
Mary                                                                   8
James, son                                                             4
John, grandson                                                         4 mos.

Harder WRIGHT            Married        Catholic       Farmer         27
Mary, his wife                            do                          28
Elzira, daughter                                                       7
William, son                                                           5
Margaret, daughter                                                     3
George, son                                                            2

Andrew NALE              Single         Catholic                      20
And Abner NALE           Single           do           Farmer         25
Eliza NALE                 do                                         25

Solomon BALING           Married        Catholic       Farmer         32
Lucinda, his wife                         do                          25
Mary Ann, daughter                                                     8
James, son                                                             5
Ann                                                                    2
William H.                                                             9 mos.

John MERCHANT            Married        Catholic       Farmer         35
Sarah, his wife                           do                          28
Jane, daughter                                                        13
James, son                                                            11
Melvina, daughter                                                      9
William, son                                                           7
Susan, daughter                                                        5
Parzetta, do                                                           1

Mason VAN                Married        Catholic       Farmer         47
Jane, his wife                                                        45
William, son                                                          13
Mary Ann                                                              11
Mason, son                                                             8
Robert, son                                                            1
Elizabeth J., daughter                                                 5
Lavica,          do                                                    3

James ALFORD             Married        Catholic       Merchant       25
Anesha, his wife                                                      20
Ellen, daughter                                                        3
Stanmoore, son                                                         9 mos.

Andrew MCFADDEN          Married        Catholic       Farmer         50
Jane, his wife                            do                          50
Baley, son                                                            17
Mandy, daughter                                                       14
John, son                                                             12
Andrew, son                                                           10
Margaret, daughter                                                     8
Thomas, son                                                            6

Swanson ZANBERRY         Married        Catholic       Farmer         50
Cinthe, his wife                          do                          30
Randolph, son                                                         19
Swanson,  do                                                          16
Lucinda, daughter                                                     14
Ervin W., son                                                         13
Mariah, daughter                                                      11
Alford, son                                                            8
Martha, daughter                                                       6
David, son                                                             4
Elizabeth                                                              2

John WICKS               Married        Catholic       Farmer         30
Sarah, his wife                           do                          40
Mary Ann, daughter                                                    10
Priscilla,     do                                                      8
Nancy,         do                                                      6
Susan,         do                                                      4
John, son                                                              2

Ezekiel MCCELVY          Married        Catholic       Farmer         30
Sarah, his wife                                                       28
James, son                                                            10
Jesse, son                                                             8
Samuel, son                                                            6
Mary,                                                                  4

John INMAN               Married        Catholic       Farmer         33
Prudence, his wife                        do                          28
Henam, daughter                                                       13
Sarah Ann, daughter                                                   12
John H., son                                                          10
William S.W., son                                                      7
James C., son                                                          5
Zechariah C., son                                                      2

Jonathan BIDDIC          Married        Catholic       Farmer         36
Jane BIDDIC, his wife                     do                          30
George C., son                                                         9
Joseph B.T., son                                                       7
Elizabeth, daughter                                                    5
William S., son                                                        3
Ahire, son                                                             3 mos.

A.C. THORNBURGH          Married        M.             Mechanic       55
Elizabeth, his wife                                                   35
John R., son                                                           5
Taminda Ann, daughter                                                  3
Henry Lee, son                                                         1

George GROUNDS           Married        Catholic       Farmer         32
Catherine, his wife                       do                          23
John W., son                                                           8
Luiza, daughter                                                        6
Lemuel, son                                                            4
George, son                                                            2

Christian GROSS          Widower        Catholic       Farmer         46
John, son                                                             13
George, son                                                           10

Joseph RICE              Married        Catholic       Farmer         27
Wille, his wife                           do                          25
Sarah, daughter                                                        6
Jacob, son                                                             4
Amanda, daughter                                                       3 mos.

Lemuel RICE              Married                       Farmer         32
Mary, his wife                          Catholic                      30
Lucilla, daughter                                                     12
Lucinda, do                                                           11
Wesley, son                                                            9
J. Redmen, do                                                          6
Elizabeth, daughter                                                    4
Fanny, do                                                              3
William J., son                                                        1

Clinton RICE             Married        Catholic       Farmer         24
Jane, his wife                            do                          24

Sarah CHAPPELL           Widow          Catholic       Farmer         45
Ruth RICE Single                        Catholic                      16

Hartwell HOWARD          Married        Catholic       Farmer         35
Mary, his wife                            do                          35
Emily, daughter                                                       13
Joseph, son                                                            6
Nancy, daughter                                                        1

John GRIGSBY             Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Eliza, his wife                           do                          21
Crawford, son                                                         16
William, do                                                           13
Elizabeth, daughter                                                   11
John Jr., son                                                          9
Ruth Ann, daughter                                                     7
James, son                                                             5
Robert H., do                                                          3
Benjamin, do                                                           5 mos.

C. TUTT                  Married        Catholic       Farmer         35
Milla, his wife                           do                          32
Lucy, daughter                                                        16
James, son                                                            14
Elizabeth, daughter                                                   12
Barbara,      do                                                      10
Jackson,      do                                                       6
John, son                                                              8
Rabinet, son                                                           4

Robert IRWIN             Married        Catholic       Farmer         66
Sarah, his wife                           do                          54
Ellen, daughter                                                       24
Martha,   do                                                          20
John, son                                                             15
Charles, do                                                           13
Sarah, daughter                                                        9

William MCFADDEN         Married        Catholic       Farmer         27
Clary, his wife                           do                          26
Andrew, son                                                            1

Isaac DUNEGAN            Widower        Catholic       Mechanic       45
Nancy, daughter          Single           do                          15
Hannah, do                                                            12
Ambrose, son                                                           6

Samuel STRICKLAND        Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Mary, his wife                            do                          42
Penima, daughter                                                      16
Squire,    do                                                         17
David, son                                                             7
Amos, son                                                              5
Samuel, do                                                             3

Mary MCCELVY             Widow          Catholic       Farmer         60
James, son               Single           do             do           35
Jesse, do                  do             do             do           25

John WOODLIFF            Single         Catholic       Cavemas        30

John J. HAMONZ           Married        Catholic       Farmer         44
Malinda, his wife                         do                          22
Genett, daughter                                                       6
Minerva, do                                                            4
Mary, daughter                                                         3

Newell HOGG              Married        Catholic       Farmer         24
Doshe, his wife                           do                          22
John, son                                                              1

Joseph HOGG              Married        Catholic                      54
Rachel, his wife                          do                          53

Henry BINAM              Single         Catholic       Farmer         25

David WILKENSON          Married        Catholic       Farmer         33
Malinda, his wife                         do                          29
Mary, daughter                                                        13
Susan,    do                                                          11
Jane,     do                                                           9
Elizabeth, do                                                          7
Margaret,  do                                                          5
John, son                                                              3

Jose MARINO              Married        Catholic       Farmer         40
Mary, his wife                            do                          41
Juan, son                                                             18
Pear, son                                                             16
Jose, son                                                             14
Luiza, daughter                                                       10
Martha, do                                                             8

Peter VOLENTINE          Married        Catholic       Farmer         41
Susan, his wife                                                       37
Rosa, daughter                                                        12
John, son                                                              8
Mary, daughter                                                         5

John GILBERT             Single         Catholic       Farmer         27

John PEAR                Married        Catholic       Farmer         29
Martha, his wife                          do                          27
David, son                                                             8
Ephraim, do                                                            6
Joseph, do                                                             4
Mary, daughter                                                         2

Choctaws settled on the Patroon in number 109
                         Males     49
                         Females   59
Choctaws settled at the old Theonna Village number 56
                         Males     30
                         Females   26
Huonnas Indians settled on the Huonna Bayou in number 53
                         Males     25
                         Females   28