San Vicente Crossing Cemetery
San VicenteGPS Coords: 29.132622, -103.022555
There are probably less than 30 graves at this location and there are no legible stones remaining.
The San Vicente Crossing cemetery is located 1000 feet north of where the access road crosses the dry creek bed and enters the Rio Grande River flood plain. This is also the location of the former village of San Vicente Crossing, which still contains traces of its former occupation. It should not be confused with San Vicente further north-east, which has yet another cemetery. The cemetery is located atop two low intersecting linear mounds of earth which form the shape of a natural cross. The graves, about 29 of them, consist of piles of stones, and are located on the eastern arm of the earthen cross.

These photos are larger than shown here.
I believe all the Ylearte surnames should be Yharte and I don't know where this information was obtained.
Name | Born | Died | Notes/Comments |
Manuel Ruiz Bernal | 1 Jan 1870 | 22 Jun 1943 | Birthplace: Linares, Mexico; Father, Jose' Bernal; Mother, Rafiela Ruiz Bernal; Spouse, Vecinta Bernal |
Andres Celalla | 4 Feb 1933 | 22 Feb 1933 | Father, Manuel Celalla; other, Isavel Salas |
Otaviano Celalla | 22 Mar 1863 | 13 Dec 1935 | Father, Macino Celalla; other, Petronila Monjaras; Spouse, Francisca Medrano |
Camillo Morales Celaya< | 1863 | 6 Apr 1943 | Birthplace: San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Father, Pedro Celaya; other, Dorothy Morales |
Unknown Person | unknown | unknown | Unknown person, buried 1,300 feet north of the San Vicente Crossing cemetery. |
Fermin Salas | 1903 | 8 Apr 1935 | Birthplace: San Vicente; Father, Marcelina Salas; Mother, Natibad Picaso |
Sotero Salas | 22 Apr 1935 | 22 Apr 1935 | Father, Pedro Salas; other, Francisca Ortega |
Ramona Sanchez | 2 Feb 1934 | 6 Feb 1934 | Father, Gomicindo Sanchez; other, Reyes Catalla |
Jesus Sierra | 14 May 1951 | 28 Jun 1951 | Father, Jesus Sierra; other, Maria Tapia |
Porfirio Suniza | 26 Feb 1884 | 25 Feb 1945 | Father, Buenaventura Suniza; other, Eustacia Suniza |
Mexican Male Unknown | 1901 | 11 Sep 1946 | |
Adolfo Ylearte | 10 Feb 1930 | 9 Apr 1932 | Birthplace: San Vicinte; Father, Antonio Ylearte; Mother, Isabel Mongaro Marathon |
Jesus Ylearte | 10 Sep 1910 | 12 Apr 1933 | Birthplace: San Vincente; Father, Adolfo Ylearte; other, Ubenselada Masiaz |
Juan Ylearte | 6 May 1907 | 17 Oct 1931 | Father, Adolfo Yharte; other, Vecelada Macias |