Norris & Brown Family
biography submitted by Evelyn OwensJAMES CLAIBOURNE NORRIS was the 2nd child of JOHN NORRIS & MARY SARAH (CELESTE) STOCKMAN NORRIS.

James Claibourne Norris

James Claibourne and Mary Jane Norris Brown and Family

Mary Jane Norris and Albert Berry Brown

Julie Ann Norris and Deedie Lyons
James was born November 8, 1829 in Nacogdoches, Texas to JOHN NORRIS and MARY SARAH (CELESTE) STOCKMAN NORRIS. James lived to see many events occurring in our early Texas history, such as the the signing & drafting of The Texas Declaration Of Independence, The Fredonian Rebellion, and the Civil war.
JAMES TAYLOR GAINES was his uncle by the marriage of SUSANNAH NORRIS , his father's sister. James Taylor Gaines was also one of the seven drafters of the Texas Independence and a signer of the document.
SAMUEL NORRIS was another uncle. He was an alacade at the start of the Fredonian Rebellion in Nacogdoches County. Their family were surrounded by many events in our Texas history. James' father, John Norris was known to have been a wealthy farmer and fur dealer.
James Claibourne married MARGARET ANN AMASON (daughter of MATTHEW & LOUISA AMASON ) Abt. 1855. Together this union was blessed with 3 children JOHN, MARY JANE, & JULIA ANN. 1860 census shows James & Margaret living next to James' parent's homeplace. 1861 brings the beginning of the Civil War. At the age of 31, James newly married leaves his beloved wife, Margaret & his children to enlist in the Confederate Army. All of James & Margaret's children are under four years of age. James fought in one of the most famous brigades of all time the "GRANDBURY'S BRIGADE." The 17th Calvary was consolidated with the 18th Calvary. His Brigade fought in the battles of Arkansas Post, Tunnel Hill, Ring Gold Gap, Chickamuanga and the battle of Atlanta. The battle of Chickamuanga was also called "THE RIVER OF DEATH" as it was the bloodiest battle of the war in all of our American history. It consisted of only a two day battle leaving 34,000 men dead. After the war James returns home to find that his beloved spouse Margaret has died. Needing a mother for his children he marries Virginia M. Thomas on October 4, 1866. There are no children with this union.
Records shows that James Claibourne Norris later has left Nacogdoches and he is living in BROWN COUNTY, TEXAS. This record shows James being an Original land owner there owning Abstract 1092.
By the year of 1891 Mary Jane (his daughter) has lost an infant & she loses her beloved spouse Albert Berry Brown. She becomes a widow at the age of 31. She has 5 young children to care for. James Claibourne leaves Brown County to give his support to her. There are no record of Virginia M. Thomas Norris at this time.
James Claibourne applied for his Confederate pension in 1899 in Coleman County Texas. It is shown that his assets were valued as 6 head of horses (3 work horses & 3 stock horses) valued $100.00 and 1 wagon valued as "WORTHLESS". His occupation was listed as a farmer.
1900 James lost 3 of his beloved grandchildren in the COLEMAN COUNTY, TEXAS FLOOD. Two daughters of Mary Jane's were drowned, ANNIE & IVIE BROWN. One child of Julia Ann Norris Lyons was also drowned at the time, his name was DEEDIE LYONS. MABEL BROWN, Mary Jane Norris' Brown's oldest daughter barely escapes with her life. She is rescued by her future spouse GUY JASON POWELL.
James was known to have been a man of great character, honest, and having a great faith in God. He was remembered as being a faith healer. He also was remembered as selling tonics & medicine. He also farmed and ranched. He was always there to give his love and support to his children & grandchildren. James Claibourne was valued, loved and missed by many after his death. James Claibourne Norris died in Santa Anna, Texas, Coleman County on January 19, 1914.