Needwood Cemetery
Aberdeen, TexasEarly families settle in the Needwood area in the early 1880's Among theses families were John Wesley Ammons (1859-1924) and Donna Tabb Ammons ( 1877-1961) Parents of Earl-Irvin-Thelma(1904-1907)-Cordie-Mittle-Katherine- Leota(1913-1967)- Wes . Donna Tabb Ammons was the daughter of John Henry Tabb (1838-1909) Captain of Company H13 Infantry and Frances Tabb (1846-1930. The Family of Wes and Donna was a pioneer Cattle Family. Wes had more than 14 years experience as a trail driver, 2 years as a Texas Ranger, and was considered a fair man in handling area disputes. They were instrumental in establishing a community school and the Methodist Church in Old Aberdeen, 5 miles west and 1 mile north of Needwood. They arrived in this area in the 1880's.
Susi Parlee Rogers Craves (1873-1908) Parents of Tom - Charlie - Effie- Lois- Essie - Dixie - George - Cousin Mary Mefford Wyly ( 1872-1913). The religious pioneer family of J D and Parlee having little education, but with the belief that through education life's hardships could be greatly diminished. To this endeavor, among the schools they helped to establish was China Groove, approx 11 miles north-northwest of Needwood. They arrived in this area in 1907 Needwood Cemetery and Adjoining School History.
The land for the Needwood Cemetery was donated by Mr Hughes of the Milliron Ranch Farm, from the division of the Old Rocking Chair Ranch, Upon its break up. The first burial was that of John H Willard on Feb 4, 1894. Records of the owners of the lots are carefully kept and a map of the cemetery has been made for all references. The adjoining shools, also know as Needwood, was first built in 1890 and rebuilt after it burned in 1915. Except for the brief period of time it was used by Methodists, the building was used as a place of worship by local Baptists on Sundays.
Surname Index
Cemetery Survey
Photos by Darrell Colson