North Fairview Cemetery
Wellington, Texas
Photo by Darrell Colson
North Fairview Cemetery, the newest burial place in Collingsworth County, is artistically landscaped and well-kept. A Trust Fund has been set up for future upkeep of the cemetery. This cemetery is located on the SE1/2 of Section 2, Block 15. It is 0.3 of a mile west of the southwest corner of Wellington, Texas, on FM 338 across the road north of South Fairview Cemetery. The land was donated to the Wellington Cemetery Association by James Doneghy. Records of all who are interred here are kept by this organization, and are listed in the names of those who purchased the lots. Grant Gragson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gragson, who died on May 10, 1971, was the first to be buried in North Fairview Cemetery. Willie Gragson made the map of the cemetery indicating sections and plots. In the southeast corner, a 100-plot area has been reserved for veterans and their wives. The 1976 officers of the Wellington Cemetery Association were Willie Gragson, President; Zook Thomas, Vice-President; Mrs. Robert Lacy, Secretary; Mrs. Jennie Holcomb, Treasurer; and nineteen members on the board of directors. In 1995 the officers are Oran Sain, President; Henry Sullivan, Vice- President; Mrs. Robert Lacy, Secretary; Mrs. Nell McKinney, Treasurer; and a board of directors of 20. The census of the cemetery begins in the NW corner of each section and in north-to-south rows.Cemetery Survey
Surname Index
Adcock 11, 12
Akemon 15
Allen 7
Anderson 6
Anglin 5
Asher 7
Baggett 5
Baker 7
Barbee 10
Barber 3, 15
Barnett 11
Bartlett 8
Bawcom 12
Bergvall 17
Bishop 8, 13
Black 13
Blair 4
Boston 10
Bowen 4
Bowman 10
Boyles 4
Branch 8
Brewster 5
Brinkley 16
Brooks 11
Brown 6, 12, 15
Bryan 9
Bumpus 15
Burkhalter 15
Burns 4
Byrd 14, 15
Campbell 5
Cannon 14
Cartwright 6
Castleberry 1
Caterlin 9
Chandler 8
Choate 13
Christian 10
Clark 9
Clay 11
Cleveland 14, 15
Clubb 7
Cochran 1, 8
Coffee 2
Coleman 8
Colson 4
Cox 5
Creed 16, 17
Cudd 4
Cummings 16
Cunningham 7
Davis 2, 12, 15
Deger 3
Delingsworth 10
Holton 5
Hoover 4
Hopper 7
Horton 1
Howard 15
Howell 3
Hubbard 9
Hughs 1
Hussey 16
Ingram 7
Isaacs 12
Jackson 14
Jeffery 5 6
Johnson 13,14
Jones 15
Judd 14
Kersten 7
Kilgore 2
Kirk 2
Kitchens 8, 10
Lang 10
Langford 3
Leach 16,17
Lemons 6
Lennon 2,9
Lewis 6
Luna 15
Mabery 2
Manuel 1, 11
Marsh 10
Martin 5,10,16
Mathis 15
McAlister 9
McCaskill 11
McClaskey 4
McClendon 16
McGill 2
McGuire 4
McKenzie 5
McLain 2
Michael 5
Moody 9
Morgan 3
Morris 13
Moseley 5
Mote 11
Motsenbocker 11
Nall 1
Nation 12
Neeley 7
Nix 4
Norman 10
Nunnelley 8
Odum 15
Orr 2
Owens 2,6
Parker 13
Parrigin 14
Paschall 16
Patterson 1,11
Peeks 17
Pepper 3
Petty 5
Phipps 12
Pigg 1
Plot 1,4,5,7
Pollard/Hays 5
Porter 12
Powell 2
Pruden 9
Ranier 15
Ratliff 14
Reynolds 12
Richards 6
Riggs 9
Riley 2
Roberson 2,3,10
Robinson 4,15
Rogers 1
Rountree 9
Royal 6
Rummell 5
Russell 2
Sain 12
Savage 12
Scott 2,7
Seale 12
Sessions 3
Seymour 14
Shamblee 15
Shaum 13,17
Shewmaker 7
Shrubs 13
Sikes 1
Simpson 4,10
Sims 8
Sisk 13
Smith 5
Sosa 10
Stall 12
Stanley 4
Starkey 10
Stephenson 14
Stevenson 5
Swift 2
Tarver 16
Templeton 13
Thomas 3,7,13
Thomason 3,16
Thompkins 10
Thompson 1,9
Torres 16
Tucker 15
Tyson 7
Vault 1,3,4,7,9
Walker 7,8,14
Ward 10,11
Warrick 4,5
Watts 7,9,16
Whitacker 1
White 1,6,9,15,17
Whitten 16
Willard 5,7
Williams 2,13
Winton 16
Wischkaemper 1
Wolf 13
Wood 9,11,14
Wooldridge 3
Wright 11
Yarborough 8
Young 8,13
Akemon 15
Allen 7
Anderson 6
Anglin 5
Asher 7
Baggett 5
Baker 7
Barbee 10
Barber 3, 15
Barnett 11
Bartlett 8
Bawcom 12
Bergvall 17
Bishop 8, 13
Black 13
Blair 4
Boston 10
Bowen 4
Bowman 10
Boyles 4
Branch 8
Brewster 5
Brinkley 16
Brooks 11
Brown 6, 12, 15
Bryan 9
Bumpus 15
Burkhalter 15
Burns 4
Byrd 14, 15
Campbell 5
Cannon 14
Cartwright 6
Castleberry 1
Caterlin 9
Chandler 8
Choate 13
Christian 10
Clark 9
Clay 11
Cleveland 14, 15
Clubb 7
Cochran 1, 8
Coffee 2
Coleman 8
Colson 4
Cox 5
Creed 16, 17
Cudd 4
Cummings 16
Cunningham 7
Davis 2, 12, 15
Deger 3
Delingsworth 10
Holton 5
Hoover 4
Hopper 7
Horton 1
Howard 15
Howell 3
Hubbard 9
Hughs 1
Hussey 16
Ingram 7
Isaacs 12
Jackson 14
Jeffery 5 6
Johnson 13,14
Jones 15
Judd 14
Kersten 7
Kilgore 2
Kirk 2
Kitchens 8, 10
Lang 10
Langford 3
Leach 16,17
Lemons 6
Lennon 2,9
Lewis 6
Luna 15
Mabery 2
Manuel 1, 11
Marsh 10
Martin 5,10,16
Mathis 15
McAlister 9
McCaskill 11
McClaskey 4
McClendon 16
McGill 2
McGuire 4
McKenzie 5
McLain 2
Michael 5
Moody 9
Morgan 3
Morris 13
Moseley 5
Mote 11
Motsenbocker 11
Nall 1
Nation 12
Neeley 7
Nix 4
Norman 10
Nunnelley 8
Odum 15
Orr 2
Owens 2,6
Parker 13
Parrigin 14
Paschall 16
Patterson 1,11
Peeks 17
Pepper 3
Petty 5
Phipps 12
Pigg 1
Plot 1,4,5,7
Pollard/Hays 5
Porter 12
Powell 2
Pruden 9
Ranier 15
Ratliff 14
Reynolds 12
Richards 6
Riggs 9
Riley 2
Roberson 2,3,10
Robinson 4,15
Rogers 1
Rountree 9
Royal 6
Rummell 5
Russell 2
Sain 12
Savage 12
Scott 2,7
Seale 12
Sessions 3
Seymour 14
Shamblee 15
Shaum 13,17
Shewmaker 7
Shrubs 13
Sikes 1
Simpson 4,10
Sims 8
Sisk 13
Smith 5
Sosa 10
Stall 12
Stanley 4
Starkey 10
Stephenson 14
Stevenson 5
Swift 2
Tarver 16
Templeton 13
Thomas 3,7,13
Thomason 3,16
Thompkins 10
Thompson 1,9
Torres 16
Tucker 15
Tyson 7
Vault 1,3,4,7,9
Walker 7,8,14
Ward 10,11
Warrick 4,5
Watts 7,9,16
Whitacker 1
White 1,6,9,15,17
Whitten 16
Willard 5,7
Williams 2,13
Winton 16
Wischkaemper 1
Wolf 13
Wood 9,11,14
Wooldridge 3
Wright 11
Yarborough 8
Young 8,13