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Deaf Smith County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history


Courthouse, Hereford, Deaf Smith County, Texas Deaf Smith County is located on the Texas - New Mexico Border and has a very interesting history. The county was named after Erastus "Deaf" Smith, a Texas scout, guide, Indian Fighter and participant in the battle of San Antonio and the Battle of San Jacinto. He was born in New York on April 19, 1787. Smith was "hard of hearing" at an early age which caused him "to remain silent and fond of solitude". This, in turn, led him to become observant and get to know the land around him well. This enabled him to pass valuable info for the Texas Revolution. His monument says, "Deaf Smith, The Texas Spy".

The county was created from Bexar Territory on Aug. 21, 1876 but was not organized until 1890. It was attached to Oldham County for law and court business with Tascosa as the county seat. Some of the early city officials were: Mayors, L.Gough, S.B. Edwards, J.H. Head. Aldermen: L.A. Stroud, R.N. Mounts, Judge J.R. Dean, Atty. F.C. Highsmith, County and Dist. Clerk C.W. Witherspoon and Sheriff, J.M. Cook.

Beef Capital of the World

Deaf Smith County is also known as the Beef Capital of the World because of the large number of cattle fed in the area. Hereford, TX, is named for the Hereford cattle breed. [Wikipedia]



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Deaf Smith Archives Other TXGenWeb Counties Portal to Texas History Query Board Texas Archival Resources Online (TARO)


(g) = ghost town
Ayr (g)
Bippus (g)
Bootleg Corner (g)
Hereford (Bluewater) (cs)
Kelso (g)
La Plata (Grenada) (g)
Milo Center (Ward)
Wyche (g)


Hereford Brand (?-present)
La Plata Star (1890?-1899?)
The Land and Its People, 1876-1981: Deaf Smith County, Texas
A History of Deaf Smith County
History of the Deaf Smith County Courthouse (video)

County of the Month, TXGenWeb
(awarded to Rob posthumously)

Rob Yoder, TXGenWeb
In memory of Rob Yoder (1953-2023), coordinator for Deaf Smith County for almost 10 years.
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Original content and design Copyright © 2025 TXGenWeb
and temporarily coordinated by Carla Clifton.
This page was last updated on 01 March 2025.