Denton County, Texas
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If you have any upcoming events or annoucements, including reunions, books to be published, etc., that would be of interest to genealogists researching in Denton County, drop me a line and I will post them here.

A Survey of Selected Genealogical Resources in Denton, Texas
Compiled by Diana Pearson White, this article outlines genealogical research resources available in Denton County.

Stony School/Community Reunion

STANLEY Family Photographs and Documents Found at Garage Sale!!!!!

...while shopping Garage Sales today, I was able to buy an entire box of old papers and photographs...including albums. After returning home and sorting all the data...I realized that there were at least 3-4 large pictures that the lady had for sale, that are the SAME people in the boxes of pictures I purchased. I did not return for the large framed pictures, as she had them priced much higher.

All of the early pictures and letters, tax receipts, etc. etc. are of a early 1900 Denton, Texas family. Some of the very old photographs were made in Abilene, San Angelo and Decatur. I am at a brick wall after trying to phone STANLEY descendants today (in Denton area). I thought surely that would want to retreive the remaining large photographs of their ancestors. There are 2-3 diplomas from Colleges, like North Texas, Daniel Baker College and so on in these papers. I have searched the web all evening and there are no researchers for this family that I can locate. What would you suggest? The photos are wonderful, maybe 50 in number. I am a historian and it made me sick to think this treasure box might exist and nobody to claim it. It is such a handsome family. There are a few photos of VERY EARLY times, I collect old photographs and these would date as early as 1870 or so, early yellowed newspaper clippings 1920's from the Denton area. I would like to return to the sale and buy the large poitraits if she will negoiate. Smile. H.L. Stanley, Sr. & J.F. Stanley, H.L. Stanley, Jr. letters and post cards, even his birth records, military cards and such. I know they had descendants, as there are letters from their daughter Allie. Please contact Faye at [email protected]

Denton County Genealogical Society
The following books are for sale.
  • Denton County Wills, 1876-1940 for $25.00 DCGS
  • 1880 Denton County Census Index for $12.00 by Diane White
  • Denton County Marriage records 1895-March 1912 for $25.00 by Diane White
  • 1870 Denton County Census Transcription for $20.00 by Mary Tate
  • City of Denton Death Record, 1900-1957 $25.00, DCGS
  • Please contect Diana White at [email protected] for ordering information.

Denton County Historical Museum, Inc.
P O Box 2800, Denton, Texas 76202
Open 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Mom - Fri; Saturdays 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Telephone 940-380-0877 Fax 940-380-1699
Research library and archives open these hours, also. telephone 940-380-0877 fax 940-380-1699 Available Publications
  • History of the City of Denton, Texas from its beginnings to 1960, by Dr. C. A. Bridges. We only have a few first print copies remaining. This book is well documented and footnoted. The price may change but it is currently $50.00 plus tax of $3.88 and $2.50 shipping.
  • The Story of Sangerby Eunice S. Gray - $15.00
  • Obituary Index two separate volumes at $20.00 each including tax plus $2.50 shipping. Vol I covers 1909-1929 Vol II 1930-1949 This index contains abstracted obituaries from the Denton Record Chonicle from 1909 to 1949 with edition, page, paragraph so you can go to microfilm and locate complete obituary. All libraries should have a copy.
  • New book at pre publication price being written by staff of Denton County Historical Museum, Inc. using data from archives and photographs. New information and seldom used info should make an interesting read and a must have with approximately 100 or more pictures with text. Mail orders being accepted for $30.00 plus $5.00 tax and handling with delivery in early 2000. Great Christmas gift if you request a gift certificate with your paid order.

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