Old San Elizario Cemetery
1556 San Elizario Rd, San Elizario, Texas
GPS Coords: 31.58555, -106.27164 There are no stones remaining at this cemetery. The names listed here are from burial records.
Last | First | Age | Death | Burial | Misc |
Pascuala | 25 yrs | 5-9-1890 | 5-9-1890 | Born:Zaragosa,Mexico, Heart Failure, DARS, No last name listed | |
2-2-1889 | 2-2-1889 | (San Eli names =1463) | |||
Acosta | Agustin | 25 days | 11-9-1877 | 11-10-1877 | Daughter of Refugio Acosta & Cipriana Mendoza |
Acosta | Fermin | ? | 2-8-1848 | 2-9-1848 | Adult-Husband of Maria Eugenia Apodaca.No chn.Died at night, no sacraments # 89 |
Acosta | Juliana | 11 mos & days | 1-23-1877 | 1-24-1877 | Legit daughter of Refugio Acosta & Cipriana Mendoza |
Acosta | Miguel | 4 yrs | 7-20-1894 | 7-21-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Anjina |
Adacreyell? | Jose Dionicio | 16 yrs | 10-3-1848 | 10-4-1848 | Adult-legit son of Adacreyell? & Juana Lujan? DARS # 125 |
Aguilar | Francisco | 54 yrs | 1-30-1889 | 1-30-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Bright's Disease, DARS |
Aguirre | Antonio | 48 yrs | 6-17-1896 | 6-18-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Prope Ecc., DARS |
Aguirre | Canuta | 1 yr | 1-27-1888 | 1-28-1888 | Daughter of Juliana Aguirre |
Aguirre | Josefa | ? | 11-17-1870 | 11-18-1870 | Widow of Jose Polanco, DARS |
Aguirre | Maximo | 2 yrs | 4-8-1887 | 4-9-1887 | Son of Juliana Aguirre |
Agustin | Adelaida | 3 mos | 7-23-1872 | 7-24-1872 | Parvulita-daughter of Antonio Agustin & Rafaela Medina (Civil Marriage) |
Alarcon | Dolores | 56 yrs | 4-15-1886 | 4-15-1886 | Wife of Jesus Gutierres |
Alarcon | Faustino | 34 yrs | 3-29-1898 | 3-30-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Inflam. of Bowls, Extra Pagum, OK |
Alarcon | Francisca | 1 yr 6 mos | 5-30-1872 | 5-31-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Anacasio Alarcon & Refugia Zambrano |
Alarcon | Gorgonio | 2 mos | 7-26-1895 | 7-27-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever (son of Jose Alarcon & Transito Mejia) |
Alarcon | Irene | 5 yrs | 5-5-1872 | 5-6-1872 | Parvulo-son of Dolores Alarcon |
Alarcon | Josefa | 31 yrs | 9-29-1858 | 9-29-1858 | Soltera-dau of GuillermoAlarcon&JulianaGarcia,no eucarist due ill,DARS |
Alarcon | Macario | ? | 6-12-1858 | 6-13-1858 | Parvulo-natural son of Loreta Alarcon. Died at night. |
Alarcon | Maria Amada | 5 yrs | 11-13-1854 | 11-14-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Josefa Alarcon |
Alarcon | Maria Guadalupe | 1 yr | 12-26-1853 | 12-28-1853 | Parvula-daughter of Nicascio Alarcon & Maria Refugio Rubio |
Alarcon | Nicasio | 45 yrs | 1-10-1877 | 1-11-1877 | Husband of Refugio Rubio. DARS |
Alarcon | Sabiniano | 1 yr | 8-23-1894 | 8-24-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Alarcon | Teodora | 27 yrs | 4-16-1895 | 4-17-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Tisi (TB), woman of T. Garcia |
Albarado | Maria Refugio | 3 mos | 10-23-1861 | 10-24-1861 | Legit daughter of Jose Albarado & Josefa Molina |
Albidres | Romana | 20 yrs | 4-7-1894 | 4-8-1894 | Born:Cuadrilla, Fever, DARS |
Albillar | Alcario | 25 yrs | 3-23-1882 | 3-25-1882 | Legit son of Gorgonio Albillar & Dolores Ruival |
Albillar | Cesaria de F. Cordero | 50 yrs | 12-3-1895 | 12-4-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Short Illness, Cemetery Prope Ecclesiam , DARS |
Albitres | Concepcion | 9 days | 5-10-1893 | 5-11-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Morbus Infantum |
Albrides | Jose | 1 yr | 6-2-1893 | 6-2-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Aldaz | Lugarda | 35 yrs | 3-25-1880 | 3-26-1880 | Wife of Calistro Dominguez. Died after rec'd sacraments (DARS) |
Alderete | Carmen | 45 yrs | 12-9-1890 | 12-9-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Liver Disease, DARS |
Alderete | Cipriano | 60 yrs | 1-27-1895 | 1-28-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Caradiel (Heart ?), widower of Josefa Montes |
Alderete | Delfina | 6 mos | 11-4-1879 | 11-6-1879 | Daughter of Isidro Alderete & Sotera Ruibal |
Alderete | Felipe | 60 yrs | 2-14-1877 | 2-16-1877 | Celibe (single), DARS |
Alderete | Refugio | 60 yrs | 1-22-1896 | 1-23-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Idropesia (dropsy- {stroke?} ), Prope Ecclesian |
Alderete | Remalcia | 1 yr 6 mos | 8-11-1878 | 8-12-1878 | Daughter of Isidro Alderete & Sotera Ruibal |
Almanza | Catarina | ? | 4-15-1868 | 4-16-1868 | Parva-child of Margarito Almanza & Navora Ramirez |
Almanza | Catarina | 5 yrs | 6-28-1873 | 6-29-1873 | Parvula-legit daughter of Margarito Almanza & Nabora Ramirez |
Almanza | Iginio | 8 mos | 8-13-1868 | 8-14-1868 | Parvo-child of Margarito Almanza & Nabora Ramirez |
Almanza | Maria Bartola | 11 yrs | 2-17-1847 | 2-18-1847 | Legit daughter of Cacpennig ? & Juana Almanzar, Died from measles, # 42 |
Almanza | Martin | 1 mon 15 days | 3-8-1871 | 3-9-1871 | Parvo-son of Margarito Almanzar & Nabora Ramirez |
Almanzar | Desideria | 10 mos | 12-11-1874 | 12-12-1874 | Legit daughter of Margarito Almanzar & Nabora Ramirez |
Almanzar | Jose Maria | 1 yr 9 mos | 9-5-1883 | 9-6-1883 | Legitimate son of Margarito Almanzar & Nabora Ramirez |
Almanzar | Jose | 2 mos | 5-16-1884 | 5-18-1884 | Legit son of Margarito Almanzar & Nabora Ramirez |
Almanzar | Maria | 3 yrs | 11-9-1879 | 11-11-1879 | Daughter of Margarito Almanzar & Nabora Ramirez |
Almanzar | Martina | 2 mos 10 days | 4-24-1878 | 4-25-1878 | Daughter of Margarito Almanzar & Nabora Ramires |
Almanzar | Sabiniano | 1 mon | 3-15-1896 | 3-16-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Febri puerorm (fever), baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Almanzar | Tomas | 9 mos | 1-29-1880 | 1-30-1880 | Son of Margarito Almanzar & Nabora Ramirez |
Almengar | Pedro | 38 yrs | 9-27-1894 | 9-28-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Tisico (TB), Widower of Nabora Candelaria |
Almengor | Maria Luisa | 2 yrs | 8-24-1861 | 8-25-1861 | Legit daughter of Pedro Almengar & Brigida Cadis |
Alvarado | Epanecio | 1 yr 1 mon | 4-21-1880 | 4-22-1880 | Son of Catarino Alvarado |
Alvarado | Facundo | 68 yrs | 11-17-1870 | 11-18-1870 | Widower of Josefa Munoz. DARS |
Alvarado | Jose Hilario | 70 yrs | 5-5-1895 | 5-6-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Repentinamente (Suddenly), Husband of Jos. Castaneda |
Alvarado | Lorenzo | 2 yrs | 12-30-1899 | 12-31-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Priest M. Fernandez S. J. |
Alvares | Pedro | 7 yrs | 8-23-1891 | 8-23-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Angina |
Alvarez | Francisco | 70 yrs | 4-1-1877 | 4-2-1877 | Widow of Guadalupe Padilla. DARS |
Alvarez | Guadalupe | 3 yrs & mos | 6-30-1878 | 7-1-1878 | Daughter of Teodoro Alvarez & Epitacia Ramires |
Alvarez | Juanita | 1 yr 3 mos | 7-7-1878 | 7-8-1878 | Daughter of Teodoro Alvarez & Epitacia Ramires |
Alvarez | Ramon | 1 mon | 5-31-1885 | 6-1-1885 | Legit son of Teodoro Alvarez & Pitacia Ramirez |
Alvarez | Romualdo | 8 mos | 11-29-1879 | 11-30-1879 | Legit son of Teodoro Alvarez & Epitacia Ramirez |
Alvidres | Ramon | 2 yrs | 12-23-1867 | 12-24-1867 | Parvo-child of Petra Alvidres |
Alvidrez | Concepcion | 1 mon | 1-7-1862 | 1-8-1862 | Legit daughter of Jose Lanterio Alvidrez & Sostena Cadiz |
Alvillar | Crisantoz | ? | 10-12-1855 | 10-13-1855 | Husband of Josefa Contreras, no rites due to not called. |
Alvillar | Gorgonio | 72 yrs | 4-29-1890 | 4-29-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Pneumonia, DARS |
Alvillar | Hilario | 2 yrs | 10-28-1868 | 10-29-1868 | Parvo-child of Prisciliano Megia & Isabel Alvillar |
Alvillar | Maria Antonia | 6 yrs | 9-29-1861 | 9-30-1861 | Legit daughter of Gorgonio Alvillar & Dolores Ruybal |
Alvillar | Maria De Los Santos | 40 yrs | 6-17-1868 | 6-19-1868 | Woman of Crescencio Ruibal, DARS |
Alvillar | Maria Eugenia | 3 mos | 6-4-1847 | 6-5-1847 | Parvula-legit dau of Casimiro Alvillar & Trinidad Benma Vennos from El Paso, # 55 |
Alvillar | Rita | 4 yrs | 9-22-1861 | 9-23-1861 | Legit daughter of Gorgonio Alvillar & Dolores Ruybal |
Alvillar | Zacharias | 2 yrs | 9-28-1861 | 9-29-1861 | Legit son of Gorgonio Alvillar & Dolores Ruybal |
Analla | Pio=quinto | 30 yrs | 7-23-1872 | 7-24-1872 | Woman of Domingo Gomez, from Guadalupe. (Pio=quinta correct spelling) DARS |
Anaya | Joanna | 40 yrs | 12-2-1877 | 12-3-1877 | Celibe (single) DARS |
Anderson | David Elzeario | 33 yrs | 10-2-1889 | 10-2-1889 | Born:Memphis, Consumption, Death Article |
Apodaca | Antonia | 34 yrs | 8-30-1892 | 8-30-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, C.C.U.U. |
Apodaca | Antonio | 1 yr | 8-5-1869 | 8-6-1869 | Parvo-son of Dolores Apodaca & Juana Gandara |
Apodaca | Antonio | 3 yrs | 9-13-1861 | 9-14-1861 | Legit son of Dolores Apodaca & Joanna Gandara |
Apodaca | Dionisia | 50 yrs | 4-4-1883 | 4-5-1883 | Widow |
Apodaca | Dolores | 81 yrs | 6-29-1891 | 6-29-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Sudden Death |
Apodaca | Elzeario | 1 yr 3 mos | 1-1-1877 | 1-2-1877 | Parvulo-Legit child of Juan Apodaca & Cesaria Casarez |
Apodaca | Espiritu | 5 yrs | 4-12-1883 | 4-13-1883 | Legitimate son Guadalupe Apodaca & Guadalupe Carrabajal |
Apodaca | Fermina | 1 yr 2 mos | 6-20-1882 | 6-21-1882 | Legit daughter of Domingo Apodaca & Refugio Lujan |
Apodaca | Francisco | 2 yrs 3 mos | 2-21-1897 | 2-22-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Apodaca | Francisco | 5 days | 8-25-1879 | 8-25-1879 | Son of Guadalupe Apodaca and Guadalupe Carvajal. |
Apodaca | Joaquin | 2 yrs 10 mos | 1-13-1877 | 1-13-1877 | Parvula-Legit son of Juan Apodaca & Cesaria Casarez |
Apodaca | Jose Librado (twin) | 15 days | 8-30-1856 | 8-31-1856 | Parvo-son of Jesusa Apodaca |
Apodaca | Jose Santiago | 1 yr 6 mos | 5-28-1856 | 5-29-1856 | Parvo-son of Maria Dionisia Apodaca |
Apodaca | Jose | 3 yrs | 8-19-1885 | 8-20-1885 | Legitimate son of Juan Apodaca & Cesaria Casares |
Apodaca | Jose | 38 yrs | 1-9-1868 | 1-10-1868 | Widower of Dionisia Perea, DARS |
Apodaca | Josefa | 8 days | 3-21-1873 | 3-22-1873 | Parvula-daughter of Maria Carmen Apodaca |
Apodaca | Juan | 70 yrs | 7-17-1887 | 7-18-1887 | Husband of Cesaria Cazares |
Apodaca | Manuela | 1 yr 4 mos | 8-25-1885 | 8-25-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Juan Apodaca & Cesaria Casarez |
Apodaca | Manuela | 10 mos | 10-20-1879 | 10-21-1879 | Daughter of Juan Apodaca & Cesaria Casarez |
Apodaca | Maria Dolores | 7 mos | 10-22-1871 | 10-24-1871 | Parvula-daughter of Desiderio Apodaca & Ines Parada |
Apodaca | Maria Estefana | 7 yrs | 4-13-1860 | 4-14-1860 | Natural daughter of Leonicia Apodaca |
Apodaca | Maria Gabriela | 4 yrs | 7-16-1854 | 7-16-1854 | Parvula-dau of Concepcion Apodaca & Maria Gregoria Gandara. Priest absent. |
Apodaca | Maria Isabel | 1 mon | 8-3-1855 | 8-4-1855 | Parva-daughter of Concepcion Apodaca & Gregoria Gandara |
Apodaca | Maria Juana | 13 mos | 7-24-1854 | 7-25-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Jose Apodaca & Dionisia Perea |
Apodaca | Maria Rosa | 67 yrs | 6-5-1894 | 6-7-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Apodaca | Maria Silveria | 3 mos | 11-10-1857 | 11-12-1857 | Parva-daughter of Dionisia Apodaca |
Apodaca | Mariana | 3 yrs 6 mos | 8-13-1868 | 8-14-1868 | Parva-daughter of Juan Apodaca & Victoria Santiesteban |
Apodaca | Ramon | 1 yr 4 mos | 10-11-1891 | 10-11-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, |
Apodaca | Santos | 6 yrs 8 mos | 7-10-1876 | 7-11-1877 | Parvulo-natural son of Desiderio Apodaca & Ynes Parada |
Apodaca | Severo (twin) | 1 mon | 9-4-1856 | 9-5-1856 | Parvulo-son of Jesusa Apodaca |
Apodaca | Simona | 3 yrs | 4-14-1862 | 4-15-1862 | Legit daughter of Dolores Apodaca & Joanna Gandara |
Aragon | Antonio | 7 mos | 10-1-1855 | 10-2-1855 | Soltero-son of Bernandino Aragon & Guadalupe N. |
Aranda | Abela | 11 mos 6 days | 11-6-1879 | 11-7-1879 | Daughter of Maximo Aranda & Alejandra Alvillar |
Aranda | Benito | 10 mos | 6-9-1888 | 6-9-1888 | Son of Benito Aranda & Josefa Chaves |
Aranda | Catarina | 1 yr 2 mos | 7-21-1883 | 7-23-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Luis Aranda & Francisca Casares |
Aranda | Expectacion | 8 mos | 7-24-1876 | 7-25-1876 | Child-legit daughter of Benito Aranda & Esepcetacion Urtiaga |
Aranda | Jose Benjamin | 15 days | 5-17-1892 | 5-17-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Aranda | Jose Leopoldo | 9 mos | 5-7-1890 | 5-7-1890 | Born:San Elizario |
Aranda | Jose | 11 mos | 6-8-1888 | 6-9-1888 | Son of Maximo Aranda & Alejandra Alvillar |
Aranda | Lorenzo | 2 yrs 3 mos | 11-22-1879 | 11-23-1879 | Son of Luis Aranda & Francisca Casarez |
Aranda | Maria Clotilde | 7 mos | 7-30-1899 | 7-31-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Abcess, Extra Pagum |
Aranda | Maria Pilar | 6 mos | 7-13-1854 | 7-15-1854 | Parva-Adop.dau of Teodoso Sanchez(legit dau of Ignacio Aranda & Petra Lujan from Guadalupe) |
Aranda | Miguel | 11 mos | 9-3-1883 | 9-5-1883 | Legitimate son of Benito Aranda & Josefa Chavez |
Arceaga | Elzeario | 1 yr | 7-26-1867 | 7-28-1867 | Parvo-child of Refugia Arceaga |
Archuleta | Candelaria | 44 yrs | 4-17-1882 | 4-18-1882 | Wife of Guillermo Parada |
Archuleta | Jose Gregorio | 5 mos | 9-12-1848 | 9-13-1848 | Parvo-son of M. Josefa? Archuleta # 122 |
Archuleta | Jose Maria | ? | 11-8-1856 | 11-9-1856 | Widower of Luisa Alarcon. No rites due to unfortunate death. |
Archuleta | Jose Santos | 60 yrs | 12-29-1899 | 12-30-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Heart Disease, administered, Priest M. Fernandez, S. J. |
Archuleta | Maria Crescencia | 80 yrs | 8-9-1872 | 8-10-1872 | Woman of Juan Jose Sierra. DARS |
Archuleta | Rafael | 9 mos 15 days | 11-10-1879 | 11-11-1879 | Son of Miguel Archuleta & Crescencia Talamantes |
Archuleta | Valentina | 65 yrs | 4-20-1899 | 4-21-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum, OK+K197 |
Arias | Apolonia | 16 yrs | 5-9-1892 | 5-9-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, C.C.U.U. |
Arias | Bernardo | ? | 1-13-1848 | 1-14-1848 | Adult-widower of Juana Hernandes.Left 3 sons,1 dau. Died of painful cut DARS # 87 |
Arias | Carmel | 1 yr | 7-29-1885 | 7-31-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Ambrosio Arias & Francisca Dominguez |
Arias | Casimiro | 1 yr 6 mos | 8-9-1886 | 8-10-1886 | Legitimate son of Albino Arias & Juana Uyoa |
Arias | Francisco | 17 days | 10-14-1889 | 10-14-1889 | Born:San Elizario |
Arias | Gabino | 60 yrs | 4-3-1896 | 4-4-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Pulmonia, DARS, Prope Ecc. |
Arias | Ignatino | 6 days | 7-25-1896 | 7-25-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Arias | Inocente | 2 yrs 4 mos | 4-25-1899 | 4-26-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Arias | Jesus | 9 mos | 12-4-1879 | 12-7-1879 | Son of Albino Arias & Juana Ulloa |
Arias | Jose Erasmo | 2 mos | 7-23-1888 | 7-24-1888 | Son of Albino Arias & Juana Guyoa |
Arias | Jose Manuel | 10 days | 1-2-1891 | 1-2-1891 | Born:San Elizario |
Arias | Jose Matias | 1 mon 15 days | 4-11-1856 | 4-11-1856 | Parvo-son of Mariano Arias & Maria Rosa Apodaca |
Arias | Juan | 6 yrs 4 mos | 9-3-1891 | 9-3-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Smallpox |
Arias | Juana | 3 yrs 6 mos | 11-20-1879 | 11-21-1879 | Daughter of Albino Arias & Juana Ulloa |
Arias | Julian | 1 yr | 11-22-1893 | 11-23-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Dysentery |
Arias | Marcos | 2 yrs | 6-18-1888 | 6-18-1888 | Son of Marcos Arias & Severiana Olguin |
Arias | Margarita | 30 yrs | 7-1-1895 | 7-2-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Soltera (single) |
Arias | Maria de Jesus | 15 days | 1-30-1899 | 1-31-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Arias | Maria | 1 day | 10-5-1883 | 10-7-1883 | Legitimate dau of Albino Arias & Juana Uyoa |
Arias | Nicolas | 25 yrs | 6-24-1898 | 6-25-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Extra Pagum |
Arias | Paula | 7 days | 6-15-1873 | 6-16-1873 | Parvula-daughter of Ventura Arias & Matiana Barela |
Arias | Pedro | 1 yr | 8-9-1889 | 8-9-1889 | Born:San Elizario |
Arias | Roque | 4 mos | 6-11-1895 | 6-12-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Arias | Rosa | 8 yrs | 8-3-1890 | 8-3-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria. Absolution |
Arias | Santos | 10 yrs | 7-7-1888 | 7-8-1888 | Son of Marcos Arias & Severiana Olguin |
Arias | Simona | 31 yrs | 11-19-1894 | 11-20-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Pulmonia, Wife of R. Bernal |
Arias | Teofilo | 4 yrs | 6-18-1885 | 6-19-1885 | Legit son of Ambrosio Arias & Francisca Dominguez |
Arias | Vicente | 4 mos | 9-2-1861 | 9-3-1861 | Legit son of Gabino Arias & Marcela Apodaca |
Arivel | Marcial | 60 yrs | 8-3-1882 | 8-4-1882 | |
Armengol | Jose Maria | 90 yrs | 5-10-1893 | 5-10-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age |
Armijo | Jose Dolores | 3 mos | 7-19-1846 | 7-20-1846 | Parvulo-legit son of Quirino Armijo & Maria Estefana Telles, # 15 |
Aro | Eusebia | 60 yrs | 4-9-1887 | 4-10-1887 | Wife of Valentino Fuentes |
Arroya | Bantura | ? | 12-12-1847 | 12-13-1847 | Marr2nd timeCayetanaCadena,4chn1st marr6chn2nd marrDied cold&exepitadoDARS # 78 |
Arroyos | Baby Girl | 1 day | 3-19-1856 | 3-20-1856 | Parvulita-dau of Pedro Arroyos & Marta Maese.Baptised by Socorro Crispin Maese |
Arroyos | Elzrario | 2 yrs 8 mos | 10-5-1879 | 10-6-1879 | Son on Lazaro Arroyos & Arcadia Gonzalez |
Arroyos | Epifania | 5 mos | 9-28-1876 | 9-28-1876 | Child-legit daughter of Lazaro Arroyos & Alcaria Gonzalez |
Arroyos | Epimenia | 6 mos | 9-5-1868 | 9-6-1868 | Parva-child of Lazaro Arroyos & Arcadia Gonzalez |
Arroyos | Estefana | 5 yrs 6 mos | 9-30-1876 | 10-1-1876 | Legit daughter of Lazaro Arroyos & Arcadia Gonzalez |
Arroyos | Francisca | 10 yrs | 4-3-1882 | 4-4-1882 | Legit daughter of Lazaro Arroyos & Alcaria Gonzalez |
Arroyos | Ines | 21 yrs | 7-21-1893 | 7-22-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, DARS |
Arroyos | Ines | 45 yrs | 3-14-1855 | 3-15-1855 | Wife of Rosalio Guerra |
Arroyos | Ines | 45 yrs | 3-14-1885 | 3-15-1885 | Wife of Rosalio Guerra |
Arroyos | Jesus | 2 yrs 3 mos | 12-29-1879 | 12-30-1879 | Son of Jesus Arroyos & Josefa Montes |
Arroyos | Jose Isidero | 1 yr | 6-10-1859 | 6-11-1859 | Son of Pedro Arroyos & Marta Maese |
Arroyos | Juan | 9 days | 5-2-1881 | 5-4-1881 | Son of Jesus Arroyos & Josefa Montes |
Arroyos | Juana | 10 days | 5-4-1881 | 5-5-1881 | daughter of Jesus Arroyos & Josefa Montes |
Arroyos | Justa | 30 yrs | 4-4-1882 | 4-5-1882 | Wife of Agapito Jurado |
Arroyos | Magdalena | 11 mos | 3-25-1886 | 3-26-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Lazaro Arroyos & Alcaria Gonzalez |
Arroyos | Maria Cesaria | 7 days | 3-5-1857 | 3-7-1857 | Parvula-daughter of Pedro Arroyos & Marta Maese |
Arroyos | Maria Teresa de Jesus | 1 yr | 4-27-1869 | 4-28-1869 | Parvula-daughter of Jesus Arroyos & Josefa Montes |
Arroyos | Pedro | 65 yrs | 8-23-1879 | 8-24-1879 | Widower of Marta Maese. Died after rec'd sacraments K217 (DARS). |
Arroyos | Rosa | 11 mos | 7-6-1888 | 7-7-1888 | Daughter of Lazaro Arroyos & Alcaria Gonzalez |
Arroyos | Teofila | 7 mos | 8-17-1861 | 8-18-1861 | Legit son of Pedro Arroyos & Martha Martinez |
Arroyos | Teresa | 14 mos | 8-3-1872 | 8-7-1872 | Parva-daughter of Jesus Arroyos & Josefa Montes |
Avalo | Juanna | 9 yrs | 11-17-1888 | 11-18-1888 | Daughter of Longino Avalo & Bernardina Olguin |
Avalo | Venceslao | 5 yrs | 11-22-1888 | 11-23-1888 | Son of Longino Avalo & Bernardina Olguin |
Avalos | Maria Josefa | ? | 1-10-1847 | 1-11-1847 | Single adult, daughter of Antonia Avalos from El Paso, DARS, # 39 |
Avalos | Maria Margarita | ? | 6-19-1847 | 6-20-1847 | Parvula-legit daughter of Sabino Avalos & Nicolasa Maese # 61 |
Avalos | Telesforo | 1 yr 6 mos | 8-6-1882 | 8-7-1882 | Legit son of Andres Avalos & Francisca Lopez |
Baldonado | Antonio | 18 yrs | 3-4-1886 | 3-5-1886 | |
Baldonado | Francisca | 11 mos | 10-20-1877 | 10-21-1877 | Daughter of Pedro Baldonado & Nabora Candelario. |
Baldonado | Josefa | 6 yrs | 9-3-1861 | 9-4-1861 | Legit daughter of Severiano Baldonado & Nabora Provencio |
Baldonado | Juan B. | 4 mos | 9-4-1885 | 9-5-1885 | Legitimate son of Pedro Baldonado & Nabora Cadelaria |
Baldonado | Juan | 1 day | 2-16-1884 | 2-17-1884 | Son of Pedro Baldonado & Nabora Candelario,born & died same day |
Baldonado | Maria Ysabel | 2 yrs | 6-23-1854 | 6-24-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Severiano Baldonado & Nabora Provencio |
Baldonado | Silveria | 32 yrs | 5-18-1887 | 5-19-1887 | Wife of Isidro Bustillos |
Baldonado | Valentina | 31 yrs | 7-3-1884 | 7-4-1884 | Wife of Mercedes Subia |
Balencia | Felipe 1 | ? | 3-8-1848 | 3-8-1848 | Married to Dolores Alarcon.Before married to Maria Benita Arroyos. Left no children |
Balencia | Felipe 2 | ? | 3-8-1848 | 3-8-1848 | Killed by Apaches, along with 5 others-4 from El Paso, 1 from San Eli. # 98 |
Balencia | Maria Josefa | 1 yr | 3-27-1848 | 3-28-1848 | Parbula-daughter of Maria Francisca Balencia (mom?) # 99 |
Balencia | Serapio | ? | 5-2-1848 | 5-3-1848 | Adult-marr for 2nd time to Maria Anastacia Sanches.1 son 2 dau. # 104 |
Balles | Alejandro | 20 days | 5-14-1860 | 5-15-1860 | Legit son of Nestor Balles & Margarita Lucero |
Balles | Secundina | 3 mos | 7-4-1861 | 7-5-1861 | Legit daughter Teodoso Balles & Refugio Polanco |
Barela | Aurelia | ? Mos | 10-5-1888 | 10-6-1888 | Daughter of Julio Barela & Anastasia Apodaca |
Barela | Cenobia | 81 yrs | 5-5-1896 | 5-6-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Senectute (old age), Prope Ecc., DARS |
Barela | Simon | 1 yr | 11-6-1883 | 11-7-1883 | Son of Gregoria Barela |
Barron | Cesaria | 17 yrs | 11-14-1883 | 11-15-1883 | Wife of Sabino Sierra |
Basque | Maria Joanna | 5 yrs 3 mos | 3-30-1860 | 3-31-1860 | From Guadalupe, Legit dau of Jesus Basque & Maria de los Angeles Olguin |
Basques | Eugenia | 18 yrs | 9-29-1858 | 9-29-1858 | Dau of Deonicio Basques & Marcelina Boasuelas?Not called-no sacraments |
Bea | Lorenza | 60 yrs | 11-24-1893 | 11-25-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age |
Belarded | Josefa | 4 yrs | 9-15-1861 | 9-16-1861 | Legit daughter of Remigio Bellarded & Joanna Gandara |
Beltran | Angela | 1 yr | 11-23-1890 | 11-23-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Beltran | Jose | 4 yrs | 8-13-1891 | 8-13-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria |
Beltran | Maria Adriana | 6 mos | 11-26-1893 | 11-27-1893 | Born:La Cuadrilla, Tos Ferina (Whopping Cough) |
Beltran | Maria Eugenia | 15 days | 11-29-1847 | 11-30-1847 | Parbula-legit daughter of Sostenes Beltran & Baudilia Grent? # 76 |
Beltran | Nicolas | 4 yrs | 8-13-1891 | 8-13-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria |
Benabides | Marta | 90 yrs | 9-14-1872 | 9-15-1872 | Widow of Juan Pedro Lopez. Died after confessing. |
Benabides | Norberto | 18 yrs | 7-15-1856 | 7-16-1856 | Soltero-son of Marta Benabides, widow from El Paso. No rites, died suddenly |
Benavides | Blas | 3 days | 2-6-1887 | 2-7-1887 | Legitimate son of Salvador Benavides & Francisca Molina |
Benavides | Jacinta | 79 yrs | 3-23-1896 | 3-24-1896 | Born:El Paso, senectute (old age), Prope Ecc., DARS+K257 |
Benavides | Jose Calixto | 2 yrs | 11-10-1846 | 11-11-1846 | Parvulo-son of Matias Benavides & Dolores Olguin, # 32 |
Benavides | Ladislau | 11 mos | 5-30-1854 | 5-30-1854 | Parvo-son of Matias Benavides & Dolores Olguin |
Benavides | Matias | 60 yrs | 11-26-1884 | 11-29-1884 | Husband of Dolores Olguin |
Benavides | Porfirio | 4 days | 9-19-1888 | 9-20-1888 | Son of Salvador Benavides & Francisca Molina |
Bencomo | Miguel | 5 yrs 5 mos | 2-13-1886 | 2-16-1886 | Legitimate son of Marcos Bencomo & Desideria Pacheco |
Bernal | Andrea | 15 yrs | 10-10-1886 | 10-11-1886 | Legitimate daugher of Jose Angel Bernal & Benigna Loya |
Bernal | Consuelo | 1 yr 6 mos | 5-30-1898 | 5-31-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Diarrhea, Extra Pagum |
Bernal | Delfina | 9 mos | 11-11-1886 | 11-11-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Roman Bernal & Simona Arias |
Bernal | Elzeario | 4 yrs | 3-29-1887 | 3-30-1887 | Legitimate son of Angel Bernal & Benigna Loya |
Bernal | Magdalena | 1 yr 8 mos | 5-8-1875 | 5-9-1875 | Legit daughter of Jose Angel Bernal & Benigna Lolla (Loya?) |
Bernal | Manuel | 7 mos | 8-10-1891 | 8-10-1891 | Born:San Elizario |
Bernal | Miguel | 3 yrs | 10-12-1896 | 10-13-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Measles (Sarampion), Baptized, Extra Pagum |
Bernal | Vicente | 2 yrs | 4-4-1887 | 4-5-1887 | Legitimate son of Jose A. Bernal & Benigna Loya |
Berru | Agapito | 3 yrs | 12-30-1885 | 1-1-1886 | Legitimate son of Juan Jose Berru & Librada Perez |
Berru | Dolores | ? | 5-19-1852 | 5-21-1852 | Woman of Severiano Montes, DARS |
Berru | Francisca | 1 yr 6 mos | 3-30-1878 | 4-1-1878 | Daughter of Agapito Berru & Teodora Casares |
Berru | Francisca | 7 mos | 5-5-1876 | 5-6-1876 | Child-legit daughter of Juan Jose Berru & Librada Perez |
Berru | Jesus | 66 yrs | 2-18-1895 | 2-19-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Flujo de sangre (blood flow),husband of J. Barela |
Berru | Jose Maria | 2 yrs 3 mos | 10-14-1879 | 10-15-1879 | Son of Juan Jose Berru & Librada Perez |
Berru | Jose Maria | 93 yrs | 7-6-1893 | 7-7-1893 | Born: San Elizario, Old Age, DARS |
Berru | Jose Santiago | ? | 12-3-1847 | 12-4-1847 | Married 2nd time-Lond.?Sarrev?,left 1 son from 1st marriage, swelling of stomach #77 |
Berru | Jose | 1 yr | 11-19-1893 | 11-20-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Dysentery |
Berru | Jose | 2 mos | 7-13-1883 | 7-14-1883 | Legitimate son of Agapito Berru & Teodosa Casarez |
Berru | Maria Josefa | ? | 10-7-1857 | 10-8-1857 | Widow of 1st marriage to Savino Montes DARS |
Berru | Maria | ? | 1-25-1886 | 1-26-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Jose Maria Berru & Fernanda Nunez |
Berru | Martiniano | 2 yrs | 7-4-1894 | 7-5-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Berru | Nicolasa | 22 yrs | 5-2-1878 | 5-3-1878 | Wife of Albino Olivares.Died without sacraments due to childbirth? |
Berru | Pedro | 11 mos | 12-18-1879 | 12-19-1879 | Legit son of Agapito Berru & Teodora Casarez |
Berul | Fernando | 2 yrs | 12-12-1888 | 12-13-1888 | Son of Jose Berul & Librada Perez |
Borrego | (no name) | 3 yrs | 1-18-1896 | 1-19-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Febri Puerocuen (Fever), Baptised, Prope Ecclesiam |
Borrego | Adolfo | 17 yrs | 8-3-1897 | 8-4-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Angina, Priest not called(cura no fue llamado)Extra Pagum |
Borrego | David | 5 yrs | 8-3-1897 | 8-4-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Angina, Extra Pagum |
Borrego | Guillermo | 3 yrs 11 mos | 5-26-1886 | 5-27-1886 | Legitimate son of Dionisio Borrego & Martina Trujillo |
Borrego | Hortensia | 1 yr | 8-6-1897 | 8-7-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Angina, Extra Pagum |
Borrego | Inocente | 8 days | 10-27-1889 | 10-27-1889 | Born:San Elizario |
Borrego | Juan | 1 yr 6 mos | 9-27-1879 | 9-28-1879 | Son of Crespin Borrego & Delfina |
Borrego | Juan | 52 yrs | 3-7-1877 | 3-9-1877 | Husband of Luz Grijalba. DARS |
Borrego | Juana | 40 yrs | 1-15-1880 | 1-17-1880 | Wife of Hermenegilde Montes - died after rec'd sacraments (DARS) |
Borrego | Luis | 1 yr 2 mos | 9-23-1879 | 9-24-1879 | Son of Dimisio Borrego & Martina Trugillo |
Borrego | Luis | 13 yrs | 4-26-1889 | 4-26-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria, DARS |
Borrego | Ramon | 1 day | 2-20-1887 | 2-21-1887 | Legitimate son of Crespin Borrego & Delfina Loya |
Borrego | Ramon | 1 yr 7 mos | 11-3-1886 | 11-4-1886 | Legit son of Crispin Borrego & Delfina Loya |
Borrego | Ramona | 1 day | 10-2-1897 | 10-3-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized before death, Extra Pagum |
Borrego | Ricardo | 1 yr 2 mos | 7-5-1859 | 7-6-1859 | Son of Evarista Borrego |
Borrego | Rosendo | 3 mos | 5-3-1856 | 5-4-1856 | Parvulo-son of Juan Borrego & Maria de la Luz Grijalva |
Borrego | Sabiosiana | ? | 5-23-1893 | 5-25-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Borrego | Twins-girl & boy | 1 day | 10-19-1868 | 10-20-1868 | Parvulos-Chn of Evaristo Borrego, bapt by Isabel Zambrano & Altagracia Blanco |
Borrego | Ynocente | 13 yrs | 5-24-1889 | 5-24-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria, DARS |
Bustillos | Arcadia | 2 yrs 2 mos | 10-29-1879 | 10-31-1879 | Daughter of Cecilio Bustillos & Silveria Baldonado |
Bustillos | Donaciano | 1 yr | 7-31-1891 | 7-31-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria |
Bustillos | Felipe | 1 yr | 8-23-1861 | 8-24-1861 | Legit son of Vicente Bustillos & Ursula Pruilay? |
Bustillos | Gabriela | 15 yrs | 9-9-1856 | 9-10-1856 | Celive(soltera)-daughter of Juan Bustillos & Marcelina Cervantes DARS |
Bustillos | Jose | 36 days | 10-15-1846 | 10-16-1846 | Parvulo-son of Vicente Bustillos & Ursula Ruibal, # 27 |
Bustillos | Juan | 1 yr 2 mos | 7-21-1876 | 7-22-1876 | Child-Legit son of Cecilio Bustillos & Silveria Baldonado |
Bustillos | Manuela | 15 yrs | 7-25-1891 | 7-25-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Anginas, DARS |
Bustillos | Maria Dolores | 11 days | 7-29-1882 | 7-30-1882 | Legit daughter of Cecilio Bustillos & Silveria Baldonado |
Bustillos | Maria Dolores | 45 yrs | 6-2-1868 | 6-4-1868 | Woman of Luis Madrid, DARS |
Bustillos | Maria Geronima | 3 yrs | 3-25-1847 | 3-26-1847 | Legit dau of Juan Bustillos & Marcelina Cervantes, Died of measels, # 51 |
Bustillos | Maria GeronimaDeJesus | 2 yrs | 4-?-1847 | 4-?-1847 | Parvula-legit daughter of Juan Bustillos & Maria Marcelina Cervantes, # 54 |
Bustillos | Maria Josefa Cordero | 3 days | 4-22-1899 | 4-23-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Chol. Inf., Extra Pagum |
Bustillos | Maria | 45 yrs | 5-2-1894 | 5-3-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Pulmonia, Administered |
Bustillos | Miguel | 15 mos | 6-16-1890 | 6-16-1890 | Born:Ft. Hancock, Fever |
Bustillos | Pedro | 3 yrs | 7-21-1876 | 7-22-1876 | Child-Legit son of Cecilio Bustillos & Silveria Baldonado |
Bustillos | Tcela | 45-50 yrs | 9-21-1879 | 9-22-1879 | Wife of Bernabe Porras. Died after rec'd sacraments. |
Busto | Maria Toribia | ? | 7-19-1846 | 7-20-1846 | Married to soldier-Gregorio Gomez, long illness of 5 yrs-stomach ache, # 14 |
Butieres | Maria de los Dolores | ? | 1-1-1860 | 1-3-1860 | Widow of Aniceto Renteries, DARS |
Butierres | Refugio | 70 yrs | 7-19-1878 | 7-20-1878 | Wife of Antonio Ysco. DARS |
Caballero | Benito | 21 days | 4-21-1885 | 4-22-1885 | Legit son of Benito Caballero & Catarina Albarado |
Caballero | Francisco | 1 day | 2-21-1884 | 2-21-1884 | Legit son of Benito Caballero & Catarina Albarado |
Caballero | J. Jose | 7 mos | 12-3-1879 | 12-7-1879 | Son of Benito Caballero & Dolores Ulloa |
Caballero | Paulina | 1 yr | 8-18-1883 | 8-19-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Benito Caballero & Catarina Albarado |
Cacases | Alejandro | 1 yr | 3-16-1896 | 3-17-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Febri puerorum (Fever), Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Caccres | Dolores | 30 yrs | 2-26-1897 | 2-27-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Brain Fever, Conf at no extr., Prope Ecc. |
Cadena | Bersabe | 1 yr | 4-27-1899 | 4-28-1899 | Born:Clint, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Cadena | Jose Alejandro | 1 yr | 6-3-1847 | 6-4-1847 | Parvulo-legit son of Lino Cadena & Julia Polanco Arias, # 56 |
Cadena | Raquel | 2 yrs | 11-26-1898 | 11-27-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Cadiz | Demeterio | 61 yrs | 8-2-1899 | 8-4-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fell from a buggy (carro)-died suddenly, Extra Pagum |
Cadiz | Dolores | 80 yrs | 6-20-1894 | 6-21-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Dolor in el pecho (Pain in chest) |
Cadiz | Francisco | 1 yr | 4-5-1854 | 4-6-1854 | Parvulo-son of Felipa Cadiz, widow |
Cadiz | Maria Francisca | 8 yrs | 1-28-1862 | 1-29-1862 | Natural daughter of Felipa Cadiz. No church sacraments received. |
Cadiz | Sostena | 47 yrs | 1-3-1895 | 1-3-1895 | Born:Cuadrilla, Fever, Widow of Jose Alvidres |
Cadiz | Telesforo | 2 yrs | 6-3-1846 | 6-4-1846 | Parbulo-son of Maria Butiera Cadiz, #10 |
Calderon | Lorenzo | 3 days | 10-7-1896 | 10-8-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Cemeterio Extra Pagum |
Campbel | Juan | 2 yrs | 6-8-1872 | 6-9-1872 | Parvulo-son of Juan Campbel & Maria de los Santos Ramirez |
Candelario | Angel | 24 yrs | 10-3-1879 | 10-4-1879 | Single (soltero)-unknown parents.Some sacraments, no time for all |
Cano | Julian | 1 yr | 2-12-1894 | 2-13-1894 | Born:Isla, tos ferina (whopping cough) |
Cano | Martina | 70 yrs | 6-5-1898 | 6-6-1898 | Fever, Extra Pagum |
Cano | Xisto | 4 yrs | 12-5-1888 | 12-6-1888 | Son of Cleophes Cano & Albina Salcido |
Carabajal | Petra | 60 yrs | 4-17-1874 | 4-18-1874 | Widow of Rafael Romero |
Carbajal | Agustin | 80 yrs | 8-12-1884 | 8-15-1884 | |
Carbajal | Geraldo | 80 yrs | 3-1-1885 | 3-3-1885 | |
Carbajal | Maria | 1 yr | 7-7-1897 | 7-8-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Angina, Baptized, Cemeterio Extra Pagum |
Carbajal | Mercedes | 2 yrs 3 mos | 5-26-1898 | 5-27-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Alfericia, Extra Pagum |
Carbajal | Pascuala | 15 yrs | 10-15-1890 | 10-15-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Apoplesey, DARS |
Carillo | Maria Regina | 4 mos | 1-1-1848 | 1-2-1848 | Parvula-legit daughter of Francisco Carrillo & Isabel Aranda # 84 |
Carpio | Maria Demetria | 1 day | 1-?-1847 | 1-?-1847 | Parvula-daughter of Eufansio Carpio & Simona Parra, # 38 |
Carpio | Miquela | 60 yrs | 10-21-1879 | 10-22-1879 | Wife of Eduigues Chaves. DARS |
Carrasco | Daniela | 18 mos | 6-29-1868 | 6-30-1868 | Parva-child of Santos Carrasco & Angela Gamboa |
Carrasco | Josefa | 14 mos | 6-26-1874 | 6-27-1874 | Legit daughter of Santos Carrasco & Maria de los Angeles Gamboa |
Carrasco | Juan de Jesus | 70 yrs | 4-5-1873 | 4-6-1873 | Husband of Gertudis Villasenor. DARS |
Carrasco | Librada | 32 yrs | 4-7-1879 | 4-8-1879 | Dau of JosedeJesusCarrasco&RomulaQuintana.Widow of JoseAlarconSome sacra ill |
Carrasco | Pedro | 65 yrs | 5-8-1890 | 5-8-1890 | Born:Socorro, General Debility, DARS |
Carrazco | Severa | 4 mos | 4-6-1882 | 4-7-1882 | Legit daughter of Macario Carrazco & Miguela Telles |
Carrera | Alcaria | 35 yrs | 1-17-1890 | 1-17-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption or Liver Disease(1 name-2 entries in book) DARS |
Carresa | Demetria | 50 yrs | 9-26-1880 | 9-28-1880 | Wife of Doroteo Ruis. Died without sacraments |
Carrion | Baby Girl | 1 day | 10-16-1857 | 10-17-1857 | Parvulita-dau of Jose Carrion & Teodora Lujan.Baptized by Maria Josefa Escageda |
Carrion | Josephus | 65 yrs | 7-17-1896 | 7-18-1896 | Born:Chihuahua, Consumption, DARS, Prope Ecc. |
Cartagena | Carlos | 50 yrs | 9-13-1876 | 9-18-1876 | Celibe (never married). Killed by Indians in the "Salina" (Salt Lake or Salt Flats). |
Cartagena | Francisco | 9 yrs | 5-25-1856 | 5-26-1856 | Parvo-son of Jose Cartagena & Maria del Carmen Perez |
Cartagena | Jose | ? | 3-20-1848 | 3-21-1848 | Married to Maria del Carmen Peres.Left 3 boys 1 girl. DARS # 94 |
Cartagena | Maria Nicolasa | 70 yrs | 3-1-1869 | 3-2-1869 | Mujer-woman of Jose de la Luz Gandara. DARS |
Casares | Cesaria | 40 yrs | 5-21-1899 | 5-22-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Heart Disease, OK, Extra Pagum |
Casares | Isabel | 26 yrs | 8-6-1891 | 8-6-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Childbirth |
Casares | Ramon | 1 yr | 8-22-1893 | 8-23-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Toothache |
Casarez | Guadalupe | 1 yr | 11-19-1893 | 11-20-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Castillo | Antonino | 22 yrs | 8-21-1876 | 8-22-1876 | Soltero (single) son of Refugio Castillo. DARS |
Castillo | Jose Policarpio | ? | 5-19-1848 | 5-20-1848 | Adult-Widower of Maria Quirina Palomar.Left 2 sons,2 dau. DARS # 110 |
Castillo | Juan | 18 yrs | 5-23-1855 | 5-24-1855 | Celibato-son of Policarpio Castillo & Quirina Palomares |
Castro | Eufrasio | ? | 11-6-1856 | 11-8-1856 | Husband of Simona Cazarez. Priest absent. |
Castro | Maria Dolores | ? | 1-16-1857 | 1-17-1857 | Woman of Antonio Ortiz DARS |
Castro | Trinidad | 2 mos | 6-20-1854 | 6-21-1854 | Parvulo-son of Eufrasie Castro & Simona Alvidrez |
Cazares | Simona | 28 yrs | 8-28-1868 | 8-30-1868 | Widow of Eufrasio Castro. DARS |
Cazares | Teodora | 30 yrs | 10-14-1885 | 10-15-1885 | Wife of Agapito Berru |
Cazarez | Francisca | ? | 1-24-1884 | 1-25-1884 | Wife of Luis Aranda |
Cerca | Jose Barbara de Jesus | 1 yr | 2-17-1860 | 2-19-1860 | Legit son of Agapito Cerca & Dolores Montes |
Cercas | Domingo | 2 yrs | 9-29-1871 | 9-30-1871 | Parvo-son of Bartolo Cercas & Martina Carvajal |
Cercas | Juliana | ? | 12-25-1855 | 12-25-1855 | Widow of Mariano Florez. No rites due to not called on time |
Cereas | Pedro | 8 days | 7-5-1854 | 7-8-1854 | Parvo-son of Fabian Cereas & Martha Trujillo from Carrizal |
Cereceres | Andres | 1 yr 3 mos | 5-29-1849 | 5-30-1849 | Parvo-legit son of Crescencio Cereceres & Refugio Marques # 140 |
Cervantes | Desideria | ? | 9-2-1854 | 9-3-1854 | Woman of Narciso Loya. Died night before. No sacraments. |
Cervantes | Maria Marcelina | ? | 7-11-1846 | 7-12-1846 | Married to Juan Bustillos, left 6 daughters & 2 sons, Died of Anangina, DARS, # 13 |
Chabes | Teodora | ? | 5-28-1858 | 5-29-1858 | Parvula-natural daughter of Guadalupe Chabes |
Chacon | Jose | 23 yrs | 1-27-1891 | 1-27-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Blood Poisoning, DARS |
Chasco | Guadalupe | 13 mos | 2-21-1874 | 2-22-1874 | Parva-Legit daughter of Benito Chasco & Alcaria Dominguez |
Chasco | Jose Perez | 12 yrs | 10-6-1896 | 10-6-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Chasco | Luisa Perez | 10 mos | 6-15-1872 | 6-16-1872 | Parva-daughter of Jose Perez Chasco & Matilde Zambrano |
Chaves | Blas | ? | 11-17-1846 | 11-18-1846 | Widower for 2nd time, Lived here 10 yrs, DARS, # 33 |
Chaves | Dolores | 30 yrs | 3-31-1877 | 4-1-1877 | Wife of Anastasio Rodriguez, DARS |
Chaves | Felicitas | 21 yrs | 2-21-1876 | 2-23-1876 | Joven (young) Manaba (handful??) DARS |
Chaves | Julian | 55 yrs | 11-4-1876 | 11-5-1876 | Husband of Agapita Canocero. DARS |
Chaves | Leonarda | 11 mos | 10-13-1861 | 10-14-1861 | Legit daughter of Jose Chaves & Josefa Sanchez |
Chaves | Leopoldo | 8 mos | 8-21-1876 | 8-22-1876 | Parvulo-son of Jesus Chaves |
Chaves | Macedonio | 1 yr | 7-28-1854 | 7-30-1854 | Parvo-son of Justo Chaves & Polonia Lujan |
Chaves | Manuela | 7 yrs | 6-11-1872 | 6-12-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Jose Chaves & Josefa Sanchez |
Chaves | Maria Dimas | 6 yrs | 10-5-1876 | 10-7-1876 | Legit daughter of Marcelino Chaves & Josefa Sanchez. DARS |
Chaves | Martha | 6 yrs | 8-20-1861 | 8-22-1861 | Legit son of Martin Chaves & Eulalia Gandara |
Chaves | Piedad | 4 mos | 9-27-1867 | 9-27-1867 | Parva -child of Jose Chaves & Josefa Sanchez |
Chavez | Angelita | 2 yrs | 2-2-1892 | 2-2-1892 | Born:Ysla Luis Rey, Fever |
Chavez | Catarina | 55 yrs | 9-4-1897 | 9-7-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Consumpton, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Chavez | Claudia | 80 yrs | 3-15-1885 | 3-16-1885 | |
Chavez | Francisca | 3 yrs | 12-22-1858 | 12-24-1858 | Natural daughter of Juana Chaves |
Chavez | Iduvigen | 80 yrs | 8-25-1887 | 8-26-1887 | |
Chavez | Josefa | 30 yrs | 5-8-1888 | 5-9-1888 | Wife of Benito Aranda |
Chavez | Leonor | 22 yrs | 5-15-1899 | 5-16-1899 | Born:Socorro, Consumption, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Chavez | Maria Concepcion | 3 mos | 11-7-1846 | 11-8-1846 | Legit daughter of Eduviges Chavez & Micayla Carpio, # 31 |
Chavez | Maria Severiana | 20 days | 2-7-1852 | 2-9-1852 | Parvula-dau of Justo Chavez & Polonia Pena.No priest-he was busy.Father Borrajo |
Chavez | Natalia | 1 yr 8 mos | 8-23-1898 | 8-24-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Measles (Sarampion), Extra Pagum |
Chavez | Tiburcio | 8 mos | 8-24-1859 | 8-25-1859 | Natural son of Juana Chaves |
Chazco | Benito | 5 mos | 5-13-1884 | 5-14-1884 | |
Chazco | Leonidez | 16 yrs | 6-21-1885 | 6-22-1885 | |
Chazco | Piedad | 15 yrs | 5-19-1883 | 5-20-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Benito Chazco & Alcaria Dominguez |
Cisneros | Dolores | 60 yrs | 3-19-1880 | 3-21-1880 | Wife of Jose Maria Almanzar, DARS |
Cisneros | Jose Agustin | 2 mos | 1-31-1856 | 2-1-1856 | Parvo-son of Regina Cisneros |
Cisneros | Juan Crisostomo | ? | 12-8-1853 | 12-9-1853 | Parvulo-son of Pedro Cisneros & Francisca Escageda |
Cisneros | Margarita | 23 yrs | 7-11-1882 | 7-12-1882 | Legit daughter of Teodoro Cisneros & Valentina Cadena |
Cisneros | Maria Francisca | 1 yr | 5-29-1854 | 5-30-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Pedro Cisneros & Francisca Escageda |
Cisneros | Rosa | 45 yrs | 6-30-1876 | 7-2-1876 | Widow of Jose Oro (or Aro). DARS |
Clark | Carolina | 2 mos 5 days | 1-2-1873 | 1-3-1873 | Parvula-daughter of Juan Clark & Lucia Lujan (civil marriage) |
Clark | Carolina | 23 yrs | 2-26-1897 | 2-27-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Pneumonia, Conf at no extr., Prope Ecc. |
Clark | Charles G. | 7 mos | 9-3-1884 | 9-4-1884 | Son of Lolos Ponton |
Clark | George | 7 yrs 5 mos | 1-6-1892 | 1-6-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Dypteria |
Clark | Sera | 2 yrs. 4 mos | 1-2-1880 | 1-4-1880 | Daughter of J. P. Clark & Lucilla Lujan |
Cobos | Augustina | 8 mos | 4-13-1875 | 4-14-1875 | Legit daughter of Jesus Cobos & Francisca Montes |
Cobos | Clotilde | 2 yrs | 5-26-1868 | 5-28-1868 | Parva-child of Jesus Cobos & Francisca Montes |
Cobos | Francisca | 2 yrs | 5-27-1872 | 5-28-1872 | Parvulo-son of Jesus Cobos & Francisca Montes |
Cobos | Jesus Gonzalez | ? | 4-29-1870 | 4-30-1870 | Husband of Leona Olguin. DARS |
Cobos | Jose | 3 days | 2-14-1881 | 2-15-1881 | Legit son of Jesus Cobos & Francisca Montes |
Cobos | Maria Guadalupe | 8 mos | 5-7-1872 | 5-8-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Jesus Cobos & Francisca Montes |
Cobos | Rosa | 10 mos | 5-16-1868 | 5-18-1868 | Parva-child of Jesus Cobos & Francisca Montes |
Cobos | Rosalia de Larrazdo | 27 yrs | 3-27-1891 | 3-27-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Childbirth, DARS |
Cobos | Twin boys | 1 day | 7-18-1879 | 7-19-1879 | Parvulitos-sons of Jesus Cobos & Francisca Montes.Baptized by midwife |
Collins | Catarina | 9 mos 20 days | 11-8-1879 | 11-9-1879 | Daughter of Tomas M. Collins & Maria de Collins |
Colombo | Teodosa | 23 yrs | 10-29-1885 | 10-30-1885 | Wife of Leonides Via, from Carrizal, First Marriage. |
Contreras | Cruz | half hour | 5-3-1899 | 5-4-1899 | Born:Clint, Baptized by lay person, Extra Pagum |
Contreras | Jose Ignacio | 50 yrs | 12-8-1854 | 12-9-1854 | Husband of Bibiana Alderete. DARS |
Contreras | Josefa | 80 yrs | 4-28-1871 | 4-29-1871 | Widow of Crisantos Alvillar. 2nd marriage. DARS |
Cordero | Angela | 2 yrs | 4-12-1872 | 4-14-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Ricardo Cordero & Guadalupe Sanches |
Cordero | Angelita | 2 yrs | 7-3-1888 | 7-4-1888 | Daughter of Domingo Cordero & Juana Lara |
Cordero | Arsenia | 15 yrs | 8-19-1896 | 8-20-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Cordero | Evaristo | 1 yr | 9-25-1890 | 9-25-1890 | Born:San Elizario |
Cordero | Francisca | 15 yrs | 4-29-1882 | 5-1-1882 | Legit daughter of Ricardo Cordero & Guadalupe Sanchez |
Cordero | H…..? | 1 day | 10-17-1876 | 10-19-1876 | Parvulo-legit son of Antonio Cordero & Maria Maese. Baptized right before death. |
Cordero | Isabel | 2 yrs 7 mos | 10-16-1879 | 10-17-1879 | Son of Juan Cordero & Dolores Trugillo |
Cordero | Luis | 3 mos | 12-17-1879 | 12-19-1879 | Son of Juan Cordero & Dolores Trugillo |
Cordero | Pedro | 1 & 1/2 mos | 5-4-1868 | 5-5-1868 | Parvo-child of Ricardo Cordero & Guadalupe Sanchez |
Cordova | Juan | 48 yrs | 6-18-1877 | 6-19-1877 | Husband of Concepcion Guerra. DARS, (Juana Maria ?) |
Corral | Donaciana | 54 yrs | 4-12-1893 | 4-12-1893 | Born:Parral, Mexico, Consumption, (Octaviano Larrazolo) |
Corrales | De Deodora | 95 yrs | 11-11-1848 | 11-12-1848 | Adult-(CruzAlta)?-widow of JuanJoseMarquez Left 3sons,4dau.Died of "Los Frios" DARS #133 |
Cortes | Geronimo | 6 mos | 3-28-31882 | 3-29-1882 | Legit son of Simon Cortes & Florentina Telles |
Croghan | Guillermo | 8 mos | 3-17-1855 | 3-18-1855 | Parvulo-son of Juan Croghan & Maria Juana Archuleta |
Cubeao ? | Maria Polanco | ? | 10-7-1846 | 10-8-1846 | Single adult, daughter of Jose Cubeao ?- soldier, DARS, # 30 |
Cunes | Treneo | 7 days | 7-9-1890 | 7-9-1890 | Born:Ft. Hancock |
De Haro | Ramona | 2 yrs | 12-14-1899 | 12-15-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Dearo | Jose Maximo | ? | 4-10-1852 | 4-11-1852 | Parvulo-son of Juan Dearo & Matiana Varela. Buried where old church use to be. |
Dominguez | Altagracia | ? | 4-27-1857 | 4-29-1857 | Widow (for 2nd time) of Felipe Gomez DARS |
Dominguez | Doroteo | ? | 2-2-1857 | 2-4-1857 | Husband of Paula Parra-2nd marriage from San Buenabentura, from Corralitos DARS |
Dominguez | Luis | 3 mos | 3-18-1846 | 3-19-1846 | Parbulo-legit son of Anastasio Dominguez & Norberta N., # 4 |
Dominguez | Maria del Refugio | 20 days | 4-28-1860 | 4-29-1860 | Legit daughter of Juan Dominguez & Dolores Gonzales |
Dominquez | Alcaria | 36 yrs | 12-18-1883 | 12-19-1883 | Wife of Benito Chazco |
Dominquez | Simon | 22 yrs | 10-9-1868 | 10-11-1868 | Celive-natural son of Mariana Dominguez.Adopted by Bibiana Alderete. DARS |
Duarte | Hipolito | 6 yrs | 9-4-1896 | 9-5-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Duran | Avelina | 1 yr | 6-25-1854 | 6-26-1854 | Parva-daughter of Josefa Duran (possible dad-Jesus Medina) |
Duran | Jose | 8 mos | 6-6-1896 | 6-7-1896 | Born:Camprice, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Duran | Juana | ? | 2-19-1848 | 2-20-1848 | Adult-Wife of Antonio Pena. Left 5 daughters. DARS # 90 |
Duran | Maria Emiliana | ? | 12-26-1847 | 12-27-1847 | Widow of Juan Tecro ? Left 2 sons & 2 dau Died of side pain ("costad") DARS # 83 |
Duran | Sabino | 1 yr 5 mos | 2-12-1880 | 2-14-1880 | Legit son of Tomas Duran & Manuela Palomares |
Duran | Santigo Lazaro Agustin | 1 mon | 6-21-1893 | 6-22-1893 | Born:Ysleta, Diarrhea |
Durand | Francisco 1 | 11 days | 7-1-1860 | 7-1-1860 | LegitSonOf Francisco Cruz Durand&Refugio Griego&Julian Durand&Margarita Parra |
Durand | Francisco 2 | 11 days | 7-1-1860 | 7-1-1860 | Juan Griego & Paubla Belardes,Godparents Incarnacion Escajeda & Jesusa Salazar |
Durand | Nicolas | 21 yrs | 6-7-1860 | 6-9-1860 | Legit son of Marcelino Durand & Mathiana Sanchez, DARS |
Enriquez | Josefa | 28 yrs | 4-5-1854 | 4-6-1854 | Woman of Hipolito Lujan. No rites, not called |
Escageda | Anacleto | 75 yrs | 12-25-1893 | 12-26-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, DARS |
Escageda | Antonia | 84 yrs | 11-24-1872 | 11-26-1872 | Widow of Juan Olguin. Priest absent |
Escageda | Blasa | 9 mos | 8-16-1871 | 8-18-1871 | Parva-daughter of Encarnacion Escageda & Maria de Jesus Salazar |
Escageda | Candelaria | 1 yr 6 mos | 11-4-1877 | 11-5-1877 | Daughter of Cleto Escageda & Ramona Lujan |
Escageda | Carmen | 1 yr 2 mos | 12-13-1879 | 12-16-1879 | Daughter of Anacleto Escageda & Ramona Ortiz |
Escageda | Encarnacion | 2 yrs 6 mos | 11-27-1871 | 11-29-1871 | Parvula-son of Encarnacion Escageda & Maria de Jesus Salazar |
Escageda | Francisca | ? | 6-1-1854 | 6-2-1854 | Woman of Pedro Cisneros. No rites because not called. |
Escageda | Jesus | ? | 8-24-1852 | 8-25-1852 | Single son of Marcelo & Rafaela Montoya. Died suddenly Had mass & burial w body present |
Escageda | Refugio | 27 yrs | 4-7-1894 | 4-8-1894 | Born:San Elizario. Childbirth, DARS, OK |
Escageda | Rita | 3 yrs | 6-25-1872 | 6-26-1872 | Parva-daughter of Anacleto Escageda & Ramona Lujan |
Escajeda | Dolores | 22 yrs | 2-17-1884 | 2-18-1884 | Wife of Patricio Alarcon |
Escajeda | Gildardo | 7 mon | 10-4-1894 | 10-5-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Escajeda | Jesus Maria | 1 yr 2 mos | 4-25-1892 | 4-25-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Dipteria |
Escajeda | Juana | 30 yrs | 11-29-1895 | 12-1-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Bad Childbirth-died suddenly |
Escajeda | Luis | 12 yrs | 6-22-1889 | 6-22-1889 | Born:San Elizario, consumption, pd $4 on 6/23 Bal. $6 Pd 1/2 on 6/30, 7/15 |
Escajeda | Maria Aurora | ? | 4-22-1849 | 4-23-1849 | Parva-daughter of Jesus Jose Escajeda & Maria Seferina Apodaca # 137 |
Escajeda | Maria Caribra ? | ? | 4-22-1849 | 4-23-1849 | Widow of Francisco Arroyos. DARS # 136 |
Escajeda | Melchora | 13 yrs | 9-15-1861 | 9-16-1861 | Legit daughter of Cleto Escajeda & Pilar Gandara. DARS |
Escajeda | Teresa | 25 yrs | 6-21-1893 | 6-22-1893 | Born:Guadalupe, Consumption |
Escofeda | Encarnacion | 60 yrs | 4-9-1888 | 4-10-1888 | Widower of Maria de Jesus Salazar |
Escossa | Maria Salome | 80 yrs | 10-18-1846 | 10-19-1846 | Widow of Juan Jose Ceacas ?, DARS, # 29 |
Espalin | Maria Isidra | 3 mos | 3-18-1847 | 3-19-1847 | Parvula-legit dau of Florentino Espalin & Josefa Padilla from Socorro, # 50 |
Espalin | Pedro | 70 yrs | 7-25-1891 | 7-25-1891 | Born:Socorro, TX, Nervous Prostration, Sudden Death |
Espinosa | Jeronimo | 6 yrs | 8-19-1861 | 8-20-1861 | Legit son of Pablo Espinosa & Dolores Martinez |
Espinosa | Jose Ines | 8 mos | 10-10-1848 | 10-11-1848 | Parvo-son of Maria Rosario Espinosa # 126 |
Esposita | Maria N. | ? | 10-13-1848 | 10-14-1848 | # 127 |
Estrada | Andres | 78 yrs | 10-25-1882 | 10-26-1882 | Husband of Eulalia Ullo |
Estrada | Antonio | 7 mos | 7-31-1878 | 8-1-1878 | Son of Teofilo Estrada & Martina Provencio |
Estrada | Antonio | 9 mo | 5-8-1882 | 5-9-1882 | Legit son of Teofilo Estrada & Martina Provencio |
Estrada | Delfina | 1 1/2 mos | 6-25-1872 | 6-26-1872 | Parva-daughter of Teofilo Estrada & Martina Provencio |
Estrada | Dolores | 15 days | 1-15-1899 | 1-16-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Cough, Extra Pagum |
Estrada | Guadalupe | 11 days | 5-6-1878 | 5-8-1878 | Daughter of Santa Cruz Estrada & Cecilia Lucero |
Estrada | Juan | 1 yr 2 mos 3 days | 6-26-1874 | 6-27-1874 | Legit son of Teofilo Estrada & Martina Provencio |
Estrada | Luis | 18 mos | 7-8-1891 | 7-8-1891 | Born:San Elizario |
Estrada | Maria Felic Salome | 6 mos | 8-2-1895 | 8-3-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Estrada | Maria Josefa | 1 yr 4 mos | 8-6-1869 | 8-7-1869 | Parva-daughter of Jesus Estrada & Merced Padilla |
Estrada | Miguel | 4 mos | 9-26-1876 | 9-27-1876 | Parvulo-legit son of Rosalio Estrada & Silveria Tellez from Socorro |
Estrada | Monica | 52 yrs | 11-3-1897 | 11-4-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Estrada | Petra | 1 yr | 8-20-1893 | 8-20-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Toothache |
Estrada | Santa Cruz | 50 yrs | 5-20-1897 | 5-21-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Dropsy, Administered, Cemeterio Extra Pagum |
Estrada | Tomas | 3 mos | 5-25-1892 | 5-25-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Weakness |
Fernandez | Maria Nazaria | 7 yrs | 7-2-1861 | 7-3-1861 | Legit daughter of Alvino Fernandez & Joanna Archuleta |
Flores | Isabel | 75 yrs | 8-18-1891 | 8-15-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, DARS |
Flores | Jesus | 85 yrs | 4-5-1892 | 4-5-1892 | Born:Carrestas, Chihuahua, ildropsy, C.C.U.U. |
Flores | Pablo 1 | 20 yrs | 2-25-1869 | 3-1-1869 | Celive-Unmarried son of Juan Flores & Diega Madrid (deceased) from Galiana |
Flores | Pablo 2 | 20 yrs | 2-25-1869 | 3-1-1869 | Died unfortunately in Aguila, brought to San Elizario |
Flores | Tomas | 15 mos | 4-28-1868 | 4-29-1868 | Parvo-child of Juana Flores |
Ford | Juan | 9 mos | 11-2-1879 | 11-3-1879 | Son of Juan Ford & Santos Casarez |
Freques | Maria Ancesparian | 40 days | 6-22-1846 | 6-23-1846 | Married to Jose Concepcion Lujan. No children, # 11 |
Fresquez | Jose Isidoro Bonafacio | 1 mon | 6-15-1860 | 6-16-1860 | Natural son of Joanna Fresquez |
Fresquez | Josefa | 18 mos | 9-29-1867 | 10-1-1867 | Parva-child of Jose Maria Fresquez & Remedios Ortiz |
Fresquez | Regina | 50 yrs | 5-28-1868 | 5-30-1868 | Widow of Gorgonio Gandara, Confessed & rec'd Extreme Uncion |
Frigalva | Seferina | 11 mos | 7-19-1895 | 7-20-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Fuentes | Guadalupe | 35 yrs | 9-16-1872 | 9-17-1872 | Marido-Husband of Josefa Rubianes from Chihuahua. DARS |
Gabaldon | Maria de la Luz | 3 mos | 5-21-1887 | 5-22-1887 | Legitimate daughter of Francisco Gabaldon & Agustina Cedillos |
Galaza | Isabel | 80 yrs | 3-2-1892 | 3-2-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Paralysis |
Galindo | Felipa | 40 yrs | 5-10-1869 | 5-11-1869 | Celive-unmarr dau of RamonGalindo&LoretaSierra from BacadeguacheSonoraDARS |
Gandara | Alejandra | 9 mos | 6-2-1895 | 6-3-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Non Alex, Sed Rosa |
Gandara | Antonio | 3 mos | 7-19-1870 | 7-20-1870 | Parvo-son of Francisco Gandara & Tranquilina Ramirez |
Gandara | Damasio | 9 days | 10-1-1893 | 10-2-1893 | Born:San Elizario |
Gandara | Elzeario | 3 yrs | 10-21-1899 | 10-22-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Cough, Priest M.Fernandez, S.J. |
Gandara | Gregoria | 40 yrs | 8-16-1871 | 8-18-1871 | Widow of Concepcion Mese. DARS |
Gandara | Joaquin | 2 yrs 6 mos | 6-24-1872 | 6-25-1872 | Parvo-son of Macedonio Gandara & Juliana Bustillos |
Gandara | Jose De La Luz | 87 yrs | 9-5-1872 | 9-7-1872 | Widower of Maria Cartagena. DARS |
Gandara | Jose | 1 day | 6-16-1848 | 6-17-1848 | Parbulo-Legit son of Bautisto Gandara & Ynes Albarado # 114 |
Gandara | Jose | 2 days | 7-28-1882 | 7-29-1882 | Son of Teresa Gandara |
Gandara | Juana | 1 yr 10 mos | 4-9-1876 | 4-11-1876 | Child-legit daughter of Macedonio Gandara & Juliana Bustillos |
Gandara | Lazaro | 2 yrs | 12-22-1896 | 12-23-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Gandara | Maria del Refugio | 15 yrs | 7-3-1888 | 7-4-1888 | Daughter of Eulalia Gandara |
Gandara | Maria Guadalupe | ? | 7-21-1852 | 7-22-1852 | Woman of Locario Loya from Guadalupe. Mass & Burial with body present.DARS |
Gandara | Maria Juana | 8 mos | 10-30-1848 | 10-30-1848 | Parvula-daughter of Maria Parra Gandara # 130 |
Gandara | Maria | ? | 3-12-1853 | 3-14-1853 | Widow of Lorenzo Ortiz. DARS |
Gandara | Pablo | 1 mon | 4-13-1885 | 4-14-1885 | Legit son of Andres Gandara & Regina Pacheco |
Gandara | Pablo | 18 yrs | 7-12-1881 | 7-13-1881 | Son of Francisco Gandara & Tranquilina Ramires. DARS |
Gandara | Teresa de Urtiaga | 25 yrs | 12-19-1890 | 12-19-1890 | Born:Guadalupe,Mexico, Consumption, DARS |
Gandara | Zacario | 8 mos | 10-27-1879 | 10-28-1879 | Son of Eulalia Gandara |
Gandaras | Maria Juana | 45 yrs | 11-16-1878 | 11-18-1878 | Wife of Dolores Apodaca.Rec'd some sacraments, illness & time prevented all sacra. |
Garcia | Agripina | 9 mos 9 days | 8-22-1876 | 8-23-1876 | Legit daughter of Jesus Garcia & Apolina Zuniga |
Garcia | Angel | 16 days | 11-11-1876 | 11-13-1876 | Legit son of Antonino Garcia & Catarina Lujan |
Garcia | Antonio | 3 mos | 5-1-1867 | 5-2-1867 | Parvo-child of Vidal Garcia & Refugia Alderete |
Garcia | Baby Boy | 1 day | 3-2-1869 | 3-3-1869 | Parvo-son of Tomas Garcia & Angela Montes.Baptised by aunt, Francisca Montes |
Garcia | Baby Girl | 1 day | 1-15-1872 | 1-16-1872 | Parvulita-dau of Carlos Garcia & Marina Montes. Baptized by aunt Catarina Alderete |
Garcia | Bernarda | 3 yrs | 4-15-1889 | 4-15-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria |
Garcia | Carmen | 1 yr 11 mos | 12-13-1879 | 12-13-1879 | Daughter of Gregorio N. Garcia & Lorenza Maese |
Garcia | Eduvina | 9 yrs | 4-13-1889 | 4-13-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria, DARS |
Garcia | Eliodoro | 3 mos 13 days | 10-15-1879 | 10-16-1879 | Son of Gregonio N. Garcia & Ramona Sanchez |
Garcia | Elzeario | 4 mos 15 days | 9-21-1867 | 9-22-1867 | Parvo-son of Tomas Garcia & Angela Montes |
Garcia | Elzrario | 2 yrs 10 mos | 11-17-1879 | 11-18-1879 | Son of Secundino Garcia & Gorginia Alderete |
Garcia | Federico | 15 yrs 2 mos | 5-6-1885 | 5-7-1885 | Legit son of Tomas Garcia & Angela Montes |
Garcia | Francisca | 20 yrs | 3-27-1860 | 3-28-1860 | Wife of Porfirio Garcia, DARS |
Garcia | Gregorio Naranceno | 3 mos | 10-19-1856 | 10-20-1856 | Parvulo-son of Porfirio Garcia & Francisca Garcia |
Garcia | Gregorio | 79 yrs 7 mos | 10-7-1898 | 10-8-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Bladder, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Garcia | Guadalupe | 18 yrs | 3-22-1893 | 3-22-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, C.C.U.U. |
Garcia | Isabel | 8 mos | 3-28-1892 | 3-28-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Garcia | Jesus | 2 mos | 4-27-1886 | 4-28-1886 | Legitimate son of Porfirio Garcia & Ambrosia Borrego |
Garcia | Josefa | ? | 3-27-1854 | 3-28-1854 | Mujer-woman of Felix Medina. No sacraments. |
Garcia | Josefa | 1 yr 4 mos | 7-17-1872 | 7-18-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Camila Garcia |
Garcia | Josefa | 2 yrs | 10-17-1867 | 10-19-1867 | Parva-daughter of Francisco Garcia & Leandra Varela |
Garcia | Maria | 5 yrs 9 mos | 11-25-1888 | 11-26-1888 | Daughter of Porfirio Garcia & Ambrosia Borego |
Garcia | Martin | 5 mos | 8-27-1882 | 8-28-1882 | Legit son of Gregorio Nazeanceno Garcia & Lorenza Maese |
Garcia | Martiniano | 9 mos | 11-10-1889 | 11-10-1889 | Born:San Elizario |
Garcia | Maxima | 14 mos | 11-24-1899 | 11-25-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Garcia | Maximo | 14 mos | Nov-29th-1899 | 11-29-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Priest M. Fernandez, S.J. |
Garcia | Maximo | 48 yrs | 5-30-1898 | 5-31-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Extra Pagum |
Garcia | Micaela | 44 yrs | 12-16-1853 | 12-17-1853 | Celivata-dau of Pedro & Ana Josefa Olguin, Priest Absent, confessed before Mary |
Garcia | Patricio | 1 yr | 7-9-1891 | 7-9-1891 | Born:San Elizario |
Garcia | Patricio | 6 mos | 8-26-1893 | 8-27-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Garcia | Porfirio | 67 yrs | 12-3-1898 | 12-4-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Brights Disease, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Garcia | Porphirio | 7 yrs | 11-25-1888 | 11-26-1888 | Son of Porphirio Garcia & Ambrosia Borego |
Garcia | Refugio | ? | 5-22-1858 | 5-22-1858 | Wife of Pedro Gandara DARS |
Garcia | Santiaga | 10 days | 7-29-1858 | 8-1-1858 | Parvula-daughter of Idlefonsa Garcia |
Garcia | Santiaga | 80 yrs | 10-23-1887 | 10-24-1887 | |
Garcia | Vidal | 66 yrs | 5-19-1896 | 5-20-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Idropesia (Dropsy), Prope Ecc., DARS |
Gevara | Jose Catarino | 11 mos | 3-14-1847 | 3-15-1847 | Parvulo-legit son of Felipe Gevara & Facunda Pena, # 44 |
Gimenez | Habraama | ? | 11-19-1871 | 11-21-1871 | Parvula-daughter of Manuel ? Gimenez & Juliana Ortiz |
Giron | Celsa | 3 mos | 8-19-1882 | 8-20-1882 | Legit daughter of Gaspar Giron & Tomasa Gutierres |
Giron | Mariana | 40 days | 9-2-1883 | 9-3-1883 | |
Glorietera ? | Maria Matilde | ? | 10-17-1846 | 10-18-1846 | Widow of Jose Maria Guadiano, Left one son, Died of Ulcer in "Utez", DARS, # 28 |
Gomes | Claudio | ? | 7-?-1848 | 7-6-1848 | Man/Dead/stabbed/head wounds/dumped by puddle next to White Mt. (Loma Blanca) #117 |
Gomes | Jacinto | ? | 2-19-1846 | 2-20-1846 | Adult, Husband of Maria Ortega, had 5 children-boys & 1 girl, DARS, # 1 |
Gomez | Alvino | 75yrs | 9-14-1867 | 9-15-1867 | Widow of first marriage to Dolores Alvidres. Confessed |
Gomez | Andres | 5 yrs | 7-1-1861 | 7-1-1861 | Legit son of Lorenzo Gomez & Candelaria Lujan |
Gomez | Atanasio | 2 yrs | 11-11-1886 | 11-12-1886 | Legitimate son of Atanacio Gomes & Adelaida Apodaca |
Gomez | Cisto | 45 yrs | 4-4-1881 | 4-6-1881 | Husband of Leona Valencia. No time for all sacraments due to illness. |
Gomez | Delfina | 1 yr | 6-1-1888 | 6-1-1888 | Daughter of Atanacio Gomez & Adelaida Apodaca |
Gomez | Delfina | 5 yrs | 8-7-1894 | 8-8-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Anjina |
Gomez | Federico | 1 mon | 9-5-1884 | 9-6-1884 | |
Gomez | Feliz | 25 yrs | 2-9-1874 | 2-10-1874 | Parvo-son of Albino Gomez & Petra Caballero |
Gomez | Francisco | ? | 6-6-1856 | 6-7-1856 | Widow of Blasa Munoz DARS |
Gomez | George | 22 days | 5-15-1886 | 5-16-1886 | |
Gomez | Ignes | ? | 5-3-1852 | 5-4-1852 | Woman of Francisco Vargas. No sacraments due to not called. Had burial with mass. |
Gomez | Joanna | 18 yrs | 5-17-1891 | 5-17-1891 | Born:San Elizario, General Debility, DARS |
Gomez | Juan | 1 mon | 1-4-1899 | 1-4-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Gomez | Juana | 1 yr | 6-19-1896 | 6-20-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Gomez | Justo | 60 yrs | 6-13-1889 | 6-13-1889 | Born:San Elizario,Pleuresy,DARS |
Gomez | Lorenzo | 70 yrs | 6-7-1899 | 6-8-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Extra Pagum, OK |
Gomez | Ma del Carmen | 1yr 6 mos | 12-12-1879 | 12-13-1879 | Daughter of Sisto Gomez & Leona Valencia |
Gomez | Maria de Dolores | 16 yrs | 9-21-1861 | 9-22-1861 | Legit daughter of Alejandro Gomez & Maria Antonia Molina DARS |
Gomez | Maria Luisa | 2 mos | 9-8-1854 | 9-9-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Lorenzo Gomez & Candelaria Lujan |
Gomez | Nazario | 65 yrs | 1-31-1890 | 1-31-1890 | Paralysis |
Gomez | Pascual | 10 mos | 5-3-1899 | May-4th-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Gomez | Reyes | 20 yrs | 5-11-1872 | 5-13-1872 | Celive-unmarried daughter of Lorenzo Gomes & Candelaria Lujan |
Gomez | Rosalia | 12 yrs | 2-9-1854 | 2-10-1854 | Soltera-unmarried dau of Rafael Gomez & Petra Perez. No time for rites |
Gomez | Rosenda | 27 yrs | 7-7-1884 | 7-8-1884 | Legit daughter of Lorenzo Gomez & Maria Candelaria Lujan |
Gonsalez | Arcadia | 3 mos | 10-2-1892 | 10-2-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Diarrhea, C.C.U.U. |
Gonsalez | Tomas | 80 yrs | 1-19-1892 | 1-19-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Killed, C.C.U.U. |
Gonza | Dolores | 24 yrs | 8-15-1846 | 8-16-1846 | Single adult, (last name could be Gonzalez) dau of Balentina Gonzalez # 19 |
Gonzales | Francisca | 10 mos | 11-29-1887 | 11-30-1887 | Legitimate daughter of Felipe Gonzales & Guadalupe Gonzales |
Gonzales | Jose Rosingo | 1 yr 2 mos | 5-14-1860 | 5-15-1860 | Legit son of Tomas Gonzales & Anastasia Lucero |
Gonzales | Macario | 42 days | 4-20-1860 | 4-21-1860 | Legit son of Jesus Gonzales & Leona Olguin |
Gonzales | Maria Antonia | 65 yrs | 3-19-1889 | 3-19-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Asthma, DARS |
Gonzales | Paubla | 4 yrs | 4-19-1860 | 4-20-1860 | Legit daughter of Jesus Gonzales & Leona Olguin |
Gonzales | Rafaela | 1 yrs 7 mos | 8-25-1858 | 8-26-1858 | Parvula-daughter of Tomas Gonzales & Anastacia Lucero |
Gonzalez | Andrea | 62 yrs | 12-8-1888 | 12-9-1888 | Wife of ? Gomez |
Gonzalez | Avelina | 12 yrs | 11-2-1888 | 11-3-1888 | Daughter of Tomas Gonzalez & Anastasia Lucero |
Gonzalez | Baldasar | 14 yrs | 6-20-1888 | 6-21-1888 | Son of Maximiliano Gonzalez & Natividad Rodriguez |
Gonzalez | Cecilia | 5 mos | 4-15-1879 | 4-17-1879 | Daughter of Santos Gonzalez & Virginia Albidrez |
Gonzalez | Cruz | 23 yrs | 3-6-1886 | 3-7-1886 | Wife of Antonio Ribera |
Gonzalez | Eduviges | ? | 5-6-1858 | 5-7-1858 | Woman of Felix Medina. No rites due to not called. |
Gonzalez | Francisco | 2 mos 8 days | 2-28-1862 | 3-1-1862 | Natural son of Dolores Gonzalez |
Gonzalez | Genoveva | 50 yrs | 2-21-1899 | 2-22-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Dispepsia, Priest not called, Extra Pagum |
Gonzalez | Gregorio | ? | 5-25-1877 | 5-26-1877 | Parvulo-legit son of Tomas Gonzalez & Eusebia Provencio |
Gonzalez | Isabel | 2 yrs | 4-5-1876 | 4-7-1876 | Child-natural daughter of Juana Gonzalez |
Gonzalez | Jose Victoriano | 1 yr | 5-26-1853 | 5-29-1853 | Parvulo-son of Tomas Gonzalez & Anastasia Lucero |
Gonzalez | Jose | 1 mon | 12-27-1879 | 12-28-1879 | Son of Tomas Gonzalez |
Gonzalez | Jose | 15 mos | 6-10-1868 | 6-11-1868 | Parvo-child of Tomas Gonzalez & Anastasia Lucero |
Gonzalez | Jose | 4 mos | 9-8-1880 | 9-9-1880 | Son of Felipe Gonzalez & Guadalupe Gonzalez |
Gonzalez | Josefa | 5 mos | 4-13-1882 | 4-15-1882 | Legit daughter of George Gonzalez & Maria Apodaca |
Gonzalez | Juan Maria | 18 mos | 10-3-1846 | 10-4-1846 | Parvulo-son of Juan Gonzalez & Ma. Leona Olguin, # 24 |
Gonzalez | Juan | 1 mon. | 3-9-1882 | 3-10-1882 | Legit son of Tomas Gonzalez & Eusebia Provencio |
Gonzalez | Pablo | 2 mos | 3-25-1858 | 3-27-1858 | Parvo-son of Antonio Gonzalez & Francisca Zamora |
Gonzalez | Pedro | 22 days | 7-22-1878 | 7-23-1878 | Son of Tomas Gonzalez & Eusebia Provencio |
Gonzalez | Teofilo | 35-40 yrs | 7-27-1880 | 7-28-1880 | Husband of Anastasia Dominguez. Died after rec's sacraments |
Gonzalez | Tomas | 1 yr 4 mos | 3-7-1886 | 3-8-1886 | Legitimate son of Tomas Gonzalez & Eusebia Provencio |
Gonzalez | Tomas | 28 mos | 6-12-1872 | 6-12-1872 | Parvulo-son of Tomas Gonzalez & Anastasia Lucero |
Gonzalez | Tomas | 9 mos | 12-19-1879 | 12-20-1879 | Son of Maximiano Gonzalez & Natividad Rodriguez |
Gonzalez | Venancia | 23 yrs | 2-15-1880 | 2-17-1880 | Wife of Nicolas Olguin. Died after rec'd sacraments |
Gonzalez | Ysabel | 3 yrs | 1-21-1869 | 1-24-1869 | Parva-daughter of Dionisio Gonzalez & Vidala Lucero from El Paso |
Granillo | Delfina | 2 mos | 5-15-1856 | 5-16-1856 | Parva-daughter of Leon Granillo & Francisca Garcia |
Granillo | Georges | ? | 3-4-1862 | 3-7-1862 | SolteroLegitSon-VicenteGranillo&RosaMadridDiedInField(campo)woBenefitOfReligion |
Granillo | Maria | ? | 11-10-1848 | 11-11-1848 | Adult-widow of Santiago Hernandes. DARS # 132 |
Granillo | Pascuala | ? | 1-17-1872 | 1-17-1872 | Widow of Miguel Orrantea. Died early in the morning. DARS |
Grijalba | Jose | 8 days old | 11-22-1893 | 11-23-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Dysentery |
Grijalba | Luis | 1 yr | 8-21-1893 | 8-22-1893 | Born:San Elizario, ill Treatment |
Grijalva | Jesus | 12 yrs | 7-10-1897 | 7-11-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Angina, Extra Pagum |
Grijalva | Jose | 8 yrs | 9-14-1896 | 9-15-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Grijalva | Josefa | 40 yrs | 5-19-1894 | 5-20-1894 | Born:Guadalupe,Mexico, Pulmonia, Widow |
Grijalva | Marta | 10 yrs | 7-9-1897 | 7-10-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Angina, Cemeterio Extra Pagum |
Guadalupe | Maria | ? | 9-29-1846 | 9-30-1846 | Single adult, from Chihuahua, DARS, # 22 |
Guajardo | Blas | 1 day | 2-3-1880 | 2-9-1890 | Son of Luis Guajardo & Lorenza Biscarra |
Guajardo | Rita | 2 mos 15 days | 6-11-1883 | 6-12-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Luis Guajardo & Lorenza Biscarra |
Guerra | Alejandro | 2 yrs | 4-28-1860 | 4-29-1860 | Legit son of Lino Guerra & Claudia Sanchez |
Guerra | Antonio | 6 mos | 10-3-1896 | 10-4-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Guerra | Baltazar | 1 yr 6 mos | 11-27-1879 | 11-29-1879 | Son of Teresa Guerra |
Guerra | Francisco | 7 yrs | 2-18-1895 | 2-19-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Guerra | Gabriel | 1 hour | 1-3-1898 | 1-3-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Baptized at death, Ob Penculum Mortis |
Guerra | Guadalupe | 1 yr | 5-9-1893 | 5-10-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Drowning |
Guerra | Guadalupe | 6 mos 6 days | 6-20-1884 | 6-21-1884 | Legit daughter of Sabino Guerra & Lucia Borrego |
Guerra | Jose | 70 yrs | 4-24-1874 | 4-25-1874 | Husband of Casita (or Casilva ?) Ruedas |
Guerra | Luis | 2 yrs | 2-9-1894 | 2-11-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Tos Ferina (Whopping Cough) |
Guerra | Maria | 45 yrs | 4-7-1874 | 4-8-1874 | Wife of Jose Luz Valencia |
Guerra | Paulo | 1 yrs | 7-12-1886 | 7-13-1886 | Legitimate son of Lino Guerra & Asension Estrada |
Guerra | Pilar | 1 yr 5 mos | 7-10-1886 | 7-11-1886 | Legitimate son of Pilar Guerra & Virginia Alvidrez |
Guerra | Refugio | 21 yrs | 3-11-1898 | 3-12-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Injuries, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Guerra | Ruperto | 65 yrs | 10-30-1890 | 10-30-1890 | Born:San Elizario, General Debility, OK |
Guerra | Teofila | 1 yr 6 mos | 10-19-1884 | 10-21-1884 | Legit daughter of Bernardo Guerra & Josefa Sambrano |
Guerra | Tomasa | 15 yrs | 8-8-1897 | 8-9-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Diptheria, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Guerra | Vicente | 4 mos | 7-17-1872 | 7-18-1872 | Parvo-son of Lino Guerra & Claudia Sanchez |
Guerrer | Nabora | 38 yrs | 1-14-1859 | 1-15-1859 | Married to Jose Armas. DARS |
Guerrera | Josefa | 3 mos | 12-15-1893 | 12-15-1893 | Born:El Paso, Cough |
Guerrero | Maria Juana | ? | 7-15-1848 | 7-16-1848 | Adult-Legit dau of Jose Maria Guerrero & Nabora Palomar DARS # 118 |
Haro | Ramona de | 2 yrs | 12-14-1899 | 12-15-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Priest M. Fernandez, S. J. |
Hernandez | Andrea de | 78 yrs | 4-24-1890 | 4-24-1890 | Born:Carrisal, Old Age, DARS |
Hernandez | Maria Transito | 5 yrs | 1-6-1858 | 1-9-1858 | Parva-daughter of Jose Hernandez & Eduvigis Ortiz |
Hernandez | Patricio | 20 yrs | 4-16-1871 | 4-17-1871 | Celive-unmarried son of Jose Hernandez & Euduvigis Ortiz. |
Hernandez | Paula | 60 yrs | 8-20-1895 | 8-21-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Gangreen (cangrena) |
Hernandez | Rafael | 1 mon | 3-17-1882 | 3-18-1882 | Legit son of Gorgonio Hernandez & Francisca Gonzalez |
Hernandez | Reyes | 11 mos | 12-5-1879 | 12-6-1879 | Daughter of Patricia Hernandez |
Herrera | Manuel | ? | 4-10-1848 | 4-11-1848 | Married to MariaJosefaMontes. Left 1 son & other child postuma (dead?) DARS #100 |
Herrera | Manuela | 50 yrs | 1-23-1885 | 1-25-1885 | Wife of Justo Gomez |
Herrera | Sabrina | 27 yrs | 5-1-1899 | 5-2-1899 | Born:Chamberino, N.M., Consumption, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Herreras | Jeronima | 55 yrs | 5-18-1892 | 5-18-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Pneumonia |
Hidalgo | Thomas | 82 yrs | 12-21-1895 | 12-22-1895 | Born:Guadalupe, Senetute (Old Age), Prope Ecc. |
Hijar | Maria Estefana | ? | 12-8-1847 | 12-9-1847 | Wife of Jose Ortega, left 2 dau from 1st marriage Died of stomach ache. DARS # 79 |
Hogaz | Felicitas | 3 mos | 10-10-1879 | 10-18-1879 | Daughter of Pablo Hogaz & Ursula Guevara |
Holguin | Felipe | 36 yrs | 8-31-1896 | 9-2-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Liver, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Holguin | Juan | 1 yr 6 mos | 6-28-1872 | 6-29-1872 | Parvulo-child of Sereviano Holguin & Catarina Gomez |
Jaramillo | Antonia | 2 yrs | 7-2-1884 | 7-3-1884 | Legitimate daughter of Manuel Jaramillo |
Jaramillo | Concepcion | 23 yrs | 6-12-1882 | 6-13-1882 | Legit daughter of Eustaquio Jaramillo & Teodora Lucero |
Jaramillo | Dulces Nombres | 14 yrs | 3-3-1895 | 3-4-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Suddenly (repentinamente) |
Jaramillo | Juan | 3 days | 2-28-1886 | 3-1-1886 | Legitimate son of Manuel Jaramillo & Isabel Lara |
Jaramillo | Maria Juliana | 1 day | 6-19-1879 | 6-20-1879 | Daughter of Manuel Jaramillo & Isabel Lara |
Juares | Jose de Jesus | 2 yrs | 11-4-1847 | 11-5-1847 | Parvulo-legit son of Julian Juares & Agapina Parra? # 74 |
Juarez | Jose | 15 days | 5-15-1882 | 5-16-1882 | Legit son of Pedro Juarez & Angela Parra |
Jurado | Gabriel | 4 mos | 7-28-1882 | 7-29-1882 | Legit son of Basilio Jurado & Dominga Guerra |
Jurado | Jose 1 | 70 yrs | 4-9-1855 | 4-10-1855 | Celibato-son of Jose Cristoval Maese & Juana Jurado DARS Left money for church |
Jurado | Jose 2 | 70 yrs | 4-9-1855 | 4-10-1855 | & souls. Witnesses:Telesforo Montes,Martin Zambrano,Cipriano Alderete, Juan Ruiz |
Jurado | Jose 3 | 70 yrs | 4-9-1855 | 4-10-1855 | Santos Ruibal, Tomas Maese & Pedro Cisneros. Left as "cumplidor" Clemente Perez |
Jurado | Manuel | ? | 7-25-1856 | 7-26-1856 | Husband of 2nd marriage Maria Zambrano. Died after confessing. |
Jurado | Maria de los Dolores | ? | 9-25-1891 | 9-25-1891 | Born:San Elizario |
Jurado | Miguel | 1 yr 1 mon | 6-13-1882 | 6-14-1882 | Legit son of Andres Jurado & Rosalia Olguin |
Kelly | Magy Joanne | 1 yr 2 mos | 8-19-1883 | 8-20-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Martin Kelly & Mary Hekens |
Kelly | Maria Ana | 37 yrs | 7-21-1888 | 7-22-1888 | Wife of Martin Kelly |
Kohlhaas | Jose | 8 yrs | 1-15-1869 | 1-16-1869 | Celive-Unmarried son of Nicolas Kohlhaas & Manuela Chavez |
Lafayette | Adelaida | 1 yr | 6-23-1878 | 6-24-1878 | Daughter of Faustina Lafayette |
Lara | Delubina | 6 yrs | 11-30-1899 | 12-1-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Sarampion, dau of Isabel Lara, Priest M. Fernandez, S. J. |
Lara | Isabel | 21 yrs | 5-26-1895 | 5-27-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Childbirth, Sed In Loco Non Benedicto |
Lara | Jose | ? | 5-30-1848 | 5-31-1848 | Adult-marr to Maria Felipa Cadiz. Left 1 daughter. Rec'd some sacraments # 113 |
Lara | Nasianceno | 4 mos | 10-1-1892 | 10-1-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Lara | Ramon | 1 yr 6 mos | 11-21-1896 | 11-22-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Lara | Refugio | 7 yrs | 8-13-1898 | 8-14-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria, Extra Pagum |
Lara | Thomasa | 42 yrs | 1-28-1896 | 1-29-1896 | Born:Guadalupe, Childbirth, morte repentina (sudden death), no sacram., Prope Ecc. |
Larazolo | Anna | 3 yrs 5 mos | 2-21-1892 | 2-21-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption |
Larrazolo | Genaro | 41 yrs | 1-15-1888 | 1-15-1888 | Legit son of Octaviano Larrozolo & Refugio Olivos |
Larrazolo | Maria Ana | 6 mos 15 days | 10-29-1887 | 10-30-1887 | Legitimate daughter of Octaviano Larrazolo & Rosalia Cobos |
Lebreton | Alberto | 3 yrs | 5-15-1894 | 5-15-1894 | Born:El Paso, Debilidad |
Lebreton | Elias A. | 17 yrs | 9-29-1891 | 9-29-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Lebreton | Mariano Francois | 6 mos | 10-18-1890 | 10-18-1890 | Born:El Paso, Infammation of the bowels |
Ledesma | Dolores | 7 yrs | 1-9-1856 | 1-10-1856 | Parvula-daughter of Torbia Ledesma |
Ledesma | Iginia | 26 yrs | 10-12-1887 | 10-13-1887 | Wife of Cristobal Medina |
Ledesma | Jesus | 45 yrs | 10-1-1876 | 10-2-1876 | Wife of Eustagnio (or Eustaynio) Montoya from Guadalupe. DARS |
Ledesma | Manuel | 1 yr 7 mos | 8-25-1878 | 8-27-1878 | Son of Juan Ledesma & Estefana Estrada |
Ledesma | Melquiades | 19 yrs | 9-27-1868 | 9-28-1868 | Celive son of Jose Maria Ledesma&Desideria Olguin from Socorro Unfortunate death |
Ledesma | Pilar | 9 mos | 5-9-1899 | 5-10-1898 | Born:Socorro, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Ledesma | Toribia | 70 yrs | 5-16-1896 | 5-17-1896 | Born:Carrizal, Consumption, DARS, Prope Ecc. |
Lerma | Felix | 29 yrs | 5-5-1872 | 5-6-1872 | Celive-son of Felix Lerma & Valentina Estrada |
Lerma | Jacinto | 3 mos | 10-17-1852 | 10-18-1852 | Parvulo-son of Maria de Jesus Lerma.Priest not present.Buried in area of old church. |
Lerma | Jesusa Maria | 30 yrs | 9-5-1852 | 9-7-1852 | Celibata-dau of Jose&BartolaLeyva from PresidioDelNorte.Burial&Mass w body present DARS |
Lopes | Jose Crisostamo | 4 days | 1-31-1847 | 2-1-1847 | Parvulo-legit son of Agustin Lopes & Silveria Pena, # 40 |
Lopes | Maria Ana | 40 yrs | 12-26-1846 | 12-27-1846 | Single Adult-Alias-Estrada, died from the Cold (Los Frios), DARS, # 35 |
Lopes | Maria Guadalupe | ? | 7-8-1847 | 7-9-1857 | Married & widow of Manuel Sambrano, no children. DARS # 64 |
Lopez | Agapita | ? | 12-17-1870 | 12-19-1870 | Mujer-woman of Francisco Sanchez. Died suddenly. |
Lopez | Braulio | 38 yrs | 6-1-1885 | 6-2-1885 | Husband of Guadalupe Lopez |
Lopez | Concepcion | 1 yr | 9-23-1879 | 9-24-1879 | Parvula-daughter of Braulio Lopez & Guadalupe Lopez |
Lopez | Eduviges | 25 yrs | 3-21-1860 | 3-22-1860 | Husband of Valentina Archuleta, DARS |
Lopez | Gregorio | 21 yrs | 9-8-1859 | 9-9-1859 | Husband of Manuela Ribeyra |
Lopez | Guadalupe | 65 yrs | 1-1-1889 | 1-1-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Debility, DARS |
Lopez | Jenovefa | 3 mos 9 days | 4-12-1860 | 4-13-1860 | Natural daughter of Casimira Lopez |
Lopez | Jose | 16 days | 8-9-1884 | 8-10-1884 | Legit son of Braulio Lopez & Guadalupe Lopez |
Lopez | Josefa | 1 yr | 6-4-1872 | 6-6-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Casimira Lopez |
Lopez | Luciano | 2 yrs 1 mon | 12-23-1876 | 12-24-1876 | Parvulo-Legit son of Braulio Lopez & Guadalupe Lopez |
Lopez | Luisa | 8 mos | 7-7-1854 | 7-8-1854 | Parva-daughter of Casimira Lopez |
Lopez | Magdalena | 2 yrs 6 mos | 9-28-1868 | 9-30-1868 | Parva-daughter of Casimira Lopez |
Lopez | Manuel | 25 yrs | 6-30-1877 | 7-1-1877 | Soltero (single) son of Pedro Lopez & Jesusa Bustillos. DARS |
Lopez | Maria Florentina | 6 mos | 3-15-1847 | 3-16-1847 | Parvula-daughter of Guadalupe Lopez, # 47 |
Lopez | Maria Guadalupe | 2 days | 12-30-1846 | 12-31-1846 | Parvula-daughter of Luz de Jesus Lopez & Dolores Lujan, # 36 |
Lopez | Maria Guadalupe | 7 mos | 5-23-1869 | 5-24-1869 | Parvula-daughter of Guadalupe Lopez & Pilar Gandara |
Lopez | Paula | 44 yrs | 1-11-1895 | 1-12-1895 | Born:Juarez,Mexico, Fever, woman of Jesus Maria Olguin |
Lopez | Pedro | 50 yrs | 11-7-1872 | 11-8-1872 | Marido-Husband of Jesusa Bustillos. DARS |
Lopez | Ventura | 92 yrs | 6-21-1884 | 6-22-1884 | Husband of Guadalupe Alderete |
Lovato | Maria Tomasa | 3 mos | 4-1-1876 | 4-2-1876 | Child-legit daughter of Gregorio Lovato & Refugio Chavarria |
Loya | Abato | 10 mos | 6-18-1897 | 6-19-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Loya | Alcario | 72 yrs | 8-6-1889 | 8-6-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Debility, DARS |
Loya | Antonio | 60 yrs | 5-11-1860 | 5-12-1860 | Husband of Gregoria Ramirez |
Loya | Baby Boys (Twins) | 1 day | 4-17-1852 | 4-18-1852 | Parvulos-of GuadalupeGandara&LocarioLoya fromGuadalupeBaptizeJosefaAlvarado |
Loya | Crisantos | 22 yrs | 4-26-1846 | 4-27-1846 | Single, son of Jose Antonio Loya & Maria Gregoria Ramirez, # 8 |
Loya | Elzeario | 3 mos | 10-1-1861 | 10-2-1861 | Legit son of Arcadio Loya & Loreta Montes |
Loya | Florencia | 1 yr | 7-11-1882 | 7-16-1882 | Legit daughter of Antonio Loya & Guadalupe Estrada |
Loya | Francisco | 1 day | 10-10-1885 | 10-11-1885 | Legitimate son of Diego Loya & Desideria Baldonado.Died at birth. |
Loya | Francisco | 22 days | 2-15-1880 | 2-17-1880 | Son of Juan Loya & Eulalia Baldonado |
Loya | Guadalupe | 12 days | 6-10-1877 | 6-10-1877 | Daughter of Diego Loya & Desidera Baldonado |
Loya | Iginio | 33 yrs | 8-18-1879 | 8-20-1879 | Husband of Matilde Marrufo. Died without sacraments. |
Loya | Jacoba de | 28 yrs | 12-21-1894 | 12-22-1894 | Born:Andama, Childbirth, Woman of Ipolito Rodriguez |
Loya | Jeronima | 9 yrs | 9-6-1861 | 9-7-1861 | Legit daughter of Arcadio Loya & Loreta Montes. Died suddenly |
Loya | Locario | 65 yrs | 8-4-1876 | 8-5-1876 | Widower of Guadalupe Gandara. DARS |
Loya | Loreto | 1yr 11 mos | 10-28-1879 | 10-29-1879 | Daughter of Gabino Lopez & Castula Escageda |
Loya | Manuela | 1 yr 4 mos | 7-30-1885 | 7-31-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Fernando Loya & Dolores Cazares |
Loya | Manuela | 60 yr | 8-13-1880 | 8-14-1880 | Wife of Jose Maria Berru. Died suddenly without time for sacraments. |
Loya | Maria Candelaria 1 | ? | 2-11-1847 | 2-12-1847 | Legit dau of Leocadio Loya & Guadalupe Gandara, dedicated on 12th of each month |
Loya | Maria Candelaria 2 | ? | 2-11-1847 | 2-12-1847 | to communion (comulgas), burned alive-martyred ("martiz") # 41 |
Loya | Maria Diega | 2 yrs | 8-23-1847 | 8-24-1847 | Parvula-Legit daughter of Arcadio Loya & Loreta Motes # 69 |
Loya | Maria | 6 yrs | 8-21-1886 | 8-22-1886 | Legitimate daugher of Diego Loya & Desideria Maldonado |
Loya | Narcisa | 1 yr 1 mon | 12-5-1879 | 12-6-1879 | Daughter of Diego Loya & Desidera Baldonado |
Loya | Preciliana | 40 yrs | 7-9-1892 | 7-9-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Sudden Death |
Loya | Refugio | 1 yr | 7-25-1885 | 7-26-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Gabino Loya & Carlota Escajeda |
Loya | Saturnino | ? | 5-8-1848 | 5-9-1848 | Adult-married to Maria Apolonia Bustillos. Left 1 son, 1 daughter # 106 |
Loyaz | Felicitas | 3 mos | 10-10-1879 | 10-12-1879 | Daughter of Pablo Loyaz & Ursula Luevario |
Lozana | Maria | 25 yrs | 2-16-1891 | 2-16-1891 | Born:Concordia, Tx, Childbirth |
Lucero | Alberto | ? | 5-6-1893 | 5-7-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Pneumonia |
Lucero | Alberto | 3 yrs 6 mos | 9-12-1897 | 9-12-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Diptheria, Extra Pagum |
Lucero | Anastasia | 53 yrs | 8-26-1894 | 8-27-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Pulmonia |
Lucero | Concepcion | 55 yrs | 5-28-1895 | 5-29-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Colico (colic) |
Lucero | Gabriela | 43 yrs 10 mos | 1-8-1877 | 1-10-1877 | Wife of Porfirio Garcia. DARS |
Lucero | Gregorio | ? | 12-26-1870 | 12-28-1870 | Widower of Juana Trugillo. DARS |
Lucero | Hermenegilda | 1 yr | 5-27-1854 | 5-28-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Panfilo Lucero & Josefa Montes |
Lucero | Hilario | 2 yrs | 9-8-1852 | 9-10-1852 | Parvula-son of Panfilo Lucero & Josefa Montes from Guadalupe |
Lucero | Jesus | 1 yr 3 mos | 9-6-1897 | 9-7-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Lucero | Josefa | 5 yrs | 4-10-1886 | 4-11-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Ponciano Lucero & Guadalupe Barela |
Lucero | Juan | 1 mon | 7-14-1890 | 7-14-1890 | Born:San Elizario, xxx |
Lucero | Julian | 2 yrs | 3-14-1857 | 3-14-1857 | Parvo-son of Panfila Lucero,previously from El Paso |
Lucero | Juliana | 15 yrs | 2-19-1875 | 2-20-1875 | Wife of Zacarias Albillar |
Lucero | Magdalena | 3 mos | 9-24-1861 | 9-25-1861 | Natural daughter of Concepcion Lucero |
Lucero | Maria Concepcion | 8 mos | 8-7-1858 | 8-8-1858 | Parvulita-Legit daughter of Teodoso Lucero & Maria Senobia Varela |
Lucero | Maria | 1 yr | 4-23-1881 | 4-25-1881 | Daughter of Jacinto Lucero & Crescencia Parada |
Lucero | Maria | 2 yrs | 5-12-1888 | 5-13-1888 | Daughter of Federico Lucero & Refugio Perez |
Lucero | Neponuceno | 23 yrs | 7-2-1886 | 7-3-1886 | Husband of Guadalupe Barela |
Lucero | Paula | 42 yrs | 11-5-1887 | 11-6-1887 | |
Lucero | Rita | 45 yrs | 12-31-1899 | Jan-1st-1900 | Born:San Elizario, Pneumonia, not called on time, Priest M. Fernandez, S. J. |
Lucero | Teodora de Oporto | 64 yrs | 5-25-1896 | 5-26-1896 | Born:San Elizario, consumption, Prope Ecc., DARS |
Lucero | Valentino | 20 yrs | 5-25-1878 | 5-26-1878 | Son of Concepcion Lucero. Died from accident, no sacraments. |
Lucero | Vicente | 65 yrs | 3-10-1879 | 3-11-1879 | Husband of Josefa Olguin. Rec'd some sacraments, no time for communion. |
Lujan | Agripina | 35 yrs | 6-30-1891 | 6-30-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Liver Disease, DARS |
Lujan | Agripina | 84 yrs | 4-10-1886 | 4-11-1886 | |
Lujan | Antonio Lucas | 1 yr 6 mos | 6-2-1855 | 6-3-1855 | Parvulito-son of Tomasa Lujan |
Lujan | Candelaria | 55 yrs | 9-19-1889 | 9-19-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, DARS |
Lujan | Cecilio | 2 yrs | 9-14-1855 | 9-15-1855 | Parvulo-son of Polonio Lujan & Juliana Ribera |
Lujan | Dolores | 4 yrs | 8-4-1885 | 8-5-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Mauro Lujan & Dolores Saens |
Lujan | Doroteo | 60 yrs | 1-18-1857 | 1-19-1857 | Widower of first marriage Maria Daria Varela from Socorro. Confessed. |
Lujan | Gildargo | 9 mos 5 days | 11-13-1879 | 11-14-1879 | Son of Juan Lujan & Bersabe Cuaron |
Lujan | Hipolito | ? | 1-30-1856 | 1-31-1856 | Widower of Josefa Enriquez SomeSacra.Earlier,Couldn'tTalk,Didn'tRecognizeAnyone |
Lujan | Jesus 1 | 61 yrs | 5-9-1871 | 5-11-1871 | Widower of Apolonia Trujillo, Died after going to El Paso to get well (a curarse) |
Lujan | Jesus 2 | 61 yrs | 5-9-1871 | 5-11-1871 | No sacraments but had confessed and rec'd communion 8 days earlier |
Lujan | Josefina | 1 yr | 2-11-1887 | 2-12-1887 | Legitimate daughter of Mauro Lujan & Dolores Zubia |
Lujan | Macedonia | 75 yrs | 12-6-1899 | 12-7-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Paralisis, Administered, Priest M. Fernandez, S. J. |
Lujan | Marcelo | 22 yrs | 1-13-1869 | 1-14-1869 | Celive-unmarried son of Jose Lujan & Maria Angela Sanchez. DARS |
Lujan | Maria Ana | 5 yrs 6 mos | 9-14-1872 | 9-16-1872 | Parva-child of Mauro Lujan & Maria Dolores Lucero |
Lujan | Maria de la Luz | 17 days | 7-20-1888 | 7-20-1888 | Daughter of Juan Lujan & Bersabe Cuaron |
Lujan | Maria Dionicia | ? | 10-11-1846 | 10-12-1846 | Single adult, dau of Cairldo ? Lujan & Maria Nieves Guerra, DARS, # 25 |
Lujan | Maria Dolores 1 | ? | 12-31-1846 | 1-1-1847 | Adult-Married to Juan Lopes, Died from the Cold & Furious Anguish (Ansia Furiosa), |
Lujan | Maria Dolores 2 | ? | 12-31-1846 | 1-1-1847 | left 2 sons, no sacraments but 4 days before had confessed & taken communion # 37 |
Lujan | Maria Dolores | 35 yrs | 8-18-1880 | 8-19-1880 | Wife of Martin Alarcon DARS |
Lujan | Maria Florentina | 15 yrs | 3-1-1846 | 3-1-1846 | AdultLegitDauOfJoseLujan&MariaDeLosAngelaSanches, childbirth?,DARS 3daysB4Death,# 2 |
Lujan | Maria Francisca | 9 mos | 12-15-1847 | 12-16-1847 | Parvula-daughter of Benita Lujan # 80 |
Lujan | Maria Josefina | 2 yrs 2 mos | 8-22-1885 | 8-23-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Mauro Lujan & Dolores Saens |
Lujan | Maria Juana | 22 yrs | 5-5-1867 | 5-6-1867 | Woman of Monico Sanchez. DARS |
Lujan | Maria Teodora | 9 mos | 10-13-1861 | 10-14-1861 | Legit daughter of Juan Lujan & Maria Luisa Archibec ? (Archuleta?) |
Lujan | Maria | 28 days | 3-27-1882 | 3-28-1882 | Legit daughter of Jose Angel Lujan & Margarita Apodaca |
Lujan | Polonia | ? | 2-22-1855 | 2-22-1855 | Woman of Justo Chaves. No sacraments because not called on time. |
Lujan | Polonio | ? | 11-3-1857 | 11-4-1857 | Husband of first marriage Juliana Rivera DARS |
Lujan | Ponciana | ? | 8-8-1856 | 8-8-1856 | Parva-daughter of Matias Lujan & Ignes Parada |
Lujan | Teodora | 40 yrs | 6-26-1881 | 6-27-1881 | Wife of Jose Carrion. DARS |
Lujan | Tomasa | 15 yrs | 10-18-1853 | 10-19-1853 | Celive/Soltera-unmarried daughter of Tiburcia Lujan |
Madrid | Adela | 15 yrs | 1-4-1894 | 1-7-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Epilepsy, Sudden Death |
Madrid | Alberto | 6 days | 11-19-1872 | 11-21-1872 | Parvulo-son of Juan Madrid & Ignes Gandara. Priest absent. |
Madrid | Brigida | 1 yr 8 mos | 8-17-1883 | 8-18-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Bonifacio Madrid & Refugia Casares |
Madrid | Evaristo | 9 mos | 7-4-1868 | 7-5-1868 | Parvo-child of Calixta Madrid from Carriza |
Madrid | Gregorio | 6 mos | 7-23-1855 | 7-24-1855 | Parvo-son of Maria Juana Madrid |
Madrid | Inocente | 1 yr 6 mos | 10-28-1897 | 10-29-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Madrid | Jose Antonio | 11 mos | 8-7-1897 | 8-8-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Prope Ecc. |
Madrid | Jose Felipe | ? | 7-21-1847 | 7-22-1847 | Parvulo-legit son of Bernadino Madrid & Concepcion Olivaras # 67 |
Madrid | Jose Irenco | ? | 7-8-1848 | 7-9-1847 | Parvulo-legit son of Julian Madrid & Banofuesa? Apodaca # 65 |
Madrid | Jose | 20 days | 9-21-1898 | 9-22-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Madrid | Jose | 75 yrs | 3-30-1889 | 3-30-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Debility, DARS |
Madrid | Josefita | 7 mos | 10-29-1891 | 10-29-1891 | Born: San Elizario, Fever |
Madrid | Juan | 2 yrs | 6-26-1898 | 6-27-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Madrid | Juana | 20 yrs | 2-24-1859 | 2-25-1859 | Married to Nicolas Sierra. DARS |
Madrid | Loreta | 40 yrs | 6-1-1880 | 6-2-1880 | Celibe - Unmarried, died after rec'd sacraments |
Madrid | Luis | 60 yrs | 11-15-1873 | 11-17-1873 | Widower of Dolores Bustillos, DARS |
Madrid | Ma. Juana Nepomusana | 16 yrs | 5-12-1848 | 5-14-1848 | Adult-Legit daughter of Dolores Madrid & Maria Marta Balencia # 108 |
Madrid | Manuel | 7 yrs | 9-14-1899 | 9-15-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Heart Disease, Extra Pagum |
Madrid | Maria Blaza | 2 mos 17 days | 4-18-1860 | 4-19-1860 | Natural daughter of Iginia Madrid |
Madrid | Maria del Carmen | 2 yrs | 3-14-1860 | 3-16-1860 | Legit daughter of Luis Madrid & Dolores Bustillos |
Madrid | Maria Iginia | 18 yrs | 2-3-1860 | 2-4-1860 | Legit daughter of Gregorio Madrid & Maria Ramona Esveraque? |
Madrid | Maria Juana | 8 mos | 8-2-1899 | 8-4-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Colera Infantum , Extra Pagum |
Madrid | Maria Nora | 3 mos | 11-23-1847 | 11-24-1847 | Parvula-legit daughter of Dolores Madrid # 75 |
Madrid | Mariana | 16 yrs | 12-13-1893 | 12-14-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Catalepsy-Sudden Death |
Madrid | Merfina | 10 mos | 6-2-1859 | 6-2-1859 | Daughter of Nicolas Madrid & Senteria Suny ? |
Madrid | Nicolasa | 1yr 6 mos | 5-1-1853 | 5-1-1853 | Parvula-daughter of Hipolito Madrid & Pascuala Carvajal |
Madrid | Pablo | ? | 3-5-1887 | 3-6-1887 | Legitimate son of Bonifacio Madrid & Refugio Cazares |
Madrid | Pedro | 1 mon 3 days | 5-7-1878 | 5-9-1878 | Son of Pedro Madrid & Andrea Garza |
Madrid | Pedro | 2 yrs | 3-5-1889 | 3-5-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria |
Madrid | Petra | 7 mos | 10-5-1897 | 10-6-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Diarrea, Ob Pereculum Mortis, Extra Pagum |
Madrid | Ramon | 2 yrs | 5-26-1894 | 5-27-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Madrid | Ramon | 5 yrs | 3-6-1892 | 3-6-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Misleas Fever |
Madrid | Silverio | 5 days | 5-5-1893 | 5-6-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Morbus Infantum |
Madrid | Silverio | 9 mos | 7-8-1892 | 7-8-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Maece | Tomas | 6 mos | 7-31-1884 | 8-1-1884 | Legit son of Crecencio Maece & Leonor Madrid |
Maece | Tomasa | 2 yrs 6 mos | 10-10-1883 | 10-12-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Crecencio Maece & Leonor Madrid |
Maese ? | Maria Lavera | 13 days | 11-21-1846 | 11-22-1846 | Parbula-daughter of Julia Macas ?, # 34 (Last name could be Maese.) |
Maese | Baby Girl | 1 day | 4-12-1872 | 4-14-1872 | Parvula-Crispin Maese & Maria Rivera. Baptized by Juana from Socorro |
Maese | Crecencio | 50 yrs | 3-16-1899 | 3-17-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Not called on time-arrived too late, Extra Pagum |
Maese | Longina | 85 yrs | 1-25-1876 | 1-27-1876 | Widow of Jose Apodaca. DARS |
Maese | Margarita | 25 yrs | 5-8-1880 | 5-10-1880 | Daughter of Concepcion Maese & Gregoria Gandara.DARS |
Maese | Maria Gila | 3 yrs | 5-5-1846 | 5-6-1846 | Parbula-legit daughter of Tomas Maese & Gertudes Renteria, #9 |
Maese | Maria Juana | 8 yrs | 1-25-1856 | 1-26-1856 | Parva-daughter of Julia Maese from Guadalupe, Mexico |
Maese | Maria | 20 yrs | 3-14-1876 | 3-16-1876 | Wife of Antonio Cordero. DARS |
Maese | Martin | 2 mos | 9-16-1869 | 9-17-1869 | Parvo-son of Crispin Maese & Maria Rivera |
Maese | Patricio | 70 yrs | 5-17-1871 | 5-18-1871 | Husband of Josefa Montes. DARS |
Maese | Ponciano | 6 mos | 8-12-1868 | 8-13-1868 | Parvo-child of Epifania Maese |
Maese | Tomas | 2 yrs 10 mos | 10-19-1879 | 10-21-1879 | Son of Crescencio Maese & Leonor Madrid |
Maese | Tomassa | 3 yrs | 11-10-1888 | 11-11-1888 | Daughter of Crescentio Messe & Leonor Madrid |
Maesse | Francisco | 10 yrs | 11-16-1888 | 11-16-1888 | Son of Crescentio Masse & Leonor Madrid |
Maestos | Jesus | 1yr 8 mos | 10-28-1879 | 10-29-1879 | Son of Dimisia Maestos & Adpt by Antonio Apodaca & Refugio Escobedo |
Maldonado | Antonio | 26 days | 9-11-1871 | 9-15-1871 | Parvo-son of Seviano Maldonado & Maria Navora Provencio |
Maldonado | Benigno | 40 yrs | 11-21-1874 | 11-22-1874 | Widower of Josefa Albarado |
Maldonado | Felipe | 34 yrs | 1-10-1894 | 1-10-1894 | Born:Juarez |
Maldonado | Francisca | 12 days | 4-22-1883 | 4-23-1883 | Legitimate daughter of Pedro Maldonado & Nabora Candelaria |
Maldonado | Maria Marcelina | ? | 3-16-1847 | 3-17-1847 | Married to Jose Grijalva, left 5 children-3 sons, 2 girls, DARS, # 48 |
Mansujo | Jose Gregorio | 2 yrs | 9-29-1846 | 9-30-1846 | Parvulo-son of Maria Florencia Mansujo ? from Socorro, # 23 |
Maraga | Jose Atanacio | 12-30-1895 | 12-30-1895 | Child of Andrea Ledesma | |
Maraviaga | Luis | 60 yrs | 11-30-1875 | 12-1-1875 | Celive-Administered in Extremis |
Marques | Domingo | 4 yrs | 9-25-1861 | 9-26-1861 | Legit son of Anselmo Marques & Refugio Peanata?( Last name could be Parada) |
Marques | Jorge | 7 mos | 6-14-1895 | 6-15-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Marques | Josefa | 75 yrs | 4-23-1860 | 4-24-1860 | Widow of Justo Sandoval. No sacraments due to sudden death. |
Marques | Juanita | 6 mos | 8-19-1897 | 8-21-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Marques | Lorenza | 1 yr | 5-16-1894 | 5-17-1894 | Born:Cuadrilla, Fever, |
Marques | Maria del Refugio | 5-8-1849 | 5-9-1849 | Adult-married to Crescencio Cereceres DARS # 139 | |
Marques | Maria Marca | 1 day | 9-21-1848 | 9-22-1848 | Parvula-legit daughter of Andre? Marques & Juana? Bustillos # 123 |
Marquez | Alberto | 1 mon | 5-18-1893 | 5-19-1893 | Born:Guadalupe, Morbus Infantum (Infant Death) |
Marquez | Anastasio | 6 mos | 6-20-1872 | 6-21-1872 | Parvo-child of Mariano Marquez & Mucia Mizquez |
Marquez | Andres | 2 yrs | 6-4-1872 | 6-5-1872 | Parvulo-son of Mariano Marquez & Mucia Mizquez |
Marquez | Baby Boy | 1 day | 12-8-1872 | 12-11-1872 | Parvulito-son fo SimonaMarquez.Baptized by Eugenia Apodaca,comadrona from area |
Marquez | Eloisa | 7 mos | 5-13-1881 | 5-14-1881 | Daughter of Maria Marquez |
Marquez | Francisca | 40 yrs | 11-21-1871 | 11-23-1871 | Woman of Jesus Salcido. DARS |
Marquez | Higinio | 12 yrs | 7-22-1899 | 7-22-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Smallpox, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Marquez | Leonor | 8 mos | 7-4-1882 | 7-4-1882 | Legit daughter of Cirstobal Marquez & Lorenza Urtiaga |
Marquez | Vicenta | ? | 8-14-1887 | 8-15-1887 | |
Martin | Isabel | 7 yrs | 5-18-1856 | 5-19-1856 | Parvula-dau-Alejandro Martin & Victoria Ortiz-Ignacio Ortiz & Juana Zenovia from Santa Fe NM |
Martin | Juan Bautista | 1 yr 4 mos 2 days | 6-14-1860 | 6-16-1860 | Legit son of Alejandro Martin & Victoria Ortiz |
Martines | Leonarda | ? | 5-23-1858 | 5-24-1858 | From Chihuahua, Mexico DARS |
Martines | Marcelo | 8 mos | 10-15-1887 | 10-16-1887 | Legitimate son of Eufrasio Martines & Albina Mata |
Martinez | Antonio Severo | 4 mos 5 days | 3-4-1860 | 3-5-1860 | Legit son of Cosme Martinez & Dimas Sanchez |
Martinez | Eugenio | 17 days | 9-23-1874 | 9-24-1874 | Legit son of Jesus Martinez & Emilia Misquez |
Martinez | Francisco | 18 yrs | 8-1-1892 | 8-1-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Sudden Death, C.C. |
Martinez | Jose Vicente Jezez? | 1 yr | 3-3-1848 | 3-4-1848 | Son of Maria Francisca Martinez # 93 |
Martinez | Josephus | 1 mon | 10-3-1892 | 10-3-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Weakness |
Martinez | Juan Jose | 18 yrs | 3-19-1860 | 3-20-1860 | Soltero (single) Legit son of Patricio Martinez & Josefa Montes, DARS |
Martinez | Juan | 5 yrs | 12-11-1896 | 12-12-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Martinez | Maria de los Santos | 9 mos | 12-20-1859 | 12-24-1859 | Legit daughter of Crispin Martinez & Maria Dislan Ribeyre |
Martinez | Maria Transito | 38 yrs | 3-15-1874 | 3-16-1874 | Widow of Julio Ortiz |
Martinez | Regina | 8 days old | 9-14-1853 | 9-15-1853 | Parvula-daughter of Nicanor Martinez & Eutimia De La O |
Martinez | Severiana | 36 yrs | 5-30-1890 | 5-30-1890 | Born:Janos, Mexico, Cancer, some sacraments |
Mary ? | Maria Margarita | 20 yrs | 4-?-1847 | 4-?-1847 | Single-legit daughter of Felipe Mary ? & Juana Tafoya, # 52 |
Masse | Gertrudes | 65 yrs | 12-2-1888 | 12-3-1888 | Wife of ? Masse |
Mata | …….de | 62 yrs | 4-4-1891 | 4-4-1894 | General Debility, DARS |
McDonnell | James | ? | 3-26-1855 | 3-27-1855 | Soltero-unmarried from NewYork(from Galanda-Ireland? aka Santiago Donnell), DARS |
Medina | Adolfo | 1 yr | 8-4-1883 | 8-5-1883 | Legitimate son of Cristobal Medina & Iginia Ledesma |
Medina | Baby Boy | 1 day | 8-22-1856 | 8-25-1856 | Parvulito-son of Ciriaca Medina (soltera), born 8-22, bapt by Maria Refugio Garcia |
Medina | Eligio | 8 mos | 9-24-1858 | 9-24-1858 | Son of Felix Medina & Eduviges Gonzalez |
Medina | Francisca | 15 mos | 5-20-1872 | 5-21-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Felix Medina & Ursula Castillo |
Medina | Jose Crescencio | 6 yrs | 3-26-1862 | 3-27-1862 | Legit son of Vicente Medina & Estefana Castillo. Killed |
Medina | Jose | 2 yrs 6 mos | 4-4-1889 | 4-4-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Dyphteria or Fever |
Medina | Liria | 32 yrs | 3-23-1874 | 3-24-1874 | Esposa-wife of Hilario Guerra |
Medina | Luis Gonzaga | 35 yrs | 8-14-1876 | 8-15-1876 | Celibe (never married). DARS |
Medina | Margarita | 1 yr | 8-14-1893 | 8-15-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Cough (Tos) |
Medina | Maria de Jesus | 1 yr 4 mos | 11-2-1874 | 11-3-1874 | Legit daughter of Jose Maria & Josefa Medina |
Medina | Maria Polonia | 3 mos | 3-11-1846 | 3-12-1846 | Parbula-legit daughter of Biscente Medina & Maria Estefana Castillo, # 3 |
Megia | Prisciliano | 30 yrs | 8-31-1867 | 9-2-1867 | Husband of Cesaria Alvillar |
Mejilla | Transito | 31 yrs | 4-13-1895 | 4-14-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Woman of Jose Alarcon |
Mendosa | Patricia | 2 mos | 5-18-1860 | 5-19-1860 | Legit daughter of Jose Mendosa & Maria de Jesus Mendosa |
Mendoza | Bartolo | 35 yrs | 8-13-1869 | 8-14-1869 | Celive-unmarried. Died after hanging (ahorcado) at 3:20pm From Chihuahua. DARS |
Mese | Epifania | 18 yrs | 7-20-1873 | 7-21-1873 | Daughter of Concepcion Mese & Gregoria Gandara. DARS |
Mestos | Jesus | 1 yr. 8 mos | 10-28-1879 | 10-29-1879 | Son of Damesia Mestos, Adopted by Catarino Apodaca & Refugio Escobedo |
Minjares | Maria Dolores | 11 mos | 6-14-1872 | 6-15-1872 | Parva-child of Ma. Dolores Minjares |
Misquez | Apolonio | 65 yrs | 5-23-1895 | 5-24-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Hidrapisia (dropsy) |
Misquez | Maria Dorotea | ? | 9-20-1848 | 9-21-1848 | Parvula-daughter of Maria Gregoria Misquez # 124 |
Misquez | Mauso | 6 mos | 9-15-1876 | 9-17-1876 | Child-legit son of Pamposo Misquez & Marta Albidrez |
Molina | Jacobo | 1 yr | 9-4-1872 | 9-5-1872 | Parvo-child of Isabel Molina |
Molina | Juana Maria | ? | 3-13-1847 | 3-14-1847 | Widow of Alejandro Gomez, died from childbirth, left 2 sons & 1 dau, DARS # 43 |
Molinares | Jesus | 1 yr 3 mos | 10-21-1881 | 10-22-1881 | Son of Diego Molinares & Andrea Rodriguez |
Montano | Carmen | ? | 3-18-1846 | 3-19-1846 | Adult-Married to Manuela Barela, Died of heart pain or painful cut, DARS, # 5 |
Montes | Bernardo | 2 yrs | 12-12-1893 | 12-13-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Cough |
Montes | Bernardo | 9 mos | 6-5-1895 | 6-6-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Montes | Desideria | 2 yrs | 7-29-1896 | 7-29-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Montes | Dolores | 1 yr 1 mon | 9-7-1859 | 9-8-1859 | Legit daughter of Telesforo Montes & Quirina Alderete |
Montes | Dolores | 4 yrs | 12-9-1875 | 12-10-1875 | Child-legit daughter of Emeregildo Montes & Juana Borrego |
Montes | Elzeario | 18 yrs | 9-13-1876 | 9-18-1876 | JovenManaboLegitSonOfEmeregildoMontes&JuanaBorregoKilledByIndiansIn"Salina" |
Montes | Florentino | 50 yrs | 3-6-1897 | 3-7-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Epilepsy, Este Unch No Conf, Prope Ecc. |
Montes | Hermenegildo | 50 yrs | 3-24-1888 | 3-25-1888 | |
Montes | Jose Elzeario | 20 days | 6-12-1885 | 6-13-1855 | Parvulo-son of Telesforo Montes & Quirina Alderete |
Montes | Josefa | 70 yrs | 5-7-1897 | 5-8-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Montes | Josefa | 70 yrs | 7-25-1885 | 7-27-1885 | Wife of Cipriano Alderete |
Montes | Juan | 2 days | 3-7-1862 | 3-8-1862 | Natural son of Paubla Montes. Baptized ? by Pablo Montes & Agatana Mesta |
Montes | Juan | 5 mos | 2-13-1886 | 2-15-1886 | Legitimate son of Miguel Montes & Piedad Guerra |
Montes | Juana | 1 yr 1 mon | 11-12-1879 | 11-13-1879 | Daughter of Severo Montes & Delfina Alarcon |
Montes | Juanita | 1 yr 2 mos | 6-20-1878 | 6-21-1878 | Daughter of Severo Montes & Delfina Alarcon |
Montes | Manuel | 2 days | 1-1-1870 | 1-3-1870 | Parvo-son of Bernarda Montes |
Montes | Maria Guadalupe | ? | 9-25-1887 | 9-26-1887 | Legitimate daughter of Jesus Montes & Maxima Garcia |
Montes | Maria Maximiana | ? | 3-25-1848 | 3-26-1848 | Married to Anastacio Rodrigues. DARS # 96 |
Montes | Nicasio | 1 yr 2 mos | 10-7-1884 | 10-8-1884 | Legit son of Severo Montes & Delfina Alarcon |
Montes | Nicasio | 25 days | 5-7-1889 | 5-7-1889 | Born:San Elizario |
Montes | Ramon | ? | 7-17-1848 | 7-18-1848 | Adult-marr2ndTimeCruzAlta toDoloresArroyosLeft4sons2dau from1st marrDARS #119 |
Montes | Ramon | 2 mos | 5-16-1894 | 5-17-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Montes | Refugio | 4 yrs | 7-30-1885 | 7-30-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Severo Montes & Delfina Alarcon |
Montes | Rosa | 1 yr | 10-16-1868 | 10-18-1868 | Parva-child of Hermenegildo Montes & Juana Borrego |
Montes | Telesforo | 68 yrs | 11-11-1887 | 11-12-1887 | Husband of Paula Hernandez |
Montes | Tomas | 3 mos | 2-28-1857 | 3-1-1857 | Parvo-son of Anastasio Montes & Felipa Borrego |
Montoya | Celso | 7 mos | 11-12-1877 | 11-18-1877 | Son of Jesus Montoya & Ana Maria Guerra |
Montoya | Josefa | ? | 7-1-1887 | 7-1-1887 | Daughter of Tomas Montoya & Sostena Alvidres |
Montoya | Maria Belles | ? | 4-29-1848 | 4-30-1848 | Adult-marr to Ambrosio Olguin. No sacraments-priest away? # 103 |
Montoya | Santiago | 13 yrs | 2-12-1886 | 2-13-1886 | Legitimate son of Jesus Montoya & Ana Maria Guerra |
Montoya | Tomas | ? | 12-1-1872 | 12-2-1872 | Widower of JuanaAntoniaCisneros from de la Joya, NM ill-Sacra long before death |
Mopa | Guadalupe | 2 yrs 9 mos | 10-25-1879 | 10-26-1879 | Daughter of Jose Mopa & Eleuteria Alvarado |
Moraga | Antonio | 6 mos | 11-26-1883 | 11-27-1883 | Son of Juana Moraga |
Moraga | Aurelio | 4 yrs | 10-2-1891 | 10-2-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Dipltes |
Moraga | Jose Atanacio | ? | 12-30-1885 | 12-31-1885 | Man of Andrea Ledesma |
Moraga | Lorenza | 5 mos 5 days | 1-14-1879 | 1-15-1879 | Legit daughter of Abanasio Moraga & Andrea Ledesma |
Moraga | Rafael | 17 yrs 6 mos | 10-11-1891 | 10-11-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Diarea |
Morales | Baby Girl | 1 day ? | 2-9-1874 | 2-10-1874 | Child-daughter of Feliciano Morales & Aleja Romero. Baptized |
Morales | Francisco | 60 yrs | 1-14-1877 | 1-15-1877 | Celibe (single) DARS |
Morales | Natividad | 48 yrs | 2-23-1895 | 2-24-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Woman of Ponc. Ramirez |
Morales | Rafael | 4 days | 3-22-1876 | 3-23-1876 | Parvalito-son of Feliciano Morales & Aleja Romero |
Morales | Virginia | 18 yrs | 7-26-1891 | 7-26-1891 | Born:San Elizario, General Prostration, DARS |
Moreno ? | Juan | ? | 10-15-1848 | 10-16-1848 | Parvo-Legit son of Jesus Moreno ? & Maria Blasa Arroyos ? # 128 |
Moreno | Crecenciano | 5 yrs | 9-14-1896 | 9-15-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Moreno | Dolores | 45 yrs | 5-14-1874 | 5-15-1874 | Wife of Pablo Espinosa |
Moreno | Jose | 23 days | 3-6-1886 | 3-8-1886 | Legitimate son of Macario Moreno & Crecencia Duarte |
Moreno | Maria Ana | 3 yrs | 8-26-1899 | 8-27-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Paralisis, Extra Pagum |
Moreno | Maria Ysabel | 22 mos | 8-14-1848 | 8-15-1848 | Parvula-Legit daughter of Jose Moreno & Maria Blasa Arroyos? # 121 |
Moreno | Miguel | 8 yrs | 9-20-1896 | 9-21-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Moreno | Romulo | 10 yrs | 9-20-1896 | 9-21-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Moreras ? | Maria Antonia | ? | 2-24-1848 | 2-25-1848 | Married to Manuel Alvarez, left 1 son & 2 daughters. DARS # 91 |
Munes | Josefa | 29 yrs | 5-18-1874 | 5-19-1874 | Wife of Beingrio Nortivido? |
Munos | Jose Maria | 43 days | 10-10-1874 | 10-11-1874 | Legit son of Crispin Munos & Victoriana Lolla (could be Loya?) |
Munos | Juan | 45 yrs | 2-12-1875 | 2-13-1875 | Husband of Maria Jesus Ledesma |
Munos | Maria Blasa | ? | 7-10-1849 | 7-11-1849 | Adult-married to Jose Gomes. Left 1 son. DARS # 142 |
Munos | Maria Monica | 60 yrs | 8-13-1857 | 8-14-1857 | Widow of Julian Munos, DARS #68 |
Munoz | Florentino | 1 yr 1 mon | 7-31-1884 | 8-1-1884 | Legit son of Florentin Munoz & Francisca Garcia |
Munoz | Juan de Dios | 12 days | 3-24-1848 | 3-25-1848 | Parvulo-son of Maria Josefa Munoz # 95 |
Munoz | Juan | 38 yrs | 10-25-1893 | 10-27-1893 | Born:Jimenez,Mexico, Shot.,Rec'd two sacraments |
Munoz | Juliana | ? | 2-22-1855 | 2-22-1855 | Soltera-unmarried daughter of Rafael Munoz & Josefa Alvarado. DARS |
Munoz | Petra | 2 mos | 4-20-1888 | 4-21-1888 | Daughter of Julian Munoz (deceased) & Santos Ortiz |
Munoz | Sixto | 25 days | 4-22-1859 | 4-23-1859 | Legit son of Crispin Munoz & Maria Loya |
Nandia | Wilfredo | 3 mos | 2-26-1897 | 2-27-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Naranjo | Jose Sisto | 1 yr 9 mos | 12-25-1847 | 12-26-1847 | Parvulo-son of Gloria Naranjo # 82 |
Navaretta | Francisco | 4 yrs | 3-8-1860 | 3-9-1860 | Legit son of Rafael Navaretta & Ines Montes |
Navarrete | Maria Paula | ? | 1-3-1848 | 1-4-1848 | Woman of Trinidad Parada. Died of stomach ache. DARS # 85 |
Nevarez | Jose | 2 mos | 3-23-1886 | 3-24-1886 | Legitimate son of Pedro Nevarez & Refugio Olguin |
Nunes | Dorotea | ? | 5-21-1885 | 5-23-1885 | Wife of Esteban Ponce |
Nunes | Maria Felipa | 11 mos | 3-16-1847 | 3-16-1847 | Parvula-legit daughter of Juan Jose Nunes & Bicenta Marques, # 46 |
Nunes | Petra | 60 yrs | 4-5-1882 | 4-6-1882 | Widow |
Nunez | Carlos | ? | 8-12-1846 | 8-13-1846 | Married to Maria Paula Sisneros, DARS, # 18 |
Nunez | Concepcion | 1 yr 1 mon | 3-12-1880 | 3-14-1880 | Daughter of Fernanda Nunez |
Nunez | Erminda | 6 mos | 8-11-1897 | 8-12-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Diarrea, Prope Ecc. |
Nunez | Felicitas | 1 yr 3 mos | 8-10-1895 | 8-11-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Nunez | Fernanda | 50 yrs | 8-12-1898 | 8-13-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum, OK |
Nunez | Fidel | 2 yrs | 12-3-1899 | 12-4-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Priest M. Fernandez, S. J. |
Nunez | Juan Jose | 58 yrs | 7-28-1873 | 7-29-1873 | Husband of Vicenta Marquez. DARS |
Nunez | Margarita | 7 mos | 10-6-1891 | 10-6-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Nunez | Maria Pascuela | ? | 7-29-1846 | 7-30-1846 | Parbula-daughter of Carlos Nunez & Paula Sisneros, # 16 |
Oballe | Jose | 2 yrs | 1-25-1894 | 1-26-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Tos (Cough) |
Ochoa | Esteban | 7 mos | 5-27-1899 | 5-28-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Ochoa | Jesus de La Luz | 6 yrs | 12-14-1899 | 12-15-1899 | Born:San Elizario, diptheria, son of Ismael Ochoa, Priest M. Fernandez, S. J |
Ochoa | Josefa | 2 yrs 6 mos | 7-4-1898 | 7-5-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Olguin | Alejandra | 1 yr 11 days | 10-27-1886 | 10-28-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Felipe Olguin & Margarite Zalgado |
Olguin | Anastasio | 2 mos | 7-6-1881 | 7-8-1881 | Son of Antonio Olguin & Teresa Lara |
Olguin | Andres | 75 yrs | 12-9-1893 | 12-10-1893 | Born:El Paso, Old Age, Rec'd two sacraments |
Olguin | Antonio | 10 mos | 12-31-1879 | 1-2-1880 | Son of Jesus Maria Olguin & Paula Lopez |
Olguin | Antonio | 12 days | 6-4-1895 | 6-5-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Olguin | Antonio | 7 mos | 9-25-1880 | 9-26-1880 | Legit son of Nicolas Olguin & Venonan Gonzalez |
Olguin | Celsa | 18 yrs | 5-10-1868 | 5-11-1868 | Celive-child of Juan Ma. Olguin & Ma Dolores from Galiana, 2 late 4 sacraments |
Olguin | Cirilo | ? | 4-13-1853 | 4-15-1853 | Adult -Widower of Guadalupe Lopez. Left one peso for "mandas" (prayers?) |
Olguin | Desideria | 60 yrs | 8-31-1895 | 9-1-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Hidropisia (dropsy) |
Olguin | Dolores | 70 yrs | 4-26-1894 | 4-27-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Pulmonia, Administered |
Olguin | Encarnacion | 6 mos & days | 12-1-1876 | 12-2-1876 | Legit son of Pedro Olguin & Guadalupe Baldonado |
Olguin | Eutimio | 60 yrs | 2-8-1879 | 2-9-1879 | Husband of Felipa Maldonado. Died after rec'd sacraments (DARS) |
Olguin | Felicitas | 3 mos | 1-22-1880 | 1-22-1880 | Daughter of Atanasia Olguin |
Olguin | Felipa | 80 yrs | 7-1-1880 | 7-2-1880 | Widow of Jose Soto. Died after rec'd sacraments |
Olguin | Francisco | 17 days | 10-4-1858 | 10-4-1858 | Son of Sebeviano Olguin & Rosario Torres |
Olguin | Gregonia | 13 mos | 6-10-1872 | 6-11-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Jesus Maria Olguin & Paula Lopez |
Olguin | Gregorio | 9 yrs | 9-4-1896 | 9-5-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Olguin | Joanna | 9 mos | 11-30-1861 | 12-1-1861 | Legit daughter of Eunafrio Olguin & Josefa Lucero |
Olguin | Jose Luis | 2 mos | 12-19-1847 | 12-20-1847 | Parvulo-son of Pedro ? Olguin & Maria Isidora # 81 |
Olguin | Jose Nacianceno | ? | 7-6-1854 | 7-7-1854 | Parvo-son of Maria Regina Olguin |
Olguin | Jose Ylario | 4 mos | 5-20-1848 | 5-21-1848 | Parvulo-Legit son of Ambrosio Olguin & Maria Belles Montoya # 111 |
Olguin | Jose | 2 mos | 5-23-1872 | 5-24-1872 | Parvulo-son of Nicolas Olguin & Venancia Gonzalez |
Olguin | Josefa | 60 yrs | 4-3-1879 | 4-4-1879 | Widow of Vicente Lucero. DARS |
Olguin | Juan | 1 yr 6 mos | 6-28-1872 | 6-29-1872 | Parvulo-son of Severiano Olguin & Catarina Gomez |
Olguin | Juan | 2 yrs | 5-2-1880 | 5-3-1880 | Son of Gabriel Olguin & Irinea Navarrete. |
Olguin | Juana | 2 yrs 3 mos | 1-22-1880 | 1-24-1880 | Legit daughter of Nicolas Olguin & Venancia Gonzalez |
Olguin | Locadia | 6 mos | 6-1-1880 | 6-2-1880 | Legit daughter of Antonio Olguin & Teresa Lara |
Olguin | Maria Andrea | 1 yr 7 mos | 6-26-1874 | 6-27-1874 | Legit daughter of Severiano Olguin & Catarina Gomez |
Olguin | Maria Luz | 11 days | 3-26-1874 | 3-27-1874 | Legit daughter of Jesus Ma.Olguin & Paula Lopez |
Olguin | Maria Nora | 1 mon | 9-26-1846 | 9-27-1846 | Parvula-legit dau of Ambrocio Olguin (soldier) & Reyes Montoya, # 21 |
Olguin | Martina | 1 yr | 2-28-1896 | 2-29-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptised, Prope Ecc. |
Olguin | Nicolas | 1 yr 6 mos | 11-13-1876 | 11-13-1876 | Legit son of Severiano Olguin & Catarina Lopez (or Gomez) |
Olguin | Pedro | 6 mos | 8-10-1868 | 8-11-1868 | Parvo-child of Severiano Olguin & Catarina Gomez |
Olguin | Petra | 40 yrs | 9-30-1887 | 10-1-1887 | |
Olguin | Petra | 54 yrs | 10-1-1873 | 10-2-1873 | Daughter of Lorenzo Olguin & Narcisa Cisneros. DARS |
Olguin | Regina | 50 yrs | 4-24-1880 | 5-1-1880 | Wife of Jose de Dios Gandara.Died after rec'd last sacraments |
Olguin | Serapia | 2 yrs | 8-26-1856 | 8-27-1856 | Parva-daughter of Eutimio Olguin & Felipa Baldonado |
Olguin | Tomasa | 7 mos | 7-21-1872 | 7-22-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Maria Cruz |
Olguin | Victoriana | 4 mos | 4-30-1869 | 5-2-1869 | Parva-daughter of Jesus Maria Olguin & Paula Lopez |
Olivares | Bonifacio | 1 yr | 10-30-1871 | 11-1-1871 | Parvo-son of Alvino Olivares & Nicolasa Berru |
Olivares | Felipe | 4 mos | 6-9-1872 | 6-11-1872 | Parvo-son of Alvino Olivares & Nicolasa Berru |
Olivares | Ynes | 1 yr | 5-25-1878 | 5-26-1878 | Daughter of Albino Olivares & Nicolasa Berru |
Olivares | Ynes | 2 yrs | 11-9-1876 | 11-10-1876 | Legit daughter of Albino Olivares & Nicolasa Berru |
Olivas | Jose | ? | 9-21-1846 | 9-22-1846 | Adult-married to Maria Siniaca Polanco, left one son, DARS, # 20 |
Olivas | Ramon | 80 yrs | 5-18-1860 | 5-19-1860 | Widower of Maria Francisca Olguin, DARS |
Onopa | Luis | 20 yrs | 3-12-1855 | 3-13-1855 | Soltero-Unmarr Widower of Guadalupe Son of Cayetano Onopa & Guadalupe Olguin DARS |
Oporto | Angela | 30 yrs | 12-9-1898 | 12-11-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Conversa Aprobstants, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Oporto | Encarnacion | 20 yrs | 8-8-1884 | 8-9-1884 | Legit son of Victoriano Oporto & Josefa Fresquez |
Oporto | Leona | 12 yrs | 6-10-1872 | 6-11-1872 | Celive-daughter of Victoriano Oporto & Josefa Fresquez |
Oporto | Meregilda | 30 yrs | 4-4-1893 | 4-4-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Childbirth |
Oracita | Maria de los Dolores | 50 yrs | 11-19-1859 | 11-20-1859 | Soltera (single)-Legit daughter of Vicente Oracita & Olaya Olguin DARS |
Ortega | Guadalupe | 25 yrs | 8-1-1875 | 8-2-1875 | Wife of John Halinsun |
Ortega | Jose Inecanse | 8 mos ? | 10-30-1848 | 10-30?-1848 | Parvo-Legit son of Lorenzo Ortega & Maria Rosario Garcia # 129 |
Ortega | Maria Atancacia | 46 yrs | 8-17-1858 | 8-18-1858 | Widow of Manuel Bello |
Ortega | Perfecto | 48 yrs | 3-21-1878 | 3-23-1878 | Husband of Nicolasa Estrada. Died of dementia, had sacraments before due to illness |
Ortiz | Adela | 9 mos | 6-6-1889 | 6-6-1889 | Born:San Elizario |
Ortiz | Antonio | 28 yrs | 8-29-1897 | 8-30-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Pulmonia, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Ortiz | Cleto | 60 yrs | 6-12-1895 | 6-13-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Hidropisia (dropsy) |
Ortiz | Desideria | 7 mos | 1-18-1853 | 1-18-1853 | Parvula-daughter of Gracia (Altagracia?) Ortiz & Maria Francisca Marquez |
Ortiz | Dolores | 22 yrs | 9-6-1891 | 9-6-1891 | Born:Socorro, Tx, Childbirth |
Ortiz | Eduvigis | 40 yrs | 5-9-1867 | 5-10-1867 | Woman of Jose Hernandez-who was absent for several years. DARS |
Ortiz | Erminda | 17 yrs | 5-27-1899 | 5-28-1899 | Born:Socorro, Pneumonia, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Ortiz | Evaristo | 9 yrs | 4-6-1888 | 4-7-1888 | Son of Santos Ortiz & Julian Porras (deceased) |
Ortiz | Francisca | ? | 7-8-1887 | 7-9-1887 | Wife of Jose Sambrano |
Ortiz | Francisco | 13 days | 9-18-1859 | 9-20-1859 | Natural son of Maria Concepcion Ortiz |
Ortiz | Gracia | 36 yrs | 11-5-1858 | 11-5-1858 | Married to Francisco Marques. DARS |
Ortiz | Isabel | 6 days | 12-29-1893 | 12-31-1893 | Born:San Elizario |
Ortiz | Jesus | 45 yrs | 9-18-1892 | 9-20-1872 | Widower of Cenovia Quintana. DARS |
Ortiz | Jesusa | 3 mos | 8-15-1861 | 8-17-1861 | Legit daughter of Jesus Ortiz & Zenobia Quintana |
Ortiz | Jose | 1 yr | 11-30-1893 | 12-1-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Ortiz | Josefa | 1 mon | 6-23-1897 | 6-24-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Ortiz | Josefa | 3 yrs | 7-7-1897 | 7-8-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Angina, Baptized, Cemeterio Extra Pagum |
Ortiz | Josefa | 4 yrs | 11-10-1892 | 11-10-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Dypteria |
Ortiz | Juan | 30 yrs | 5-24-1879 | 5-25-1879 | Soltero-son of Vicente Ortiz & Josefa Lopez from Santa Tomas,in coma-no time4sacra |
Ortiz | Juana | 1 mon | 7-23-1867 | 7-24-1867 | Parva-child of Rufo Ortiz (deceased) & Catarina Castillo |
Ortiz | Juliana | 48 yrs | 3-27-1896 | 3-28-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Infirmitate Jecuris, Prope Ecc., DARS |
Ortiz | Julio | 39 yrs | 8-2-1867 | 8-4-1867 | Husband of Maria Transito Martinez. DARS |
Ortiz | Justo | 2 yrs 5 days | 7-3-1861 | 7-4-1861 | Legit son of Ruperto Ortiz & Rafaela Oporto |
Ortiz | Librada | 3 mos | 5-25-1871 | 5-27-1871 | Parva-daughter of Maria Concepcion Ortiz (last burial in old cemetery) |
Ortiz | Lorenza | 3 yrs 3 mos | 11-10-1879 | 11-12-1879 | Daughter of Luis Ortiz & Rita Bernal |
Ortiz | Luis | 80 yrs | 3-11-1899 | 3-12-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Extra Pagum |
Ortiz | Maria Altagracia | ? | 7-25-1859 | 7-26-1859 | Legit daughter of Altagracia Ortiz & Francisca Marques. DARS |
Ortiz | Maria Carmen | 2 mos | 6-5-1871 | 6-6-1871 | Parva-daughter of Felicita Ortiz (first burial in new cemetery) |
Ortiz | Maria Santos | 2 yrs 2 mos | 9-19-1874 | 9-20-1874 | Dau of Felipa Ortiz |
Ortiz | Martin | 25 yrs | 11-?-1861 | 11-19-1861 | Legit son of Francisco Ortiz&Felipa Olguin.Died in combat w Indians in Guadalupe Mts |
Ortiz | Martin | 29 yrs | 4-1-1893 | 4-1-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, C.C.U.U. |
Ortiz | Melquiades | 30 yrs | 3-10-1883 | 3-12-1883 | Legitimate son of Antonio Ortiz & Dolores Quintero |
Ortiz | Micaela | 9 mos | 7-28-1868 | 7-29-1868 | Parva-child of Luis Ortiz & Rita Bernal |
Ortiz | Miguel | 8 mos | 12-28-1871 | 12-29-1871 | Parvulo-son of Alejandra Ortiz |
Ortiz | Pedro | 1 yr | 6-23-1890 | 6-23-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Ortiz | Perfecto | 80 yrs | 10-16-1899 | 10-17-1899 | Born:San Elizario. Old Age, Administered, Priest M.Fernandez, S.J. |
Ortiz | Presindo | 4 mos | 7-11-1861 | 7-12-1861 | Natural son of Felicita Ortiz |
Ortiz | Prisciliano | 2 yr 6 mos | 11-12-1857 | 11-12-1857 | Parvo-son of Luis Ortiz & Jacinta Benabides |
Ortiz | Ricardo | 20 yrs | 5-26-1852 | 5-28-1852 | Single son of Antonio&DoloresCastro.OnlySacra.confessed 1stTimeInLife.Burial w mass.DARS |
Ortiz | Rita | 5 yrs 2 mos | 3-26-1874 | 3-27-1874 | Natural daughter of Alejandra Ortiz |
Ortiz | Rufo | 40 yrs | 4-21-1867 | 4-22-1867 | Husband of Catarina Castillo. DARS |
Ortiz | Santa Cruz | 7 mos | 2-20-1860 | 2-22-1860 | Legit son of Perfecto Ortiz & Josefa Perea |
Ortiz | Ynes | 8 mos | 10-24-1876 | 10-24-1876 | Child-daughter of Alejandra Ortiz |
Ovallo | Jose de Jesus | 2 yrs | 12-24-1891 | 12-24-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Mislas |
Pacheco | Delfina | 31 yrs | 8-28-1894 | 8-29-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Childbirth, Woman of Andres Gandara |
Pacheco | Desideria | 36 yrs | 9-10-1893 | 9-11-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Heart Disease, DARS |
Pacheco | Jose Incarnacion | 3 mos | 8-14-1859 | 8-15-1859 | Legit son of Pedro Pacheco & Geromina Edvera |
Pacheco | Josefa | ? | 12-6-1882 | 12-7-1882 | Legit daughter of Ventura Pacheco & Ramona Lucero |
Pacheco | Lorenzo | 15 days | 8-27-1878 | 8-28-1878 | Son of Ventura Pacheco & Bibiana Parada |
Pacheco | Porfiria | 7 mos | 6-18-1855 | 6-19-1855 | Parva-daughter of Pedro Pacheco & Geronima Harena from S.Pablo |
Pacheco | Ventura | 1 yr | 6-14-1889 | 6-14-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Padilla | Arcadia | 69 yrs | 4-23-1874 | 4-24-1874 | Wife of Nicacio Salazar |
Padilla | Felipa | 24 yrs | 3-26-1882 | 3-27-1882 | Wife of Pedro Apodaca |
Padilla | Macedonio | ? | 11-8-1848 | 11-8-1848 | Single adult. Died of Inflamation of Liver. DARS # 131 |
Padilla | Maria | 65 yrs | 1-30-1890 | 1-30-1890 | Born:San Elizario |
Palomar | Maria Quirina | ? | 4-10-1848 | 4-11-1848 | Adult-married to Jose Castillo.Left 2 sons, 2 daughter. DARS # 101 |
Palomares | Alcaria | 14 yrs | 3-20-1862 | 3-21-1862 | Legit daughter of Santiago Palomares & Michaela Padilla. DARS |
Palomares | Felicita | 8 mos | 8-15-1861 | 8-16-1861 | Legit daughter of Santiago Palomares & Josefa Grigalva |
Palomares | Tomas | 8 mos | 8-13-1861 | 8-14-1861 | Legit son of Estevan Palomares & Jesusa Apodaca |
Parada | Bibiana | 21 yrs | 3-7-1880 | 3-9-1880 | Daughter of Luz Parada & wife of Ventura Pacheco.DARS |
Parada | Esteban | 2 yrs | 7-3-1893 | 7-4-1893 | Born San Elizario,fever |
Parada | Estevan | 70 yrs | 8-23-1898 | 8-24-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Broken Neck, Extra Pagum, Suddenly |
Parada | Florencia | 3 yrs 5 mos | 7-7-1861 | 7-8-1861 | Legit daughter Estevan Parada & Cezaria Telles |
Parada | Francisca | 1 yr | 12-8-1893 | 12-9-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Cough |
Parada | Guillermo | 59 yrs | 9-22-1899 | 9-23-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Bladder Disease, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Parada | Isabel | 2 mos | 1-16-1868 | 1-18-1868 | Parva-child of Ignas Parada |
Parada | Jose Damasio Estevan | 6 mos | 10-19-1861 | 10-20-1861 | Legit son of Guillermo Parada & Maria Candelaria Archuleta |
Parada | Josefa | 12 yrs | 3-4-1896 | 3-5-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Prope Ecclesium, DARS |
Parada | Juan | 4 days | 2-11-1884 | 2-12-1884 | Legit son of Serapio Parada & Ignacia Cordero |
Parada | Maria | 5 yrs | 7-2-1893 | 7-3-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Parada | Teresa | 1 yr 6 mos | 5-24-1896 | 5-25-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Febri Puerocum (Fever), Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Parada | Trinidad | 50 | 10-21-1868 | 10-23-1868 | Widower of Paula Navarrete. Rec'd sacraments prior to dying in "Tres Jacales" |
Parado | Baby ? | ? | 7-3-1894 | 7-3-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Mortusis Natus Est |
Parra | Barbara | 15 yrs | 8-16-1896 | 8-17-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Parra | Delfina | 10 mos | 12-7-1861 | 12-8-1861 | Legit daughter of Santa Cruz Parra & Catalina Alderete |
Parra | Eloisa | 1 yr 4 mos | 8-24-1878 | 8-25-1878 | Daughter of Jesus Parra & Leonides Bustillos |
Parra | Elzeario | 9 mos | 2-14-1856 | 2-16-1856 | Parvo-son of Santa Cruz Parra & Catarina Alderete |
Parra | Gabriela | 9 yrs | 8-21-1896 | 8-21-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dyptheria, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Parra | Jesus | 10 days | 12-9-1878 | 12-11-1878 | Daughter of Jesus Parra & Leonides Bustillos |
Parra | Jesus | 7 yrs | 10-24-1888 | 10-25-1888 | Son of Jesus Parra & Leonide Bustillo |
Parra | Jose | ? | 5-26-1899 | 5-27-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Baptized by lay person-Obitus Die Ortus, Extra Pagum |
Parra | Juana Jalapa de | 35 yrs | 2-27-1889 | 2-27-1889 | Born:San Elizario, General Debility, DARS |
Parra | Santa Cruz | 40 yrs | 9-5-1871 | 9-6-1871 | Husband of Catarina Alderete. DARS |
Peira | Lorenza | 80 yrs | 3-11-1898 | 3-12-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Extra Pagum, Administered |
Pena | Guadalupe | ? | 7-13-1852 | 7-14-1852 | Widow of Jose Antonio Lopez from El Paso. DARS |
Pena | Jose Tomas de Jesus | 7 mos | 9-28-1847 | 9-29-1847 | Parvulo-son of Jesus Pena & Leona Olguin # 70 |
Pena | Juan | ? | 3-28-1846 | 3-29-1846 | Adult Invalid, married, had 4 children, DARS, # 7 |
Pena | Manuel | 65 yrs | 6-28-1877 | 6-29-1877 | Celibe (never married). DARS |
Pena | Maria de la Luz | 30 yrs | 4-7-1862 | 4-9-1862 | Wife of Jose Maria Sanchez.DARS |
Pena | Maria Eligia | 16 yrs | 5-28-1848 | 5-29-1848 | Adult-Legit daughter of Jose Antonio Pena & Juana Duran. DARS # 112 |
Pena | Maria Josefa | ? | 6-26-1848 | 6-27-1848 | Adult-married to Agapino Cercas Left 2 sons. DARS # 116 |
Perea | Dionisia | ? | 3-6-1887 | 3-7-1887 | Wife of Crecensio Rival |
Perea | Josefa | 47 yrs | 6-4-1895 | 6-5-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Hidropisia (Dropsy), Woman of Perf. Ortiz |
Peres | Concepcion | 60 yrs | 5-26-1893 | 5-27-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age |
Peres | Jose | ? | 3-21-1846 | 3-21-1846 | Adult-SingleSoldier,son-CristobalPeres&VicarrtaGutierrez-CommanderFelixLerma #6 |
Peres | Lorenzo | 3 yrs | 4-22-1893 | 4-23-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Drowning |
Perez | Alejandra | 1 yr 6 mos | 8-13-1881 | 8-14-1881 | Daughter of Jose Perez & Matilde Sambrano |
Perez | Barbara | 29 yrs | 5-22-1882 | 5-23-1882 | |
Perez | Bernabe | 60 yrs | 11-9-1872 | 11-10-1872 | Celive-unmarried son of Antonio Perez & Dolores Gutierrez. DARS |
Perez | Candelaria | 6 mos | 8-15-1895 | 8-16-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Perez | Casimiro | 1 yr 5 mos | 9-27-1879 | 9-28-1879 | Son of Jose Perez & Matilda Sambrano |
Perez | Cenovia | 65 yrs | 11-13-1889 | 11-13-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Paralysis, DARS |
Perez | Cesareo | 55 yrs | 2-21-1896 | 2-24-1896 | Born:Aldama, Mexico, Pulmonia, Prope Ecc., DARS |
Perez | Eutimio | 1 mon | 1-18-1858 | 1-19-1858 | Parvo-son of Jose Perez & Desideria Ramirez |
Perez | Felix | 24 yrs | 1-30-1899 | 1-31-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Lung Trouble, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Perez | Francisco | 5 yrs 6 mos | 9-3-1868 | 9-4-1868 | Parvo-child of Jose Perez & Trinidad Gandara |
Perez | Guadalupe | 3 yrs | 7-14-1878 | 7-16-1878 | Daughter of Teodoso Perez & Sotera Zambrano |
Perez | Isabel | ? | 9-30-1884 | 10-1-1884 | Wife of Ernestino ? Estrada |
Perez | Jose Antonio | 2 mos | 9-21-1899 | 9-22-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Perez | Jose Antonio | 8 mos | 5-4-1860 | 5-5-1860 | Legit son of Jose Perez & Trinidad Gandara |
Perez | Jose Casares y | 1 mon | 6-21-1899 | 6-22-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Perez | Jose Chasco | 59 yrs | 1-3-1899 | 1-3-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Perez | Jose | 12 yrs | 1-11-1881 | 1-13-1881 | Son of Teodoso Perez & Sotera Sambrano. DARS. |
Perez | Jose | 66 yrs | 3-15-1897 | 3-17-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Perez | Jose | 81 yrs | 12-18-1881 | 12-19-1881 | |
Perez | Jose | 89 yrs | 6-2-1898 | 6-3-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Extra Pagum |
Perez | Jose | 9 mos | 9-30-1882 | 10-1-1882 | Legit son of Teodoso Perez & Sotera Sambrano. |
Perez | Josefa de S. Apodaca | 23 yrs | 1-2-1896 | 1-3-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Childbirth, Prope Ecclesiam, DARS, |
Perez | Juana | 80 yrs | 7-1-1879 | 7-2-1879 | Widow of Martin Zambrano. Died after rec'd sacraments. |
Perez | Macedonia | 80 yrs | 11-21-1878 | 11-23-1878 | Celibe-never married. Died after rec'd sacraments |
Perez | Margarita | 17 yrs | 12-14-1890 | 12-14-1890 | Born:San Elizario, General Debility, DARS |
Perez | Margarita | 6 yrs | 4-24-1876 | 4-25-1876 | Child-daughter of Librada Perez |
Perez | Maria del Carmen | 2 yrs 16 days | 8-14-1876 | 8-15-1876 | Daughter of Barbara Perez |
Perez | Maria del Carmen | 70 yrs | 2-10-1877 | 2-12-1877 | Widow of Jose Cartagena. DARS |
Perez | Maria | 8 mos | 7-7-1888 | 7-7-1888 | Daughter of Esteban Perez & Guadalupe Chavez |
Perez | Miguel | 1 yr | 7-9-1890 | 7-9-1890 | Born:Ft.Hancock, Small Pox |
Perez | Paulina | 1 yr | 7-27-1893 | 7-28-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Perez | Pedro | 1 yr 1 mon | 8-6-1854 | 8-7-1854 | HusbandLonginaZambrano-whoWidowOfSantiagoVenavidesBeginWill-notCompDARS |
Perez | Telesforo | 8 mos | 1-10-1858 | 1-11-1858 | Parvo-son of Jose Perez & Trinidad Gandara |
Perez | Teodosio | 65 yrs | 10-8-1897 | 10-9-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Pulmonia, Confessed infrequently-priest not called, Extra Pagum |
Pisano | Marcos | 2 yrs | 10-31-1879 | 11-1-1879 | Son of Gregorio Pisano & Albina Porras |
Pizana | Geronimo | 1 yr | 9-4-1871 | 9-5-1871 | Parvulo-son of Ignacio Pizana & Manuela Espinosa of Chihuahua |
Polanco | Ciriaca | 75 yrs | 1-8-1886 | 1-9-1886 | Wife of Jesus Duran |
Polanco | Demesio | 10 mos | 9-21-1861 | 9-22-1861 | Legit son of Anastacio Polanco & Dolores Rosas |
Polanco | Francisco | 5 yrs 9 mos | 1-19-1860 | 1-20-1860 | Legit son of Anastacio Polanco & Maria Dolores Chaves |
Polanco | Ramon | 10 mos | 2-13-1896 | 2-14-1896 | Born:Socorro, Febri Puerorum (Fever), Baptised, Prope Ecc. |
Ponce | Baby Boy | 1 yr | 10-18-1888 | 10-19-1888 | Son of Jesus Ponce & Manuela Garcia |
Porras | Juan | 7 mos | 8-26-1887 | 8-27-1887 | Son of Felipa Porras |
Porras | Pablo | 13 yrs | 11-19-1876 | 11-20-1876 | Legit son of Agutin Porras & Juas (or Jesus) Cartagena. DARS |
Porto | Felicitos | 20 yrs | 6-18-1877 | 6-19-1877 | Dau of Victoriano Porto & Josefa Fresquez. Was crazy at birth. Not administered. |
Porto | Petra | 60 yrs | 12-9-1880 | 12-10-1880 | Wife of Bernardo Olguin. DARS |
Porto | Victoriano | 50 yrs | 2-15-1874 | 2-16-1874 | Marido-husband of Josefa Fresquez |
Precaritas ? | Pedro | 8 days | 6-5-1847 | 6-6-1847 | Legit son of Hypolito Precaritas ? & Gloria Loya, # 57 |
Probencio | Maria Guadalupe | ? | 6-25-1846 | 6-26-1846 | Adult Married to BartoloTelles from El Paso, 2sons 2 dau-all married, DARS 3X, #12 |
Provencio | Ignes | 30 yrs | 8-3-1846 | 8-4-1846 | Soldier-son of PlacidoProvencio&MariaTanoj Fight w Apaches.Fell from horse, # 17 |
Provencio | Juan Jose | 3 mos | 5-22-1856 | 5-22-1856 | Parvulo-son of Filomeno Provencio & Guadalupe Madrid |
Provencio | Marcelo | 9 mos & days | 1-24-1877 | 1-25-1877 | Legit daughter of J. Nepomuceno Provencio & Marina Urtiaga |
Provencio | Martin | 1 yr | 8-21-1855 | 8-21-1855 | Parvo-son of Filomeno Provencio & Guadalupe Madrid |
Provencio | Nabora | ? | 11-3-1871 | 11-4-1871 | Woman of Severiano Baldonaldo. DARS |
Quintana | Cenovia | 30 yrs | 9-4-1869 | 9-6-1869 | Mujer-woman of Jesus Ortiz. DARS |
Ramires | Francisca | 1 yr 1 mon | 2-17-1876 | 2-18-1876 | Child-Natural daughter of Pilar Ramires |
Ramires | Maria Josefa | ? | 7-2-1858 | 7-3-1858 | Daughter of Serafino Ramires & Guadalupe Garcia |
Ramires | Tranquilina | 70 yrs | 12-2-1893 | 12-3-1893 | Born:San Elizario,Old Age, DARS |
Ramirez | Antonia | ? | 5-6-1858 | 5-6-1858 | Widow(for 1st time) of Mariano Chirivel DARS |
Ramirez | Desideria | 50 yrs | 10-8-1869 | 10-9-1869 | Mujer-woman of Jose Perez. DARS |
Ramirez | Francisca | 35 yrs | 12-15-1859 | 12-16-1859 | Widow of Carlos Salazar, DARS |
Ramirez | Hilaria | 7 mos | 5-31-1872 | 6-1-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Epifania Ramirez |
Ramirez | Hilario | 18 mos | 10-18-1871 | 10-20-1871 | Parvulo-son of Epifacia Ramirez & adopted by Dolores Telles & Manuela Betancour |
Ramirez | Juana | 15 yrs | 5-21-1855 | 5-22-1855 | Celibata-soltera-unmarried daughter of Josefa Ramirez. DARS |
Ramirez | Nabora | 35 yrs | 6-3-1885 | 6-5-1885 | Wife of Margarito Almanzar |
Ramirez | Ramona | 16 yrs | 12-30-1898 | 12-30-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Rascon | Antonio | 35 yrs | 2-17-1878 | 2-19-1878 | Celibe-son of PedroRascon&AltagraciaArmenta.Was insane when priest called.DARS |
Rascon | Baby boy | ? | 12-31-1885 | 1-1-1886 | Parvo-Legitimate son of Concepcion Rascon & Angela Silvas |
Renteria | Caetana | 40 yrs | 5-13-1867 | 5-14-1867 | Widow of Mauricio Lujan. Died without sacraments |
Renteria | Clara | 28 yrs | 7-3-1868 | 7-5-1868 | Woman of Gregorio Vallejos, DARS |
Renteria | Jose Leonicio | 3 mos | 4-13-1860 | 4-14-1860 | Natural son of Regina Renteria |
Renteria | Maria Basilia | ? | 4-19-1849 | 4-20-1849 | Adult-marr to Lorenzo Beltran. Left 12 yr old dau. Dies of illness "marusal" # 135 |
Renteria | Severa | 40 yrs | 1-22-1892 | 1-22-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, C.C.U.U. |
Rey | Juan | ? | 4-24-1847 | 4-25-1847 | Adult-Soldier-Norte Americanas, married to Maria Senobia Varela, left one son, # 53 |
Rey | Maria Regina | 10 mos | 7-7-1847 | 7-8-1847 | Parbula-legit daughter of Luis Rey & Dolores Soledad Montes # 63 |
Reyes | Maria Reyes | 4 days | 1-10-1897 | 1-11-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Ribera | Cirila | 25 yrs | 8-23-1886 | 8-24-1886 | Wife of Trinidad Calderon |
Ribera | Elena | 8 days old | 8-24-1893 | 8-25-1893 | Born:San Elizario |
Ribera | Maria de la O | 36 yrs | 4-12-1874 | 4-14-1874 | Wife of Crispin Maese |
Ribera | Ysabel | 12 yrs | 12-17-1888 | 12-18-1888 | Legit daughter of Pablo Ribera & Virginia Sambran |
Rincon | Anastasia | ? | 5-21-1873 | 5-22-1873 | Woman of (2nd marriage) Bernardino Lopez. DARS |
Rincon | Carmen | 2 mos | 11-7-1879 | 11-9-1879 | Daughter of Pablo Rincon & Romualda Avalos |
Rincon | Josefa | 1 yr | 6-24-1896 | 6-25-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Rincon | Librada | 3 yrs | 9-4-1861 | 9-5-1861 | Legit daughter of Pablo Rincon & Romualda Avalos |
Rivera | Bibiana | 5 yrs 10 mos | 10-24-1879 | 10-25-1879 | Daughter of Tomas Rivera & Basilia Colon |
Rivera | Maria Angela | 18 mos | 4-14-1873 | 4-16-1873 | Parvula-daughter of Pablo Rivera & Iginia Zambrano |
Rivera | Maria | 11 mos | 7-4-1892 | 7-4-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Weakness |
Rivera | Victoria | 5 yrs | 6-14-1860 | 6-15-1860 | Legit daughter of Jesus Rivera & Maria de Fedencio Madrid |
Rodrigues | Felix | ? | 6-18-1847 | 6-19-1847 | Single adult. DARS # 60 |
Rodriguez | Anastasio | 50 yrs | 2-21-1876 | 2-22-1876 | Celibe- DARS |
Rodriguez | Francisco | 64 yrs | 3-22-1890 | 3-22-1890 | Born:Monterey,Mexico, Tetanos (Tetanus), DARS |
Rodriguez | Guadalupe | 30 yrs | 5-23-1886 | 5-24-1886 | |
Rodriguez | Jesus Betancu | 36 yrs | 8-31-1894 | 9-1-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Asesinado (Killed), Husband of Leona Valencia |
Rodriguez | Jose Saturuino | 8 mos | 7-20-1848 | 7-21-1848 | Parvulo-Legit son of SantaCruzRodriguez&MariaJuanaNepomusana Almengor #120 |
Rodriguez | Manuel | 30 yrs | 2-17-1877 | 2-18-1877 | Husband of Eugenia Barajas from Chihuahua. DARS |
Rodriguez | Maria Mariana | ? | 10-20-1847 | 10-21-1847 | Single adult-dau of Ingracio Rodriguez & Isela Cadena, ?head?-died suddenly, # 73 |
Romero | Calista de T. Maese | 30 yrs | 10-28-1895 | 10-29-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption (TB), Administered |
Romero | Eduarda | 4 mos | 3-6-1879 | 3-7-1879 | Daughter of Francisca Romero |
Romero | Eloisa | 2 yrs | 7-9-1890 | 7-9-1890 | Born:Ft.Hancock, Small Pox |
Romero | Francisca | 3 yrs | 8-3-1886 | 8-5-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Beruaricisco? Romero & Consolacion Villalobos |
Romero | Francisca | 40 yrs | 3-10-1882 | 3-11-1882 | |
Ronquillo | Ambrosia | 45 yrs | 12-17-1852 | 12-20-1852 | Widow of AlejandroBaldonado.Some sacram.not called in time for all.Not prepared-was not pious |
Ronquillo | Carlota | 1 yr | 7-24-1853 | 7-24-1853 | Parvula-daughter of Carlos & Cenovia Quintana |
Ronquillo | Dolores | 3 yrs | 11-12-1888 | 11-13-1888 | Daughter of Urbano Ronquillo & Cleta Bustillos |
Ronquillo | Francisca | 4 yrs 2 mos | 3-20-1886 | 3-23-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Urbano Ronquillo & Cleta Bustillos |
Ronquillo | Francisca | 6 yrs | 9-13-1897 | 9-13-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Diptheria, Extra Pagum |
Ronquillo | Maria Rosa | 11 mos | 10-26-1857 | 10-27-1857 | Parvula-daughter of Ignacio Ronquillo & Josefa Nunez |
Ronquillo | Maria | 4 yrs | 5-27-1898 | 5-28-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Ronquillo | Maxima | ? | 5-18-1870 | 5-19-1870 | Widow of Agapito Telles from El Paso DARS |
Rooney | Kate | 16 yrs | 12-7-1890 | 12-7-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Typhoid Fever, DARS |
Rosas o Florez | Jose Melquiades | 9 days | 12-18-1852 | 12-20-1852 | Parvulo-son of Juan de la Cruz Rosas o Florez & Maria Juana Tranquilina Archuleta |
Ruibal | Cresencio | 80 yrs | 5-20-1895 | 5-21-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Hidrapisia |
Ruibal | Dolores | 64 yrs | 10-3-1889 | 10-3-1889 | Born:San Elizario, General Debility, DARS |
Ruibal | Martin | 8 days | 11-13-1872 | 11-15-1872 | Parvo-child of Martin Ruibal & Valentina Baldonado. Priest absent |
Ruibal | Petra | 65 yrs | 8-25-1896 | 8-26-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Dropsy, Administered, Prope Ecc. |
Ruis | Dolores | 67 yrs | 11-29-1882 | 11-30-1882 | Husband of Josefa Arias |
Ruis | Juan | 72 yrs | 10-27-1874 | 10-28-1874 | Widower of Paula Gomez |
Ruiz | Perfecto | 56 yrs | 8-13-1893 | 8-14-1893 | Born:Satebo,Mexico, Pulmonia |
Ruiz | Rafael de Valencia | 60 yrs | 2-2-1890 | 2-2-1890 | Born:San Elizario, La Grippe (Influenza) |
Ruybal | Dolores | 2 yrs 5 mos | 9-10-1861 | 9-11-1861 | Legit daughter of Crescencio Ruybal & Santos Alvillar |
Ruybol | Martin | 24 yrs | 5-31-1879 | 6-2-1879 | Husband of Voluidina Maldonado. Died after rec'd sacraments. |
Salas | Ma. Ignacia | 85 yrs | 9-11-1878 | 9-13-1878 | Widow of (blank).Died after rec'd sacraments but not communion due to ill |
Salazar | Alcario | 1 yr 3 m 16 d | 4-28-1860 | 4-29-1860 | Legit son of Cayetano Salazar & Antonia Carrillo |
Salazar | Aureliano | 10 mos 27 days | 5-13-1860 | 5-14-1860 | Legit son of Joachim Salazar & Juana Carillo |
Salazar | Bruno | 35 yrs | 4-14-1868 | 4-15-1868 | Celive-son of Andres Salazar & Francisca Archuleta NoConfess Conditional Sacram |
Salazar | Joaquin | 72 yrs | 7-22-1899 | 7-23-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Paralysis, Extra Pagum, Administered |
Salazar | Jose de Jesus | 17 mos | 11-16-1899 | 11-17-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Sarampion (Measles), Priest M. Fernandez, S. J. |
Salazar | Jose Maria | 29 days | 12-31-1885 | 1-1-1886 | Legitimate son of Elzeario Salazar & Estefana Idalga |
Salazar | Maria de Jesus | 45 yrs | 10-6-1881 | 10-7-1881 | Wife of Encarnacion Escageda, DARS |
Salazar | Martha | 1 yr 3 mos | 9-19-1861 | 9-20-1861 | Legit daughter of Pedro Salazar & Jesusa Ortiz |
Salazar | Nicasio | 86 yrs | 3-17-1886 | 3-18-1886 | |
Salazar | Pedro | 16 yrs | 5-11-1886 | 5-13-1886 | |
Salazar | Pedro | 50 yrs | 6-2-1884 | 6-3-1884 | Husband of Jesus ? Ortiz |
Salcido | Maria Alejandra | 8 mos 5 days | 12-29-1879 | 12-31-1879 | Daughter of Sisto Salcido & Tecla Gomez |
Salcido | Pedro | 8 yrs | 6-15-1872 | 6-17-1872 | Parvo-child of Sixto Salcido & Tecla Gomez |
Salcido | Ramon | 2 mos | 9-8-1870 | 9-9-1870 | Parvo-son of Sixto Salcido & Maria Tecla Gomez |
Salcido | Santa Cruz | 3 yrs | 3-27-1869 | 3-29-1869 | Parvulo-son of Sixto Salcido & Maria Tecla Gomez |
Samaniego | Celedonio | 1 yr 5 mos | 9-30-1897 | 10-1-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Samaniego | Eduvigen | 5 mos | 6-21-1895 | 6-22-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Samaniego | Francisco | 6 mos | 4-30-1899 | 5-1-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Sambrano? | Jose Maria Eligio | ? | 5-17-1848 | 5-18-1848 | Adult-marr to Maria Felipa Alderete.Left 4 sons, 3 daughters. DARS # 109 |
Sambrano | Elzearius | 15 days | 12-21-1892 | 12-21-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Weakness |
Sambrano | Felipa | 60 yrs | 11-25-1881 | 11-26-1881 | Wife of Andres Olguin |
Sambrano | Jose | 33 yrs | 6-7-1849 | 6-8-1849 | AdultSingleLegitSonOfMario?Sambrano&MariaJuanaPeresDARS Died of foot injury in 16 yrs?#141 |
Sambrano | Longina | 70 yrs | 3-14-1881 | 3-16-1881 | Widow of Antonio Paz. DARS |
Sambrano | Mauricio | ? | 11-11-1848 | 11-12-1848 | AdultMarrToMariaFranciscaArroyosLeft3Sons,3DauDiedOfInflamationOf" Viatre" #134 |
San Esteban | Luisa | 40 yrs | 6-28-1877 | 6-29-1877 | Wife of Pantoleon Garcia. DARS |
Sanches | Maria Anastacia | ? | 6-21-1848 | 6-22-1848 | Adult-Widower 2nd time of Serapio Balencia.Left 1 son,2 dau Died of Yterzeia # 115 |
Sanches | Pedro | ? | 1-13-1848 | 1-14-1848 | Widower of AnaJosefaOlguin.Left 2sonsDied of Pain of Costado (Side Pain) DARS # 88 |
Sanchez | Agapita | 17 mos | 6-12-1872 | 6-13-1872 | Parva-daughter of Francisco Sanchez & Agapita Lopez |
Sanchez | Baby boy | 1 day | 7-3-1868 | 7-14-1868 | Parvo-child of Felipe Sanchez & Felipa Sierra, Bap. by Francisca Montes |
Sanchez | Carlos | 36 yrs | 7-21-1881 | 7-22-1881 | Husband of Bruna Maese. DARS |
Sanchez | Catarina | 2 yrs | 10-27-1871 | 10-28-1871 | Parvula-daughter of Felipe Sanchez & Felipa Sierra |
Sanchez | Claudia | 40 yrs | 11-2-1876 | 11-4-1876 | Legit dau of Pitamo Sanchez & Paula Lopez. Wife of Lino Guerra. DARS |
Sanchez | Dimas | 2 yrs. 1 mon | 1-5-1880 | 1-7-1880 | Daughter. Of Monico Sanchez & Dominga Sierra |
Sanchez | Fabiana | 5 mos | 6-21-1872 | 6-22-1872 | Parva-child of Monico Sanchez & Ma. Dominga Sierra |
Sanchez | Feliciano | 2 yrs | 1-5-1854 | 1-10-1854 | Parvulo-son of Tomas Sanchez & Ysabel Florez |
Sanchez | Isabel | 70 yrs | 5-5-1874 | 5-6-1874 | Widow of Feliz Lopez |
Sanchez | Isidora | 18 yrs | 10-16-1874 | 10-17-1874 | Natural daughter of Guadalupe Sanchez |
Sanchez | Josefa | ? | 2-22-1871 | 2-23-1871 | Mujer-woman of Jose Chaves. Died suddenly after Child birth (Parto) |
Sanchez | Josefa | 24 yrs | 4-12-1872 | 4-14-1872 | Woman of Macedonio Chaves. DARS |
Sanchez | Maria Dimas | 29 yrs | 5-28-1867 | 5-29-1867 | Widow of Cosme Maese. DARS |
Sanchez | Maria Pilar | 6 mos | 7-13-1854 | 7-15-1854 | Parva-Adop.dau of TeodosoSanchez(Legit of IgnacioAranda&PetraLujan from Guadalupe) |
Sanchez | Maria Transito | 22 mos | 6-12-1872 | 6-13-1872 | Parva-child of Monico Sanchez & Dominga Sierra |
Sanchez | Pedro | 9 mos | 2-1-1887 | 2-3-1887 | Son of Brigida Sanchez |
Sanchez | Remigio | 30 yrs | 9-8-1859 | 9-9-1859 | Husband of Maria Joanna Gandara, DARS |
Sanchez | Remualdo | 1 yr 5 mos | 6-30-1860 | 7-1-1860 | Legit son of Elzenan? (Or Digenan?) Sanchez & Maria Cavaldera |
Sanchez | Romano | 60 yrs | 4-19-1889 | 4-19-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Pneumonia, DARS |
Sanchez | Rosa | 50 yrs | 7-23-1869 | 7-24-1869 | Celive-unmarried daughter of Nicolas Sanchez & Ana Olguin. DARS |
Sanchez | Teodoro | 32 yrs 7 mos | 11-?-1861 | 11-19-1861 | Husband of Ignacia Aranda.Died in combat with Indians in Guadalupe Mountains |
Sanchez | Teresa | 8 mos | 2-22-1892 | 2-22-1892 | Born:Ysla, Fever |
Sanchez | Tomas | 3 yrs 8 mos | 12-1-1859 | 12-2-1859 | Legit son of Jose Maria Sanchez & Maria de la Luz Pena |
Sanchez | Tomas | 80 yrs | 1-15-1879 | 1-18-1879 | Husband of Isabel Flores. Died after rec'd sacraments. |
Santacruz | Manuela | 25 yrs | 10-26-1882 | 10-27-1882 | Wife of Julian Perez |
Santiesteban | Victoria | 30 yrs | 3-9-1871 | 3-10-1871 | Mujer-woman of Juan Apodaca. DARS |
Seineros | Juan Timoteo | 7 mos | 6-11-1847 | 6-12-1847 | Parvulo-son of Maria Josefina Seineros, # 58 |
Sentenas | Maria Geralda | 48 yrs | 1-4-1860 | 1-5-1860 | Wife of Marcelino Montoya, DARS |
Sierra | Alejandra | 3 yrs | 9-28-1861 | 9-29-1861 | Natural daughter of Josefa Sierra |
Sierra | Angela | 18 yrs | 7-26-1889 | 7-26-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Debility, DARS |
Sierra | Angela | 3 yrs | 11-7-1879 | 11-9-1879 | Daughter of Jose Sierra & Reyes Cordero |
Sierra | Arcadia | 9 yrs | 7-18-1858 | 7-18-1858 | Parvula-Legit daughter of Juan Jose Sierra & Cresencia Archuleta |
Sierra | Atanasia | 25 yrs | 3-17-1886 | 3-19-1886 | Wife of Celestino Trujillo |
Sierra | Cesaria | 5 mos | 9-9-1885 | 9-10-1885 | Legitimate daughter of Nicolas Sierra & Margarita Trujillo |
Sierra | Concepcion | 16 yrs | 10-13-1893 | 10-14-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Phtisis, DARS |
Sierra | Domingo | ? | 8-25-1856 | 8-26-1856 | Widower of unknown person,from Guadalupe, Mexico. Killed by lightening |
Sierra | Evaristo | 18 yrs | 4-28-1889 | 4-28-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Phtysis, DARS |
Sierra | Felipa | 26 yrs | 4-13-1874 | 4-14-1874 | Wife of Felipe Sanchez |
Sierra | Jesus | 50 yrs | 2-19-1880 | 2-21-1880 | Husband of Lorenza Beo. Died after rec'd sacraments |
Sierra | Juan | 15 mos | 2-11-1872 | 2-12-1872 | Parvo-son of Jose Sierra & Reyes Cordero |
Sierra | Maria Alejandra | 4 mos | 10-14-1846 | 10-15-1846 | Parvula-legit daughter of Jose Sierra & Julycancia Avalos, # 26 |
Sierra | Maria Josefa | 30 yrs | 3-4-1862 | 3-6-1862 | Legit daughter of Juan Jose Sierra & Crescencia Archuleta DARS |
Sierra | Mariano | 2 yrs | 2-3-1880 | 2-5-1880 | Son of Nicolas Sierra & Margarita Trugillo |
Sierra | Natividad | 2 mos | 11-20-1883 | 11-21-1883 | Legit daughter of Sabino Cierra & Cesaria Barron |
Sierra | Pedro | 4 mos | 5-29-1872 | 5-30-1872 | Parvulo-son of Jose Sierra & Reyes Cordero |
Sierra | Petra | 23 yrs | 8-20-1897 | 8-20-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Prope Ecc. |
Sierra | Saram | 40 days | 6-24-1889 | 6-24-1889 | Born:San Elizario |
Sisneros | Jose Sisto | 15 days | 5-29-1848 | 5-30-1848 | Parbulo-son of Maria Rufina Sisneros. # 105 |
SISTER | Luisa | 22 yrs | 1-28-1887 | 1-29-1887 | Named Catherine O'Connor in this century |
SISTER | Maria Virginia | 21 yrs | 5-13-1881 | 5-14-1881 | Order of the Sisters of Loretto, DARS |
Soto | Cleta | 55 yrs | 8-7-1894 | 8-8-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Woman of T. Lucero |
Soto | Dionisio | 60 yrs | 10-3-1895 | 10-4-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Por Golpes Recibidos (Due to Injuries), single, DARS |
Soto | Isidro | 6 mos | 3-26-1874 | 3-26-1874 | Natural son of Concepcion Lopor ? (Last name could be Lopez) |
Soto | Luz | ? | 7-1-1876 | 7-2-1876 | Husband of Carlota Montes. DARS |
Suarez | Nicolas | 70 yrs | 7-24-1871 | 7-25-1871 | Widower of Monica Montes. DARS |
Suarez | Polonio | ? | 11-2-1853 | 11-2-1853 | Soltero-unmarried son of Juan Suarez & Ysabel Granillo. No rites due to not called. |
Subia | Ma de los Dolores | 60 yrs | 6-30-1879 | 7-1-1879 | Widow of __ Cordero. Died after rec'd sacraments. |
Tafoya | Ana Maria | ? | 2-7-1855 | 2-9-1855 | Woman of Julian Apodaca. DARS |
Talamantes | Jose Maria | 9 mos | 12-23-1891 | 12-23-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Alfresia, DARS |
Talamantes | Matiana | 75 yrs | 6-11-1897 | 6-12-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Adminintered, Prope Ecc. |
Telles | Andrea | 6 yrs | 12-15-1886 | 12-17-1886 | Legitimate son of Rafael Telles & Antonia Guerra |
Telles | Dolores | 15 days | 7-1-1896 | 7-1-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Telles | Dolores | 3 mos | 5-21-1895 | 5-22-1895 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Telles | Francisco | 6 mos | 8-10-1893 | 8-11-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Telles | Gabriel | 10 mos | 6-2-1898 | 6-3-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Telles | Gilberto Elias | 22 yrs | 3-21-1890 | 3-21-1890 | Born:San Elizario |
Telles | Guadalupe | 8 yrs | 6-25-1893 | 6-26-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Telles | Joaquin | 2 yrs | 8-15-1883 | 8-16-1883 | Legitimate son Dolores Telles & Felicitas Ortiz |
Telles | Manuel | 2 mos | 3-17-1886 | 3-19-1886 | Legitimate son of Pedro Telles & Silvestra Guerra |
Telles | Maria del Carmen | 1 yr 6 mos | 11-28-1883 | 11-29-1883 | Legit daughter of Pedro Telles & Silvestra Guerra |
Telles | Michael | 9 mos | 7-5-1892 | 7-5-1892 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Telles | Rafael | 4 yrs 10 mos | 11-11-1886 | 11-12-1886 | Legitimate son of Rafael Telles & Antonia Guerra |
Telles | Rafael | 68 yrs | 5-24-1897 | 5-25-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Brights Disease, Administered, Cemeterio Extra Pagum |
Telles | Siquia | 26 yrs | 2-20-1884 | 2-21-1884 | Wife of Glorio Guerra |
Tellez | Gregoria | 1 yr 1 mon | 10-16-1879 | 10-17-1879 | Daughter of Pedro Tellez & Silvestra Guerra |
Tellez | Marcos | 72 yrs | 6-7-1878 | 6-8-1878 | Widower of Claudio Guerra from Socorro. Died suddenly, some sacra prior due to ill |
Tercas | Teodocio | 70 yrs | 3-15-1847 | 3-16-1847 | Adult-Married to Encarnacion Valencia. Died-pneumonia, no children, DARS, # 45 |
Teyes | Pedro | 40 days | 5-17-1894 | 5-17-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Time | William Fred | 3 yrs 6 mos | 1-3-1897 | 1-4-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Torres | Francisco | 14 mos | 8-31-1899 | 9-1-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Colera Infantum, Extra Pagum |
Torres | Gabriela | 1 yr 6 mos | 6-5-1898 | 6-6-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Torres | Josefa | 38 yrs | 4-11-1860 | 4-12-1860 | Wife of Epifanio Ortiz, DARS |
Torres | Maria de Jesus | 2 mos | 10-18-1847 | 10-19-1847 | Parvula-daughter of Julio Torres & Malyinrina? Espinosa? # 71 |
Torres | Tomas | ? | 8-31-1857 | 9-2-1857 | Celibe-son of Pedro Torres & Gertrudis Mendia from Paso del Norte. DARS |
Trugillo | Felicitos | 6 yrs | 11-12-1876 | 11-13-1876 | Legit son of Bernabe Trugillo & Santa Lopez |
Trujillo | Adelina Candelario | 3 mos | 6-7-1898 | 6-8-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Trujillo | Apolonia | 58 yrs | 10-24-1877 | 10-25-1877 | Widow of Jesus Lujan. DARS |
Trujillo | Francisca | 1 mon | 8-5-1896 | 8-6-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Trujillo | Juana | 94 yrs | 4-1-1898 | 4-2-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Extra Pagum |
Trujillo | Lina | 75 yrs | 5-16-1894 | 5-17-1894 | Born:Andama, Viejez (Old Age), Administered |
Trujillo | Wenceslado | 84 yrs | 4-6-1894 | 4-7-1894 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, DARS |
Trujio | Tomas | 37 yrs | 1-25-1889 | 1-25-1889 | Born:San Elizario, Pneumonia, DARS |
Ulloa | Dolores | 26 yrs | 8-19-1879 | 8-20-1879 | Wife of Benito Caballero. Died after rec'd sacraments. |
Ulloa | Eulalia | 89 yrs | 1-20-1899 | 1-21-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Administered, Extra Pagum |
Ulloa | Feliberta | 8 yrs | 9-12-1869 | 9-13-1869 | Parva-daughter of Paula Ulloa |
Urteaga | Anselmo | ? | 2-25-1888 | 2-27-1888 | Husband of Eulalia Garcia |
Urtiaga | Adelaida | 4 mos | 8-1-1852 | 8-2-1852 | Parvula-daughter of Zaciano? Urtiaga & Norania? Lucero |
Urtiaga | Consolacion | ? | 8-22-1855 | 8-25-1855 | Parvula-daughter of Angelino Urtiaga & Eulogia Garcia. Priest absent |
Urtiaga | Expectacion | 22 yrs | 11-30-1875 | 12-1-1875 | Wife of Benito Aranda. DARS |
Urtiaga | Juana | 11 mos | 10-13-1881 | 10-14-1881 | Natural daughter of Anselmo Urtiaga & Gregoria Varela |
Urtiaga | Maria Refugio | 3 mos | 11-9-1853 | 11-10-1853 | Parva-dau of Donaciano Urtiaga & Narania Lucero.Priest Not Present Not Buried In Cemetery |
Urtiaga | Prisciliana | 10 mos | 11-9-1876 | 11-10-1876 | Child-Legit daughter of Longino Urtiaga & Maria de Jesus Apodaca |
Urtiaga | Santos | 3 yrs | 11-10-1876 | 11-11-1876 | Legit son of Longino Urtiaga & Maria Juana Apodaca |
Valencia | Bartola | 2 yrs | 7-6-1858 | 7-6-1858 | Parvula-natural daughter of Felicitas Valencia |
Valencia | Gertrudes | 20 yrs | 4-15-1859 | 4-16-1859 | Married to Luz Medina. DARS. |
Valencia | Juan | 1 yr | 3-16-1847 | 3-17-1847 | Parvulo-Legit son of Luz Valencia & Maria Guerra. Died of Measles, # 49 |
Valencia | Juana | 1 yr 6 mos | 2-25-1854 | 2-26-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Felicitas Valencia |
Valencia | Luz | 75 yrs | 11-12-1897 | 11-13-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Confessed, Extra Pagum |
Valles | Antonio | 1 yr 10 mos | 12-14-1884 | 12-15-1884 | Legit son of Antonio Valles & Carolina Madrid |
Valles | Margarita | 2 yrs | 3-20-1869 | 3-21-1869 | Parva-daughter of Teodoso Valles & Refugio Polanco |
Valles | Merejilda | 2 mos | 7-15-1893 | 7-16-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Fever |
Varela | Alejo | 50 yrs | 3-28-1878 | 3-29-1878 | Husband of (blank). Son of Sotero Varela & Teodora Lopez. DARS |
Varela | Andres | 2 yrs | 10-29-1886 | 10-30-1886 | Son of Gregoria Varela |
Varela | Baby boy | 1 day | 10-3-1869 | 10-3-1869 | Parvulito-son of Marcelina Varela. Baptised by Josefa Olguin |
Varela | Guadalupe de Guerra | 18 yrs | 11-12-1890 | 11-12-1890 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, DARS |
Varela | Jose Cleto | 6 mos | 10-19-1847 | 10-20-1847 | Parvo-legit son of Clemente Varela & Crecencia Fusing? # 72 |
Varela | Maria Angela | 80 yrs | 3-29-1867 | 3-30-1867 | Widow of 1st marriage to Jose Alderete. Some sacraments received not all. |
Varela | Maria Refugio | 32 yrs | 4-10-1869 | 4-11-1869 | Mujer-woman of Benito Provencio. DARS |
Vargas | Nicolasa | 70 yrs | 5-23-1898 | 5-24-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Old Age, Extra Pagum, OK |
Vascengan | Juan Nepomeno | 11 mos | 1-10-1848 | 1-11-1848 | Parvulo-son of Maria Vascengan. Died of "jusos" # 86 |
Venavides | Petra | 2 yrs 6 mos | 12-29-1853 | 1-2-1854 | Parvula-daughter of Matias Venavides & Dolores Olguin |
Vencomo | Joaquim | 4 yrs | 10-15-1893 | 10-16-1893 | Born:San Elizario, Debility |
Vencomo | Maria M. | 23 yrs | 5-20-1899 | 5-21-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Consumption, Belonged to Children of Mary (Hijas de Maria) Extra Pagum |
Ventacu | Blasa | 70 yrs | 11-17-1891 | 11-17-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Oldness, C.C.U.U. |
Ventacu | Manuela | 40 yrs | 1-6-1874 | 1-7-1874 | Wife of Dolores Ecillez, daughter of Ventacu & Soledad Lopez. DARS |
Vigil | Doroteo | 7 days | 4-10-1898 | 4-11-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Vigil | Felicitas | 9 yrs | 9-7-1879 | 9-8-1879 | Daughter of Francisco Vigil & Felipa Olivares. Died after rec'd sacraments. |
Vigil | Manuel | 23 yrs | 11-30-1886 | 12-2-1886 | Legitimate son of Francisco Vigil & Felipa Olivares |
Vigil | Maria | 19 yrs | 8-3-1886 | 8-4-1886 | Legitimate daughter of Francisco Vigil & Maria Felipa Olivarez |
Vigil | Vicente | 1 yr 6 mos | 9-19-1879 | 9-20-1879 | Son of Francisco Vigil & Felipa Olivares |
Villa | Alvino | 4 mos | 4-12-1855 | 4-13-1855 | Parvulo-son of Jesus Maria & Juana Villa, previously from Chiguagua |
Villa | Leonides | 35 yrs | 6-14-1890 | 6-14-1890 | Born:Carrisal, Mexico, Consumption, DARS |
Villa | Maria Guadalupe | ? | 2-28-1848 | 2-29-1848 | Adult-marr. to VicenteMontoya, Left 2 sons 2 dau Died of illness "Avitual" DARS # 92 |
Villa | Teodoso | 2 mos | 12-31-1885 | 1-1-1886 | Legitimate son of Leonides Villa & Teodosa Colomo |
Villalva | Justo | ? | 6-15-1847 | 6-16-1847 | Adult-married to Josefa Fresques. DARS # 59 |
Villanneva | Gabino | 60 yrs | 1-29-1890 | 1-29-1890 | Born:San Elizario, La Grippe (Influenza) |
Villegas | Francisco | 6 yrs | 10-9-1879 | 10-10-1879 | Legit daughter of Teofilo Villegas & Refugio Madrid |
Villegas | Lorenza | 2 yrs | 1-27-1882 | 1-29-1882 | Daughter of Teofilo Villegas & Refugio Madrid |
Vizcarra | Manuel | 15 mos | 10-8-1869 | 10-9-1869 | Parvulo-son of Inocente Vizcarra & Concepcion Perez |
Ydalgo | Romano | ? | 3-25-1848 | 3-26-1848 | Married to Maria Ignes Montes (or Montoya). Left 2 daughters. DARS #97 |
Ysco | Francisca | 49 yrs | 12-11-1876 | 12-13-1876 | Widow of Ricardo Aguirre. DARS |
Ysco | Pedro | 35 yrs | 12-11-1879 | 12-13-1879 | Celibe-son of Antonio Ysco & Refugia Butierrez |
Zambrano | Clotilde | 10 mos | 8-21-1898 | 8-22-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Zambrano | Crescencio | 2 yrs 2 mos | 9-1-1868 | 9-2-1868 | Parvo-son of Ramon Zambrano & Felicita Garcia |
Zambrano | Elzeario | 8 yrs | 7-5-1872 | 7-6-1872 | Parvo-son of Ramon Zambrano & Felicita Garcia |
Zambrano | Francisca | 4 mos 7 days | 5-20-1876 | 6-21-1876 | Child-legit daughter of Ramon Zambrano & Felicitas Garcia |
Zambrano | Josefa | 15 mos | 6-8-1872 | 6-9-1872 | Parvula-daughter of Ramon Zambrano & Felicita Garcia |
Zambrano | Luis | 80 yrs | 12-15-1896 | 12-16-1896 | Born:San Elizario, Burned, Prope Ecc. |
Zambrano | Maria de Las Nieves | 35 yrs | 4-23-1877 | 4-24-1877 | Widow of Joaquin Medina. DARS |
Zambrano | Martin | 79 yrs | 6-26-1874 | 6-27-1874 | Husband of Juana Perez |
Zambrano | Refugio | 1 yr 6 mos | 4-5-1897 | 4-6-1897 | Born:San Elizario, Disenteria(Dysentery), Baptized, Prope Ecc. |
Zambrano | Refugio | 1 yr 6 mos | 8-15-1898 | 8-16-1898 | Born:San Elizario, Fever, Extra Pagum |
Zamora | Jose de la Cruz Amado | 4 mos | 1-13-1857 | 1-14-1857 | Parvo-son of Francisca Zamora |
Zamora | Mauricio | 18 days | 10-10-1854 | 10-11-1854 | Parvulo-son of Francisca Zamora |
Zuniga | Abrana | 2 yrs | 9-12-1876 | 9-12-1876 | Legit daughter of Ildefonso Zuniga & Lorna Granillo |
Zuniga | Bonifacio | 35 yrs | 2-22-1881 | 2-24-1881 | Husband of Loreta Samaniego, DARS |
Zuniga | Francisco | 2 yrs 5 mos | 11-20-1879 | 11-22-1879 | Son of Bonifacio Zuniga & Loreta Samaniego |
Zuniga | Gorgonio | 19 yrs | 11-16-1891 | 11-16-1891 | Born:San Elizario, Dypteria, C.C.U. |
Zuniga | Ines | 4 mos 7 days | 10-10-1877 | 10-11-1877 | Child-daughter of Iginio Zuniga & Felicitas Bustillos |
Zuniga | Juan | 75 yrs | 3-31-1899 | 4-1-1899 | Born:San Elizario, Dysentery, Extra Pagum, OK |
Zuniga | Maria Jesus | 6 mos | 7-8-1875 | 7-9-1875 | Parvula-Legit daughter of Bonifacio Zuniga & Loreta Samaniego |