1983 Deaths

                                 Date of             
    Name                          Death      Sex    

Allert, Mittie                02-Sep-1983     F                        
Asher, Frank Miller           14-Apr-1983     M                        
Bailey, Florence May          15-Oct-1983     F                        
Baker, Bettie Pearl           10-Mar-1983     F                        
Bateman, Elbert D             20-Aug-1983     M                        
Bateman, Green Lee            16-Nov-1983     M                        
Beans, Bessie Mae             13-Jan-1983     F                        
Behlen, Arthur                30-Oct-1983     M                        
Bludau, Leslie August         20-Sep-1983     M                        
Brandt, Lillie                22-Dec-1983     F                        
Braune, Ruby Ruth             22-Jan-1983     F                        
Bruner, Maria Dolores         21-Nov-1983     F                        
Bruns, Alma Annie             20-Nov-1983     F                        
Bryant, Leslie Faye           20-Mar-1983     F                        
Burke, Hattie Alice           06-Dec-1983     F                        
Burton, Sally Jay             29-Jun-1983     F                        
Camarillo, Pablo              29-Mar-1983     M                        
Camp, Orville Lloyd           27-Aug-1983     M                        
Campion, Herbert William, SR  27-May-1983     M                        
Castillo, Jesus Juarez        03-Jan-1983     M                        
Chatmon, Genevia E            29-Nov-1983     F                        
Cimrhanzl, Wilhelmina Minnie  28-Apr-1983     F                        
Clack, Wade                   05-Apr-1983     M                        
Cook, Florine Elder           26-Jul-1983     F                        
Cook, Cleburne D              16-Sep-1983     M                        
Cooksey, Otis Davis           21-Jul-1983     M                        
Daniels, Evelyn Amelia        29-Dec-1983     F                        
Danysh, Onufrey Egnacious     22-Dec-1983     M                        
Davis, Kenneth William        19-Jan-1983     M                        
Davis, Georgia                25-Apr-1983     F                        
Davis, John Albert            14-Nov-1983     M                        
Deer, Terri Lynn              18-Jun-1983     F                        
Denson, Berta                 20-Oct-1983     F                        
Dora, Gertrude                06-Aug-1983     F                        
Dugat, Michael Lynn           24-Dec-1983     M                        
Eaton, Nannie J               25-Mar-1983     F                        
Egger, Leroy                  23-Jan-1983     M                        
Elkins, Jesse Lee             19-Nov-1983     M                        
Fougerat, Charles Armand      15-Jan-1983     M                        
Gast, Emil Leo                03-Dec-1983     M                        
Gescheidle, Mary Beulah       18-Jan-1983     F                        
Grant, John Singleton         27-Jul-1983     M                        
Green, Wathon E               02-Feb-1983     F                        
Green, Herman                 24-Mar-1983     M                        
Haire, Joseph Edwin, JR       02-Aug-1983     M                        
Harborth, Louise Wilhelmina   15-Jul-1983     F                        
Harless, Jennie Knox          31-Mar-1983     F                        
Harris, August                07-Jan-1983     M                        
Hodges, Carrie Bell           10-Feb-1983     F                        
Hodges, Versie Mae            14-Feb-1983     F                        
Holstein, Olvie Edwin         15-Sep-1983     M                        
Holt, David Wayne             08-Jul-1983     M                        
Hoskins, Eula                 02-Oct-1983     F                        
House, Cornelius, SR          08-Jun-1983     M                        
Hunter, Marcellos Boone       04-Sep-1983     M                        
Ivy, Evelyn Louise            23-Oct-1983     F                        
Jackson, Lola Kate            30-Jan-1983     F                        
Jaimes, Abel                  08-Oct-1983     M                        
James, Tommy Lynn             26-Jul-1983     M                        
Jewell, Ennis Ozella          15-Feb-1983     F                        
Johnson, Frank                01-May-1983     M                        
Johnson, Alta May             03-Jul-1983     F                        
Johnston, Eunice              04-Oct-1983     F                        
Kasprzyk, Janice Nicole       23-Aug-1983     F                        
Kelm, Meta                    08-Dec-1983     F                        
King, Anna Elizabeth          20-Oct-1983     F                        
Kluting, Kenneth Nelson       06-Jan-1983     M                        
Koenning, Isabella            23-Nov-1983     F                        
Lassig, Godfrey Joseph        28-Feb-1983     M                        
Leasman, Rosa Ella            31-Dec-1983     F                        
Lockhart, Marie S             02-Oct-1983     F                        
Lopez, Feliciano              10-Jul-1983     M                        
Lord, George Thomas           28-Dec-1983     M                        
Malatek, Julius               15-Jan-1983     M                        
Mangum, Willie Ernestine      27-Jun-1983     F                        
Marek, Adolph Joe             07-Nov-1983     M                        
Martinez, Juan Gomez          19-Jan-1983     M                        
Mathews, Henry Alonzo         03-Jun-1983     M                        
Mcmickle, Parker              24-Mar-1983     M                        
Mcvea, Nora Estelle           06-Apr-1983     F                        
Mercer, Mary Clee             09-Mar-1983     F                        
Mick, Nuel Olivia             04-Oct-1983     F                        
Mills, Roy Clifton            10-Sep-1983     M                        
Montgomery, Cynthia Ann       09-Aug-1983     F                        
Moote, Bertha Mae             12-Jan-1983     F                        
Moote, Bertha Mae             12-Jan-1983     F                        
Morley, Ella Mae              18-Feb-1983     F                        
Muelker, Robert Ernest        10-Apr-1983     M                        
Navejar, Pedro, SR            28-Jun-1983     M                        
Nelms, Emma Lucille           08-Feb-1983     F                        
Newton, Thomas Veach, JR      13-Mar-1983     M                        
O'neall, Claudius Fletcher    14-Oct-1983     M                        
Pelech, Mary Katherine        08-Oct-1983     F                        
Pierpont, Hoy Fred            16-Dec-1983     M                        
Polan, Lloyd Andrew           18-Mar-1983     M                        
Pullin, Willie Ada            18-Mar-1983     F                        
Pullin, John Wesley           24-Aug-1983     M                        
Rather, Charles Taylor, III   18-Oct-1983     M                        
Riggs, James William          30-Nov-1983     M                        
Rios, Angelita Ramos          21-Jan-1983     F                        
Rodela, Matilde               11-Feb-1983     M                        
Roecker, Herbert August, SR   03-May-1983     M                        
Rosales, Porfiria             24-Jul-1983     F                        
Sampleton, Ella H             15-Mar-1983     F                        
Schlinke, Charles             11-Aug-1983     M                        
Self, Joseph Pinkney          07-Dec-1983     M                        
Self, Markley Franklin        14-Dec-1983     M                        
Sewell, Dalton Wilburn        11-Sep-1983     M                        
Shaver, Joe Floyd             25-Oct-1983     M                        
Sheffield, Walter Zane        21-Mar-1983     M                        
Short, John Quincey           08-Nov-1983     M                        
Smith, Charley Edward         18-Jan-1983     M                        
Smith, Maggie                 24-Mar-1983     F                        
Smith, Clara Mary             03-Sep-1983     F                        
Soefje, Lee Lewis             14-Aug-1983     M                        
Sorenson, Simon Lee           01-Dec-1983     M                        
Spahn, Walter Adam            07-May-1983     M                        
Spears, Vernon M              06-Nov-1983     M                        
Spitzenberger, Louis Frank    14-Jul-1983     M                        
Steinhauser, Anna             18-Oct-1983     F                        
Stovall, John Henry, JR       22-Feb-1983     M                        
Streety, Brice Reagan         04-Oct-1983     M                        
Tate, Eunice                  05-Apr-1983     F                        
Tomlinson, William Robert     07-May-1983     M                        
Torres, Jesusa                17-Feb-1983     F                        
Turk, Sam Fred                29-Jul-1983     M                        
Vaneaton, Erma Jones          08-Aug-1983     F                        
Vaughan, Dora Lee             28-Feb-1983     F                        
Vega, Eleno, JR               02-Mar-1983     M                        
Wagener, Hugo Fred            09-Dec-1983     M                        
Walleck, Minnie Marie         24-Jan-1983     F                        
Washington, Willie            21-Jul-1983     F                        
Wefer, Lydia Alma             12-Oct-1983     F                        
Wells, Willie Mae             16-Feb-1983     F                        
Wenzel, Ida Amanda            04-Dec-1983     F                        
Whiddon, Leslie Wiley         08-Mar-1983     M                        
Wied, Maggie Faye             10-Jul-1983     F                        
Williams, Virgil Lee          03-Oct-1983     M                        
Wimmer, Margaret Gibbons      22-Jun-1983     F  

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