1984 Deaths

                                Date of             
    Name                          Death      Sex     

Adair, Ruth                   30-Dec-1984     F                        
Anderson, J T                 17-Mar-1984     M                        
Andle, William Matthew        27-Oct-1984     M                        
Arellano, Jesus               18-Jul-1984     M                        
Aviles, Felix                 22-Dec-1984     M                        
Bahlmann, Benjamin Franklin   17-Dec-1984     M                        
Bahn, Lewis H                 08-Jan-1984     M                        
Bailey, Luther Leon           30-Dec-1984     M                        
Barnes, Eugene, SR            04-Nov-1984     M                        
Barnett, Cornelia K           06-Jul-1984     F                        
Baros, Charles Frank          28-Sep-1984     M                        
Bates, Donald Ray             30-Jun-1984     M                        
Bond, J T                     08-Mar-1984     M                        
Botts, Cecilia Claire         13-Dec-1984     F                        
Boysen, Max Otto              11-Aug-1984     M                        
Breitenbach, Nettie F         22-Oct-1984     F                        
Bright, William Joe, SR       05-Mar-1984     M                        
Burge, Roland Charles         20-Feb-1984     M                        
Burnett, Fannie Elizabeth     11-Mar-1984     F                        
Butler, Myrtle B              12-Nov-1984     F                        
Camarillo, Alfonso            05-May-1984     M                        
Canady, John Davis            11-Feb-1984     M                        
Cantu, Consuelo Nerio         10-Aug-1984     F                        
Caraway, W Ross               26-Nov-1984     M                        
Carter, Eltra                 23-Feb-1984     F                        
Cedillo, Otilia C             22-Nov-1984     F                        
Cerda, Gerald                 14-Jan-1984     M                        
Cleveland, Louis Frank, SR    04-Apr-1984     M                        
Cook, Ollie Glenna            16-Apr-1984     F                        
Cooper, Lowell Reed           18-May-1984     M                        
Coor, Charlie August          13-Jul-1984     M                        
Crowther, Emma Lee            07-Feb-1984     F                        
Darden, Clarence              28-May-1984     M                        
Davis, Agusta                 01-Nov-1984     F                        
Dechman, Edmund William, SR   08-Feb-1984     M                        
Denson, Oma Deleware          02-Feb-1984     F                        
Deviney, Leona Anna           30-Dec-1984     F                        
Deweese, Wilburn Chester      04-Jan-1984     M                        
Dove, I J  Ben                16-Jan-1984     M                        
Drabek, Mary Annie            14-Aug-1984     F                        
Dubose, Katie Lula            24-Feb-1984     F                        
Dubose, Mary Elizabeth        16-Oct-1984     F                        
Dwyer, Isabel Bernice         31-Dec-1984     F                        
Eckols, Frances Lucile        09-Aug-1984     F                        
Edwards, Dunnie Preston       23-Aug-1984     F                        
Elias, Juan Manuel            05-Dec-1984     M                        
Flores, Vasilio Silvas        26-Dec-1984     M                        
Fougerat, Julian              14-May-1984     M                        
Freeman, Robert Lee           15-Nov-1984     M                        
Fuchs, Jennie M               25-Apr-1984     F                        
Fullilove, Jessie Madeline    14-Jul-1984     F                        
Gallegos, Salvador            11-Dec-1984     M                        
Gendke, Edwin J               15-Jul-1984     M                        
Giesber, Helen                20-Sep-1984     F                        
Gilbreath, Celia N            14-Mar-1984     F                        
Goldman, Rosie Lee            28-Oct-1984     F                        
Gonzales, Joe P               10-May-1984     M                        
Gray, Bennie Ola              09-Nov-1984     F                        
Griffin, Henrietta            02-Jan-1984     F                        
Guzman, Eustaquio             06-Jul-1984     M                        
Hahn, Ward Alfred             14-May-1984     M                        
Hansford, Mellie Kay          06-Feb-1984     F                        
Hanzlik, Edward               14-Aug-1984     M                        
Harper, Mark Raymond          31-Aug-1984     M                        
Harris, Mollie                24-Jul-1984     F                        
Harrison, Susie Agnes         31-Jan-1984     F                        
Harvey, Ella Julia            05-Mar-1984     F                        
Hewlett, Russell Dean         20-May-1984     M                        
Heye, Ima Opal                20-Feb-1984     F                        
Hinton, Belle                 08-Dec-1984     F                        
Huff, Olga Augusta-rosine     10-Jul-1984     F                        
Humphreys, Annie Katherine    01-Jan-1984     F                        
Hunt, William Donald, JR      05-May-1984     M                        
Isbell, Glennie Procedia      05-Jul-1984     F                        
Jackson, Julius               11-Jul-1984     M                        
Janik, Anton A                13-Jun-1984     M                        
Johnson, George Vernon        18-Feb-1984     M                        
Johnson, Elsie R              11-May-1984     F                        
Johnson, Robert Hugh          21-Sep-1984     M                        
Jones, Cornelia               04-Mar-1984     F                        
Kelley, Sam                   29-Mar-1984     M                        
Kennedy, Oma Lee              22-Apr-1984     F                        
King, Ola May                 12-Dec-1984     F                        
Klapuch, Rudolph              20-Jul-1984     M                        
Klein, Lawrence Adolph        11-Oct-1984     M                        
Knetig, Olga Bertha           03-Apr-1984     F                        
Koenning, Erna Johanna        11-Dec-1984     F                        
Krejci, David L               18-Dec-1984     M                        
Kucharczyk, Pauline Dorothy   19-Jan-1984     F                        
Leos, Jesusa Cardenas         29-Mar-1984     F                        
Leung, Amy Mai-nar            12-May-1984     F                        
Loessberg, Minnie Estelle Ande21-May-1984     F                        
Lopez, Martha                 28-Apr-1984     F                        
Lovell, Fannie Mae            24-Feb-1984     F                        
Machuca, Armando              22-Jan-1984     M                        
Martinez, Joe M               07-Apr-1984     M                        
Mayberry, Daniel Demar        02-Jan-1984     M                        
Mccarthy, Lula Annette        01-Mar-1984     F                        
Mcdonald, Bessie Mae          02-Apr-1984     F                        
Mckinney, Ella Irene          12-Apr-1984     F                        
Mendoza, Cipriano S           22-Jul-1984     M                        
Mercer, Joseph Francis        23-Mar-1984     M                        
Mills, Emmett Thomas          24-Jun-1984     M                        
Mills, Jesse Norman           05-Nov-1984     M                        
Mitchell, Lessie              07-Apr-1984     F                        
Mitchell, John D              08-Jun-1984     M                        
Mobley, Pearl M               07-Jan-1984     F                        
Moore, Raymond Dee            01-Apr-1984     M                        
Moreno, Anastacia Catarina    05-Sep-1984     F                        
Moreno, Ramon Jose            12-Nov-1984     M                        
Neill, Myrtle Nannie          12-Jun-1984     F                        
Neitsch, Homer Fred           07-Aug-1984     M                        
Oatman, Burtle Lewis          15-Feb-1984     M                        
Owens, Richard, SR            24-Aug-1984     M                        
Parks, Christopher Scott      24-Feb-1984     M                        
Parks, Roy                    15-Dec-1984     M                        
Patteson, Henry Hobson        09-Aug-1984     M                        
Pattillo, Franklin Ruth       23-Dec-1984     F                        
Payne, Earl                   02-Mar-1984     M                        
Perez, Demencia               18-Nov-1984     F                        
Philippus, Ella Jane          01-Jul-1984     F                        
Porter, Abner                 15-Jan-1984     M                        
Porter, Phillip               09-Feb-1984     M                        
Randle, Lorado                21-May-1984     F                        
Ratcliff, Gladys S            12-Jul-1984     F                        
Rembs, Christian              22-Aug-1984     M                        
Reyes, Ladislao Torres        16-Oct-1984     M                        
Reyna, Trinidad R             11-Jul-1984     M                        
Rhoades, Madelyn M            10-Dec-1984     F                        
Riebschlaeger, Oscar          20-Jul-1984     M                        
Riojas, Steven Andrew         22-Apr-1984     M                        
Robinson, Mary B              29-May-1984     F                        
Robinson, Alice               18-Jun-1984     F                        
Rodriguez, Joel Gomez         09-Sep-1984     M                        
Rose, Robert Mcclure          08-Jul-1984     M                        
Rowland, Laura Irene          19-Jul-1984     F                        
Russell, Anthony Tyrone       12-Feb-1984     M                        
Sampleton, Clark              20-Jul-1984     M                        
Satterwhite, Gussie           06-Nov-1984     F                        
Schellenberg, Icie Irene      28-Aug-1984     F                        
Schroeder, Walter Robert      22-Aug-1984     M                        
Schurig, Alma Emma            28-Oct-1984     F                        
Sellers, Sybil Elizabeth      25-Nov-1984     F                        
Shanklin, Leonard Farris, SR  26-Mar-1984     M                        
Slavik, John S                20-Feb-1984     M                        
Smetana, Rudolph              03-Dec-1984     M                        
Smith, Anna Marie             04-Jan-1984     F                        
Spieckermann, Elvis Edwin     25-May-1984     M                        
Springs, Carol Diane          24-Apr-1984     F                        
Steen, Johnnie Lee            23-Sep-1984     M                        
Stehle, Martha Marie          04-Nov-1984     F                        
Stevens, Alfred D             14-Apr-1984     M                        
Stevens, L V, SR              05-May-1984     M                        
Taylor, Welton                14-May-1984     M                        
Thiele, James Martin          21-Jan-1984     M                        
Thomas, Maggie                23-Jul-1984     F                        
Thompson, Barbara Jean        10-Mar-1984     F                        
Townsend, C L                 19-Mar-1984     M                        
Vogel, Eugene Robert          06-Feb-1984     M                        
Wade, Edith Ann               17-Jun-1984     F                        
Walls, Beulah Tennessee       06-Dec-1984     F                        
Walters, Rosa Mae             19-Apr-1984     F                        
Watkins, Clyde Edwin          10-Feb-1984     M                        
Watson, Rudolph Chastine      21-Nov-1984     M                        
Welfel, Edwin                 19-Jan-1984     M                        
Welfel, Louise (alosie)       28-Oct-1984     F                        
Wenske, Paul August           24-Oct-1984     M                        
Whitley, Arthur Sidney        02-Oct-1984     M                        
Williams, Marjorie Lucille    30-Sep-1984     F                        
Wiseman, Claude               19-Mar-1984     M                        
Witten, Beulah B              26-Oct-1984     F                        
Wolff, Joseph Herbert         09-Aug-1984     M                        
Zedler, Frances               10-Dec-1984     F      

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