Our Heavenly Father has called to rest our  dear  Sister in   Christ,  Sister  
Georgia  Spillers  Caraway.   We,  the Primitive Baptist Church, bow in 
humble  submission  to  the will  of  our  Father  and  say, "Not as I will, 
but as Thou wilt."  (Matthew 26:39).  Sister Caraway was bom  
July  30, 1888  and  departed this life September 12, 1963, making her
stay on earth 75 years, 1 month, and 12 days.  She  is  survived by one 
daughter, Mrs. Mildred Cook; three grand-children; six great-grandchildren; 
one sister, Mrs. Ova Self; one brother,  Virgil  Spillers.   Her husband, one 
daughter, and one great-grandson precedes her in  death.   Sister  Caraway 
was  a  member  of Mt. Zion Church for over sixty years.  We extend  our  
deepest  sympathy to the family and loved ones. May they be able to say 
and realize that their loss  is  her eternal gain.
Be it resolved that we send a copy of this Resolution to THE BANNER 
OF LOVE, a copy to the family, and a copy for our church  records.   
Written  by  request  of Mt. Zion Church, while in conference, November 02, 1963.

Elder Floyd Huggins, Moderator
Mrs. Docia Patteson, Mrs. Ova Self, Mrs. Ann Beicker, Committee

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