410 Panatorium, -117 410 Panatorium, Dry Goods and Tailors, -116, 117 A. Frank- 109 A. J. Moore's and P. McMahon's Brickyard, - 108 A.and S. Cherry Bar's Room and Billards, - 104 A.D. Fisher's Boot and Shoe Shop, - 103 A.E. Scheske, 105 A.E. Spann Grocer, -112 A.H Jones and Company,-101 A.H. Jones and Company Dry Goods and Grocery, - 103 A.H. Jones, and Company, - 104 A.J. Tadlock, Funiture and Undertakers, -112 Acock's W.N. - 104 Adams Transfer Company, -116 Adams, E. Hilary, -115 Adams, J.S., -115 Adams, R.A., -117 Aetna Fire Insurance, -118 Aetna, Insurance, -118 Ainsworth, W.H., -116 Air Dome, Theater, -114 Alamo Lumber Company, -113 Albert and August Reese, -112 Alcalde Hotel-118 Alcalde, Service Station, -119 Alcalde, Service, Company, -118 Alcalde, Service, Station, -118 Algantar's C.P. Meat Market, -113 Alsup and Cole, Meat Market -112 American Railroad Express -117 American Steam Laundry, -113 American Steam Laundry, -117 Anderson, -105 Anderson, D. James, -114 Anderson, J. H., -102 Anderson, J.H. - 104 Andrade's A.H., Mexican Food Restaurant, -117 Antheney - 102 Ara, H. Company, -113 Ara, J.M. -118 Aransas Pass Tracks, -115 Archer, Judge, -102 Arilington Hotel, -118 Arnold, Brantley Liquor Store, 102 Ashby, J., -102 Atkinson T.D., - 101 Atkinson, Miss, Lula, - 111 Atkinson, W.A. -112 Atwater, Radios, -118 Augustus Bushard Saloon, -101 Autry and Voges, -114 Autry, D.B., -115 Autry, John, Meat Market, -114 Ayers and Duke, Nickel Store, -116 B.O. Gonzales Grocery Store, - 111 Bache, Oscar and Czibos A.J. Tailor Shop-112 Bacquet, Miss, Sally, - 111 Bacquet, W.C., - 110 Badger and Cox, - 108 Bailey W. James, -116 Bailey, R.S., Oyster House, - 108 Baird, A.O., - 101 Baker Air Dome Theater, -116 Baker, A.D. Colonel, -116 Baker, D.S. -116 Baker, J.A. - 110 Baker, L. Moses, - 106 Baker, S.H. - 110 Baker, Wilson W.L., -102 Bakery, Beer and Cigar Shop,-101 Bakery, Confectionary and Provision Store, - 106 Baldridge, Dr., -102 Baldridge, John, - 110 Banks and Bankers in Early Texas, 103 Barker, - 109 Barlett Bakery, - 106 Barlett Mrs.H.E. - 106 Barnes J.A. - 109 Barnett, B., -102 Barnett, Miss, Ella, -114 Barrell, L.C. -119 Barrett, G. W. -102 Barrow, W. L., -102 Barsch, Otto, (proprietor) -115 Bartlett's Bakery, - 111 Bartlett's Grocery- 110 Bartsch, Joseph, and Sons Cotton Gin, -115 Basken, W., -102 Beach - 106 Beach, -105 Beall, and McElroy, -118 Beall, W.E. -118 Beall, W.E., -115 Bean, J., - 102 Beasley, J.F. -115 Beasley, J.F. Auto Company, -117 Beaty and Son, -114 Beaumont, E.L and Company, -100 Beck, A.J. -112 Beck, H.S., -102 Beck, S.J.-102 Beck, W.H. -102 Bee Hive, -116 Bee, Mrs. Carlos, -114 Beeson, C.E., Insurance, -118 Belding W.G., -112 Belding, - 110 Beringer, - 109, 110, 115 Beringer, H. -111, 112 Beringer, Mrs. M.H, -112. Beringer, Soda, Bottling Works, -112 Beringer's Bar, -113 Beringer's Bottling Works, -115 Best Smoke House, -100 Birkner, Gus, - 104 Bisett, - 106 Bisset, Robert, - 104, 109 Bissett and Woods, -112 Black, R.J., and Servant, -102 Blacksmith and Wagon Shop-113 Blaine Stable, - 108 Blake, - 109 Blakeslee, Wm, - 110 Blank- 108 Blanton, Horace, -119 Bliss Native Herbs, -117 Blue Front, -112 Boack, P.H., - 108 Boak, C. - 106 Bob Holts Meat Market, -112 Bohmfalk, Reverend F. Florist and Nursery, -116 Bonton, Confectionery, -114 Boothe - Kleine, - 111 Boothe and Clark, -118 Boothe and Kleine, - 111, 113 Boothe and Lewis, -112, 116, 118 Boothe Company-- 109 Boothe G.J. and Sons - 111 Boothe, (Cylde L.), and Hampton (F.M.) Real Estate -119 Boothe, C.J., -116 Boothe, David, -114 Boothe, Fred, -115, 118 Boothe, J.H. -112, 113 Boothe, W.H. -113, 114 Boothe, W.H. and Company, -109, 117 Boothe, Z.J. -118 Boothe, Z.T. -118 Bottling Works and Ice Cream Factory, -116 Botts, -108 Botts and Company, - 109 Botts and Douglass, -118 Botts R.C., -117 Botts, W.L. -115 Bouldin, J.G., - 106 Bouldlin, J.G, - 104 Bouldin's, J.G., - 106 Bouldin's, Service, Station, -119 Bowyer, J.C., (proprietor) -115 Bowyer, J.G., - 108 Boyd D. and J.S. - 104 Braers, M. - 104 Brakenridge, W. George, -114 Branch and Bouldin Livery Stable, - 102 Branch, H.W., -101, 103 Branch's Auction Room, - 106 Brantley, John, R., - 102 Bratton and Company, -105 Brelsford, J.W. -113, 115 Brennan and Kaltenbacher, Tailor Shop-112 Brenner and Bright Drug Store, -112 Brenner Drug and Company, -117 Brenner's Drug Store, -115 Bright Jewelry House, -114 Bright, (Vaughan), -117 Bright, D., -102 Bright, E., Ray, -114 Bright, E. Ray, Sr., Music Store, -116 Bright, J.C. -113, 117 Bright, Music Company, -117 Bright, Ray, E, Sr., - 109 Bright, W.J. -113 Broadnax, Dr., -102 Brond, G.W., -102 Brooks -103 Brooks Cox and Company Dry Goods and Grocery, - 105 Brooks, John -117 Broom Factory, - 110 Brothers - 105 Browels, H., - 102 Brown and Farrell Transfer Company, -117 Brown, and Schaumloffel, -117 Brown, Doff J, -100 Brown, H., -114 Brown, H.T. (Meal and Cotton Seed Dealer) -113 Brown, W.C. and son, -117 Bryan and Cooksley, Blacksmiths, -101 Bryan, -101 Bryan, and Anderson Blacksmith's, -101 Buchanan, L. William, -101 Bucholtz, and Sellers, -115 Bucholtz, F.H. -116 Bucholtz, F.H., -112 Buckhorn, Barber Shop, -119 Buckner, G. - 104 Buffalo, Camp, Yard, -117 BugBee, C. - 104 Bugbee M.E., and Company, -113 Bugbee, and Eastland, - 111 Bugbee, Mrs. G.G. Jeweler, - 111 Buggy and Wagon Sales Store, - 111 Buick, Passenger Line, -118 Bunton, C.C. - 110 Bunton, Mr. - 110 Bunton, W.S. -111, 114 Burchard and Burchard Abstract Company, -117 Burchard, Building, - 111 Burchard, C.A. -110, 113 Burchard, L. - 104 Burchard, Louie, Bakery- 109 Burke Robinson's Saloon, - 109 Burke, H.T., -102 Burleson, Aaron, - 109 Burnes, Miss Semanthia, -100 Bushhard, Augustus,-101 C. Bratton Company, 104 C.A. Shock City Xpress--112 C.A., Jones, and Company, -112 C.C. DeWitt, Ferry, -102 C.F., Richartt, Bicycle Sales, and Repair Shop, -112 Caletka's Auto Painting Shop, -118 Campbell, C. - 102 Candy Kitchen, -116 Cantu and Portales, Groceries -118 Capital Barber Shop, -113, 115 Captain's Peck Store, - 109 Cardwell, O.W. -114 Cardwell, W.A. -113 Carey W.D. Colonel, - 109 Carr,-101 Carruth, R.A., - 102 Carter and McKent Ornamental Painters, -102 Casa Blanca, -118 Casa's B. Mexican, Food Restaurant, -116 Cavett and Woods Hardware Store, -105 Cavett, - 110 Cavett, C.B. -112 Cavett, W.B., - 110 Cavett's, W.B. Tin Shop, - 101 Cecil Robinson Meat Market, -112 Central Park Square, - 104 Central Park, - 100, 103, 104, 105 Central Plaza, - 109 Central Square, -105 Chapman, F.M., -101 Charles Johnson, Mercantile,-101 Charles Strieber Gill, - 106 Charles, Beringer's Bar, - 111 Chaudoin and Watson Meat Market, -113 Chen, L. - 108 Chenault and Hopkins, Land Agents - 111 Chenault, Felix, -117, 118 Chenault, J.R., - 108 Chensult, -105 Chenult, - 106 Chevrolet Dealer, -117 Chinese Hand Laundry- 111, 115 Christian Brothers, -118 Christian, Dowell, -117 Christian, Meant Market, -118 Christian-Eschenburg, Meat Market, -118 Citizens Auto Company (Neubaurer Chas.), -117 Citizens Electric Light and Power Company, - 110, 111, 115, 117 Citizens, Auto Company, -115 Citizens, Company -113 City Bakery, -115 City Barber Shop- 110 City Carriage, -112 City Dairy, -115 City Hotel, -112 City Laundry, - 106 City Market, - 108, 109 City of Gonzales, - 110, 111, 119 City Tailor Shop, -114, 116 City Transfer, and Baggage Company, -117 City Wood Yard, -115 City Sanitarium, -119 Clark, -105 Clark and Eschenburg, -119 Clark and Wyatt Livery Stable, - 110 Clark and Wyatt's (C.K.) Livery and Feed Store, - 111 Clark, A.W., and Company, - 108, 109 Clark, Bass, and Company, - 108 Clark, W.A. and Company, - 111 Clark, W.H., -116 Clark's Confectionery, -118 Cleaning and Pressing Parlor, -115 Cleveland Tractors, -115 Cleveland, J.W. -117 Cleveland, W.B., Filling Station, -119 Cleveland, W.J. -113, 117 Cloud, R.J., -102 Cluiss, W.H. Grocery, -116 Clyde and Fred Boothe, -118 Clyde, -118 Clyde C, -113 Cobb, (S.S) and Williamson, Grocery -112 Cobb, and Mason, -116 Cobb, D, Goss, Miles, S.F. - 111 Cobb, H. James, - 110 Cobb, Mrs. S.A., -112 Kent, Mary, F., -112 Cobb, S.S. -114 Cobb, S.S. Store, -118 Cobb's Cash, Grocery, -116 Cochran Building, - 109 Cohn, J., -105 Cole and Alsup Meat Market -112 Cole Commission Company, - 111, 114 Cole, M. Walter, General Insurance, -116 Cole, W.M., -114 Coleman, -104, 110 Coleman and Law Drug, -101 Coleman and Swift Soap Factory, - 110 Coleman, A.B, Ice Cream Parlor, - 109 Coleman's Mineral Works, -112 Collins and Shelby, Meat Market--112 Collins Hotel, -101 Collins House, -115 Collins, Emmet, - 108 Collins, Judge, W.V., -101, 110 Collins, W.C., -102 Colonel, Carey, W.D. -105 Condlin, Henry, - 109 Confederate Square, - 100, 106, 112, 114, 116, 117 Conley and Garnder -114 Continental Hatchery, -118 Conway, Building, -113 Conway, Family, -118 Cook, -112 Cook and Wells, Barber Shop, -112 Cook, Miss, M.E.- 106 Cook, Miss M.E, and Kent Mrs. Maude, -112 Cook, R.S. and Luthy, Photographer-112 Cook, Richard and Furniture Company, -113 Cooksley, J.-101 Coons, V.L., -116 Coons, V.L. Vulcanizing and Tire Sales, -117 Copeland, - 105, 106, 108, 109 Corner Saloon, -115 Cornitius, A. -113 Cornitius, Rupert, -117 Cottle, Williamson, 100 Countryman Tailor, -117 Cowgill J.O. -113 Cox House- 110 Cox, John, - 100 Crawford, A., - 102 Crocett's, J.C., Grain Store, -113 Crockett and Lane Livery, -115 Crockett and Lane Stables -112 Croley, W.A., -105 Crum, T., -102 Crystal Saloon, -115, 116 Crystal Theatre, -116, 118 Crystal, Orchestra, -118 Cunningham, A.S. - 101 Cunningham's, - 110 Currie's J.T. Grocery -117 Czibos A.J. and Oscar Bache, Tailor Shop -112 Czibos, A.J., -116 Czichos, A.J., -114 D.C. Evans, Grocery, 103 D.C. Moore's, Kiln and Brick Factory - 102 D.S.H. Darst's Mill, - 106 D.T. Turner and Company, - 106 D.W. Mrs. Green's Millinery Shop, - 111 D.W., Heye's Saddle Shop, -112 Dalkowitz, Brothers, Department Store, - 111 Daniel B. Rider, Ferry and Mill, - 102 Darst, D.S.H., -101 Darst, James, - 108 Darst, Major, D.S.H., - 110 Darst's Gin, -112 Dart and Company,-101 Daughter, A.B., 102 Daughtery, D.K. -105 Dave and Jacob Stahl, -113 Dave and Jake Stahl, -113 David, L.P. -118 David, L.P. (President) - 111 Davis and Whitehead, -115 Davis, and Skinner, -116 Davis, and Stephenson, -115 Davis, Berry, -115 Davis, J., -102 Davis, J.S. -117 Davis, L.B. -116 Davis, M.H. -114 Davis, W.H. -117 Davis, William, - 109 Dawe, A. Confectionery, -116 Dawe, Artur, -117 Dawe, Thomas and Son Feed Company, -117 Dawe, Thomas, -113 Dawe's Feed Company, -113 Dawe's, Gin, -100, 115 Dawson, J.W. and Brothers, -115 Deel, John, - 102 Denman, and Sons, -115 Denson's, Charles, Delivery Wagon, -117 DeWitt - Kelly General Merchandise Store, - 111 DeWitt and Kelly Mercantile - 105 DeWitt, - 106, 109 Dewitt, C.C. - 109 DeWitt, Gin, - 108, 109 DeWitt, Green, - 108 DeWitts - 108 DeWitt's C.E., - 101 DeWitt's Drug Store, - 105, 108 Dickinson and Kimball's Hat Factory, -100 Dickson, R.H., - 110 Dietz, A.F., - 113, 114 Dietze, D.F. -113 Dilworth-- 109 Dilworth , R.S., (Secretary) -113 Dilworth Bank Building, -115 Dilworth Bank, - 111, 117 Dilworth, Colwell James, - 103 Dilworth, - 103, 105, 106 Dilworth, C.E. , and R.S. Dilworth, -115 Dilworth, G.N. - 103, 105, 109 Dilworth, G.N. (Treasurer) - 110 Dilworth, J.C., - 109 Dilworth, R.S. and C.E., Dilworth, -115 Dismukes, Pat. -113 Dismukes, H. Pat, -115 Dodd F.M. - 109 Dodds Hotel, - 109 Dodson, Seth, - 108 Dornak's , Robert, Shoe Repair Shop, -118 Douglass, J.S. -116, 117 Dow, -118 Drab Frank, - 108 Dreyer, Henry, -115 Drummers, Home, -112 DuBose and Sons, -117 DuBose, John and Sons, -114 DuBose, John, and Sons Grocery, -116 DuBose, Mrs. John, 100 DuBose, Warren, Sr. -118 DuBose, W.L. -116, 117 DuBose, Whit, -116 Dudley and Lawrence Hoskins, -116 Dudley, and Lawrence, -118 Duke, -101 Duke and Ayers, Nickel Store, -116 Dunning, B. Joe, Jr., -116 E. Dudley's Saddlery - 104 E. Mohrmann (Shoemaker), -112 E. Titcomb and Company, -103 E.E. and Clyde, -117 Eason, Brothers, - 110 Eason, Brothers, Mercantile, - 110 East End Market, -116 Eastland Drug Store, -113 Eastland Drug, - 109, 111 Eastland, Drug Store- 109 Eastland, (Ralph), Grocery, -113 Eastland, M., - 110 Eastland, M. and T.P. - 111 Eastland, Miss, Nina, (Chief Operator) - 111 Editor, 102 Edwards, Krochman's Store, - 101 Edwards, W.T., Transfer Company, -118 Efron, J.A. -115 Efron's, J.A. Dry Goods, -117 Eggleston Store, -100 Eggleston, John, H., -103 Electric Light House, -112 Electric Shoe Shop, -116 Electric Shop, -118 Elite Company, -117 Elite Restaurant, -114 Elliot, Mrs., and Wright Stevens, -117 Emler, John, -117 Emory, C.L. -119 Empire Theater, -114 Ericson, J.E., 103 Ernest, E. -113 Eschenburg, O.E. (Texaco Agent) -118 Eubanks, Philip Orchestra, -118 Evans, -103 Ewing, George, -113, 118 Ewing's Music Store, -116 Excelsior Barber Shop, - 109, 111 F. Levyson and Company, - 111 F. Newell's, Liquor Store,-101 F.H. Mangliers, Jewelry, - 111 Farmer, A., -116 Farmer, J.C., -118 Farmer's National Bank, -114 Farmers Union Warehouse, -113, 115, 116, 118 Farmers, Gin, Company, -118 Farmers, National Bank, -116, 117 Faus, W.D., -117 Fauth- 104 Fauth House, -112 Fauth, John, - 109, 110, 112 Fauth, Miss C.F. - 108 Favorite Saloon, -112 Ferguson Insurance Company, -118 Ferill, S.C., 102 Figure, Moulding, Support, -118 Finch, E.A., - 109 Finch, O. -119 Finck, E.A. - 109 Finney, W.D., -114 First Methodist Church, - 109 Fischer, Brothers Store, - 110 Fischer, Lee, - 110 Fisher Brothers, -112, 117 Fisher, A. - 108 Fisher, Adam, - 108 Fisher, and Brothers Dry Goods and Shoes, - 111 Fisher, L.H. -113 Fisher, Mrs. C.F. -112 Fitzgerald, A.H. Drug, -117 Fitzgerald and Robertson Drug- 113 Fitzgerald Hotel, -112 Fitzgerald House, -114 Fitzgerald, A.H. -115 Fitzgerald, M.M. -114 Fitzgerald's Drug Store, -115 Five Cent Store, - 111 Floyd, Mrs. A.L., -112 Floyd, Plez, - 106 Fly W.M., -113 Fly, - 106, 110 Fly, J.M. - 109 Fly, W.M. -105, 113 Fly, W.S., (President) - 110 Ford, A, Berry, -118 Forgotston, Harold, -116 Forgotston's, Soda Water Factory, -116 Foster, Frank Meat Market, -115 Four Horse Stage Line, - 108 Fox, A., 102 Frank's W.C. Tin and Plumbling Shop -114 Frank's W.C. Tin Shop, -115 Franks Building, - 111' Franks, W.C. -117 Franks, W.S., Stove, Tin, and Plumbing Shop - 111 Frazier, W.C. -117 Frazor's L.Stand, -114 Fred and Fred, Boothe, -118 Freyer L.A. Dry Goods, - 110 Friedman, Mrs. Blossom, -117 Friedman's Branch, -116, 117 Froehner, W.J. -114 Fudge, T.C., -102 Fussel Wholesale Grocery, -117 Fussell, Wholesale Grocery, -116, 118 G. J. Boothe and Son, Dry Good and Grocery, -105 G.G. Bugbee, Jeweler, and Music Company - 111 G.W. Cox's Meat Market, -112 G.W. Franklin's Market, - 104 Galveston-Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad Tracks, -113, 115 Galveston-Harrisburg San Antonio, -116 Ganam, Michael, -113 Ganam's Grocery, -112 Garcia, Albert, -119 Gardien Brokerage, and Commission Company, - 111 Gardien, - 111 Gardien, and Nicholson, (Fire Insurance) - 111 Gardien, E. Kent, (Secretary) -115 Gardien, W.L. (president and treasurer), -115 Gardien, W.L. Secretary-Treasurer -117 Gardien, W.L., (manager) - 111 Gardner, F.M., - 109 Garton, Studio, -116 Gasman, Miss, G.G, - 106 Gates, S.H., -101 Gatlin, J.J. -118 Gayosa, House, -101 Gellhorn and Blake Feed and Livery, - 111 Gellhorne, - 109 Gem Bakery, -113, 115 Gescheidle, August, - 108 Getz, Fred, (The Photographer) - 111 Glass, U.S., - 101 Glenn, E.G., -102 Goff, W.D., - 101 Goff, W.D. dry goods, -101 Gomez and Bright Music Store, -114 Gomez, E.A., and Company, -114 Gonney A.C., - 109 Gonzales Abstract and Tile Company, -115 Gonzales Abstract Company, -113 Gonzales Abstract, and Title Company, -117 Gonzales Agriculture Works, - 108 Gonzales Amusement Company, -116 Gonzales Bottling Company, -115 Gonzales Bottling Works, -112 Gonzales Building and Loan Association-117 Gonzales Buick Company, -117 Gonzales Cement and Stone Company, -115 Gonzales City Museum,-101 Gonzales Coca Cola Bottling Company, -116 Gonzales Cotton Mill, -113, 119 Gonzales Cotton Warehouse, Company, -118 Gonzales Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, -112 Gonzales Delicatessen, -116, 118 Gonzales Drug Company, -116, 117 Gonzales Electric Light, and Power Company, - 110, 117 Gonzales Fire Station, -118 Gonzales Gin-113 Gonzales Gin Company, - 111 Gonzales Green House, -112, 115 Gonzales, H. -113 Gonzales Hat Cleaning and Pressing Works, -116 Gonzales Hat Works, -116 Gonzales Hay and Grain Company, -116 Gonzales Hotel, - 102, 103, 117 Gonzales Ice and Bottle Works, - 111 Gonzales Ice and Refrigeration, Company, -117 Gonzales Ice Factory, -113 Gonzales Ice and Refrigerator Company, -113 Gonzales Improvement Company, -113, 115 Gonzales Inquirer, -114 Gonzales Installment Company, -115 Gonzales Laundry, - 106 Gonzales Lumber and Company, -118 Gonzales Marble, -118 Gonzales Machine Shop, -113 Gonzales Manufacturing Company, 103 Gonzales Mattress Factory, -118 Gonzales Mercantile Company, -114 Gonzales Mills - 108 Gonzales Motor Company, -117, 119 Gonzales National Bank, -114 Gonzales National Farm Loan Association, -117 Gonzales Nursery and Greenhouse, - 108 Gonzales Nursery Greenhouse, -115 Gonzales Oxide, Acetylene Welding Company, -115 Gonzales Panning Mill, -113, 118 Gonzales Planing Mill, -118 Gonzales Real Estate Company, -115 Gonzales Round Bale Gin, -117 Gonzales State Bank, -113 Gonzales State Bank and Trust, -117 Gonzales Steam Laundry, - 111 Gonzales Steam Vulcanizing Plant, -116 Gonzales Tannery, - 109 Gonzales Telephone Company, - 111, 118 Gonzales, Tick, Eradication, -119 Gonzales Tire and Repair Company, -118 Gonzales, Veneer, Mill, -118 Gonzales Water Gin and Grist Mill, -113 Gonzales Water Power Gin Company, -117 Gonzales Water Power Company, - 110, 113 Gonzales Water Works Company, - 108, 117 Gonzales Water Works, - 110, 113, 117 Gonzales Wood and Gas Company, -119 Gonzales-Luling Bus Line, -118 Goodenough, C.F. -114 Goodrich, W.E., -102 Goss and Wallace, Partners as Brick Layers and Masons, 102 Goss, Grey, -115 Granger W.L. -112 Grant, F. John, Lumber Company, -118 Grant, Joseph, -118 Grantile, Company, -118 Graves, Frank, -118 Great Southern Life Insurance, -118 Green DeWitt, - 109 Green DeWitt's Mill, - 106, 111 Green Front Fruit Stand, -115 Green, D.W. -114 Green, Mrs, Millinery Shop, - 110 Green, Mrs. D.W., -114 Green, W.E. and Williams, -115 Greenhouse, G.W., -117 Greenwood, Phillips, P.C. - 101, 102 Greshold, - 101 Greyston George, - 104 Grubbs Brothers, General Delivery and Baggage, -115 Grubbs, Phil, - -112 Guarantee Repair Company, -115, 117 Guichart, J., - 102 Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe, Railroad, - 109 Gurinsky, C.H. -114 Gurinsky, H., - 111 Gurinsky, H., Dry Goods and Clothing -114 Gurinsky, Harry, Dry Goods, and Clothing-117 Gus Dietz and Grocery, - 106 Gustave Schoenert, - 106 Gustv Schoenert, Grocery, - 106 H. Ferril and Sons, - 102 H. Terrell and Sons Lumber, -102 H., Gurinsky, Dry Goods and Clothing, -112 Habberton, Harry, - 106, 108 Haberton, Harry, - 108 Hacher, J.A. - 109 Haflin, L. , -115 Hagen and McKnight, Saloon and Domino Hall, -117 Hagen, and Nuhn, -116 Hagen's Confectionery, -116 Halameck's Auto Supply, -114, 117 Halamicek, E.F , -115 Halamicek, S.F and son Roy, -117 Halamieck, E.F., Mrs. -118 Hall B.P., -102 Hall, and Robertson, -116 Hall's Gun Shop, -112 Hamilton and Malloch, Partners in Business - 102 Hammell, J.., -102 Hamon, A.O. -112 Hamon, - 101 Hampton, W.B. -112 Hanson, J.A. -112 Harberdasher, -114 Harborth, A.E., Grocery, -118 Harborth, August, Edwin, -115 Harden and Fitzgerald Drug Store, - 111 Harden, D.E. Companies, - 111 Harden, J.H., -102 Hardwood and Winston, (S.F) - 111 Hargis, - 101 Harless, - 110 Harold, -116 Harper, -101 Harris -101, 103 Harris and Lewis, Mercantile Business - 102 Harris, J., -115 Harris, Leman, -115 Harris, W. Frank,-101 Harris, W.H., and Company, - 108 Harwood and Walsh, - 111 Harwood, T.M., - 111 Harwood Walsh Abstract Company, -113 Harwood, Major, M. Thomas, - 111 Harwood, S.L., -115 Harwood, T.F. -110, 111, 113 Harwood's, S.L., General City Delivery, -114 Harwood-Burchard Abstract Company, -113 Hawa's, J. Mercantile Business -114 Hawkins, -115 Haws, J. Shoe Store, -113 Haye and Company, -116 Haynes, M.T., -114 Haynes, Mrs. A.B. -112 Heaner Y.J. - 111 Heaner, Y.J. -114 Heath, Henry, - 108 Henry and Webb Grocery, -117 Henry Heath, - 106 Henry, J. - 102 Henry's (Conrad), Boston, Shop House, - 111 Hensley and Lauraine Machine Shop, -113 Herbrig, Otto, -118 Herman S. Smith Auctioneer, - 102 Hermes, E. - 108 Hermes, J.E. - 104 Herzfield, - 109 Hess-101 Hess, W.-101 Heye and Company, -116, 117 Heye, T. and Heye, D.W., -114 Highway Lunch Room, -117 Hill, T., 102 Hillburn, B., Lady, -102 Hills Restaurant, - 111 Hilton, J., -114 Hindrick's Trading Company, -117 Hinman, M.B., (proprietor) -115 Hinman's Livery and Stables, -115 Hodges and West Barber Shop, -114 Hodges, Dry Goods, -114 Hodges, H.S., - 109 Hodges, House, - 106 Hodges, T.W.,-101 Holiday A. May, - 108 Holman, J.S.,-102 Holmes Restaurant, - 106 Holmes, F. Charles, -118 Holmes, J.W. Insurance, -116 Holt, J.J., -101 Hooper, W.H., -117 Hoopes, J.W. -114 Hope and Allen, -112 Hopkins, and Quest, Land Agents, - 111 Hopkins, H.L., Fire Insurance, and Abstractors - 111 Hopkins, Trippe, and Company, - 110 Hopskins, H.L., -115 Hopskins, Tom, - 109 Hose Company, #2 - 111 Hoskins, -114 Hoskins Mercantile Company, -116 Hoskins, C.A. and Company, -116 Hoskins, Conde, Insurance and Land Sales, -116 Hoskins, J.D., -102 Hoskins, Sr. B.B. -111, 114 Hoskins, Sr. B.B.and Sons, -114 Hoskkins Mercantile, -118 Houston, - 109 Houston, R.A, - 109, 115 Houston, R.D. Home, -118 Howerton House, - 108, 109 Howerton, W.A., - 104 Hugh, Lewis, -113 Hughes Grocery, Store- 110 Hughes Market, - 106 Hughes, Grocery, -112 Hughes, M.E. -112 Hume, C., -102 Humphries, Miss Daisy, -115 Hung Lee, Chop House, - 111 Hunt and Ponton Company, -101 Hyman, S., -101 I.O.O.F Building, -116 Ice Cream Parlor, -114, 115 Illinois Bankers Life Association, -118 Ince, C.E. -117 Ince, C.E. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Scared, -117 Ince, J.P. -117 Interlocking, Cement Stone Silo Company, -117 International Harvester Dealer, -118 Ireland, J. - 101 Iron Front Livery Stable, -115, 116 J. Douglass Brown Land Agent- 102 J. George, Bowyer, and Company. -112 J. Ollre's Barber Shop, -104 J., Zieglar, Tailor, Cleaning, and Repair, -112 J.A. and S.A. Baker Grocery and Dry Foods, -112 J.A. Bacon's Carriage and Buggy Factory, - 105 J.A., Bennet's and Company, - 109 J.B., - 101 J.C. Mason Hotel, - 111 J.E. Willingham and Company, -112 J.H. Grant Lumber Company, -116 J.H. Kent's, Dry Goods, -105 J.M. Cox, - 108 J.P. Randle, - 110 J.T. Duggan and Company, - 111 J.T. Yarrington Hotel, - 102 J.V. Law, - 103, 104 J.W. Cannon's Shop, - 103 J.W. Crawford Saloon, - 111 Jacks - 110 Jackson, Cude, - 109 Jacob, -116 Jahnke, Jewelry Store, -116, 117 Jahnke, R.P. -114 Jail Square, -100 Jaks, Ed, -118 Jewelry House and Optometrist, -117 Jobe - 105, 106 Jobe and Dickson, - 110 Jobe, Doctor, John, - 103, 110 Jobe, Doctor, John, and Dickson- 111 Jobe, John, - 106 John Bonilla Tailor, - 111 John Clark Cabinet Maker, - 102 John Cox Furniture and Coffins, -102 John E. Foster Livery Stable, - 104 John Fauth's Lumber Yard, -105 John Miller's Fruit Stand, 105 John T. Williams, and Company, - 106 John, Ollre and Son, -112 Johnson, Stuart- -114 Johnson, Thos. - 102 Johnston, Bill, -113 Johnston, E.L. -116 Johnston, W.W. (Proprietor) -112 Jolly, J.W., -116 Jones - 101 Jones Inventory, -118 Jones King Hartwell, -102 Jones, -102, 114 Jones, Bass,-101 Jones, Bill, - 111 Jones, C. Jno, -114 Jones, C. John, -118 Jones, C. John, Jr. -114 Jones, E. William, - 104 Jones, J.C., - 110 Jones, J.D. -116 Jones, J.D., Dry Goods, -117 Jones, Judge, F. -101 Jones, Mrs. A.H. - 108 Jones, W.D.C. -114 Jones, W.E. - 108 Jones, W.H., - 101, 102 Joseph's Dry Goods and Grocery, -112 Josey, A., - 109 Joynt, D.L., - 110 Kalamity Jane, -105 Kaltenbacher, and Brennan, Tailor Shop -112 Kane, Henry, - 109 Kehl Brothers, Meat Market, -115 Kehl House, -115 Kehl William Company, -115 Kehl William, (proprietor) -115 Kehl William, Market, -115 Kehl, and Beringer, -112 Kellan, L.M., - 102 Kelly and Mohrmann, -114 Kelly, - 109 Kelly, L.E., - 106 Kendall, William, - 109 Kennard Lumber Company, -113 Kennard, Hartwell, -118 Kennard, J.B. -113 Kennard, J.B. and Son -119 Kent, - 106, 108, 111 Kent and Law's Store, - 104 Kent, Mrs. Maude, and Cook Miss M.E. -112 Kent, A., - 103, 105 Kent, C.H., - 111 Kent, Mrs. M.F. -114 Kent, Mrs. Maude, - 109 Kenton, B.H. -117 Kerchbain, F., 103 Kerr, William, 102 Key, H. A., -102 Keyser Captain, -102 Keyser Hotel, - 108, 111, 113 Keyser House (hotel), -102, 105, 111 King, Guy, -116 King's Horse and Mule Barn, -118 Kinunker, W., -102 Kirkpatrick, John, - 104 Kleine Jr., August- 111 Kleine, August, - 104 Kleine, August William John Sr, -100 Kleine, D. Walter, -117 Kleine Furniture Store, -100 Kleine, A., Jr. -113 Kleine, C. William, -116 Kleine's Furniture, - 104, 113 Kleine's Hall - 104, 109 Kleine's Opera House, - 109, 111, 117 Kleine-Rather, Reality Company, -116 Kluge and Mueller Meat Market, -112 Kluge, G.R., -116 Kluge's G.R. Meat Market, -118 Knight, T.J. -114 Knight's T.J. Dry Goods, -117 Knights of Phythias - 110 Knokernot and Jacks Grocery, and Hardware Company -112 Knokernot, (Walter) and Wells, (C,M.), -112 Knokernot, Brothers, (Herbert, and Walter), -112 Knokernot, Grocery, -112 Knokernot, H.L., - 111 Knots and Bright's Store, -105 Knox, -103 Knox, A.A. and Daniels, J.H. -116 Knoz, Jennie, - 110 Kojok, J. (proprietor) Kokernot, Brothers, - 110 Kokernot, H.L., - 110 Kokernot, W., -114 Kokernot, W.H. -110, 113 Kokernot, W.H. Company, -114 Kokernot's D.L. -102 Kopecky, E.V. -113 Kramp, William, -116 Krause, 109 Krause, and Sunderland, - 109 Krause, Bakery, -115 Krause, C.G., -115 Krause, E., - 109 Krause's Bakery, -117 Kriebel, Smith and Light - 108 Krochman, Edward, 103 Krochman, Edward, -113 L.A., Freyer's New York Store, -112 Lackey, A. Bill, - 110 Lacky, John, -112 Lafayette House, 102 Lambeth, Dave, and Waldik, W.P. -115 Lamkin and Brothers, - 108 Lamkin, T.M., and Company, - 109 Lane and Crockett Stables -112 Lane, J.R., -113 Lang, and Neubauer, -115 Lang, E.F., (Pierce Petroleum Corporation Agent), -118 Lang, J. Fred, -114 Lapewski Clothing Store, - 111 Lapewskis and Brothers- 109 Lauraine, and Hensley Machine Shop, -113 Lauraine's Enterprize Machine, and Blacksmith Shop, -118 Law, - 104 Lawrence, -116 Lawrence and Dudley, -118 Lawrence and Dudley Hoskins, -116 Lee, N.M., -102 Lehman, Michelson's, Barrel House Saloon, -112 Leigh, - 109 Leigh, A.C., and Company, - 109 Leigh, U.B., -102 LeMond, Ben, Mr. and Mrs. -118 Lenhard, Frank, -119 Lenhard, T.H., - 104 Lester, Sam, -113 Leve, P.E. - 102 Levy, Juluis, and Company, - 108 Levyson A., -105 Levyson Dry Goods and Company, - 104 Lewis, -101, 103, 105, 109 Lewis and Boothe, -116 Lewis and Dilworth Bank, - 111 Lewis Charles, Garage, -117 Lewis, A.L.D., - 104 Lewis, Hugh, - 103, 105, 113 Lewis, J.S. -113 Lewis, Joel, -113 Lewis, K. Edward, -112 Lewis, L.D., Asa, - 101 Lexington Restaurant, -115 Lincecum Grocery Store and Mule Bar, -116 Lincoln, Ford and Fordson, Tractor Sales, and Service, -119 Lippman's Army Store, -117 Lipscomb, G.M. (Proprietor) -113 Lipscomb, G.N., -117 Little Grocery Store, -116 Little Shop, -114 Littlefied, - 105 Littlefield, - 105 Livingston, D.M. -116 Lockhart Grocery Company, -118 Logan Brothers Restaurant, -119 Logan, - 106 Logan, E.L., -114, 117, 119 Logan, E.L., Restaurant, -116 Logan, Lee, -117 Logan's Clyde W. Filling Station, -118 Logan's Fish and Oyster House, -116 Logan's, J.F., Saloon, -112 Logue, J.G.- 102 Look Out House, -117 Lovett Groceries and Provisions, -100 Lowery, - 108 Lowery and Smith Gin and Grist Mill, -113 Lucas and Clay General Commissions Merchants, 102 Lum, L.G. - 108 Luthy, J. -112 Luthy. and R.S. Cook, Photographer-112 Lyles, Y.J.-102 Lynch, J.C., -102 M. Eastland Drug Store, 103 M. System Store, -118 M., Coehn, Tailor, -112 Mackey, R.C., -118 Mackey, S., -118 Magnolia, Petroleum, -118 Main Square, -100 Majestic Theater, -114 Mangliers, F.H., Jewelry Store, -112 Mangliers, Jewelry, -114 Manings, A.K. (a German Shoemaker), -116 Manson, 106 Mansonic Hall - 101 Marcombe Fred, - 106, 112 Marie, E. - 109 Market Square, -100, 103, 104, 105, 109, 110 Marsh, T.L. - 109 Marsh, W.P., - 111 Martin, F.L. -116 Martin, W. - 102 Martin's, Gin, J.O, -100 Mason and Jones, -114 Mason and Tadlock, -112 Mason Hotel, -115 Mason, and Cobb, -116 Mason, C.W., -116 Mason, Charles, -114 Mason, J.C, -117, 118 Mason, Mrs., J.H., -115 Mathieu, - 108 Mathieu and Matthews, -115 Mathieu and Moore, - 106 Mathieu, John, - 106 Mathieu, J.T. -112 Mathieu, and Matthews, -115, 117 Mathieu, Elmo, -115 Mathieu, J.T. Jr. - 109 Matthews- 101 Matthews and Mathieu, -117 Maulding, J.H, .(proprietor) -115 Maulding, J.H., -113 Maurer, G.A., - 109 Maurin, - 110 Maurin, F. - 109 May, G.W., - 102 May, S.J. -102 Mays, J.J.,-101 McBane Cotton Seed Company, -113 McDaniels, -115 McElroy, -117 McGill, C. Henry, (served as Superintendent for over forty years)-113 McGowan, A.C., - 111 McKinney, J.F., -102 McKnight House, 103 McKnight, C.D. -117 McKnight, M.M., 103 McLean, Ashby, -101 McLendon, G.L. -115, 116 McMahon and Boack, - 108 McMilian and Taylor, Meat Market, -112 McMullen and Johnson, -116 Menefee, T.V., -114 Menking, E.A. -116, 118 Menking, E.H. -118 Menking, L. Ed. -116 Merdeck, A., -101 Mesisenhelder, Miss, Rena, -115 Meyer, David Fredrick, -100 Meza, V.G. -115 Michael, M. William and Company, -114 Michaelson, L., and Sons, -116 Michaelson's Ice Cream Factory, -116 Michelson, Jake and Harold, -116 Michelson's Park, -117 Michols, H.B.-102 Millar, John, Sales of Buggies and Wagons -112 Millar's James, Wagon's Sales, -116 Miller, - 109 Miller and Sayers, -113, 114 Miller, James F., 104 Miller, F. James, - 111 Miller, James, - 109, 110 Miller, Riy, -115 Miller,- Sayers, - 111 Miller, Thomas, - 104 Miller, W.A. Meat Market -112 Miller-Sayers Bank, 103, 111, 113 Miller-Sayers, - 111 Millinery, -112 Mills, Emmet, -117 Milroy, Mrs., S.B. -114 Milton Eastland Drug, - 103 Mims, A. Model T. -118 Minear, George, -118 Miss C.F. Fauth's Photography Gallery-105 Mistrot Brothers, -114 Mitcha, H.T., - 102 Mitchel, I.N., -101 Mittanck, and Robertson, Furniture Store, -116 Mittanck, M. -118 Mittanck's and Robertson, Furniture and Funeral Parlor, -118 Model Bakery, -116, 118 Moellendorf, William, -115, 116 Moeller, A.F. -118 Mohrmann, Adolph, -114 Mohrmann, and Kelly, -114 Mohrmann, J.M., -116 Mohrmann, St. -117 Moline Plow Company, -112 Mollenhour Grocery, - 106 Mondrick and Sievers Domino Hall and Saloon, -113 Monkhouse and Mason, -112 Monkhouse, G.W. and Dick Sellers, --113 Monkhouse, G.W. and Mason, -114 Monkhouse, G.W. and Sons, -114 Monkhouse, Mrs. H.D., -118 Monroe Brothers,-101 Monroe Corner, - 109 Monroe Corner Store, - 109 Monroe Hotel, - 111 Monroe House, - 110 Monroe, H.W., -105 Mooney, L. Jno, -114 Moore, - 108 Moore E., Thomas, - 111 Moore, A.B., -102 Moore, A.J. - 111, 112 Moore, Jack, - 106, 108, 109 Moore, Jack, A.J. (Promoters) - 111 Moore, Miss. -102 Moore, Mrs., J.H. - 109 Moore, W.M. - 104 Moore's, Wallace, Dodge, Service Company, -118 Morey, - 106 Morgan, and Grigsby, -115 Moris, J., -102 Morris, E.L. -116 Morrison and McCall, -117 Mosby's Restaurant and Oyster Bar, - 111 Moseley's, Mrs, Boarding House, -115 Motorists Supply House, -117 Mr. Eastland, - 106 Mrs. Irwin, - D.B. and Company -101 Mrs. Lindsey, - 102 Mt. Zion Funeral Parlor, -119 Mueller and Kluge Meat Market--112 Mueller, Joe, -113 Mueller, William, Buggy and Carriage Emporium, -113 Mueller-Kluge, Meat Market, -114 Muencker, W.E. -118 Municipal Square,-100 Munoz, Carmen, -117 Murphy, J.A., -112 Murphy, J.W. -118 Murray's John, Shoe Store, -114 Murry, John, -112 Mutual, Golden, Rule, Association, -118 Nagel and Nuhn, -114 Nagel, (F.C.), and Vacker, (Charles) -116 Nagel, F.C., Grocer, -116 Nagel, Grocer, -117 Nance, Hotel, - 110 Narin, N.S., - 109 National, Lightning, Rod, Company, - 109 Nations, James, - 102 Nelson, C.M. -118 Neubauer and Lang, -115 Neubauer, Charles, -115 Neuhaus Groceries, -116 Neuhaus, A. Otto, -114 Neuhaus, O. H. Grocery, -117 Neuhaus, William, Grocery, -116 Neuhaus, Williams, -112 Neuman, A.O. -115 Neuman, and Richter, -115 Neuman, J.T. Groceries, -115 Neuman's Roof Garden, -118 New Chinese Restaurant, -116 New Flowering and Grist Mill, - 108 New Grocery Store, -114 New Hotel, - 102 New Playhouse, -116 New Restaurant, - 111 New Saddle Shop, - 109 New York Cheap Store, - 104 Newberry, J.C. (served as mill Superintendent, Manager, and President) -113 News Depot, -105 Nicholson, R.F., - 109 Nickolson, -106 Nickelson and Company, - 101 Nickolson, I., Dr., and Company, -102 Nixon, W.H., -114 Northern Metal, and Company, -117 Norton, J.D.,-102 Nuhn, and Hagen, -116 O'Conner, Building, -115 O'Conner, T.J., Meat Market, -115 O'Connor, F.J. -116 O'Connor, Jones, Insurance, Agency, -118 O'Connor's, J. Fred, -118 O'Farrell, V.L., -118 O'Neal, C.J. -115 Oakland and Chevrolet Dealership, -118 Odd Fellows, -113 Odd Follows Building, -105, 111 Oerter, William, -118 Oerter's, William, Marble and Granite Company, -115 Old Alamo Blacksmith Shop, -116 Old Lexington Caf‚, -118 Old Monroe Corner, -102 Oliver, M., -102 Ollre -108 Ollre Brothers, -113 Ollre John, - 106, 108, 112 Ollre John, Jr. - 106 Ollre, L.L., Mrs, -118 Ollre, Theodore, - 111 Opera House, -113 Opet, H., - 104 Opet, Mr. E. - 108 Opet, Store, - 109 Opet, W.H., Dry Goods and Grocery, -112 Opet's H. New York, Store -117 Orchard and Friedrich, -115 Orchard, Joe, -117 Original Mexican Restaurant, -117 Owens, M.H., - 109 Owens, S.A., -112 Oyster Parlor, - 111, 112 P. Levyson and Company, -103 P. Levyson's Business, -105 P.S. Valle and Company, - 111 Pack -103 Palace Barber Shop, -114 Palace Restaurant, -112 Palace Saloon, -113 Palfrey, T.B. -114, 116 Pan, American Life Insurance, -118 Park Plaza, 100 Park Square, - 109, 110 Patek, James, -115, 117 Paterek's Joe Grocery, -118 Patrick, Kirk, -102 Patton's Mamie, Millinery and Specialty, Shop, -116 Paul Levyson, - 109 Payton and Schleyer, -113 Peak, Benjamin and Company,-101 Pearl Steam Laundry, -112 Pecafs, M.G., -102 Peck -106 Peck and Evans Dry Goods, - 104 Peck and Fly General Merchandise - 111 Peck and Fly's - 111 Peck, -106, 108, 109, 110 Peck, B., Benjamin, -115 Peck, Benjamin, Sr. -105 Peck, Joe, - 109 Peckham, S.C. -115 Peckham's S.C., Soda Fountain,-114 Pecks Hotel, - 102 Pelter, - 110 Pendleton, Lern, -114 Pendleton, V. Miller, -114 Penney, J.C., -117 Pennington, J.R., -112 People's Racket Store, -114 Perez, Manufacturing Company, -118 Perkins Freeman, Auto Company, -119 Perkins, A.E., -115, 117 Perkins, A.E., Auto Company, -119 Perry, J.W. -117 Person's Print Shop and Distributor's -117 Pfaender Blacksmiths, -112 Pfeufer B., - 106 Phelps, J.B., - 102 Philips Meyers, - 104 Phillips- 101 Phillips, A.H., Jr.,-102 Pierce, F.M., Garage, -119 Pierce, T.W., -115 Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store, -116 Pinger, R.S.- 102 Plaenos, John, -117 Plank, -105 Plaza Bar, -113 Plaza Garage, -115, 117 Plaza Hotel, -109, 113, 114, 115, 117 Plaza Square, -100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 113, 115 Plaza Theater, -114 Porst, F.A., - 109 Portales and Cantu, Groceries, -118 Pott's, M.L. Cotton, Yard, -115 Potts, James, -118 Potts, M.L. -115 Potts, M.L. Cotton Platform, -112 Powell, - 109 Powell, J.S., -102 Priest, Alex, City Barber Shop, -112 Priest, D.A. -112 Priest's Barber Shop, -113, 115 Priestly and Baker Drugs and Book Store, -113 Priestly and Craig Drug Store, -113 Priestly Drugs, -113 Priestly, S. Fresh Fruits Confectionery and Grocery, -112 Priestly, Samuel, - 110 Priestly's Delivery Wagon, -115 Professor and Mrs. Z.A. Hall, -113 Public Square (Confederate), -115 Public Square, - 100, 102, 104, 109, 111, 112, 114 Quality Reality Company, -116 Qualls, - 105 Quall's, E.H., Hatchery, -115 Qualls and Company, - 105 Quast, S., - 110 Quitsch T.L. - 108 R.H. Walker and Associates, -113 R.H. Walker Building, -105 R.H. Walker Drug, - 111 R.H., Walker Insurance, - 111 R.R., Kings, Herness, Saddlery, and Bicycle Shop, -112 Rainy, - 109 Rainy, Tom, - 108 Ramsay, and Bacquet, Insurance, - 111 Ramsay, W. Charles, -115 Ramsey- 104 Ramsey, T.F., - 101 Ranch, -102 Randle, - 108 Randle Dry Goods, - 111 Randle - Rather Building, - 109 Randle, J.P. - 110, 116 Randle's Store, -112 Rather and Boothe, -116 Rather B. Albert, -116 Rather, A.B. -115 Rather, C.T. (served as Manager and President of the mill) -113 Rather, C.T. -113, 117 Rather, C.T., (Treasurer) -113 Rather, J.P. (President) -113 Rather, L. Roy, -117 Rauvant, L., - 109 Read, G.M., - 101 Reade, C.A., -102 Red Ball Bus Lines, -117 Reese and Beach, -114 Reese and Beach Printers, -112 Reese, and Brother, -112 Reese and Brothers, Dry Goods, and Grocery, - 103 Reese Brothers, -112 Reese, A. -112 Reese, A. Racket Store, -114 Reese, and Smith, -114 Reese, Brothers, - 109, 110 Remschel Brothers Lumber Company, - 108 Remschel J.H. - 108 Remschel Service Station, -119 Remschel, J.F., - and R.A. - 108 Remschel, W.F. -115 Remschel's Lumber Company, -115 Reuter, Carl, - 109, 113 Reuter's Gonzales Ice Works and Bath House, - 111 Richard, Wm, - 110 Richards, W.E. -113 Richartt, J., Gonzales, Agriculture, Works, - 109 Richmond, J.M., - 110 Richter Boarding House, -116 Richter, and Cook, -115 Richter, and Neuman, -115 Richter, Mrs., F.A., -116 Ridout, L.M., -112 Rihter, A.H. -117 Riske's Grocery, -117 Risks and Sons Grocery, - 116 Rivas, G.A. -113 Roback, R., -102 Robert, Bissett, - 109 Roberts, W., -102 Robertson and Fitzgerald Drug, - 111, 113 Robertson and Hall, -116 Robertson, and Mittanck Furniture Store, -116 Robertson and Mittanck's Furniture and Funeral Parlor, -118 Robertson, Harper, -113 Robertson, O.B. -113 Robertson, W.F., -115 Rochelle -105 Rochelle Hotel, -112 Rochelle, House, -115 Rogers and Juenke, Dry Goods and Notions, -112 Rogers, C.S. -115 Rogers, Mrs., -112 Rogge, -115 Ronshausen, and Brown, -112 Ronshausen, Eihand, and Freyer, Miss, - 111 Ronshausen, J.H., (proprietor), -112 Rosales, M. -118 Rose, W.H. -113 Rosendo Gamez, Tailor Shop, - 111 Roshausen, F.W., -112 Rougan, F., -102 Round Bale Gin, -115 Ruddock, B. and Sons Meat Market, -117 Rundell, J.I. photographer, artist, and new daguerro typist,-101 Runge, H., 102 Russell Mrs. Virginia E. - 108 Russell, L.H., - 101 Russell,-101 Ryan, J., -102 Ryder, - 106, 108 S. (Soloman), -112 S. Frank and Company, - 103, 104 S. Pfeufer, Cabinet and Furniture Shop, -105 S.A. and J.A. Baker Grocery and Dry Foods, -112 S.S. Cobb, Groceries, -112 Saddle Tree Factory, - 101 Sahal, S. Business, - 110 Sam Cox, Store, - 106 San Antonio Beer and Ice House, -112 San Antonio, Brewing Company, -115 San Antonio, Highway, -118 San Antonio-Aransas Pass Railway yards, -112 Sanitary Bottling Works, -116 Satcher, J.W., -112 Satel, Droupy, Aerf and Helen, -118 Satel, Joseph, -115 Sayers, - 109 Sayers, J.D. -113, 117 Sayers, J.D. Jr., - 111, 113 Sayers, J.D. Jr., (Secretary)-113 Sayers, J.D., Bank, - 109 Sayers, L. Adele, - 111 Sayers, W.B., -104, 111, 113 Schaumloffel, and Brown, -117 Schaumloffel, J.J. -117 Scheske, - 106 Scheske, A.E -108, 116 Scheske, A.E. and Sons, -118 Scheske, and Sons Meat Market, -112 Scheske's A.E. Meat Market, -114 Schindler, Joe, -119 Schleyer Brothers, Saloon, -113 Schleyer Ice Cream Factory, -115 Schleyer, Alex, -115 Schleyer, Brothers, Saloon, - 111 Schleyer, Emil, -116 Schoen, Aro, - 110 Schoenert and Brothers Beer and Bar Saloon, - 104 Scholandt, A., - 111 Schrimsher, -116 Schultz and White, -113 Schultz, -116 Schultz, C.C. -113 Schurig and Witt, -118 Schurig, M. and Witt W.F., -118 Schwing, Samuel, 103 Scoggins, and Smith Auto Repair, -117 Scoggins, W.A., -117, 119 Scoggins, W.A., Filling Station, -117 Scott's, W.A., Photo Studio, -114 Scurry, W.R., - 102 Searcy, - 101 Seguin Mercury, -102 Sekaly and Company, -115 Seller's Robert, - 109 Sellers, - 106, 108 Sellers, and Bucholtz, -115 Sellers, Dick, and Monkhouse, G.W. -113 Sellers, Robert Harness and Saddlery Shop, -113 Servant, -102 Sewell, Gordon, -116 Seydler, George, -118 Shanklin's Repair Shop, -117 Shanklin's, W.T. -117 Shannon, M.A. and Son, -114 Shaw, S.A., -102 Sheffulo, J.C. - 102 Shelby and Collins, Meat Market -112 Sherman, C.M. - 108 Shoaf, J.W., - 109 Shuler Grain, -118 Shuler Grain Company, -116 Shuler, F.E. -118 Shuler, F.E., Grocery, -115 Shuler, Frank, -115 Shuler, Grain Company, -115 Shuler, John, Sr. -116 Shuler, Mrs. Zelma, -117 Sievers and Mondrick Domino Hall and Saloon, -113 Simon, H.M., - 116, 118 Sims, George, -116 Sing Ke, - 111 Sing, Hon, J.. -115 Singer Sewing Machine, - 104, 111, 112, 114, 118 Skinner and Davis, -116 Skinner, T.R. -118 Slackman, M.J. -114 Smith and Hawkins -112 Smith and Lowery Gin and Mill, - 111 Smith and Lowery Gin and Grist Mill, -113 Smith Motor Company, (E.E. Smith), -117 Smith, T.A. -114 Smith, C.S., Pacific Mountain Insurance, -116 Smith, David, - 109 Smith, F.O., -114 Smith, F.O., and Company, -115 Smith, Frank, -116 Smith, H.S., -101 Smith, Hotel, - 109 Smith, R.A. -118 Smith, R.R., -102 Snooner, Bubba M.S. -115 Snooper, T.S., -115 Society, Permanent, Wave, Shoppe, -118 Solomon Stahl's, Grocery, - 111 Solomon, Joseph, - 110 Son, - 108 Sorrell, Frank, -118 Sorrells, W.R., and Sons, -115 Southern Hatworks, -116 Southern Pacific Lines, -116 Southern Pacific Railroad Lines, -118 Southern Pacific Tracks, -115 Southern, Restaurant, - 109 Southwest, Gas Company, - 118 Southwestern Associated Telephone, Company, -118 Southwestern Gas Company, -117 Sowell John, - 101 Spann, A.E., and Company, -114 Spann, A.L. and Company, -114 Spooner, M.S. -117 Spooner, T.H. -113 Spooner, T.H. (Served as Manager)-113 Spooner, T.S. -117 Sprange, - 108 Sprange, F.J. - 108 Squire, I.W., - 101 Staffers, J. - 104 Stahl Brother's - 111 Stahl, S., - 110 Stahl, S., -115 Standefer's Miss, Lizzie, Restaurant, -115 Star Caf‚, -117 Star Hotel, -101 Star Hotel Stable,-101 Starck, J.C. -114 Staton, and Blum, -118 Stella, Ben, -118 Stephenson and Davis, -115 Stephenson, and Beall, -113 Stephenson, Rather and Beall, -113 Steubing and Zumwalt, -119 Stewart, H. William, - 101 Stieren and Hodges, -105 Stieren, and Forche, - 105 Stieren, and Forcke General Merchandise, - 111 Stoffer, John, - 101 Stone, Mrs., L.M., -112 Strickland, A.R. -117 Stripling, T.H., -101 Stubbs, E.O, -113 Stulting, C. Mann, - 104 Sunderland, Mr., - 109 Sunrise, Bakery, - 110 Sunset Brick and Tile Company, -110, 111, 113, 117 Sunset Saloon, -112 Sweeney and Company, -118 Sweeney, Edward, -118 Swift and Coleman Soap Factory, -112 Swifts Feed Store, -112 T,S. Walker, - 103 T.B. Littrell's Store, 103 T.J. Atwood Tin Zinc and Iron Roofing, - 102 T.L. Lenhard's Boot and Shoe Maker Shop, - 111 T.S. Walker, Drugstore, - 103 T.S. Walker's Dry Goods and Grocery, -105 T.W., Menefee Pianos and Organs, -112 Tadlock and Mason, -112 Tadlock Restaurant, and Ice Cream Parlor, -112 Tadlock, A.J., -112 Tadlock, J.B., -114 Tadlock, J.B, Furniture, -115 Tally, W.H., -116 Tanne, J, -102 Tate and Badger Drug Store, -105 Tate Badger, and Botts, -105 Tate, - 106, 110 Taylor and Yates, Barber Shop, -116 Taylor, and McMilian, Meat Market -112 Taylor, Lawrence, -117 Taylor, M.C., -115 Templin's Domino Hall, -117 Templin's Old Stand, -115 Templin's Saloon, -116 Terrell, Mrs., V.J., -115 Testard Hotel, - 110 Texas Associated Telephone Company, -118 Texas Company, -117 Texas Garage -118 Texas Heroes Square, -100, 117 Texas Motor Car Supply Company, -117 Texas Pride Beer, -115 Texas Steam Laundry of San Antonio, -116 Texas, Service, Station, -119 The Exchange, - 101 The Gonzales Manufacturing Company, - 106 The Gonzales Post Office, -101 The Howerton House, - 104 The Lone Star Matrimonial Association, - 109 The M. Levyson and Company, -101 The Nance Hotel, - 109 Thiede, Will, -116, 118 Thomas and Ashby Mercantile Store, - 102 Thomas and Whiteside, -113 Thomas DeWitt Groceries, -105 Thomas House, - 111 Thomas, J.A. - 111 Thomas, William, - 101, 102 Thornton, J.J., - 102 Tiam, P. Fish and Oyster Dealer, -112 Tieken, George, -119 Tin and Sheet Metal Works, -118 Tin Pin House- 102 Tinsley, John, -100 Tips, J.C., Jr. -117 Tobie Carol's Shoe Shop, -112 Todd, A.S., (proprietor), -112 Toggery, E., -115 Toggery, H. -115, 117 Toggery, M. -117 Tombs, L.C., -101 Tonsorial Parlor, -112 Tood, A.S., -116 Track and Zollar, -113 Tramell, H.., -102 Trlica Studio, -118 Trumble, M., -102 Trust Company, -113 Tubbs, - 106 Tubbs, M.J. - 111, 112 Turbeville, W.C., -115 Turner, A. - 104 Turner, D.F. - 109 Turner's Hotel,-100 Two Brothers, Saloon, -112 Tyler, Crause, - 104 Tyler, H.D., -102 Ule, John, - 101 Uley, A.H. -114 Ulle, J., - 103 Vacker, (Charles) and Nagel, (F.C.) -116 Vanderburg, -115 Vasquez, -115 Venor, J.W., -113, 118 Vivroux and Wallace Company, -118 Voges, Saloon, -113 Vrazel, Frank and Emilie, -113 Vrazel's, Frank, Gin, -116 W.A. Cardwell's Palace Saloon, - 111 W.B. Cavetts Hardware, 105 W.B. Cavett Hardware Business and Tinshop, - 104 W.B. Walker, - 103 W.B. Walker, and Company -105 W.B. Walker's Grocery and Dry Goods -103 W.B.W, Peck's Grocery, - 111 W.D.W. Peck, - 104 W.D.W Pecks, General Merchandise Store, - 109 W.F. Laird Grocery, - 105 W.G. Belding and Company Dry Goods, and Grocery, -103 W.H. and Company, -105 W.H. Boothe and Company, -113 W.H. Boothe, and Company Store, -102 W.H. Fitzgerald, Drug, - 111 W.H. Forgotson Grocery, -112 W.I. Nicholas, - 110 W.M. Wroe's Saddlery - 104 Wade and Mollar Company-114 Wade, "Mose", M.A. -118 Wade, A. Mose, -115 Wade, G.W. -118 Wade, G.W. and Company, -113 Wade, M.A. -117 Wade, W. Ernest, -117, 118 Wagner, S.J. -114 Wagner, S.J. Restaurant, and Oyster Bar, -115 Waldik, W.P. and Lambeth, Dave, -115 Waldrep, W.P. -113 Walker and Ferguson Fire Insurance-116 Walker J.R., -118 Walker, Jennie, - 110 Walker, R.H. -108, 110, 115, 117 Walker, R.H., Drug Store- 109 Walker, R.H. Jr. -113 Walker, R.H. (President) -113 Walker, R.H., (Secretary) Walker, T.S., -103, 110, 111 Walker's, T.S. Drug Store, -101 Walnut Ridge Creamery, -112 Walsh, C.C. - 111 Water Power Company, - 111 Water Works, Laundry, - 110 Watson and Chaudoin Meat Market, -113 Watson's Gin, -115 Waul, T.M., -102 Weeks, Dr., -102 Weid, G.A. -113 Wellborn, S., -102 Wells and Green Grocer, -115 Wells Fargo Office, -112 Wells J.B. Sr. -113 Wells, -114 Wells, J.T. -117 Wells, R., -102 Werner's August, Insurance Agent, -114 Wesr, -112 Westbrook, R.A., -116 Western Stage, -101 Western Texas Stage Company, -103 Western Union, -117 Wheeler and Wilson, -114 Wheeler, J.O., -102 White and Schultz-113 White House- 102 White, J.S., -114 Whitehead, and Davis, -115 Whitehead, H., - 102 Whitehead, H.L., -116 Whiteside and Thomas, -113 Whiteside, J.M. and Manor, -116 Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors, -116 Wied, Elo, -115 Wiese, C., - 101 Willard, Captain, - 111 William Moore's Market, - 104 William Rainey and Son Saddlery, - 104 Williams and Eastland Grocery, - 111 Williams, (C.H.) -113 Williams, C.H. and Getz, Fred, -113 Williams, J.W., - 102 Williams, Mrs. Mulkego, 100 Williams, R.E.-102 Williamson and (S.S.) Cobb, Grocery, -112 Williamson, G.N., -102 Willis, -101 Willis, D., -101 Wilson, Frank's Cleaning and Pressing Shop, -117 Wilson, G. Reginald, and Wilson Sr. Frank, -115 Wilson, H.H., -116, 118 Wilson, Mrs., - 102 Wilson, Sr. Frank, and Reginald G. Wilson, -115 Wilson, Thos. - 102 Wilson's Cleaning and Pressing Company, -115 Winslow Turner Hotel, -100 Witt, (W.F.) and Smith, -118 Woods and Bissett, -112 Woods, L.H., -101 Woodward and Ross, -112 Woolsey, R.T. -115 Wright, L.C.- 102 Wright, Stephen, -119 Wright's, Highway Garage, -119 Wroe and Wyatt's Saddle and Harness Manufactory, -101 Wyatt and Clark Livery Stable, - 110 Wyatt, W.H., -101 Yates, and Taylor, Barber Shop, -116 Yoakum Mattress Factory , -117 Yoakum Mill Elevator, Company, -118 Young, Mrs. -112 Zahow, Chekri, -114 Zemmin, E. -115 Zemmin, E. -118 Zemmin, Ernest, - 111 Zint, M.A. Groceries, -117 Zone- 109 Zumwalt, J.S., - 111 Zumwalt's, Adam Kitchen, -100