Gonzales County Records and Archives Research Center

Gonzales Records Center and Archives
Courthouse Annex
1709 Sarah DeWitt Drive
P.O. Box 77
Gonzales, TX 78629
Phone: 830-672-7970 - Fax: 830-672-2636

Copies of records at the Gonzales Records Center and Archives may be obtained by visiting the center or by requesting copies be mailed. There is no charge if you do your own research at the center. There is a fee for copies of records mailed by the staff. Below is a partial list of the types of records that can be found at the Gonzales Records Center and Archives. Contact the center for more information.

100 Years of Gonzales

Indexed by Sean Zambrano

410 Panatorium, -117	
410 Panatorium, Dry Goods and Tailors, -116, 117	   
A. Frank- 109
A. J. Moore's and P. McMahon's Brickyard, - 108
A.and S. Cherry Bar's Room and Billards, - 104
A.D. Fisher's Boot and Shoe Shop, - 103
A.E. Scheske, 105
A.E. Spann Grocer, -112
A.H Jones and Company,-101
A.H. Jones and Company Dry Goods and Grocery, - 103
A.H. Jones, and Company, - 104
A.J. Tadlock, Funiture and Undertakers, -112
Acock's W.N. - 104
Adams Transfer Company, -116
Adams, E. Hilary, -115   
Adams, J.S., -115   
Adams, R.A., -117
Aetna Fire Insurance, -118
Aetna, Insurance, -118
Ainsworth, W.H., -116
Air Dome, Theater, -114
Alamo Lumber Company, -113
Albert and August Reese, -112
Alcalde Hotel-118
Alcalde, Service Station, -119
Alcalde, Service, Company, -118
Alcalde, Service, Station, -118
Algantar's C.P. Meat Market, -113 
Alsup and Cole, Meat Market -112
American Railroad Express -117
American Steam Laundry, -113
American Steam Laundry, -117		
Anderson, -105
Anderson, D. James, -114
Anderson, J. H., -102
Anderson, J.H. - 104
Andrade's A.H., Mexican Food Restaurant, -117	
Antheney - 102
Ara, H. Company, -113
Ara, J.M. -118
Aransas Pass Tracks, -115
Archer, Judge, -102
Arilington Hotel, -118
Arnold, Brantley Liquor Store, 102
Ashby, J., -102
Atkinson T.D., - 101
Atkinson, Miss, Lula, - 111 
Atkinson, W.A. -112
Atwater, Radios, -118
Augustus Bushard Saloon, -101
Autry and Voges, -114
Autry, D.B., -115   
Autry, John, Meat Market, -114
Ayers and Duke, Nickel Store, -116           
B.O. Gonzales Grocery Store, - 111
Bache, Oscar and Czibos A.J. Tailor Shop-112
Bacquet, Miss, Sally, - 111 
Bacquet, W.C., - 110
Badger and Cox, - 108
Bailey W. James, -116
Bailey, R.S., Oyster House, - 108
Baird, A.O., - 101
Baker Air Dome Theater, -116
Baker, A.D. Colonel, -116
Baker, D.S. -116
Baker, J.A. - 110
Baker, L. Moses, - 106
Baker, S.H. - 110
Baker, Wilson W.L., -102
Bakery, Beer and Cigar Shop,-101
Bakery, Confectionary and Provision Store, - 106
Baldridge, Dr., -102
Baldridge, John, - 110
Banks and Bankers in Early Texas, 103
Barker, - 109
Barlett Bakery, - 106
Barlett Mrs.H.E. - 106    
Barnes J.A. - 109
Barnett, B., -102
Barnett, Miss, Ella, -114
Barrell, L.C. -119
Barrett, G. W. -102
Barrow, W. L., -102
Barsch, Otto, (proprietor) -115   
Bartlett's Bakery, - 111
Bartlett's Grocery- 110
Bartsch, Joseph, and Sons Cotton Gin, -115   
Basken, W., -102
Beach - 106
Beach, -105
Beall, and McElroy, -118
Beall, W.E. -118
Beall, W.E., -115   
Bean, J., - 102
Beasley, J.F. -115   
Beasley, J.F. Auto Company, -117		
Beaty and Son, -114
Beaumont, E.L and Company, -100
Beck, A.J. -112
Beck, H.S., -102
Beck, S.J.-102
Beck, W.H. -102
Bee Hive, -116
Bee, Mrs. Carlos, -114
Beeson, C.E., Insurance, -118
Belding W.G., -112
Belding, - 110
Beringer, - 109, 110, 115
Beringer, H. -111, 112
Beringer, Mrs. M.H, -112.
Beringer, Soda, Bottling Works, -112
Beringer's Bar, -113
Beringer's Bottling Works, -115
Best Smoke House, -100
Birkner, Gus, - 104
Bisett, - 106
Bisset, Robert, - 104, 109
Bissett and Woods, -112
Black, R.J., and Servant, -102
Blacksmith and Wagon Shop-113
Blaine Stable, - 108
Blake, - 109
Blakeslee, Wm, - 110
Blank- 108
Blanton, Horace, -119
Bliss Native Herbs, -117		
Blue Front, -112
Boack, P.H., - 108
Boak, C. - 106
Bob Holts Meat Market, -112
Bohmfalk, Reverend F. Florist and Nursery, -116
Bonton, Confectionery, -114
Boothe - Kleine, - 111
Boothe and Clark, -118
Boothe and Kleine, - 111, 113
Boothe and Lewis, -112, 116, 118
Boothe Company-- 109
Boothe G.J. and Sons - 111
Boothe, (Cylde L.), and Hampton (F.M.) Real Estate -119
Boothe, C.J., -116
Boothe, David, -114
Boothe, Fred, -115, 118
Boothe, J.H. -112, 113
Boothe, W.H. -113, 114
Boothe, W.H. and Company, -109, 117		
Boothe, Z.J. -118
Boothe, Z.T. -118
Bottling Works and Ice Cream Factory, -116
Botts, -108
Botts and Company, - 109
Botts and Douglass, -118
Botts R.C., -117	
Botts, W.L. -115   
Bouldin, J.G., - 106
Bouldlin, J.G, - 104
Bouldin's, J.G., - 106
Bouldin's, Service, Station, -119
Bowyer, J.C., (proprietor) -115   
Bowyer, J.G., - 108
Boyd D. and J.S. - 104
Braers, M. - 104
Brakenridge, W. George, -114
Branch and Bouldin Livery Stable, - 102
Branch, H.W., -101, 103
Branch's Auction Room, - 106
Brantley, John, R., - 102
Bratton and Company, -105
Brelsford, J.W. -113, 115
Brennan and Kaltenbacher, Tailor Shop-112
Brenner and Bright Drug Store, -112
Brenner Drug and Company, -117		 
Brenner's Drug Store, -115   
Bright Jewelry House, -114
Bright, (Vaughan), -117
Bright, D., -102
Bright, E., Ray, -114
Bright, E. Ray, Sr., Music Store, -116           
Bright, J.C. -113, 117
Bright, Music Company, -117
Bright, Ray, E, Sr., - 109
Bright, W.J. -113    
Broadnax, Dr., -102
Brond, G.W., -102
Brooks -103
Brooks Cox and Company Dry Goods and Grocery, - 105
Brooks, John -117		
Broom Factory, - 110
Brothers - 105
Browels, H., - 102
Brown and Farrell Transfer Company, -117		
Brown, and Schaumloffel, -117
Brown, Doff J, -100
Brown, H., -114
Brown, H.T. (Meal and Cotton Seed Dealer) -113
Brown, W.C. and son, -117		
Bryan and Cooksley, Blacksmiths, -101
Bryan, -101
Bryan, and Anderson Blacksmith's, -101
Buchanan, L. William, -101
Bucholtz, and Sellers, -115      
Bucholtz, F.H. -116
Bucholtz, F.H., -112
Buckhorn, Barber Shop, -119
Buckner, G. - 104
Buffalo, Camp, Yard, -117		
BugBee, C. - 104
Bugbee M.E., and Company, -113 
Bugbee, and Eastland, - 111
Bugbee, Mrs. G.G. Jeweler, - 111
Buggy and Wagon Sales Store, - 111
Buick, Passenger Line, -118
Bunton, C.C. - 110
Bunton, Mr. - 110 
Bunton, W.S. -111, 114
Burchard and Burchard Abstract Company, -117			
Burchard, Building, - 111 
Burchard, C.A. -110, 113
Burchard, L. - 104
Burchard, Louie, Bakery- 109
Burke Robinson's Saloon, - 109
Burke, H.T., -102
Burleson, Aaron, - 109
Burnes, Miss Semanthia, -100
Bushhard, Augustus,-101
C. Bratton Company, 104
C.A. Shock City Xpress--112
C.A., Jones, and Company, -112
C.C. DeWitt, Ferry, -102
C.F., Richartt, Bicycle Sales, and Repair Shop, -112
Caletka's Auto Painting Shop, -118
Campbell, C. - 102
Candy Kitchen, -116           
Cantu and Portales, Groceries -118 
Capital Barber Shop, -113, 115
Captain's Peck Store, - 109
Cardwell, O.W. -114
Cardwell, W.A. -113
Carey W.D. Colonel, - 109
Carruth, R.A., - 102
Carter and McKent Ornamental Painters, -102
Casa Blanca, -118
Casa's B. Mexican, Food Restaurant, -116
Cavett and Woods Hardware Store, -105
Cavett, - 110
Cavett, C.B. -112
Cavett, W.B., - 110
Cavett's, W.B. Tin Shop, - 101
Cecil Robinson Meat Market, -112
Central Park Square, - 104
Central Park, - 100, 103, 104, 105
Central Plaza, - 109
Central Square, -105
Chapman, F.M., -101
Charles Johnson, Mercantile,-101
Charles Strieber Gill, - 106
Charles, Beringer's Bar, - 111 
Chaudoin and Watson Meat Market, -113
Chen, L. - 108
Chenault and Hopkins, Land Agents - 111 
Chenault, Felix, -117, 118
Chenault, J.R., - 108
Chensult, -105
Chenult, - 106
Chevrolet Dealer, -117	
Chinese Hand Laundry- 111, 115
Christian Brothers, -118
Christian, Dowell, -117		
Christian, Meant Market, -118
Christian-Eschenburg, Meat Market, -118
Citizens Auto Company (Neubaurer Chas.), -117		
Citizens Electric Light and Power Company, - 110, 111, 115, 117
Citizens, Auto Company, -115   
Citizens, Company -113
City Bakery, -115
City Barber Shop- 110
City Carriage,  -112
City Dairy, -115   
City Hotel, -112   
City Laundry, - 106
City Market, - 108, 109
City of Gonzales, - 110, 111, 119
City Tailor Shop, -114, 116
City Transfer, and Baggage Company, -117		
City Wood Yard, -115   
City Sanitarium, -119
Clark, -105
Clark and Eschenburg, -119
Clark and Wyatt Livery Stable, - 110
Clark and Wyatt's (C.K.) Livery and Feed Store, - 111
Clark, A.W., and Company, - 108, 109
Clark, Bass, and Company, - 108
Clark, W.A. and Company, - 111
Clark, W.H., -116
Clark's Confectionery, -118
Cleaning and Pressing Parlor, -115   
Cleveland Tractors, -115   
Cleveland, J.W. -117		
Cleveland, W.B., Filling Station, -119
Cleveland, W.J. -113, 117
Cloud, R.J., -102
Cluiss, W.H. Grocery, -116           
Clyde and Fred Boothe, -118 
Clyde, -118
Clyde C, -113
Cobb, (S.S) and Williamson, Grocery -112
Cobb, and Mason, -116
Cobb, D, Goss, Miles, S.F. - 111
Cobb, H. James, - 110
Cobb, Mrs. S.A., -112
Kent, Mary, F., -112
Cobb, S.S. -114
Cobb, S.S. Store, -118
Cobb's Cash, Grocery, -116
Cochran Building, - 109
Cohn, J., -105
Cole and Alsup Meat Market -112
Cole Commission Company, - 111, 114
Cole, M. Walter, General Insurance, -116
Cole, W.M., -114
Coleman, -104, 110
Coleman and Law Drug, -101
Coleman and Swift Soap Factory, - 110
Coleman, A.B, Ice Cream Parlor, - 109
Coleman's Mineral Works, -112
Collins and Shelby, Meat Market--112
Collins Hotel, -101
Collins House, -115   
Collins, Emmet, - 108
Collins, Judge, W.V., -101,  110
Collins, W.C., -102
Colonel, Carey, W.D. -105
Condlin, Henry, - 109
Confederate Square, - 100, 106, 112, 114, 116, 117
Conley and Garnder -114
Continental Hatchery, -118
Conway, Building, -113
Conway, Family, -118
Cook, -112   
Cook and Wells, Barber Shop, -112
Cook, Miss, M.E.- 106
Cook, Miss M.E, and Kent Mrs. Maude, -112
Cook, R.S. and Luthy, Photographer-112
Cook, Richard and Furniture Company, -113
Cooksley, J.-101
Coons, V.L., -116           
Coons, V.L. Vulcanizing and Tire Sales, -117	
Copeland, - 105, 106, 108, 109
Corner Saloon, -115   
Cornitius, A. -113
Cornitius, Rupert, -117		
Cottle, Williamson, 100
Countryman Tailor, -117
Cowgill J.O. -113
Cox House- 110
Cox, John, - 100
Crawford, A., - 102
Crocett's, J.C., Grain Store, -113
Crockett and Lane Livery, -115
Crockett and Lane Stables -112
Croley, W.A., -105
Crum, T., -102
Crystal Saloon, -115, 116
Crystal Theatre, -116, 118
Crystal, Orchestra, -118
Cunningham, A.S. - 101
Cunningham's, - 110
Currie's J.T. Grocery -117
Czibos A.J. and Oscar Bache, Tailor Shop -112
Czibos, A.J., -116 
Czichos, A.J., -114
D.C. Evans, Grocery, 103
D.C. Moore's, Kiln and Brick Factory - 102
D.S.H. Darst's Mill, - 106
D.T. Turner and Company, - 106
D.W. Mrs. Green's Millinery Shop, - 111
D.W., Heye's Saddle Shop, -112   
Dalkowitz, Brothers, Department Store, - 111 
Daniel B. Rider, Ferry and Mill, - 102
Darst, D.S.H., -101
Darst, James, - 108
Darst, Major, D.S.H., - 110
Darst's Gin, -112
Dart and Company,-101
Daughter, A.B., 102
Daughtery, D.K. -105
Dave and Jacob Stahl, -113
Dave and Jake Stahl, -113
David, L.P. -118
David, L.P. (President) - 111 
Davis and Whitehead, -115   
Davis, and Skinner, -116
Davis, and Stephenson, -115    
Davis, Berry, -115   
Davis, J., -102
Davis, J.S. -117	
Davis, L.B. -116
Davis, M.H. -114
Davis, W.H. -117
Davis, William, - 109
Dawe, A. Confectionery, -116
Dawe, Artur, -117		
Dawe, Thomas and Son Feed Company, -117		
Dawe, Thomas, -113
Dawe's Feed Company, -113
Dawe's, Gin, -100, 115
Dawson, J.W. and Brothers, -115   
Deel, John, - 102
Denman, and Sons, -115
Denson's, Charles, Delivery Wagon, -117		
DeWitt - Kelly General Merchandise Store, - 111
DeWitt and Kelly Mercantile - 105
DeWitt, - 106, 109
Dewitt, C.C. - 109
DeWitt, Gin, - 108, 109
DeWitt, Green, - 108
DeWitts - 108
DeWitt's C.E., - 101
DeWitt's Drug Store, - 105, 108
Dickinson and Kimball's Hat Factory, -100
Dickson, R.H., - 110
Dietz, A.F., - 113, 114
Dietze, D.F. -113
Dilworth-- 109
Dilworth , R.S., (Secretary) -113
Dilworth Bank Building, -115   
Dilworth Bank, - 111, 117
Dilworth, Colwell James, - 103
Dilworth, - 103, 105, 106
Dilworth, C.E. , and R.S. Dilworth, -115   
Dilworth, G.N. - 103, 105, 109
Dilworth, G.N. (Treasurer) - 110
Dilworth, J.C., - 109
Dilworth, R.S. and C.E., Dilworth, -115   
Dismukes,  Pat. -113
Dismukes, H. Pat, -115   
Dodd F.M. - 109
Dodds Hotel,  - 109
Dodson, Seth, - 108
Dornak's , Robert, Shoe Repair Shop, -118
Douglass, J.S. -116, 117      
Dow, -118
Drab Frank,  - 108
Dreyer, Henry, -115   
Drummers, Home, -112
DuBose and Sons, -117		
DuBose, John and Sons, -114
DuBose, John, and Sons Grocery, -116           
DuBose, Mrs. John, 100
DuBose, Warren, Sr. -118
DuBose, W.L. -116, 117
DuBose, Whit, -116           
Dudley and Lawrence Hoskins, -116           
Dudley, and Lawrence, -118
Duke, -101
Duke and Ayers, Nickel Store, -116           
Dunning, B. Joe, Jr., -116
E. Dudley's Saddlery - 104
E. Mohrmann (Shoemaker), -112
E. Titcomb and Company, -103
E.E. and Clyde, -117	
Eason, Brothers, - 110
Eason, Brothers, Mercantile, - 110
East End Market, -116
Eastland Drug Store, -113
Eastland Drug, - 109, 111
Eastland, Drug Store- 109
Eastland, (Ralph), Grocery, -113
Eastland, M., - 110
Eastland, M. and T.P. - 111
Eastland, Miss, Nina, (Chief Operator)  - 111 
Editor, 102
Edwards, Krochman's Store, - 101
Edwards, W.T., Transfer Company, -118
Efron, J.A. -115   
Efron's, J.A. Dry Goods, -117
Eggleston Store, -100
Eggleston, John, H., -103
Electric Light House, -112
Electric Shoe Shop, -116
Electric Shop, -118
Elite Company, -117	
Elite Restaurant, -114
Elliot, Mrs., and Wright Stevens, -117		
Emler, John, -117
Emory, C.L. -119
Empire Theater, -114
Ericson, J.E., 103
Ernest, E. -113
Eschenburg, O.E. (Texaco Agent) -118
Eubanks, Philip Orchestra, -118
Evans, -103
Ewing, George, -113, 118
Ewing's Music Store, -116           
Excelsior Barber Shop, - 109, 111
F. Levyson and Company, - 111 
F. Newell's, Liquor Store,-101
F.H. Mangliers, Jewelry, - 111 
Farmer, A., -116
Farmer, J.C., -118
Farmer's National Bank, -114
Farmers Union Warehouse, -113, 115, 116, 118
Farmers, Gin, Company, -118
Farmers, National Bank, -116, 117
Faus, W.D., -117		
Fauth- 104
Fauth House, -112
Fauth, John, - 109, 110, 112
Fauth, Miss C.F. - 108
Favorite Saloon, -112
Ferguson Insurance Company, -118
Ferill, S.C., 102
Figure, Moulding, Support, -118
Finch, E.A., - 109
Finch, O. -119
Finck, E.A. - 109
Finney, W.D., -114
First Methodist Church, - 109
Fischer, Brothers Store, - 110
Fischer, Lee, - 110
Fisher Brothers, -112, 117
Fisher, A. - 108
Fisher, Adam, - 108
Fisher, and Brothers Dry Goods and Shoes, - 111 
Fisher, L.H. -113
Fisher, Mrs. C.F. -112
Fitzgerald, A.H. Drug, -117
Fitzgerald and Robertson Drug- 113
Fitzgerald Hotel, -112   
Fitzgerald House, -114
Fitzgerald, A.H. -115   
Fitzgerald, M.M. -114
Fitzgerald's Drug Store, -115   
Five Cent Store, - 111 
Floyd, Mrs. A.L., -112
Floyd, Plez, - 106
Fly W.M., -113
Fly, - 106, 110
Fly, J.M. - 109
Fly, W.M. -105, 113
Fly, W.S., (President) - 110
Ford, A, Berry, -118
Forgotston, Harold, -116
Forgotston's, Soda Water Factory, -116
Foster, Frank Meat Market, -115   
Four Horse Stage Line, - 108
Fox, A., 102
Frank's W.C. Tin and Plumbling Shop -114
Frank's W.C. Tin Shop, -115   
Franks Building, - 111'
Franks, W.C. -117	
Franks, W.S., Stove, Tin, and Plumbing Shop - 111 
Frazier, W.C. -117		
Frazor's L.Stand, -114
Fred and Fred, Boothe, -118
Freyer L.A. Dry Goods, - 110
Friedman, Mrs. Blossom, -117	
Friedman's Branch, -116, 117           
Froehner, W.J. -114
Fudge, T.C., -102
Fussel Wholesale Grocery, -117		
Fussell, Wholesale Grocery, -116, 118
G. J. Boothe and Son, Dry Good and Grocery, -105
G.G. Bugbee, Jeweler, and Music Company - 111
G.W. Cox's Meat Market, -112   
G.W. Franklin's Market,  - 104
Galveston-Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad Tracks, -113, 115
Galveston-Harrisburg San Antonio, -116
Ganam, Michael, -113
Ganam's Grocery, -112
Garcia, Albert, -119
Gardien Brokerage, and Commission Company, - 111 
Gardien, - 111 
Gardien, and Nicholson, (Fire Insurance) - 111 
Gardien, E. Kent, (Secretary) -115   
Gardien, W.L. (president and treasurer), -115   
Gardien, W.L. Secretary-Treasurer -117	
Gardien, W.L., (manager) - 111 
Gardner, F.M., - 109
Garton, Studio, -116
Gasman, Miss, G.G, - 106
Gates, S.H., -101
Gatlin, J.J. -118
Gayosa, House, -101
Gellhorn and Blake Feed and Livery, - 111
Gellhorne, - 109
Gem Bakery, -113, 115
Gescheidle, August, - 108
Getz, Fred, (The Photographer) - 111
Glass, U.S., - 101
Glenn, E.G., -102
Goff, W.D., - 101
Goff, W.D. dry goods, -101
Gomez and Bright Music Store, -114
Gomez, E.A., and Company, -114
Gonney A.C., - 109
Gonzales Abstract and Tile Company, -115   
Gonzales Abstract Company, -113
Gonzales Abstract, and Title Company, -117	
Gonzales Agriculture Works, - 108
Gonzales Amusement Company, -116
Gonzales Bottling Company, -115   
Gonzales Bottling Works, -112
Gonzales Building and Loan Association-117	
Gonzales Buick Company, -117
Gonzales Cement and Stone Company, -115
Gonzales City Museum,-101
Gonzales Coca Cola Bottling Company, -116
Gonzales Cotton Mill, -113, 119
Gonzales Cotton Warehouse, Company, -118
Gonzales Cotton Oil and Manufacturing Company, -112
Gonzales Delicatessen, -116, 118
Gonzales Drug Company, -116, 117           
Gonzales Electric Light, and Power Company, - 110, 117
Gonzales Fire Station, -118
Gonzales Gin-113
Gonzales Gin Company, - 111
Gonzales Green House, -112, 115
Gonzales, H. -113
Gonzales Hat Cleaning and Pressing Works, -116
Gonzales Hat Works, -116
Gonzales Hay and Grain Company, -116
Gonzales Hotel, - 102, 103, 117
Gonzales Ice and Bottle Works, - 111
Gonzales Ice and Refrigeration, Company, -117		
Gonzales Ice Factory, -113
Gonzales Ice and Refrigerator Company, -113
Gonzales Improvement Company, -113, 115
Gonzales Inquirer, -114
Gonzales Installment Company, -115   
Gonzales Laundry, - 106
Gonzales Lumber and Company, -118
Gonzales Marble, -118
Gonzales Machine Shop, -113
Gonzales Manufacturing Company, 103
Gonzales Mattress Factory, -118
Gonzales Mercantile Company, -114
Gonzales Mills - 108
Gonzales Motor Company, -117, 119
Gonzales National Bank, -114
Gonzales National Farm Loan Association, -117	 
Gonzales Nursery and Greenhouse, - 108
Gonzales Nursery Greenhouse, -115   
Gonzales Oxide, Acetylene Welding Company, -115   
Gonzales Panning Mill, -113, 118
Gonzales Planing Mill, -118
Gonzales Real Estate Company, -115   
Gonzales Round Bale Gin, -117		
Gonzales State Bank, -113
Gonzales State Bank and Trust, -117	
Gonzales Steam Laundry, - 111
Gonzales Steam Vulcanizing Plant, -116           
Gonzales Tannery, - 109
Gonzales Telephone Company, - 111, 118
Gonzales, Tick, Eradication, -119
Gonzales Tire and Repair Company, -118
Gonzales, Veneer, Mill, -118
Gonzales Water Gin and Grist Mill, -113
Gonzales Water Power Gin Company, -117		
Gonzales Water Power Company, - 110, 113
Gonzales Water Works Company, - 108, 117
Gonzales Water Works, - 110, 113, 117
Gonzales Wood and Gas Company, -119
Gonzales-Luling Bus Line, -118
Goodenough, C.F. -114
Goodrich, W.E., -102
Goss and Wallace, Partners as Brick Layers and Masons, 102
Goss, Grey, -115   
Granger W.L. -112
Grant, F. John, Lumber Company, -118
Grant, Joseph, -118
Grantile, Company, -118
Graves, Frank, -118
Great Southern Life Insurance, -118
Green DeWitt, - 109
Green DeWitt's Mill, - 106, 111
Green Front Fruit Stand, -115   
Green, D.W. -114
Green, Mrs, Millinery Shop, - 110
Green, Mrs. D.W., -114
Green, W.E. and Williams, -115   
Greenhouse, G.W., -117		
Greenwood, Phillips, P.C. - 101, 102
Greshold, - 101
Greyston George, - 104
Grubbs Brothers, General Delivery and Baggage, -115
Grubbs, Phil, - -112
Guarantee Repair Company, -115, 117
Guichart, J., - 102
Gulf, Colorado, and Santa Fe, Railroad, - 109
Gurinsky, C.H. -114
Gurinsky, H., - 111
Gurinsky, H., Dry Goods and Clothing -114
Gurinsky, Harry, Dry Goods, and Clothing-117	
Gus Dietz and Grocery, - 106
Gustave Schoenert, - 106
Gustv Schoenert, Grocery, - 106
H. Ferril and Sons, - 102
H. Terrell and Sons Lumber, -102
H., Gurinsky, Dry Goods and Clothing, -112
Habberton, Harry, - 106, 108
Haberton, Harry, - 108
Hacher, J.A. - 109
Haflin, L. , -115
Hagen and McKnight, Saloon and Domino Hall, -117		
Hagen, and Nuhn, -116
Hagen's Confectionery, -116
Halameck's Auto Supply, -114, 117
Halamicek, E.F , -115   
Halamicek, S.F and son Roy, -117
Halamieck, E.F., Mrs. -118
Hall B.P., -102
Hall, and Robertson, -116
Hall's Gun Shop, -112
Hamilton and Malloch, Partners in Business - 102
Hammell, J.., -102
Hamon, A.O. -112
Hamon, - 101
Hampton, W.B. -112
Hanson, J.A. -112     
Harberdasher, -114
Harborth, A.E., Grocery, -118
Harborth, August, Edwin, -115
Harden and Fitzgerald Drug Store, - 111
Harden, D.E. Companies, - 111
Harden, J.H., -102
Hardwood and Winston, (S.F) - 111
Hargis, - 101
Harless, - 110
Harold, -116
Harper, -101
Harris -101, 103
Harris and Lewis, Mercantile Business - 102
Harris, J., -115   
Harris, Leman, -115   
Harris, W. Frank,-101
Harris, W.H., and Company, - 108
Harwood and Walsh, - 111 
Harwood, T.M., - 111 
Harwood Walsh Abstract Company, -113
Harwood, Major, M. Thomas, - 111 
Harwood, S.L., -115   
Harwood, T.F. -110, 111, 113
Harwood's, S.L., General City Delivery, -114
Harwood-Burchard Abstract Company, -113 
Hawa's, J. Mercantile Business -114
Hawkins, -115   
Haws, J. Shoe Store, -113
Haye and Company, -116   
Haynes, M.T., -114
Haynes, Mrs. A.B. -112
Heaner Y.J. - 111
Heaner, Y.J. -114
Heath, Henry, - 108
Henry and Webb Grocery, -117				
Henry Heath, - 106
Henry, J. - 102
Henry's (Conrad), Boston, Shop House, - 111 
Hensley and Lauraine Machine Shop, -113
Herbrig, Otto, -118
Herman S. Smith Auctioneer, - 102
Hermes, E. - 108
Hermes, J.E. - 104
Herzfield, - 109
Hess, W.-101
Heye and Company, -116, 117
Heye, T. and Heye, D.W., -114
Highway Lunch Room, -117
Hill, T., 102
Hillburn, B., Lady, -102
Hills Restaurant, - 111
Hilton, J., -114
Hindrick's Trading Company, -117	
Hinman, M.B., (proprietor) -115
Hinman's Livery and Stables, -115
Hodges and West Barber Shop, -114
Hodges, Dry Goods, -114
Hodges, H.S., - 109
Hodges, House, - 106
Hodges, T.W.,-101
Holiday A. May, - 108
Holman, J.S.,-102
Holmes Restaurant, - 106
Holmes, F. Charles, -118
Holmes, J.W. Insurance, -116           
Holt, J.J., -101
Hooper, W.H., -117		
Hoopes, J.W. -114
Hope and Allen, -112
Hopkins, and Quest, Land Agents, - 111 
Hopkins, H.L., Fire Insurance, and Abstractors - 111 
Hopkins, Trippe, and Company, - 110
Hopskins, H.L., -115   
Hopskins, Tom, - 109
Hose Company, #2 - 111
Hoskins, -114
Hoskins Mercantile Company, -116           
Hoskins, C.A. and Company, -116
Hoskins, Conde, Insurance and Land Sales, -116
Hoskins, J.D., -102
Hoskins, Sr. B.B. -111, 114
Hoskins, Sr. B.B.and Sons, -114
Hoskkins Mercantile, -118
Houston, - 109
Houston, R.A, - 109, 115
Houston, R.D. Home, -118
Howerton House, - 108, 109
Howerton, W.A., - 104
Hugh, Lewis, -113
Hughes Grocery, Store- 110
Hughes Market, - 106
Hughes, Grocery, -112
Hughes, M.E. -112
Hume, C., -102
Humphries, Miss Daisy, -115   
Hung Lee, Chop House, - 111 
Hunt and Ponton Company, -101
Hyman, S., -101
I.O.O.F Building, -116
Ice Cream Parlor, -114, 115
Illinois Bankers Life Association, -118
Ince, C.E. -117	
Ince, C.E. Plumbing and Sheet Metal Scared, -117	
Ince, J.P. -117
Interlocking, Cement Stone Silo Company, -117		
International Harvester Dealer, -118
Ireland, J. - 101
Iron Front Livery Stable, -115, 116
J. Douglass Brown Land Agent- 102
J. George, Bowyer, and Company. -112
J. Ollre's Barber Shop, -104
J., Zieglar, Tailor, Cleaning, and Repair, -112
J.A. and S.A. Baker Grocery and Dry Foods, -112
J.A. Bacon's Carriage and Buggy Factory, - 105
J.A., Bennet's and Company, - 109
J.B., - 101
J.C. Mason Hotel, - 111
J.E. Willingham and Company, -112
J.H. Grant Lumber Company, -116
J.H. Kent's, Dry Goods, -105
J.M. Cox, - 108
J.P. Randle, - 110
J.T. Duggan and Company, - 111 
J.T. Yarrington Hotel, - 102
J.V. Law, - 103, 104
J.W. Cannon's Shop, - 103
J.W. Crawford Saloon, - 111 
Jacks - 110
Jackson, Cude, - 109
Jacob, -116
Jahnke, Jewelry Store, -116, 117
Jahnke, R.P. -114
Jail Square, -100
Jaks, Ed, -118
Jewelry House and Optometrist, -117	
Jobe - 105,  106
Jobe and Dickson, - 110
Jobe, Doctor, John, - 103, 110
Jobe, Doctor, John, and Dickson- 111
Jobe, John, - 106
John Bonilla Tailor, - 111
John Clark Cabinet Maker, - 102
John Cox Furniture and Coffins, -102
John E. Foster Livery Stable, - 104
John Fauth's Lumber Yard, -105
John Miller's Fruit Stand, 105
John T. Williams, and Company, - 106
John, Ollre and Son, -112
Johnson, Stuart- -114
Johnson, Thos. - 102
Johnston, Bill, -113
Johnston, E.L. -116
Johnston, W.W. (Proprietor) -112
Jolly, J.W., -116
Jones - 101
Jones Inventory, -118
Jones King Hartwell, -102
Jones, -102, 114
Jones, Bass,-101
Jones, Bill, - 111
Jones, C. Jno, -114
Jones, C. John, -118
Jones, C. John, Jr. -114
Jones, E. William, - 104
Jones, J.C., - 110
Jones, J.D. -116
Jones, J.D., Dry Goods, -117	
Jones, Judge, F. -101
Jones, Mrs. A.H. - 108
Jones, W.D.C. -114
Jones, W.E. - 108
Jones, W.H., - 101, 102
Joseph's Dry Goods and Grocery, -112
Josey, A., - 109
Joynt, D.L., - 110
Kalamity Jane, -105
Kaltenbacher, and Brennan, Tailor Shop -112
Kane, Henry, - 109
Kehl Brothers, Meat Market, -115   
Kehl House, -115   
Kehl William Company, -115   
Kehl William, (proprietor) -115   
Kehl William, Market, -115   
Kehl, and Beringer, -112
Kellan, L.M., - 102
Kelly and Mohrmann, -114
Kelly, - 109
Kelly, L.E., - 106
Kendall, William, - 109
Kennard Lumber Company, -113
Kennard, Hartwell, -118
Kennard, J.B. -113
Kennard, J.B. and Son -119
Kent, - 106, 108, 111
Kent and Law's Store, - 104
Kent, Mrs. Maude, and Cook Miss M.E. -112
Kent, A., - 103, 105
Kent, C.H., - 111
Kent, Mrs. M.F. -114
Kent, Mrs. Maude, - 109
Kenton, B.H. -117	
Kerchbain, F., 103
Kerr, William, 102
Key, H. A., -102
Keyser Captain, -102
Keyser Hotel, - 108, 111, 113
Keyser House (hotel), -102, 105, 111
King, Guy, -116
King's Horse and Mule Barn, -118
Kinunker, W., -102
Kirkpatrick, John, - 104
Kleine  Jr., August- 111
Kleine, August, - 104
Kleine, August William John Sr, -100
Kleine, D. Walter, -117		
Kleine Furniture Store, -100
Kleine, A., Jr. -113
Kleine, C. William, -116 
Kleine's Furniture, - 104, 113
Kleine's Hall - 104, 109
Kleine's Opera House, - 109, 111, 117
Kleine-Rather, Reality Company, -116
Kluge and Mueller Meat Market, -112
Kluge, G.R., -116
Kluge's G.R. Meat Market, -118
Knight, T.J. -114
Knight's T.J. Dry Goods, -117	
Knights of Phythias - 110
Knokernot and Jacks Grocery, and Hardware Company -112
Knokernot, (Walter) and Wells, (C,M.), -112
Knokernot, Brothers, (Herbert, and Walter), -112
Knokernot, Grocery, -112 
Knokernot, H.L., - 111 
Knots and Bright's Store, -105
Knox, -103
Knox, A.A. and Daniels, J.H. -116
Knoz, Jennie, - 110
Kojok, J. (proprietor)
Kokernot, Brothers, - 110
Kokernot, H.L., - 110
Kokernot, W., -114
Kokernot, W.H. -110, 113
Kokernot, W.H. Company, -114
Kokernot's D.L. -102
Kopecky, E.V. -113
Kramp, William, -116
Krause, 109
Krause, and Sunderland, - 109
Krause, Bakery, -115   
Krause, C.G., -115   
Krause, E., - 109
Krause's Bakery, -117		
Kriebel, Smith and Light - 108
Krochman, Edward, 103
Krochman, Edward, -113
L.A., Freyer's New York Store, -112
Lackey, A. Bill, - 110
Lacky, John, -112
Lafayette House, 102
Lambeth, Dave, and  Waldik, W.P. -115   
Lamkin and Brothers, - 108
Lamkin, T.M., and Company, - 109
Lane and Crockett Stables -112
Lane, J.R., -113
Lang, and Neubauer, -115   
Lang, E.F., (Pierce Petroleum Corporation Agent), -118
Lang, J. Fred, -114
Lapewski Clothing Store, - 111
Lapewskis and Brothers- 109
Lauraine, and Hensley Machine Shop, -113
Lauraine's Enterprize Machine, and Blacksmith Shop, -118
Law, - 104
Lawrence, -116
Lawrence and Dudley, -118
Lawrence and Dudley Hoskins, -116           
Lee, N.M., -102
Lehman, Michelson's, Barrel House Saloon, -112   
Leigh, - 109
Leigh, A.C., and Company, - 109
Leigh, U.B., -102
LeMond, Ben, Mr. and Mrs. -118
Lenhard, Frank, -119
Lenhard, T.H., - 104
Lester, Sam, -113
Leve, P.E. - 102
Levy, Juluis, and Company, - 108
Levyson A., -105
Levyson Dry Goods and Company, - 104
Lewis, -101, 103, 105, 109 
Lewis and Boothe, -116
Lewis and Dilworth Bank, - 111
Lewis Charles, Garage, -117		
Lewis, A.L.D., - 104
Lewis, Hugh, - 103, 105, 113
Lewis, J.S. -113
Lewis, Joel, -113
Lewis, K. Edward, -112
Lewis, L.D., Asa, - 101
Lexington Restaurant, -115   
Lincecum Grocery Store and Mule Bar, -116
Lincoln, Ford and Fordson, Tractor Sales, and Service, -119
Lippman's Army Store, -117		
Lipscomb, G.M.  (Proprietor) -113
Lipscomb, G.N., -117		
Little Grocery Store, -116
Little Shop, -114
Littlefied, - 105
Littlefield, - 105 
Livingston, D.M. -116
Lockhart Grocery Company, -118
Logan Brothers Restaurant, -119
Logan, - 106
Logan, E.L., -114, 117, 119
Logan, E.L., Restaurant, -116           
Logan, Lee, -117
Logan's Clyde W. Filling Station, -118
Logan's Fish and Oyster House, -116           
Logan's, J.F., Saloon, -112
Logue, J.G.- 102
Look Out House, -117		
Lovett Groceries and Provisions, -100
Lowery, - 108
Lowery and Smith Gin and Grist Mill, -113
Lucas and Clay General Commissions Merchants, 102
Lum, L.G. - 108
Luthy, J. -112
Luthy. and R.S. Cook, Photographer-112
Lyles, Y.J.-102
Lynch, J.C., -102
M. Eastland Drug Store, 103
M. System Store, -118
M., Coehn, Tailor, -112
Mackey, R.C., -118
Mackey, S., -118
Magnolia, Petroleum, -118
Main Square, -100
Majestic Theater, -114
Mangliers, F.H., Jewelry Store, -112
Mangliers, Jewelry, -114
Manings, A.K. (a German Shoemaker), -116
Manson, 106
Mansonic Hall - 101
Marcombe Fred, - 106, 112
Marie, E. - 109
Market Square, -100, 103, 104, 105, 109, 110
Marsh, T.L. - 109
Marsh, W.P., - 111
Martin, F.L. -116
Martin, W. - 102
Martin's, Gin, J.O, -100
Mason and Jones, -114
Mason and Tadlock, -112
Mason Hotel, -115   
Mason, and Cobb, -116
Mason, C.W., -116
Mason, Charles, -114
Mason, J.C, -117, 118
Mason, Mrs., J.H., -115   
Mathieu, - 108
Mathieu and Matthews, -115   
Mathieu and Moore, - 106
Mathieu, John, - 106
Mathieu,  J.T. -112
Mathieu, and Matthews, -115, 117  
Mathieu, Elmo, -115   
Mathieu, J.T. Jr. - 109
Matthews- 101 
Matthews and Mathieu, -117		
Maulding, J.H, .(proprietor) -115
Maulding, J.H., -113
Maurer, G.A., - 109
Maurin, - 110
Maurin, F. - 109
May, G.W., - 102
May, S.J. -102
Mays, J.J.,-101
McBane Cotton Seed Company, -113
McDaniels, -115   
McElroy, -117		
McGill, C. Henry, (served as Superintendent for over forty years)-113
McGowan, A.C., - 111
McKinney, J.F., -102
McKnight House, 103
McKnight, C.D. -117		
McKnight, M.M., 103
McLean, Ashby, -101
McLendon, G.L. -115, 116
McMahon and Boack, - 108
McMilian and Taylor, Meat Market, -112
McMullen and Johnson, -116
Menefee, T.V., -114
Menking, E.A. -116, 118
Menking, E.H. -118
Menking, L. Ed. -116
Merdeck, A., -101
Mesisenhelder, Miss, Rena, -115   
Meyer, David Fredrick, -100
Meza, V.G. -115   
Michael, M. William and Company, -114
Michaelson, L., and Sons, -116
Michaelson's Ice Cream Factory, -116
Michelson, Jake and Harold, -116           
Michelson's Park, -117		
Michols, H.B.-102
Millar, John, Sales of Buggies and Wagons -112
Millar's James, Wagon's Sales, -116           
Miller, - 109
Miller and Sayers, -113, 114
Miller, James F., 104
Miller, F. James, - 111 
Miller, James, - 109, 110
Miller, Riy, -115   
Miller,- Sayers, - 111
Miller, Thomas, - 104
Miller, W.A. Meat Market -112
Miller-Sayers Bank, 103, 111, 113
Miller-Sayers, - 111
Millinery, -112 
Mills, Emmet, -117		
Milroy, Mrs., S.B. -114
Milton Eastland Drug, - 103
Mims, A. Model T. -118
Minear, George, -118
Miss C.F. Fauth's  Photography Gallery-105
Mistrot Brothers, -114
Mitcha, H.T., - 102
Mitchel, I.N., -101
Mittanck, and Robertson, Furniture Store, -116
Mittanck, M. -118
Mittanck's and Robertson, Furniture and Funeral Parlor, -118
Model Bakery, -116, 118
Moellendorf, William, -115, 116
Moeller, A.F. -118
Mohrmann, Adolph, -114
Mohrmann, and Kelly, -114
Mohrmann, J.M., -116           
Mohrmann, St. -117	
Moline Plow Company, -112
Mollenhour Grocery, - 106
Mondrick and Sievers Domino Hall and Saloon, -113
Monkhouse and Mason, -112
Monkhouse, G.W. and Dick Sellers, --113
Monkhouse, G.W. and Mason, -114
Monkhouse, G.W. and Sons, -114
Monkhouse, Mrs. H.D., -118
Monroe Brothers,-101
Monroe Corner, - 109
Monroe Corner Store, - 109
Monroe Hotel, - 111
Monroe House, - 110
Monroe, H.W., -105
Mooney, L. Jno, -114
Moore, - 108
Moore E., Thomas, - 111 
Moore, A.B., -102
Moore, A.J. - 111, 112 
Moore, Jack, - 106, 108, 109
Moore, Jack, A.J. (Promoters) - 111 
Moore, Miss. -102
Moore, Mrs., J.H. - 109
Moore, W.M. - 104
Moore's, Wallace, Dodge, Service Company, -118
Morey, - 106
Morgan, and Grigsby, -115
Moris, J., -102
Morris, E.L. -116
Morrison and McCall, -117		
Mosby's Restaurant and Oyster Bar, - 111
Moseley's, Mrs, Boarding House, -115
Motorists Supply House, -117		
Mr. Eastland, - 106 
Mrs. Irwin, - D.B. and Company -101
Mrs. Lindsey, - 102
Mt. Zion Funeral Parlor, -119
Mueller and Kluge Meat Market--112
Mueller, Joe, -113
Mueller, William, Buggy and Carriage Emporium, -113
Mueller-Kluge, Meat Market, -114
Muencker, W.E. -118
Municipal Square,-100
Munoz, Carmen, -117	
Murphy, J.A., -112
Murphy, J.W. -118
Murray's John, Shoe Store, -114
Murry, John, -112
Mutual, Golden, Rule, Association, -118
Nagel and Nuhn, -114
Nagel, (F.C.), and Vacker, (Charles) -116
Nagel, F.C., Grocer, -116
Nagel, Grocer, -117
Nance, Hotel, - 110
Narin, N.S., - 109
National, Lightning, Rod, Company, - 109
Nations, James, - 102
Nelson, C.M. -118
Neubauer and Lang, -115   
Neubauer, Charles, -115   
Neuhaus Groceries, -116
Neuhaus, A. Otto, -114
Neuhaus, O. H. Grocery, -117	
Neuhaus, William, Grocery, -116           
Neuhaus, Williams, -112
Neuman, A.O. -115
Neuman, and Richter, -115   
Neuman, J.T. Groceries, -115   
Neuman's Roof Garden, -118
New Chinese Restaurant, -116
New Flowering and Grist Mill, - 108
New Grocery Store, -114
New Hotel, - 102
New Playhouse, -116
New Restaurant, - 111
New Saddle Shop, - 109
New York Cheap Store, - 104
Newberry, J.C. (served as mill Superintendent, Manager, and President)   -113
News Depot, -105
Nicholson, R.F., - 109
Nickolson, -106
Nickelson and Company, - 101
Nickolson, I., Dr., and Company, -102
Nixon, W.H., -114
Northern Metal, and Company, -117
Norton, J.D.,-102
Nuhn, and Hagen, -116
O'Conner, Building, -115   
O'Conner, T.J., Meat Market, -115   
O'Connor, F.J. -116
O'Connor, Jones, Insurance, Agency, -118
O'Connor's, J. Fred, -118
O'Farrell, V.L., -118
O'Neal, C.J. -115   
Oakland and Chevrolet Dealership, -118
Odd Fellows, -113
Odd Follows Building, -105, 111
Oerter, William, -118
Oerter's, William, Marble and Granite Company, -115
Old Alamo Blacksmith Shop, -116
Old Lexington Caf‚, -118
Old Monroe Corner, -102
Oliver, M., -102
Ollre -108
Ollre Brothers, -113
Ollre John, - 106, 108, 112
Ollre John, Jr. - 106
Ollre, L.L., Mrs, -118
Ollre, Theodore, - 111
Opera House, -113
Opet, H., - 104
Opet, Mr. E. - 108
Opet, Store, - 109
Opet, W.H., Dry Goods and Grocery, -112
Opet's H. New York, Store -117		
Orchard and Friedrich, -115
Orchard, Joe, -117		
Original Mexican Restaurant, -117		
Owens, M.H., - 109
Owens, S.A., -112
Oyster Parlor, - 111, 112
P. Levyson and Company, -103
P. Levyson's Business, -105
P.S. Valle and Company, - 111
Pack -103 
Palace Barber Shop, -114
Palace Restaurant, -112
Palace Saloon, -113
Palfrey, T.B. -114, 116
Pan, American Life Insurance, -118
Park Plaza, 100
Park Square, - 109, 110
Patek, James, -115, 117
Paterek's Joe Grocery, -118
Patrick, Kirk, -102
Patton's Mamie, Millinery and Specialty, Shop, -116
Paul Levyson, - 109
Payton and Schleyer, -113 
Peak, Benjamin and Company,-101
Pearl Steam Laundry, -112
Pecafs, M.G., -102
Peck -106
Peck and Evans Dry Goods, - 104
Peck and Fly General Merchandise - 111 
Peck and Fly's - 111 
Peck, -106, 108, 109, 110
Peck, B., Benjamin, -115   
Peck, Benjamin, Sr. -105
Peck, Joe, - 109
Peckham, S.C. -115   
Peckham's S.C., Soda Fountain,-114
Pecks Hotel, - 102
Pelter, - 110
Pendleton, Lern, -114
Pendleton, V. Miller, -114
Penney, J.C., -117	
Pennington, J.R., -112
People's Racket Store, -114
Perez, Manufacturing Company, -118
Perkins Freeman, Auto Company, -119
Perkins, A.E., -115, 117   
Perkins, A.E., Auto Company, -119
Perry, J.W. -117		
Person's Print Shop and Distributor's -117	
Pfaender Blacksmiths, -112
Pfeufer B., - 106
Phelps, J.B., - 102
Philips Meyers, - 104
Phillips- 101 
Phillips, A.H., Jr.,-102
Pierce, F.M., Garage, -119
Pierce, T.W., -115   
Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store, -116
Pinger, R.S.- 102
Plaenos, John, -117	
Plank, -105
Plaza Bar, -113
Plaza Garage, -115, 117
Plaza Hotel, -109, 113, 114, 115, 117
Plaza Square, -100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 113, 115
Plaza Theater, -114
Porst, F.A., - 109
Portales and Cantu, Groceries, -118
Pott's, M.L. Cotton, Yard, -115
Potts, James, -118
Potts, M.L. -115
Potts, M.L. Cotton Platform, -112
Powell, - 109
Powell, J.S., -102
Priest, Alex, City Barber Shop, -112
Priest, D.A. -112   
Priest's Barber Shop, -113, 115
Priestly and Baker Drugs and Book Store, -113
Priestly and Craig Drug Store, -113
Priestly Drugs, -113
Priestly, S. Fresh Fruits Confectionery and Grocery, -112
Priestly, Samuel, - 110
Priestly's Delivery Wagon, -115   
Professor and Mrs. Z.A. Hall, -113
Public Square (Confederate), -115   
Public Square, - 100, 102, 104, 109, 111, 112, 114
Quality Reality Company, -116
Qualls, - 105
Quall's, E.H., Hatchery, -115
Qualls and Company, - 105
Quast, S., - 110
Quitsch T.L. - 108
R.H. Walker and Associates, -113
R.H. Walker Building, -105
R.H. Walker Drug, - 111
R.H., Walker Insurance, - 111 
R.R., Kings, Herness, Saddlery, and Bicycle Shop, -112
Rainy, - 109
Rainy, Tom, - 108
Ramsay, and Bacquet, Insurance, - 111 
Ramsay, W. Charles, -115   
Ramsey- 104
Ramsey, T.F., - 101
Ranch, -102
Randle, - 108
Randle Dry Goods, - 111 
Randle - Rather Building, - 109
Randle, J.P. - 110, 116
Randle's Store, -112
Rather and Boothe, -116
Rather B. Albert, -116
Rather, A.B. -115   
Rather, C.T. (served as Manager and President of the mill) -113
Rather, C.T. -113, 117
Rather, C.T., (Treasurer) -113
Rather, J.P. (President) -113
Rather, L. Roy, -117
Rauvant, L., - 109
Read, G.M., - 101
Reade, C.A., -102
Red Ball Bus Lines, -117		
Reese and Beach, -114
Reese and Beach Printers, -112
Reese, and Brother, -112
Reese and Brothers, Dry Goods, and Grocery, - 103
Reese Brothers, -112
Reese, A. -112
Reese, A. Racket Store, -114
Reese, and Smith, -114
Reese, Brothers, - 109, 110
Remschel Brothers Lumber Company, - 108
Remschel J.H. - 108
Remschel Service Station, -119
Remschel, J.F., - and R.A. - 108
Remschel, W.F. -115   
Remschel's Lumber Company, -115
Reuter, Carl, - 109, 113
Reuter's Gonzales Ice Works and Bath House, - 111
Richard, Wm, - 110
Richards, W.E. -113
Richartt, J., Gonzales, Agriculture, Works, - 109
Richmond, J.M., - 110
Richter Boarding House, -116
Richter, and Cook, -115
Richter, and Neuman, -115   
Richter, Mrs.,   F.A., -116
Ridout, L.M., -112
Rihter, A.H. -117
Riske's Grocery, -117
Risks and Sons Grocery, - 116
Rivas, G.A. -113
Roback, R., -102
Robert, Bissett, - 109
Roberts, W., -102
Robertson and Fitzgerald Drug, - 111, 113 
Robertson and Hall, -116
Robertson, and Mittanck Furniture Store, -116
Robertson and Mittanck's Furniture and Funeral Parlor, -118
Robertson, Harper, -113
Robertson, O.B. -113
Robertson, W.F., -115   
Rochelle -105
Rochelle Hotel, -112
Rochelle, House, -115
Rogers and Juenke, Dry Goods and Notions, -112
Rogers, C.S. -115
Rogers, Mrs., -112
Rogge, -115   
Ronshausen, and Brown, -112
Ronshausen, Eihand, and  Freyer, Miss, - 111 
Ronshausen, J.H., (proprietor), -112
Rosales, M. -118
Rose, W.H. -113
Rosendo Gamez, Tailor Shop, - 111
Roshausen, F.W., -112 
Rougan, F., -102
Round Bale Gin, -115   
Ruddock, B. and Sons Meat Market, -117		
Rundell, J.I. photographer, artist, and new daguerro typist,-101
Runge, H., 102
Russell Mrs. Virginia E. - 108
Russell, L.H., - 101
Ryan, J., -102
Ryder, - 106, 108
S. (Soloman), -112
S. Frank and Company, - 103, 104
S. Pfeufer, Cabinet and Furniture Shop, -105
S.A. and J.A. Baker Grocery and Dry Foods, -112
S.S. Cobb, Groceries, -112
Saddle Tree Factory, - 101
Sahal, S. Business, - 110
Sam Cox, Store, - 106
San Antonio Beer and Ice House, -112
San Antonio, Brewing Company, -115
San Antonio, Highway, -118
San Antonio-Aransas Pass Railway yards, -112
Sanitary Bottling Works, -116
Satcher, J.W., -112   
Satel, Droupy, Aerf and Helen, -118
Satel, Joseph, -115   
Sayers, - 109
Sayers, J.D. -113, 117
Sayers, J.D. Jr., - 111, 113 
Sayers, J.D. Jr., (Secretary)-113
Sayers, J.D., Bank, - 109
Sayers, L. Adele, - 111 
Sayers, W.B., -104, 111, 113
Schaumloffel, and Brown, -117
Schaumloffel, J.J. -117
Scheske, - 106
Scheske, A.E -108, 116
Scheske, A.E. and Sons, -118
Scheske, and Sons Meat Market, -112   
Scheske's A.E. Meat Market, -114
Schindler, Joe, -119
Schleyer Brothers, Saloon,  -113
Schleyer Ice Cream Factory, -115   
Schleyer, Alex, -115   
Schleyer, Brothers, Saloon, - 111 
Schleyer, Emil, -116
Schoen, Aro, - 110
Schoenert and Brothers Beer and Bar Saloon, - 104
Scholandt, A., - 111 
Schrimsher, -116 
Schultz and White, -113
Schultz, -116
Schultz, C.C. -113
Schurig and Witt, -118
Schurig, M. and Witt W.F., -118
Schwing, Samuel, 103
Scoggins, and Smith Auto Repair, -117	
Scoggins, W.A., -117, 119
Scoggins, W.A., Filling Station, -117	
Scott's, W.A., Photo Studio, -114
Scurry, W.R., - 102
Searcy, - 101
Seguin Mercury, -102  
Sekaly and Company, -115   
Seller's Robert, - 109
Sellers, - 106, 108 
Sellers, and Bucholtz, -115
Sellers, Dick, and Monkhouse, G.W. -113
Sellers, Robert Harness and Saddlery Shop, -113
Servant, -102
Sewell, Gordon, -116
Seydler, George, -118
Shanklin's Repair Shop, -117		
Shanklin's, W.T. -117		
Shannon, M.A. and Son, -114
Shaw, S.A., -102
Sheffulo, J.C. - 102
Shelby and Collins, Meat Market -112
Sherman, C.M. - 108
Shoaf, J.W., - 109
Shuler Grain, -118
Shuler Grain Company, -116
Shuler, F.E. -118
Shuler, F.E., Grocery, -115   
Shuler, Frank, -115
Shuler, Grain Company, -115
Shuler, John, Sr. -116
Shuler, Mrs. Zelma, -117		
Sievers and Mondrick Domino Hall and Saloon, -113
Simon, H.M., - 116, 118
Sims, George, -116           
Sing Ke, - 111
Sing, Hon, J.. -115   
Singer Sewing Machine, - 104, 111, 112, 114, 118
Skinner and Davis, -116
Skinner, T.R. -118
Slackman, M.J. -114
Smith and Hawkins -112
Smith and Lowery Gin and Mill, - 111
Smith and Lowery Gin and Grist Mill, -113
Smith Motor Company, (E.E. Smith), -117	
Smith, T.A. -114
Smith, C.S., Pacific Mountain Insurance, -116
Smith, David, - 109
Smith, F.O., -114
Smith, F.O., and Company, -115
Smith, Frank, -116
Smith, H.S., -101
Smith, Hotel, - 109
Smith, R.A. -118
Smith, R.R., -102
Snooner, Bubba M.S. -115   
Snooper, T.S., -115   
Society, Permanent, Wave, Shoppe, -118
Solomon Stahl's, Grocery, - 111
Solomon, Joseph, - 110
Son, - 108
Sorrell, Frank, -118
Sorrells, W.R., and Sons, -115
Southern Hatworks, -116
Southern Pacific Lines, -116
Southern Pacific Railroad Lines, -118
Southern Pacific Tracks, -115
Southern, Restaurant, - 109
Southwest, Gas Company, - 118
Southwestern Associated Telephone, Company, -118
Southwestern Gas Company, -117	
Sowell John, - 101
Spann, A.E., and Company, -114
Spann, A.L. and Company, -114
Spooner, M.S. -117		
Spooner, T.H. -113
Spooner, T.H. (Served as Manager)-113
Spooner, T.S. -117		
Sprange, - 108
Sprange, F.J. - 108
Squire, I.W., - 101
Staffers, J. - 104
Stahl Brother's - 111
Stahl, S., - 110
Stahl, S., -115   
Standefer's Miss, Lizzie, Restaurant, -115
Star Caf‚, -117		
Star Hotel, -101
Star Hotel Stable,-101
Starck,   J.C. -114
Staton, and Blum, -118
Stella, Ben, -118
Stephenson and Davis, -115  
Stephenson, and Beall, -113
Stephenson, Rather and Beall, -113
Steubing and Zumwalt, -119
Stewart, H. William, - 101
Stieren and Hodges, -105
Stieren, and Forche, - 105
Stieren, and Forcke General Merchandise, - 111 
Stoffer, John, - 101
Stone, Mrs., L.M., -112
Strickland, A.R. -117		  
Stripling, T.H., -101
Stubbs, E.O, -113
Stulting, C. Mann, - 104
Sunderland, Mr., - 109
Sunrise, Bakery, - 110
Sunset Brick and Tile Company, -110, 111, 113, 117
Sunset Saloon, -112
Sweeney and Company, -118
Sweeney, Edward, -118
Swift and Coleman Soap Factory, -112 
Swifts Feed Store, -112
T,S. Walker, - 103
T.B. Littrell's Store, 103
T.J. Atwood Tin Zinc and Iron Roofing, - 102
T.L. Lenhard's Boot and Shoe Maker Shop, - 111 
T.S. Walker, Drugstore, - 103
T.S. Walker's Dry Goods and Grocery, -105
T.W., Menefee Pianos and Organs, -112                  
Tadlock and Mason, -112
Tadlock Restaurant, and Ice Cream Parlor, -112   
Tadlock, A.J., -112   
Tadlock, J.B., -114
Tadlock, J.B, Furniture, -115
Tally, W.H., -116
Tanne, J, -102
Tate and Badger Drug Store, -105
Tate Badger, and Botts, -105
Tate, - 106, 110
Taylor and Yates, Barber Shop, -116
Taylor, and McMilian, Meat Market -112
Taylor, Lawrence, -117		
Taylor, M.C., -115   
Templin's Domino Hall, -117
Templin's Old Stand, -115   
Templin's Saloon, -116
Terrell, Mrs., V.J., -115   
Testard Hotel, - 110
Texas Associated Telephone Company, -118
Texas Company, -117		
Texas Garage -118
Texas Heroes Square, -100, 117
Texas Motor Car Supply Company, -117
Texas Pride Beer, -115   
Texas Steam Laundry of San Antonio, -116
Texas, Service, Station, -119
The Exchange, - 101
The Gonzales Manufacturing Company, - 106
The Gonzales Post Office, -101
The Howerton House, - 104
The Lone Star Matrimonial Association, - 109
The M. Levyson and Company, -101
The Nance Hotel, - 109
Thiede, Will, -116, 118
Thomas and Ashby Mercantile Store, - 102
Thomas and Whiteside, -113
Thomas DeWitt Groceries, -105
Thomas House, - 111
Thomas, J.A. - 111
Thomas, William, - 101, 102
Thornton, J.J., - 102
Tiam, P. Fish and Oyster Dealer, -112
Tieken, George, -119
Tin and Sheet Metal Works, -118
Tin Pin House- 102
Tinsley, John, -100
Tips, J.C., Jr. -117		
Tobie Carol's Shoe Shop, -112
Todd, A.S., (proprietor), -112
Toggery, E., -115   
Toggery, H. -115, 117	
Toggery, M. -117
Tombs, L.C., -101
Tonsorial Parlor, -112   
Tood, A.S., -116
Track and Zollar, -113
Tramell, H.., -102
Trlica Studio, -118
Trumble, M., -102
Trust Company, -113
Tubbs, - 106
Tubbs, M.J. - 111, 112
Turbeville, W.C., -115   
Turner, A. - 104
Turner, D.F. - 109
Turner's Hotel,-100
Two Brothers, Saloon, -112
Tyler, Crause, - 104
Tyler, H.D., -102
Ule, John, - 101
Uley, A.H. -114
Ulle, J., - 103
Vacker, (Charles) and Nagel, (F.C.) -116
Vanderburg, -115   
Vasquez, -115   
Venor,  J.W., -113, 118
Vivroux and Wallace Company, -118
Voges, Saloon, -113
Vrazel, Frank and Emilie, -113
Vrazel's, Frank, Gin, -116
W.A. Cardwell's Palace Saloon, - 111 
W.B. Cavetts Hardware, 105
W.B. Cavett Hardware Business and Tinshop, - 104
W.B. Walker, - 103 
W.B. Walker, and Company -105
W.B. Walker's Grocery and Dry Goods -103
W.B.W, Peck's Grocery, - 111 
W.D.W. Peck, - 104
W.D.W Pecks, General Merchandise Store, - 109
W.F. Laird Grocery, - 105
W.G. Belding and Company Dry Goods, and Grocery, -103
W.H. and Company, -105
W.H. Boothe and Company, -113
W.H. Boothe, and Company Store,  -102
W.H. Fitzgerald, Drug, - 111
W.H. Forgotson Grocery, -112
W.I. Nicholas, - 110
W.M. Wroe's Saddlery - 104
Wade and Mollar Company-114
Wade, "Mose", M.A. -118
Wade, A. Mose, -115   
Wade, G.W. -118
Wade, G.W. and Company, -113
Wade, M.A. -117		
Wade, W. Ernest, -117, 118
Wagner, S.J. -114
Wagner, S.J. Restaurant, and Oyster Bar, -115   
Waldik, W.P. and Lambeth, Dave, -115   
Waldrep, W.P. -113
Walker and Ferguson Fire Insurance-116
Walker J.R., -118
Walker, Jennie, - 110
Walker, R.H. -108, 110, 115, 117	
Walker, R.H., Drug Store- 109
Walker, R.H. Jr. -113
Walker, R.H. (President) -113
Walker, R.H., (Secretary)
Walker, T.S., -103, 110, 111
Walker's, T.S. Drug Store, -101
Walnut Ridge Creamery, -112
Walsh, C.C. - 111 
Water Power Company, - 111
Water Works, Laundry, - 110
Watson and Chaudoin Meat Market, -113
Watson's Gin, -115
Waul, T.M., -102
Weeks, Dr., -102
Weid, G.A. -113
Wellborn, S., -102
Wells and Green Grocer, -115   
Wells Fargo Office, -112
Wells J.B. Sr. -113
Wells, -114
Wells, J.T. -117		
Wells, R., -102
Werner's August, Insurance Agent, -114
Wesr, -112   
Westbrook, R.A., -116
Western Stage, -101
Western Texas Stage Company, -103
Western Union, -117
Wheeler and Wilson, -114
Wheeler, J.O., -102
White and Schultz-113
White House- 102
White, J.S., -114
Whitehead, and Davis, -115   
Whitehead, H., - 102
Whitehead, H.L., -116
Whiteside and Thomas, -113
Whiteside, J.M. and Manor, -116
Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors, -116
Wied, Elo, -115   
Wiese, C., - 101
Willard, Captain, - 111
William Moore's Market, - 104
William Rainey and Son Saddlery, - 104
Williams and Eastland Grocery, - 111 
Williams, (C.H.) -113
Williams, C.H. and Getz, Fred, -113
Williams, J.W., - 102
Williams, Mrs. Mulkego, 100
Williams, R.E.-102
Williamson and (S.S.) Cobb, Grocery, -112
Williamson, G.N., -102
Willis, -101
Willis, D., -101
Wilson, Frank's Cleaning and Pressing Shop, -117	
Wilson, G. Reginald, and Wilson Sr. Frank, -115   
Wilson, H.H., -116, 118
Wilson, Mrs., - 102
Wilson, Sr. Frank, and Reginald G. Wilson, -115   
Wilson, Thos. - 102
Wilson's Cleaning and Pressing Company, -115   
Winslow Turner Hotel, -100
Witt, (W.F.) and Smith, -118
Woods and Bissett, -112
Woods, L.H., -101
Woodward and Ross, -112
Woolsey, R.T. -115
Wright, L.C.- 102
Wright, Stephen, -119
Wright's, Highway Garage, -119
Wroe and Wyatt's Saddle and Harness Manufactory, -101
Wyatt and Clark Livery Stable, - 110
Wyatt, W.H., -101
Yates, and Taylor, Barber Shop, -116
Yoakum Mattress Factory , -117	
Yoakum Mill Elevator, Company, -118
Young, Mrs. -112
Zahow, Chekri, -114
Zemmin, E. -115   
Zemmin, E. -118
Zemmin, Ernest, - 111
Zint, M.A. Groceries, -117
Zone- 109
Zumwalt, J.S., - 111
Zumwalt's, Adam Kitchen, -100

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