Births Gonzales County Clerk's Office 1/1/1917-12/31/1917 (Birth Records are closed records until they have been filed with the registrar's office for 75 years, effective 9/1/03) This index includes name and date only. More information is available at the Records Center and Archives or telephone 830-672-7970. To obtain a copy of a certificate you must contact the County Clerk at P.O. Box 77, Gonzales, TX 78629. (An index also was extracted from microfiche purchased from the State of Texas and contains birth dates and certificate numbers. You may contact the Vital Records Bureau of the State of Texas Concerning names on that list.) ~ ~ ~ ~ Aaron, Annie Lou, 06/02 Adams, Child of Anderson, 04/07 Adams, Fairice, 11/03 Adams, Walter Paul, 02/23 Adma, Child of Josa, 03/10 Aguayo, Marcos, 10/25 Aguero, Fran cisca, 03/09 Aguerrie, Dronisia, 01/14 Alcantar, Rufus R., 03/20 Alderete, Francisca Chon, 07/17 Alejos, Juana, 06/27 Almaguer, Sofia, 01/15 Alsobrook, Sadie Rhea, 08/26 Alsobrooks, Child of Newt, 08/26 Alviar, Cesario, 02/25 Amador, Eugenia, 07/20 Anderwald, Child of T. J., 06/01 Arce, Alejandro, 09/19 Arce, Julia, 01/28 Arredondo, Rosa, 04/17 Askey, Edna Elizabeth, 10/18 Bailey, Boyd Oman, 05/07 Baiz,Ygnacia R., 10-23 Baker, Dennis Eugene, 01/11 Baker. Ernest, 12/23 Baker, Isom Shelby, 04/01 Baker, Marie, 07/04 Ball, Robert Coe, 02/07 Barnett, Voy Eldred, 08/29 Barrientez, Kina Kay, 03/20 Barta, Child of Albert, 09/21 Barus, Child of Joe, 02/15 Beal, Child of Mr., 09/17 Beck, Rollie, 04/26 Beeson, Florence Rebecca, 07/27 Behlen, Child of Mr., 12/30 Benavidez, Nicolasa, 09/10 Berrera, Florencia, 05/05 Billalobos, Juan, 12/27 Billings, Barnett Woodro, 11/29 Billings, Elise P., 09/09 Bishop, Child of J. A., 06/02 Borrer, Child of Tom, 02/11 Bost, Dorothy Blanche, 10/19 Bradley, Maxine, 04/03 Brantley, Rollie Bee, 07/13 Brassell, Gay Mary, 08/20 Broadnaz, Arion, 09/06 Brochet, Child of Remie, 03/11 Bronax, Child of Austin, 02/04 Brown, Child of J. B., 02/10 Brown, Child of Flover, 02/23 Brown, Child of Silas, 03/08 Brown, Mary Kay, 02/23 Brown, Child of Frank, 06/15 Bruns, Johnnie John, 12/07 Bryant, David, 08/26 Buchholts, Herman Fred, 05/01 Bundick, Alvin Morris, 12/29 Bundick, Jonn Lewis, 01/24 Burnett, Joe Bell, 12/31 Burns, Leo Guy, 09/02 Burriola, Cesario, 02/25 Burris, Child of J. H., 08/21 Burton, Child of Wm., 02/17 Bustament, Florence, 11/10 Butler, Child of Dave, 08/10 Cabrales, Julia, 12/15 Camacho, Catherine (Kate), 03/27 Camacho, Trinidad, 07/03 Canales, Gregoria, 03/12 Cantley, Doris Hazel, 090/01 Caraway, Virgil Douglas, 10/10 Cardenas, Celia, 11/14 Cardenas, Nacio El Nino, 03/28 Carmichael, Rebecca, 12/27 Carpenter, Vancil Dudley, 07/16 Carrizales, Virginia, 06/04 Cassel, Bertha Lee, 06/03 Cassius, Ray, 01/17 Castillo, Alejandra, 02/25 Cepeda, Pabla, 01/26 Chandler, Byron Herbert, 02/06 Chansepsion, Franciso, 07/17 Chavez, Samuel, 02/09 Chenault, Margaret Elva, 04/06 Chessher, Lillard Hugh, 04/18 Christian, Child of Joe, 05/11 Christian, Vance Alfred, 09/01 Cisneros, Elizabeth, 11/13 Cisneros, Miguel, 06/12 Cluiss, Walker D., 08/15 Cobb, Bernice Elizabeth, 08/21 Cobb, Cecil Joe, 02/21 Cobb, Child of Aquilla, 08/21 Cockroft, Child of J. I., 08/09 Colley, Dorothy, 01/17 Colley, Pearl Lydia, 09/17 Collins, Laura Lee, 05/23 Compas, Antonio, 07/24 Compton, Johnie Lucille, 04/01 Comuchal, Child of Fred, 02/01 Cooley, Child of Walter, 09/17 Crocker, Grafton Elza, 04/18 Crook, George Melvin, 01/16 Crow, Child of Joseph Edward, 09/09 Crozier, Sarah Elizabeth, 01/19 Cruz, Julia, 02/16 Currie,Winston Oscar, 11/09 Curry, Lucille Myrtle, 11/20 Curry, Child of William Oscar, 11/09 Curtis, Lear, 06/27 Daniel, Edith Mae, 04/21 Daniels, Ruby Lee, 11/20 Davenport, Fannie E., 02/10 Davila, Child of Dionicio, 08/27 Davila, Patricio Guerra, 03/17 Davis, Child of Ben, 03/08 Davis, Preston, 01/10 Delalebo, Armelio, 03/17 Delrosa, Child of Rufus, 07/26 Delgan, Crus, 08/25 Dement, A. G., 03/08 Demmerk Lucille Frances, 01/09 Denmark, Carroll Flourno, 09/07 Denson, Joyce Carruth, 01/04 Diaz, Child of Manuel, 06/03 Diaz, Santiago, 07/25 Diaz, Trinidad, 06/03 Dies, Child of Lazaruth, 02/28 Dilworth, Ossa Lee, 06/29 Dismukes, Glenn Merwyn, 11/22 Dismukes, Hazel June, 05/09 Divallo, Child of Rosalio, 09/17 Dolijse, Child of Chas., 05/14 Dolizal, Child of John, 03/093 Dornak, Child of Mr., 09/13 Downs, Douglas, 11/19 Doyle, Child of Ben, 02/290 Dryer Jr., Rudy Albert, 03/12 Dreyer, Child of ruddy, 06/21 Dromgoole, Ola Mae, 09/14 Dubose, Child of Seth, 02/19 Dubose, Margaret Josephi, 12/08 Dubose, Selba Lee, 02/19 Dubrowski, Eddie, 10/06 Duncan, Child of Harice, 07/02 Dunning, Frances Maxine, 08/19 Dunson, Eugene Russell, 12/05 Dupree, Child of W. H., 08/08 Dussen, Child of Herm, 04/06 Earls, Ruth Evelyn, 06/28 Ebner, Robert Benedict, 12/27 Eckols, Hugh Alton, 10/20 Eckols, Leo, 01/901 Edwards, R. B., 06/04 England, Ima Estelle, 10/10 Erck, Child of Mr., 01/29 Escobedo, Tomas, 03/07 Eureste, Lelia, 09/13 Farmer, William George, 09/01 Fehner, Delta Minnie, 01/07 Fehner, Elgin August, 02/08 Fergerson, Elma Lois, 12/24 Fernandez, Rosa, 08/30 Ferrell, Frank Barney, 903/19 Fischbeck, Child of Frank, 08/23 Fishbeck, Isabella Mary, 09/22 Fisher, Leona, 07/23 Fiske, Child of Willie, 10/26 Fiskes, Mamie, 07/01 Flores, Alvin, 03/31 Flores, Daniel, 03/30 Flowers, Elnora, 02/12 Fly, William Madden, 11/13 Fortune, Marie Rosalie, 07/01 Foster, James H., 08/06 Foster, Lilian Edith, 12/01 Foster, Mary Elizabeth, 02/01 Frierson, Julia Margaret, 11/02 Froehner, Mildred Alive, 09/08 Galbreath, Child of Allen, 03/28 Galindo, Humbert, 04/29 Gallegos, Elginio, 12/02 Garcia, Jose Guerrera, 03/19 Garcia, Juan, 05/16 Garcia, Martin Jr., 01/26 Gary, William Clifton, 11/29 Garza, Abelardo, 04/16 Garza, Petra, 10/20 Gast, Emil, 03/02 Gentry, Mattie J., 04/30 Gibson, Rudolph, 10/09 Gilbreath, Aubrey Allen, 03/28 Gilmore, Doris Margarett, 07/18 Gilmore, Morris, 09/20 Gilmore, Child of J. D., 09/21 Gladzert, Child of paul, 02/19 Goates, Olga Lois, 06/25 Goetz, Harry A., 03/06 Gofrich (Gofrish), Child of Frank, 07/15 Gomez Jr., Gillermo, 04/14 Gonzales, Anastecio, 04/27 Gonzales, Gabriel Rafael, 03/18 Gonzales, Jose, 11/07 Gonzalez, Alvaro, 07/15 Gonzalez, Salvador Reyes, 09/17 Goode, Charlie Wheymeyer, 10/11 Gosch, Child of Monroe, 08/18 Grant, Child of John, 09/03 Grauke, Morris Charley, 01/20 Graves, Maudie Grace, 07/09 Greathouse, Jowef, 08/04 Green, Child of W. H., 02/15 Green, Child of Jessie, 10/30 Green, Warren Wesley, 04/04 Griffin Jr., Columbus Ha, 08/14 Grittman, Susie Maria, 12/28 Groehner, Mildred Alice, 08/11 Guel, Jose Z., 08/227 Guel, Margarito, 06/10 Guerra, Virginia, 04/20 Guerro, Consuelo, 06/19 Guettner, William, 04/14 Gunn, William Taylor, 03/06 Gutierres, Ignacia, 07/31 Guzman, Elvira Clementin, 11/23 Garza, Margarito, 06/10 Hahn, Child of Alfred, 09/08 Haines, Dorothy Estelle, 09/07 Hall, Child of Robert, 03/07 Halliburton, Howard Tlaz, 06/28 Hamon, Emma, 12/22 Hanford, Child of Maggie, 07/12 Harbers, Eldon John, 01/13 Hardeman, Ellen, 06/19 Hardeman, Ellen Luvenia, 06/12 Harden, Lillian Louise, 09/07 Harper, Child of Joe, 07/10 Harrell, Agnes Catherine, 07/18 Harris, Harper Walter, 09/08 Harris, Child of Berry, 09/08 Harrison Jr., James Reid, 03/20 Harrison, Alice Marie, 08/12 Hartel, Child of Jno., 09/01 Hastings, Velmon, 12/23 Havel, Child of Steve, 11/07 Heiman, Child of Frank Jr., 11/26 Heinemeyer, Ruby Irene, 07/08 Hempel, Lydia Cora, 03/06 Hendershot, Carrie Ailee, 05/05 Hendershot, John Edward, 06/30 Henderson, Ester Leona, 06/02 Henox, Child of Otto Jw, Child of 12/18 Henryu, Child of Austin, 12/30 Heredia, Cresencio, 12/29 Hernandez, Child of Jesus, 08/15 Herndon, Margaret, 12/09 Herrera, Child of Gregoria, 06/06 Herrera, Lionor, 02/20 Herrera, Raul, 06/04 Herrera, Roberto, 09/19 Herrera, Servando, 09/01 Hill, Eunice Ella, 09/27 Hill, Child of Cap, 10/25 Hill, William Audry, 10/24 Hines, Bertha Hilda, 11/05 Hodges, Eloise, 03/23 Hoerig, Alma, 05/18 Hoerig, Child of Oscar, 11/17 Hogan, Mary Joe, 05/17 Holden, Aaron Janetta, 11/27 Holmes, Gifford Houston, 05/904 Holmes, Kathryn Wynter, 04/09 Hood, Aubry, 11/04 Hooker, John Tanner, 11/05 Hopkins, Child of Mr., 12/30 Hoskins, Donald B., 08/28 Houston, Allean, 09/19 Howell, Donald, 10/23 Howell, Grover Jr., 10/23 Huerta, Child of Salinas, 05/23 Huff, Dave Oakley, 12/15 Huff, Lelton Porter. 08/06 Humble, Berma Cetela, 01/20 Hummel, Leo Henry, 12/10 Hummel, Max, 12/10 Hunt, Mary, 04/30 Hunter, Child of Mr., 01/15 Hunter, Child of Luther, 03/17 Hunter, Child of Boon, 12/04 Hunter, Frances, 09/13 Hunter, Stella Francis, 09/13 Hurt, Charles Cunningham, 11/10 Iley, George Raymond, 12/04 Ivey, Ruben Newton, 05/21 Jackson Sr., Robbie, 10/09 Jackson, Berthold Zedlar, 06/17 Jackson, Minnie Faye, 06/18 James, Kansadie, 12/15 James, Willie, 11/08 James, Willie Doctor, 06/16 Jewell, Edith Beatrice, 09/19 Johnson, Child of Andrew, 12/17 Johnson, Bessie Lee, 07/05 Johnson, Marie, 08/30 Johnson, Pearl, 01/01 Johnson, Robbie Lurlene, 07/17 Johnston, Jose Davila, 08/27 Jones, Beatrice, 10/06 Jones, Geraldine, 10/10 Juarez, Clara, 12/06 Jurica, Adela, 05/16 Kelley, Ethel, 03/20 Kelso, Child of Bob, 01/04 Keno, Earl, 07/02 Kerr, Zola Lee, 04/20 Key, Marie Estelle, 07/15 Kincaid, Child of Daniel, 10/31 King Jr., William McKinl, 01/096 King, Rubie, 06/19 King, Ruth, 12/25 King, Wilford Norman, 01/06 Klein, Child of Pete, 01/30 Knesek, Kate Mary, 05/05 Koehler, Edna, 04/06 Koening, Child of Wm., 08/18 Koranek, Albert, 01/16 Kremling, Charles, 12/12 Kridler, Edgar Thomas, 02/05 Kridler, Child of W. R., 07/30 Kuhlanek, Child of 08/25 Kurc, Vera Elizabeth, 04/12 Kuykendall, Fannie Ethel, 07/21 Lackey Sr., Mitchell, 10/02 Ladwig, Child of Walter, 01/20 Lamkin, Robert, 01/17 Lane, Ola May, 09/20 Laskowski, Frank, 10/01 Leal, Josefina, 08/27 Lee, Julius, 03/02 Lemmter, Ruth, 11/02 Lesak, Adolph Sylvester, 12/31 Lester, Marjorie, 08/24 Lester, Marjorie Leah, 08/11 Letbetter, Virgil Young, 02/905 Lewis, Child of Van S., 03/01 Lewis, Simmie Blossie Ra, 03/29 Light, Royal Bryant, 11/08 Littlefield, Child of W. L., 12/08 Littlefield, Ima, 06/02 Lockridge, Annie Merle, 07/12 Logan, Dennis Bradford, 11/13 Logan, Martha Louisana, 09/13 Longoria, Mariana, 05/28 Lopez, Child of Tom, 11/14 Loredo, Child of Jesus, 09/10 Lott, Myrtle Winnella, 08/23 Lovel, Child of Wil, 09/21 Lovel, Effie Virginia, 08/21 Lowe, Blanche Katherine, 03/28 Lowe, Mildred Leon, 08/15 Luedecke, Vera, 12/27 Luescher, Child of H. R., 10/13 Luevano, Sirildo, 07/10 Luna, Eluteria, 04/18 Maberry, Child of Isaac, 03/07 Maddox, Claudia Alleen, 01/20 Magee Jr., William Morga, 07/18 Mahan, Child of W. E., 07/30 Maldonado, Florencio, 02/08 Maldonado, Juana, 03/27 Mallex, Child of Mr., 01/20 Maneus, Mavis, 02/07 Mangum, Child of O. B., 08/31 Mangum, Child of B. F., 11/16 Mangum, Ruth Katherine, 08/20 Manmsford, Thomas Burwood, 03/13 Marrou, Helen Rosalie, 12/17 Martin, Doris Ruth, 09/18 Martin, Ruby Edene, 08/30 Martin, Van Dora, 09/27 Martinez, Alehandro, 04/25 Martinez, Anita, 03/08 Martinez, Cecia, 08/08 Martinez, Ciria, 08/08 Martinez, Gilberto, 04/13 Martinez, Juan Pablo, 06/25 Martinez, Victoriano, 03/06 Mason, Jonnie Layfayette, 06/20 Mata, Francisca, 03/09 May, Neoma Ruth, 10/26 May, Samuel Leon, 05/28 May, Willie, 10/26 Mayberry, Leroy, 10/13 Mayfield, John Fletcher, 08/03 Mayfield, Lillie May, 07/08 Mayweathers, Beatrice, 03/20 McBride, Dixioe Janety, 12/06 McCoy, Leslie Holmes, 08/17 McDonald, Douglas Lee, 01/13 McDonald, Grace Ozella, 06/04 McGinty, Mabel Marie, 03/17 McGlothing, Charles Vinc, 07/18 McKellar, Child of L., 05/11 McKiney, Jesse Pearl, 05/10 McMicken, James Clyde, 12/30 McNeil, Mary Jane, 05/29 McPherson, Louis Brown, 08/19 McVea, Lucille Vernia, 09/14 Medellin, Zulema, 02/08 Medrano, Margarita Estra, 09/06 Mier, Vivian, 12/02 Miles, Luether, 11/08 Miller, Homer Everett, 01/18 Miller, Lewis Douglas, 11/08 Miller, Odette Valdra, 04/27 Minear, Maurice, 05/01 Mitchell, Louetta, 01/29 Molina, Bineto, 12/18 Montgomery, Talmage Sieg, 09/20 Moore, James Gilford, 07/23 Moore, Joyce Etoy, 12/27 Moore, Leitha, 09/12 Moore, Walter Glenn, 07/13 Moore, Ruby Mae, 01/31 Moransee, Joyce Mae, 03/29 Moreland Jr., Aaron, 04/24 Morrow, Helen R. L, 12/14 Moseley, Trudie May, 10/02 Mudd, Fay Gertrude, 04/19 Mudd, Child of Martin, 03/13 Mueller, Ella Nora Mathi, 05/31 Muenzler, Lenora Wilhelm, 01/17 Murphy, Willie B., 12/23 Murray, Erna Juanita, 09/26 Murry, Child of Robert, 09/26 Nagel, Walter Willie, 04/21 Narwood, Vera Lee, 08/11 Nation, Gladys Bernice, 04/02 Nation, Child of Joe, 05/19 Nations, Leroy, 12/14 Nieto, Juventino (John), 01/25 Nieves, Juana, 03/090 Nixon, Betty Laverne, 12/02 Nuley, Child of Floyd, 09/22 Oakes Jr., Elijah Little, 10/10 Olvera, Garbiel, 04/18 Oneal, Child of Mr., 01/12 Orchard, Neloise, 02/25 Orduna, Felipe, 10/30 Ornelas, Child of Enes, 10/29 Ornelas, Guadalupe, 04/27 Ortego, Guadalupe, 03/06 Owens, Joe Grover, 06/24 Padron, Carolina, 07/09 Parker, Lydia Mae, 06/03 Parks, Leola, 01/19 Parr, Hazel Hilda, 09/16 Parr, Herman, 06/10 Parr, Child of Carl, 04/09 Parr, Child of H. C., 06/10 Parramore, Georgia Lucil, 08/03 Paul, Herman Mehner, 07/13 Paul, Child of Herman M., 07/13 Pearson, Margaret Rachel, 10/17 Pekar, Mary Mathilda, 10/17 Pennell, Byrdie, 06/12 Pennell, Walton Franklin, 08/27 Perdue, Child of Richard, 09/14 Perdue, Woodrow Wilson, 09/156 Perez, Bernabe, 05/11 Petras, Frank Johnnie, 01/16 Petras, Child of Mr., 01/18 Pettit, Clyde Walter, 11/06 Piland, Losse Townsen, 05/05 Polasek, Sizmund, 01/16 Polk Jr., Sam, 03/21 Polk, Camilla, 12/18 Porter, Luicille, 03/31 Posada, Dionicia, 09/13 Preston, Wilobel, 06/20 Price, Walter, 08/02 Price, Willie, 08/02 Priesmeyer, Esther Alvin, 07/13 Proctor, Fredrick Zalus, 02/04 Rader, Myrtie Fances, 04/14 Ramage, Robert Lee, 01/29 Ramirez Jr., Manuel, 05/05 Ramirez, Child of Frank, 12/15 Ramos, Adolfo C., 05/06 Ramos, Celia, 04/30 Ramos, Manuel, 06/22 Ramsay, Charles Walton, 01/04 Randle, Marvin, 03/15 Ray, Sidney Earl, 07/16 Recio, Sebera, 05/22 Remmers, Evelyn Annie He, 12/31 Rentz, Ida Mae, 10/04 Rhoades, Glenn Reuben, 12/11 Rhoades, Hubert, 03/21 Ribaz, Ruobe, 08/09 Richards, Delora Lee, 07/31 Riedel, Lanelle, 02/11 Riggle, Child of Jack, 06/21 Rigle, Magaret, 06/21 Rioha Jr., Frank Eervin, 07/14 Rinehart, Fred A., 04/05 Risher, Carrie M., 06/06 Ritchie, Ruben H., 11/28 Rivera, Felis, 07/07 Rivera, Jesus, 08/26 Robbins, Dan Wilburn, 09/19 Robinson, Melva, 11/22 Robinson, Stella Marie, 09/16 Rodriguez, Nestora, 02/20 Rodriguez, Seferina, 08/26 Rodriguez, Celia, 05/15 Rodriquez, Ynes, 04/20 Roeber, Annie Mae, 01/12 Roessler Jr., William Jo, 12/08 Rokohl, Irna Christine, 02/22 Romero, Maria, 09/08 Rosas, Marcelina, 01/16 Ross, Ila, 01/31 Rossow, Alivia, 03/04 Rossow, Gus Elbert, 05/12 Runshouse, Child of Mr., 01/15 Russell, Child of Dock, 03/08 Rutherford, Pat, 10/07 Ryan, Blanche, 01/17 Saloman, Jose, 02/09 Sample, Bell, 12/06 Sampleton, Ura, 09/10 Sampton, Child of Isham, 03/17 Sanchez, Josefa, 02/21 Sattywhite, Child of Addison, 05/31 Saucedo, Child of Louisan, 09/26 Saucedo, Carmen, 06/16 Sauer, Ruby Roy, 05/08 Scheske Jr., Fred Augsut, 03/10 Schnitz, Ples Edward, 09/21 Schutz, Clifton Guenther, 10/15 Schutz, Garnet Sue, 08/24 Seitz, Kenneth D., 11/13 Selzero, Child of Hepoleto, 12/26 Sepulveda, Fernando, 01/01 Shepard, Child of Rolan, 09/13 Shepard, Warren, 07/13 Sherry, Child of Allie, 01/27 Shuler, Rosie B., 09/22 Simmons, Mary Virginia, 01/04 Smith, Dodson Sinclair, 01/04 Smith, Essie Merle, 12/13 Smith, Fred Hubert, 12/03 Smith, Helen, 01/10 Smith, Henry Littleton, 07/08 Smith, Ima Jo, 09/23 Smith, James Guy, 06/29 Smith, John Arthur, 06/11 Smith, Maude Elaine, 06/27 Smith, Child of Susie, 08/26 Smith, Richard Moses Jr., 10/03 Smith, Roy Evelyn, 01/28 Smith, Wilobel Hazel, 04/15 Soto, Juan, 05/25 Spellman, Audrey Blanche, 11/26 Spellman Gladys Pearl, 06/12 Spieckermann, Carl Edwin, 09/24 Stanfield, Roosevelt, 12/24 Steans, Murry, 12/17 Stephens, Child of Clyde, 05/11 Steurenberg, Child of Herin, 03/18 Stevens, Dondrell, 05/11 Stevens, Doris, 05/11 Stewart, Annie Florence, 07/04 Stobaugh,Wilburn Elder, 12/27 Stockson, John Robert, 12/11 Stone, Child of Sam, 06/09 Stroman, Eunice Maude, 12/14 Sturges, Harry Wayne, 05/29 Sturges, Myrtle, 02/16 Talavera, Manuel Felix, 03/26 Talley Jr., Jim Bailey, 02/09 Talley, Willie D., 04/28 Tankersley, Eunice Lee, 11/22 Taylor, Bernice Maxine, 04/06 Taylor, Lee Louise, 12/03 Tealer, Child of David, 08/28 Teeler, Child of Jerry, 05/06 Terry, Doris Carolyn, 08/31 Thomas, Cora Bell, 06/01 Thompson, J., 04/12 Thornton, Willie J., 09/04 Threadgill, Phill, 09/24 Tiner, Justin Brooks, 11/25 Tomas, Joe Walter Jr., 05/29 Torres, Dominga, 10/22 Tovar, Alejandro, 07/16 Triggs, Vergie Bell, 08/14 Tumlinson, Woodrow Wilson, 04/28 Turk, Child of Louis, 05/23 Turk, Child of Jim, 08/11 Valdez, Cervando, 10/28 Valdez, Luisa, 02/20 Valentine, John Pinkney, 09/04 Valentine, Child of Albert, 06/20 Van Bevern, Madelyn, 09/16 Vanegas, Child of Casimero, 089/16 Vaughan, Ruth Kay, 05/04 Vavrecka, Benedict Rudol, 07/04 Vela, Altagracia, 03/21 Vela, Elvira, 04/16 Velasquez, Child of Antonio, 06/21 Vernor, Thomas Alvire, 06/09 Villalovoz, Guadalupe, 11/13 Villanueva, Juana, 07/11 Villereal, Child of Manuel, 08/06 Vlasak, Charlie J., 11/13 Vogt, Victor Herman, 09/03 Walker, Frank Stephens, 08/20 Walker, Child of Elizah, 04/10 Walker, Child of Emmett, 05/02 Walker, Child of Bud, 07/12 Wallace, Delores, 04/12 Walleck, Annie, 01/10 Walshak, Richard Alton, 11/23 Warfield, Ola V, 08/24 Warnek, Jane Ann, 05/16 Warren, Alma, 03/16 Warren, Irvin Lester, 05/26 Wastal, Child of Larance, 11/07 Watts Jr., John Bunton, 03/11 Watzlovik, Steve, 12/26 Weathers, Juanita Meri, 10/30 Weekley, Bertha Florine, 12/25 Welleck, Child of Mr., 01/10 Wells, Angulris, 08/23 Wendel, Child of Ed, 10/13 West, Alvie, 05/24 West, Elizabeth, 10/03 West, Horace Edwin, 02/24 Weston, Arline, 12/14 White, Arlene, 02/07 Whittenberg, Gladys, 05/23 Wilke, Hattie Marie, 07/01 Wilke, Child of Richard, 07/01 Wilkerson, Sam Alexander, 03/09 Williams Jr., Louis, 04/21 Williams, Henrietta, 10/901 Williams, Child of Mr., 01/27 Williamson, Malcolm Guy, 08/21 Williford, Alice Weneah, 06/25 Williford, Neely Lloyd, 12/28 Wilson Jr., Osceola Gera, 05/14 Wilson, Frankie B., 05/19 Wilson, Jessie, 08/30 Wilson, Vivian, 11/16 Wisemann, Child of Polard, 02/13 Witten, Lottye, 12/08 Wolff, Antonio, 07/23 Wright, Erma Mae, 04/15 Wright, Sam Elton, 07/09 Yates Jr., Edgar, 03/26 Yruegas, Guadalpe, 01/14 Yzaguirre, Gilberto, 09/01 Zak, Idella Anna, 01/15 Zamarripa, Lisa, 06/21 Zavcvadil, Edwin, 04/21 Ziesser, Child of Mr., 03/30 Zimmermann, Otto Ludwig, 01/08 Zissa, Albert, 07/26 Zitelman, Emmett Herman, 06/26 Zuniga, Paula, 07/31