Index to Obituary Book S
Gonzales Records Center & Archives

Extracted by Ashley Kristynik, to the end of December, 2002.
Copies of these obituaries may be obtained for a fee by contacting the
Records Center and Archives
P.O. Box 77
Gonzales, TX 78629
Phone 830-672-7970

Sabrsula, Vivian - S-178
Sala, Beatrice "Bee" Mitchel - S-7
Salaz, Senobio - S-25
Salazar, Catalina R. - S-117
Salazar, J. Matilde - S-185
Salazar, Joe F. - S-25
Salazar, Juanita - S-25
Salazar, Susie F. - S-17
Saldana, Domingo J. - S-25
Salge, Woody - S-176
Saliger, Frank - S-26
Saliger, Leo Frank - S-25
Saliger, Marie Frankenhauser - S-26
Saliger, Oscar - S-27
Saliger, Vanencia - S-210
Salinas, Ernest - S-199
Salinas, Juliana - S-26
Salinas, Loren Michelle - S-26
Sammons, Ellen Jane - S-18
Sample, Etta - S-28
Sample, Frank Houston - S-28
Sample, Grover Cleveland - S-180
Sample, Mrs. Lawrence - S-28
Sample, Robert - S-180
Samuell, Lillian - S-28
San Miguel, Beatrice - S-31
San Miguel, Guadalupe Charles - S-32
San Miguel, Martha M. - S-11
San Miguel, Nestor - S-32
San Miguel, Refugia - S-32
Sanchez, Bernarda B. - S-29
Sanchez, Fidela P. - S-174
Sanchez, Rachel - S-29
Sanchez, Victoria - S-213
Sanders, Edna - S-174
Sanders, Hugo - S-30
Sanders, Lilliam - S-174
Sanders, Martha - S-29
Sanders, Otto - S-199
Sanders, Paul F. - S-117
Sanders, Russell - S-29
Sanders, Virgil - S-29
Sanders, W.D. - S-185
Sandifer, Muriel - S-217
Sandlin, Dr. Wyman P. - S-16
Sandlin, James - S-31
Sandlin, Mollie Belle - S-31
Sandlin, Walter W. - S-27
Sandquist, Bob - S-32
Sanford, Dean Arthur - S-1
Sanlin, Dr. Wyman Peak - S-16
Sansom, Mary W. - S-225, 226
Sansom, Thomas - S-225
Sansom, Thomas Lackey, Sr. - S-224
Sasse, Elizabeth - S-32
Sasser, Alexander F. - S-195
Sassmann, Dixie Wilson - S-33
Sastterwhite, Phelps - S-3
Sattler, Gail Ruddock - S-12
Sauceda, Mary M. - S-180
Saucedo, Antonia - S-33
Sauer, Emma - S-33
Sauer, Marvin W. - S-33
Saunders, Mrs. R.P. - S-227
Savedra, Tomasa Garcia - S-13
Sayers, Adele L. - S-35
Sayers, Joseph D, III - S-33
Sayers, William, Jr. - S-34
Scales, Ernest - S-34
Scales, Ernestene - S-222
Scallion, Bessie - S-34
Scarbrough, Ollie - S-185
Schacherl, Suzanne - S-24
Schaeper, Lenora - S-39
Schaffner, Isabella - S-37
Schauer, Ben - S-208
Schauer, Florence Tenberg - S-39
Schauer, Monroe - S-38
Schauer, Raymond "Skeeter" - S-39
Schauer, Tenberg - S-38
Schautteet, Mrs. Louis - S-39
Scheel, George - S-137
Schelcher, Clayton W. - S-45
Schellenberg, Icie - S-38
Schellenberg, Otto - S-38
Schellenberg, Otto - S-45
Schellhase, James, Sr. - S-40
Scherdin, Ola Faye - S-58
Scheske, A.E. - S-41
Scheske, Fred, Jr. - S-36
Scheske, James Miller - S-43
Scheske, Mrs. Fred A., Sr. - S-42
Scheske, Mrs. Joe "Pet" - S-37
Schieberle, Rosa - S-43
Schindler, Ernest August, II - S-43
Schindler, Louis - S-45
Schindler, Rosie K. - S-45
Schleinschok, Mary Lynn - S-46
Schlick, George - S-51
Schlick, Victor R. - S-50
Schlinke, Ella Smalley - S-60
Schlueter, Julie Harris - S-46
Schmidt, Charlie - S-219
Schmidt, Charlie - S-227
Schmidt, Henry - S-52
Schmidt, Msgr. Robert - S-52
Schmidt, Myrtle - S-46
Schnabel, Henry A. - S-52
Schnabel, Herbert - S-201
Schnabel, O.P. - S-57
Schneider, Joyce - S-44
Schneider, Robert Earnest - S-46
Schnitz, Elsie Stock - S-48
Schobey, Hattie - S-46
Schoenfeld, Gerald - S-47
Scholl, Louis H. - S-50
Schrader, Amanda - S-54
Schrader, Charlie - S-54
Schrader, Janet - S-53
Schrader, Norvel - S-53
Schrader, Vira - S-54
Schraeder, Gladys - S-53
Schraeder, Otto - S-54
Schramm, Emmett - S-55
Schreier, Iris - S-179
Schroeder, Mrs. Max - S-222
Schubeck, Florence - S-44
Schultz, George, Sr. - S-57
Schultz, Gladys A. - S-58
Schultz, Gusty - S-55
Schultz, Herbert - S-58
Schultz, Herman F. - S-58
Schultz, Mary R. - S-56
Schultz, Merle Turk - S-19
Schultz, Zora - S-56
Schulze, Billy J. - S-55
Schumann, Agnes - S-51
Schumann, Robert - S-51
Schumann, Theodore "Ted" - S-51
Schumann, Travis - S-51
Schurig, Alma - S-49
Schurig, Emma - S-19
Schurig, Joe - S-178
Schurig, Marie Champion - S-19
Schurig, Walley Paul - S-49
Schurig, Willie - S-49
Schutz, Elner - S-57
Schutz, Lawrence - S-198
Schwab, Delane - S-60
Schwab, Edward - S-60
Schwab, Elmo - S-60
Schwab, Mary - S-4
Schwartz, Willie Mary - S-59
Schwarz, John W. - S-20
Schweda, Dr. John C. - S-59
Schweda, Juanita - S-59
Schweihs, Bennie, Sr. - S-62
Schwiening, Patsy Gandre - S-59
Scoggins, Dorothy Dell - S-65
Scoggins, J.W. - S-61
Scoggins, M.H. - S-65
Scoggins, William - S-65
Scott, Alfred Russell - S-64
Scott, Capt. William - S-2
Scott, Gabriel Warrick "Gabe" - S-17
Scott, James M. - S-64
Scott, Margarite - S-207
Scott, Martin - S-190
Scott, Michael - S-64
Scott, Mollie - S-64
Scott, Nellie - S-64
Seale, Gladys Flamson - S-67
Sears, H.H. - S-69
Sears, Margaret - S-223
Sears, Ziggy - S-62
Sedlacek, Elizabeth - S-67
Sedlacek, Emma - S-67
Sedlacek, John D. - S-67
Sedlar, Julia A. - S-66
Segar, Gordon Thomas - S-66
Segrest, Charles - S-208
Seidel, Mrs. Norman - S-66
Seitz, Bobby - S-213
Seitz, Delta - S-66
Seitz, George - S-69
Seitz, Ola - S-69
Seitz, Regina - S-202
Sekula, Annie - S-69
Sekula, Frances - S-68
Sekula, Fred - S-68
Sekula, Martha - S-199
Sekula, Patrick James - S-9
Selders, Haley Beth - S-68
Self, Durward - S-68
Self, Durward, Sr. - S-71
Self, Joseph - S-73
Self, Markley F. - S-73
Self, May - S-73
Self, Polly - S-70
Self, Thelma - S-73
Sellers, M.G. - S-212
Sellers, Sybil - S-72
Sells, Annie B. - S-13
Selzer, Alma B. - S-72
Selzer, Jimmy, Sr. - S-72
Semmler, Carl - S-72
Semmler, Virgie - S-204
Senterfitt, Maudie - S-72
Sepeda, Eugenia - S-75
Sepeda, Guadalupe M. "Lupe" - S-22
Sepulveda, Adolph, Sr. - S-196
Sepulveda, Fernando A. - S-75
Sepulveda, Guadalupe - S-20
Sepulveda, Virginia Duron - S-75
Serrate, Angelo Ray - S-176
Sessions, John R. - S-190
Sestak, Emma - S-74
Sestak, Frank, Jr. - S-74
Sestak, Jim - S-208
Sestak, Mary - S-74
Sestak, Thomas "Tommy" - S-74
Setliff, Norman - S-77
Setliff, Rubion Ray - S-181
Sewell, Buford Ray - S-77
Sewell, Dalton Wilburn - S-77
Sewell, Linnie - S-77
Seydler, George, Sr. - S-76
Seydler, Willie - S-76
Shackelford, John - S-80
Shade, Daniel S. - S-217
Shaeffer, Raymond K. - S-200
Shanklin, Betty Joe - S-80
Shanklin, Lacelle Chenault - S-79
Shanklin, Leonard Farris, Sr. - S-80
Shannon, Earnest Leonard "E.L." - S-81
Shannon, Opal - S-78
Sharp, Elsie Lucille - S-21
Sharp, Jack - S-83
Shaver, Joe - S-86
Shaw, Julia Staton - S-83
Shaw, Mary M. - S-83
Sheffield, Oscar - S-190
Shelby, Dr. David Martin - S-83
Shelton, Charles - S-82
Shelton, Chief John - S-84
Shelton, David, Sr. - S-82
Shelton, Edgar Donovan, JR. - S-220
Shelton, Hal David - S-10
Shelton, Jack, Jr. - S-82
Shelton, John Taber - S-85
Shelton, Minnie - S-184
Shelton, Minnie - S-85
Shepherd, Harold - S-84
Shepherd, W.J. - S-222
Shepherd, Warren - S-85
Sheppard, Ola Inez - S-84
Sheppard, William - S-87
Sherrod, Mattie - S-6
Sherry, Annie Mae - S-87
Sherry, Buster - S-87
Sherry, Dow - S-206
Sherry, Lester - S-213
Sherry, Ralph - S-87
Sherry, Ray Leon "Buddy" - S-87
Sheward, John Edwin - S-190
Shimek, George Travis - S-86
Shimek, Geraldine - S-86
Shock, Joe Ray - S-86
Shockley, Hazel - S-207
Shoemake, James - S-88
Shoemake, Thomas - S-215
Short, Alice - S-89
Short, Charles "Buddy" - S-88
Short, Lawrence - S-88
Shulak, Wilma L. - S-8
Shuler, Barbara M. - S-89
Shuler, D.B. - S-91
Shuler, Dovie - S-222
Shuler, Gladys - S-200
Shuler, Ira, Sr. - S-88
Shuler, Jane - S-91
Shuler, Nixon Ellis - S-88
Shuler, Zelma Myrtle - S-91
Sideris, Lela Gatlin - S-90
Sides, Paul - S-184
Siebeneicher, Carrie - S-90
Siepmann, Arno - S-93
Siepmann, Dorothea Marie - S-24
Siepmann, Elsie - S-202
Sievers, Dr. Walter A. - S-92
Sievers, Gary Lynn - S-8
Sievers, Melvin John - S-90
Sievers, Ted - S-92
Sifuentes, Marcus - S-95
Sifuentes, Minerva - S-95
Sikes, Elva Lee - S-204
Sikes, Mrs. Willie - S-191
Sikes, Pasco Earle - S-195
Sikes, Wattie - S-172
Sikkema, Mary Ellen - S-95
Siltmann, Frieda - S-94
Siltmann, Fritz - S-95
Silva, Andres - S-2
Silvas, Antonia - S-94
Silvas, Felipe, Sr. - S-102
Simersky, Elizabeth - S-206
Simmons, Abner N. - S-94
Simmons, Agnes - S-96
Simmons, Alma - S-98
Simmons, Annie Laura - S-98
Simmons, Christian - S-96
Simmons, Emma Augusta - S-201
Simmons, Grace Elizabeth "Bette" - S-11
Simmons, Mary Bell - S-94
Simmons, Mildred - S-98
Simmons, Sherman S. - S-98
Simpson, Mary B. - S-97
Sims, Edna Earl - S-97
Singleton, Patsy Parsley - S-18
Sirildo, Jesusita - S-97
Sirilo, Dora N. - S-199
Sistos, Delfino - S-97
Sistos, Julia C. - S-7
Sistos, Marie - S-97
Sitka, Agnes - S-102
Sitka, Henrietta - S-102
Skaff, Margaret - S-100
Skinner, D.U. "Doc" - S-102
Skinner, Mary Jane - S-101
Skinner, Tom - S-154
Skloss, Sixtus Steve - S-14
Slaskey, James - S-63
Slater, Lillian - S-173
Slepmann, Theo - S-90
Sloan, A.N. "Al", Jr. - S-100
Sloan, James Millard, III - S-100
Sloan, Mamie - S-99
Sloan, Mary Nell - S-99
Sloss, James - S-99
Smart, Clara "Ruth" - S-220
Smith, Alfred - S-194
Smith, Amelia - S-188
Smith, Anna Brzozowski - S-112
Smith, Barbara - S-188
Smith, Bea Dikes - S-112
Smith, Beatrice - S-112
Smith, Beatrice Haynes - S-2
Smith, Bertha - S-111
Smith, Carlos - S-110
Smith, Charley Edward - S-111
Smith, Chester - S-109
Smith, Clara May - S-111
Smith, Dr. Emmett Montgomery - S-116
Smith, E.E., Jr. - S-216
Smith, Earl - S-109
Smith, Edward William "Tubby" - S-112
Smith, Edwin - S-109
Smith, Edwin, Jr. - S-109
Smith, Elisha - S-175
Smith, Elisha - S-227
Smith, Elizabeth McCall - S-115
Smith, Elsie - S-116
Smith, Emily - S-215
Smith, Emma Jean - S-8
Smith, Emma Mary - S-7
Smith, Eunice O. - S-12
Smith, Frank - S-114
Smith, Franklin Brooks - S-9
Smith, Freddie Joseph, Sr. - S-10
Smith, Gayle Victoria Schutz - S-113
Smith, George - S-113
Smith, Glenn - S-214
Smith, Harold - S-194
Smith, Henderson - S-104
Smith, Henderson Neal - S-5
Smith, Hollad - S-104
Smith, Ida - S-194
Smith, Inez Patterson - S-111
Smith, Iris - S-104
Smith, Jacqueline - S-103
Smith, Jake - S-104
Smith, James - S-103
Smith, James G. - S-99
Smith, James H. - S-103
Smith, Jesse - S-106
Smith, Jessie O. - S-112
Smith, John "Cap" - S-13
Smith, John Paul - S-105
Smith, Josie - S-106
Smith, Julia A. - S-106
Smith, Karon Mac - S-18
Smith, Katherine - S-117
Smith, L.R. "Doc" - S-108
Smith, Lemuel - S-158
Smith, Lena - S-223
Smith, Leona Duke - S-194
Smith, Lillie - S-209
Smith, Little Dave - S-188
Smith, Lola - S-108
Smith, Lucille - S-108
Smith, Lynn, Sr. - S-107
Smith, Malcolm - S-108
Smith, Marvin - S-107
Smith, Marvin David - S-194
Smith, Mary Ernestine - S-23
Smith, Mary Jane - S-107
Smith, Minnie - S-107
Smith, Ola - S-120
Smith, Ola - S-181
Smith, Pearl - S-186
Smith, Phil - S-113
Smith, Randolph Gary - S-177
Smith, Ray - S-158
Smith, Rebecca Martin - S-194
Smith, Robert - S-119
Smith, Roy Alexander - S-115
Smith, Ruby - S-115
Smith, Ruth - S-114
Smith, Sloan - S-158
Smith, Sue - S-120
Smith, Sue - S-157
Smith, Thelma - S-120
Smith, Thomas, Sr. - S-120
Smith, Velma - S-119
Smith, Vera Bradley - S-1
Smith, Virgil Eugene - S-119
Smith, Virginia - S-119
Smith, Wesley - S-172
Smith, William - S-173
Smith, William B. - S-119
Smith, William I. - S-122
Smtih, James "Jim" - S-103
Sneddon, Guy H. - S-122
Snyder, Clara Nell - S-205
Soefje, Albert, Jr. - S-122
Soefje, Annie Mae - S-122
Soefje, Arthur Lee - S-15
Soefje, Arthur Lee - S-15
Soefje, Dono - S-122
Soefje, Elsie - S-178
Soefje, Gilbert - S-123
Soefje, Harvey H. - S-10
Soefje, Henry August - S-121
Soefje, Lee Lewis - S-121
Soefje, Lee Roy - S-121
Soefje, Milton - S-121
Soefje, Wanda Heinemeyer - S-221
Sofie, Walter - S-123
Solis, Celia - S-123
Soliz, Alejandro - S-123
Soliz, Ambrosia - S-14
Soliz, Eutimio "Jimmy" - S-203
Soliz, Maria T. - S-123
Soliz, Nestor "Toto" - S-220
Soliz, Ruperta - S-125
Sommerlatte, Bernice - S-125
Sommerlatte, Eugene F. - S-124
Sonsel, Henry Joseph - S-21
Sorenson, Lillian - S-124
Soto, Connie F. - S-118
Soto, Dionisio "Nicho" - S-118
Soto, Felicitas - S-130
Soto, Francisca - S-124
Soto, Frumencio - S-124
Soto, Helena - S-22
Soto, Irene - S-124
Soto, Julia - S-130
Soto, Julia - S-205
Soto, Sarah - S-130
Soubeck, Charles C. - S-130
Sourbeck, Charles Calvin - S-132
Soward, Nova Lee - S-17
Spacek, Hermine - S-129
Spahn, Albert - S-183
Spahn, Kenneth - S-129
Spahn, Lillian - S-196
Spahn, Linda - S-128
Spahn, Walter A. - S-127
Spain, Maybell - S-63
Spak, Michael - S-198
Span, Albert - S-129
Span, Frank - S-127
Sparks, H.C. - S-127
Sparks, Josephine - S-127
Spear, Fannie - S-172
Speer, Thomas J. - S-127
Speer, Thomas J., Jr. - S-195
Spell, Birdie - S-132
Spellman, Dr. E.C. - S-136
Spellmann, Arthella McKean - S-126
Spellmann, Ernest Christian - S-195
Spencer, Gladys - S-135
Spencer, Jerry T. - S-136
Spencer, Lela - S-132
Spencer, William - S-136
Spicer, Alvin Wallace - S-132
Spicer, Betty L. - S-6
Spieckerman, Douglas - S-131
Spieckermann, Alma Kruse - S-23
Spieckermann, Cyvilla - S-131
Spieckermann, Elvis - S-131
Spieckermann, Minnie - S-131
Spillers, Lillie - S-188
Spillus, Ethel - S-11
Spilmann, Robert W., Sr. - S-134
Spires, Maggie - S-134
Spitzenberger - S-134
Spohler, A.B. - S-135
Spohler, Erna - S-134
Spooner, Col. H.N. - S-135
Spooner, Judge Thomas H. - S-211, 219
Spooner, Tom - S-133
Spradlin, William "Bill" - S-137
Spring, Kathleen - S-133
Spring, William - S-133
Springer, H.R. - S-135
Springs, Bruce - S-133
Springs, Jacob Riley - S-23
Squires, Margaret - S-135
St. Clair, Bryant - S-140
St. Clair, Clellys "Brother" - S-140
St. Clair, Davella Baker - S-149
St. Clair, Estella - S-149
St. Clair, Evelyn Doris - S-7
St. Clair, Jimmie - S-183
St. Clair, Owen - S-148
St. Clair, Owen - S-149
Stahl, Dr. Louis J. - S-145
Stahl, Solomon - S-144
Stair, Elloraine - S-145
Stamps, Gus Thomas - S-192
Stamps, Roy D. - S-217
Stanford, Alma - S-1
Stanford, Alma - S-6
Stanley, Ann York - S-139
Stanley, Lynn Randolf - S-14
Stapp, Iva Mae Mills - S-187
Stapp, Jonathan "Big John" Stapp - S-23
Starkey, Emory E. - S-187
Starnes, Bernard - S-215
Starnes, Kimberly Marie - S-145
Stary, Matt - S-144
Staton, Ada Mae - S-139
Staton, Charles Thomas - S-144
Staton, Clyde Donald - S-143
Staton, Doug - S-142
Staton, Ella Boenig - S-143
Staton, homas J. - S-141
Staton, John Crawford - S-142
Staton, Katie - S-143
Staton, Lisbeth "Beth" - S-176
Staton, Lula - S-142
Staton, Margaret Lucretia - S-141
Staton, Mary - S-140
Staton, Maude - S-143
Staton, Roy E. - S-141
Staton, Ruby - S-141
Staton, Zelma Margaret - S-140
Stautzenberger - S-Fritz Henry - S-142
Steckel, Maynard Leroy - S-148
Steen, Danna - S-222
Steen, George D. - S-10
Steen, John Vance - S-148
Steen, Katie - S-146
Steen, Lena - S-148
Steen, Mattie - S-222
Steen, Morris P. - S-149
Stefka, Cecilia Marie - S-146
Stehle, Bertha - S-146
Stehle, Marvin Calvin - S-20
Steiner, Thomas "Will" - S-147
Stell, Regina - S-197
Stella, Ben - S-147
Stella, Cathey - S-146
Stella, Charles, Sr. - S-206
Stepan, Alvin - S-209
Steubing, Emma Dena - S-12
Steubing, Glen R. - S-153
Steubing, Glenn - S-192
Steubing, Joyce - S-153
Steubing, Melvin - S-153
Steubing, Mrs. Fred - S-218
Steubing, Nan J. - S-150
Steubing, Selba - S-189
Steubing, Vernon-  152
Steubing, William J. - S-153
Steubing, William J. - S-187
Stevens, Elsie - S-152
Stevens, Irene - S-152
Stevens, Joe M. - S-197
Stevens, LeRoy - S-152
Stewart, Beth - S-151
Stewart, Betty Jean - S-175
Stewart, Beverly - S-151
Stewart, Cleaton E. - S-150
Stewart, Daidy - S-156
Stewart, Emily C. - S-192
Stewart, Essie - S-152
Stewart, Harvey Hammon - S-22
Stewart, J.R. - S-151
Stewart, Jessie - S-180
Stewart, Lois - S-197
Stewart, Lucy Best - S-151
Stewart, M.K. "Tence" - S-154
Stewart, Margie - S-216
Stewart, Marshall E. - S-151
Stewart, Mary Grace - S-151
Stewart, Narvel - S-214
Stewart, Shelby Marie - S-192
Stewart, Tom - S-156
Stewart, Viron - S-156
Stewart, Wanda Ward - S-21
Stieger, Leona Anna - S-147
Still, James Arden - S-8
Stine, Gwendolyn - S-203
Stobaugh, Lorenzo Duard - S-189
Stock, Finice - S-155
Stockton, Bill - S-207
Stockton, Frankie Howell - S-15
Stockton, William Callaway "Cal" - S-20
Stoeltje, Emma J. - S-24
Stoeltje, Hugo - S-156
Stole, Bertha - S-154
Stone, Nell - S-155
Stone, Richard Maymard - S-155
Stoneman, Luther - S-159
Stones, Hattie - S-155
Storey, Glynn - S-159
Story, Jackson - S-159
Stout, Clyde - S-159
Stoval, John Henry - S-160
Strachan, Margaret Ronhausen - S-138
Strader, Eula - S-159
Strauss, Anna Mae - S-118
Strauss, Henry J. - S-160
Strauss, Mary - S-210
Streckfuss, Dan - S-162
Street, Alma - S-160
Streetman, Charles Teab - S-162
Streetman, Ethel Mae - S-162
Streety, Brice Reagan - S-161
Streety, David W., Jr. - S-10
Streety, Hilma - S-161
Streety, Robert J. "Bob" - S-10
Stridde, Annie - S-161
Stridde, Gertrude Rosa - S-9
Stridde, Walter - S-161
Striebeck, Mary - S-173
Stringer, Bernice - S-164
Stroman, Govan "Shorty" - S-181
Stroman, Vaughn L. - S-164
Stroud, James F. - S-164
Strouhal, Hermina - S-221
Stubblefield, Jimmie Eugene - S-164
Stubbs, Frank - S-164
Stubbs, Ollie - S-163
Studer, Henry A. - S-154
Stulting, Alice D. - S-169
Stulting, Benita - S-163
Stulting, Iva - S-163
Stulting, Lizzie - S-166
Stulting, Morgan C. - S-163
Stulting, Readous - S-163
Stulting, W.C. - S-166
Sturm, Freida Frances - S-166
Stutz, Stazie Ann - S-166
Succumbs, Raudy Stewart - S-187
Suit, Mary Ann - S-182
Sullivan, Ezell - S-189
Sullivan, Ezell - S-193
Sullivan, Martha Cathrine - S-189
Sullivan, Marvin - S-202
Sullivan, Roscoe "Sully" - S-168
Sullivan, Roy L. - S-165
Suniga, Maria - S-168
Supak, Annie - S-214
Supak, V.G. "Buck" - S-18
Sutton, Antonia B. - S-168
Sutton, Edna May - S-186
Sutton, George Claire - S-167
Sutton, Grant - S-181
Sutton, Grant - S-182
Sutton, Henry - S-167
Sutton, Mattie - S-198
Sutton, Ora Bea - S-172
Sutton, Ora Bea - S-193
Sutton, Steve Darden, Sr. - S-167
Sutton, Steve, Darden, Jr. - S-168
Svoboda, Michael Gene, Jr. - S-170
Swafford, Emmett Stephen - S-167
Swaney, Thomas E., Sr. - S-170
Swanner, James E. - S-170
Sweeney, Edward Morris - S-171
Swift, A.H. - S-189
Swize, Fred S. - 24
Sykes, Erlinda - S-170

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