Walton Cemetery
525 W Walton Rd, Lumberton, Texas
GPS Coords:30.284503, -94.203966
From Chance Cutoff in Lumberton, go north for 1/2 mile and left (west) onto Walton Rd for .9 mile.
1 BELL, John A. 12-01-1880 01-26-1937 fs: JAB
2 BELL, Mary 08-02-1882 02-05-1924 fs: MB
3 BELL, R. A 02-10-1920 04-14-1925
4 BRUCE, James Wallace 02-22-1882 02-23-1939 "Woodmen of the World Memorial" (Dbl with #5)
5 BRUCE, Lottie Walton 12-31-1887 09-20-1953 (Dbl with #4)
6 ENNIS, George Mortimer 06-27-1937 01-29-1993
7 ENNIS, George W. 1899 1979 "Father", fs: GWE (Dbl with #8)
8 ENNIS, Josie Margie 1913 1967 "Mother", fs: JME (Dbl with #7)
9 GLASSCOCK, Inf b/d 08-23-19 dau of W.L. & Rannie fs: Infant
10 GLASSCOCK, Rannie 01-18-1886 10-15-1980 fhm only
11 GLASSCOCK, W. L. 08-15-1874 06-11-1929
12 HAGAR, Billie L. Bruce 05-26-1923 05-16-1975
13 HAYNES, Loretta Townsend 06-24-1910 08-05-1994 "Beloved Mother"
14 HAYNES, Thomas Mason 08-24-1900 08-09-1954 Texas PVT 74 Flying Tng Sq AAF WWII
15 McNEIL, Amanda Walton 10-05-1876 01-12-1931 Wife of Dr. W. H. McNeil, "Gone but not forgotten", fs: Blank
16 McNEIL, Three infants 1899 Infants of W. H. & Amanda McNeil, Single hs, Three fs: Each "McN"
17 McNEIL (Second infant)
18 McNEIL (Third infant)
19 No Name (Small fiberglass marker, no legible inscription)
20 POWELL, James S 11-02-1905 01-19-1971 fs: Daddy (Dbl with #21)
21 POWELL, Juanita Bruce 10-27-1908 02-26-1983 fs: Mother (Dbl with #20)
22 RICHARDSON, Alice M. Walton 10-23-1880 12-08-1953
23 RICHARDSON, Alice Mardella 04-16-1911 06-24-1926 Dau of C.M. & Alice M., fs: AMR, B&W photograph on hs.
24 RICHARDSON, Charles Mortimer 01-18-1882 07-24-1938
25 RICHARDSON, Daisy Ovel b/d 04-04-19 Infant
26 TOWNSEND, Austin Allen 05-21-1928 ndd
27 TOWNSEND, Bertie L. 04-24-1892 11-27-1978 "Mother", no fs (Dbl with #28)
28 TOWNSEND, Jackson L. 03-10-1882 12-03-1937 "Father", fs: JLT (Dbl with #27)
29 TOWNSEND, John Ben 09-26-1925 11-05-1961 Texas CS2 US Navy WWII
30 TOWNSEND, Josie M. 09-06-1889 07-15-1989 (Dbl with #31)
31 TOWNSEND, Samuel O. 01-18-1885 03-30-1956 fs: SOT (Dbl with #30)
32 WALTON Monument.
"The precious ones from us have gone The voices we loved are stilled The places are vacant in our
home Which never can be filled."
33 WALTON, B. A. 04-06-1848 02-18-1926
34 WALTON, Gilmore 12-12-1895 01-27-1966 TX PFC Co B 143 Inf 36 Div WWI, (Gov marker shows born 12-17-1895) (Dbl with #36)
35 WALTON, Hattie J. 10-13-1894 09-07-1981 fs: HJW (Dbl with #37)
36 WALTON, Ida N 12-05-1899 06-10-1996 fs: INW (Dbl with #34)
37 WALTON, Jessie D., Sr 04-27-1897 06-03-1973 "Forever in our hearts", fs: JDW (Dbl with #35)
38 WALTON, John A. nbd 02-23-1938 Texas Sgt 147 Inf 36 Div
39 WALTON, Lola M. 08-25-1931 ndd (Dbl with #40)
40 WALTON, Louis (L. B.) 03-21-1921 10-26-1984 PFC US Army WWII, "We love you", Color photograph on hs (Dbl with #39)
41 WALTON, Louis Wayne 1949 1967 "He was a kind loving son, affectionate brother and friend", Color photograph on hs.
42 WALTON, May 12-07-1891 12-06-1917 Son of B. A. & G. (sic) Walton,
"He was a devoted Christian and obedient son. A loving brother and a friend to all. He died in the
service of his country - a soldier."
43 WALTON, Silistine 08-27-1856 04-18-1924 Wife of B. A.Walton, fs: SW
44 WALTON, William B. 1878 1953
45 YOUNG, Capitola 11-10-1906 01-08-1979 fs: CWJ (Dbl with #46)
46 YOUNG, Walter D., Sr. 11-03-1899 05-16-1979 "Married Mar. 11,1922", fs: WDY (Dbl with #45)