Channing Courier July 10, 1909
Mrs. S.S. Allen
Mrs. S.S. Allen died Monday evening, July 6, at 9 o’clock, at her home in Channing. She had been sick for the past four weeks with typhoid fever. Tuesday evening at 4 o’clock the funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church, be Rev. F.M. Neal, pastor, assisted by his brother, Rev. John M. Neal. Rev. Neal spoke in well chosen and impressive words of the life and character of this good departed woman, of her ennobling and Christian life as a wife, mother, sister and daughter. She always lived a consecrated Christian life, and at all times had the Bible as her guide and life book, fully relying upon its promises in times of trouble and sickness. When she came to die it was with words of praise and songs of victory for her blessed Savior. He also gave words of hope and consolation to the sorrowing loved ones.
After the funeral services a large number of friends joined the relatives in following the remains to the cemetery, where the body was laid to rest by kind and loving hands.
This was indeed a sad death and hard blow, for Mrs. Allen died just five months after the death of her only son, Coin, which occurred in Channing.
Mrs. Mabelle Allen was born April 13, 1877, in Williamson County, Texas, being 32 years, 2 months and 28 days old at the time of her death. She professed faith in Christ when she was 14 years of age, in Lampasas county, and joined the Methodist church, and had lived ever since a faithful member of the church. March 23, 1893, she was married to S.S. Allen, in Lampasas county. For nearly seven years past she has made her home in Channing.
Mrs. Allen leaves a husband, father and mother, six brothers and three sisters, and a host of other relatives, to mourn her loss.
In Mrs. Allen’s death this community has lost a faithful and sacrificing friend, who was at all times ready and willing to help the sick, comfort the sorrowing and to rejoice in their successes and pleasures. Her relatives have lost a loving and devoted relative who was over ready to sacrifice that they might gain.
The Courier extends sympathy and condolence to the sorrowing loved ones and friends, and hopes that all may meet her again in the home to which she has gone beyond the skies.
Gone to Her Reward
As the woman whose death is chronicled below was at one time a resident of Channing, and who had numerous friends at that time, a number of whom are still here, we publish the following notice, which is taken from the Amarillo Panhandle of Thursday of this week:
Mrs. A.S. Howren died last night at the Felix Franklin ranch, after a wearing illness of several months. The body was brought to the home of A.G. Boyce, No. 1104 Polk street, where the funeral services were held this afternoon at 5 o’clock, conducted by Rev. O.F. Sensebaugh, pastor of the Polk Street Methodist church, assisted by Rev. C.N.N. Ferguson, the former pastor.
Mrs. Howren leaves a husband and eight children. One of the children is in California, two in Old Mexico and a fourth in El Paso. On account of the distance intervening, only those members of the family residing in this section of the state attended the funeral and burial of their mother.
Mrs. Howren, who had reached the age of 57 years, was a woman of lovable character, a Methodist from her childhood, a friend prized wherever known. For months she had patiently borne her sufferings. Her life was a quiet one and in contrast passed out during the roarings of last evening’s storm.
The Methodist
church and the entire social life of the city sustained a loss in the death of
this truly good and noble woman.
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