If you have information to add to these photos, please contact me.
I included as many school names as I could, many of them did not record the school.
 | Paint Creek, 5th Grade (no year) |
 | Roberts School, Class Photo (no year) |
 | Haskell County Vocational School (no year) |
 | 1890 Haskell Report Card, Annie Glasscock, age 14 |
 | About 1900 - Mesquite School at O'Brien, Haskell Co., TX. Wanda's grandfather, O. C. Speck, was born in 1895 so she bases the date on how old he looks in the photo - 5 or 6 years old. Photo from Wanda Bates. |
 | O'Brien School - early 1900's |
 | School at O'Brien - 1910. Teachers are Mr. Watson, principal; Miss Maud Pope, Miss Mary Nichols and Miss Estelle Harrison. Photo from Wanda Bates. |
 | Provided by Richard Meador from the keepsakes of his Grandmother, Nettie Lee Sanders Meador. ca 1910-1915. Gilliam School, District 35, from "Cowpokes and Sodbusters" by Betty and R. S. Sanders, "In 1907, J. H. and Dena Goodwin sold a small plot of land out of the John Conner Survey 73 for a school site. There the first Gilliam School was constructed. It was about six miles north of Haskell on what today is FM 2163 (Haskell-Knox City Highway). |
 | The Gilliam School remained at that location for the next nineteen years. In 1926 the district built a new schoolhouse about a mile north, on the same road, on a site purchased from Mrs. B. J. Abbott, a widow, who resided in Chickasaw Co., Mississippi. In 1938 the trustees contracted all their 40 children to the Haskell School and in 1944 Gilliam consolidated with three schools. Most of the citizens of Gilliam chose to send their children to Haskell School ...." |
 | East Ward School Building |
 | East Ward School, Haskell, Texas, 1911 Class, left, thanks to Judith Atkeison (wide shot - in 3 sections) |
 | East Ward School, Haskell, Texas, 1911 Class, middle, thanks to Judith Atkeison (wide shot - in 3 sections) |
 | East Ward School, Haskell, Texas, 1911 Class, right, thanks to Judith Atkeison (wide shot - in 3 sections) |
 | Class of 1912. Haskell High School, Haskell, Texas. Essie Mae Crow is in the center on the back row of the class photo. |
 | Haskell High School, Class of 1912, Program |
 | South Ward School, Haskell, Texas |
 | South Ward School, Haskell, Texas |
 | South Ward School, 1914. Teachers were Minnadel Davis & Mabel Baldwin. Photo from Judith Atkeison. |
 | 6th Grade Class, 1916 (school not listed) |
 | Whitman School, 1919, from Robert Coburn. |
 | Whitman School, 1919, legend. |
 | Whitman School, 1919, names. Bailey Evans, Blanche Frierson, Minnie Lee Dendy, Gladys Lawson, Bertha Lain?, Gladys Hutchens, Ethel Frierson, Grace Hutchens, Ora Burson, Mary Lees, Avis Lawson, Nerva Sego, Alta Frierson, Fannie Bell Dendy, Sadie Lees, Willie Bell Frierson, Beulah, Sego, Velma Frierson, Alice Frierson, unknown Evans, Ervin (Dick) Frierson, Reuben Heathington, Marvin Gidion?, Allen Lees, Paul Newsom, Ben Lain, Taylor Sego, Robert Sego, Cleo Burson, Pauline Frierson, Felix (Pete) Frierson. Teacher, R A Hays. |
 | Reba Anderson. 1921-1922 Girls Basketball. Elsa Neathery, Reba Anderson, Mae Simmons, Jean Hayes, Frankie Brooks & Mae Weinert. Photos from Judith Atkeison. |
 | Frankie Brooks 1921-1922 Girls Basketball. |
 | Jean Hayes 1921-1922 Girls Basketball. |
 | Elsa Neathery 1921-1922 Girls Basketball. |
 | Mae Simmons 1921-1922 Girls Basketball. |
 | Merle Weinert 1921-1922 Girls Basketball. |
 | 1923 Basketball Team |
 | 1923 Basketball Roster |
 | North Ward School, 1928, 5th grade class. Earnestine Pannell, Laverne Gordon, Cecil Reeves, Ethel Irby, Alta Mary Stalcup, Maxene Simmons, Ollie Hester, Lola Berry, Mary Louise Parks, Louise Falwell, A. C. Roberts, Dick Dolan, Nellie Sue Knight, Nora Oliphant, Henry Beebe, Sue Couch, Eva Dell Squyres, Clovis Norton, Herman Zahn, Glen Enes, Lela May Chapman, Richard Clark, Robert Gilliam, D. R. Davis, Willie May Adams, Jack Bradley, Ruth Morgan, O. D. Cook, Richard Josselet, Otis Rushing, Delpha Case, Oice Waters, Lorena Drusedow, John Darnell, (Terry) Milam Diggs, Woodrow Roberts, Frank Bryant, Alta Lester. |
 | North Ward School, 6th grade, 1928. Mary Frances Sutherlin, Robert Bruton, Lysle Newsom, Willie Foil, Clarence Chamberlain, Contine Guest, Nina Lou Gay, Edgar Welsh, Mary Frances Collier, Ruby Lee Polk, Garvin Foote, Alvy Couch, Morris Lancaster, Jeff McDonald, Lucille Akins, Lois Fouts, Lowell Thomason, Solvey Hanson, Rod Clifton, Z. A. Parker, Buford Gholson, Agnes Grissom, Windell Gay, Dixie Orr, Maurine Norton, Hubert Watson, Joseph Gose, Moreland Glass, Mollie Hester, Winnie Rose. |
 | North Ward School, 7th grade (first section), 1928. Juanita Massengale, Beatrice Willis, Virginia Sills, Wilda Pippen, Wallace Kimbrough, Paul LeClair, Mather Larned, Fadus Frazier, Ruby M. Grindstaff, Carl Arbuckle, Beatrice Moser, Kate Darnell, Winnie Thomason, Flora Pinkerton, Nydia Roberts, Robert Graham, Gerogia Pearl Martin, Audrey McKnight, Loreane Hayes, Joseph Case, Elizabeth Dolan, Ester Johnson, Carlyle Wingo, Byron Smith, Jewell M. Josselet, Hazel Hamilton, Judith English, Ruby Bland, Eunice Redwine, Clinton Herren, Doris Felker, Carl Cook, Ruby Spurlock, Christo Hughes, Leroy O'Neal, Felicia Siegel, Lucille Gilstrap, Ollie Frazier. |
 | North Ward School, 7th grade (2nd section), 1928. Charlene Baughman, Madaline Buford, Howard Wilson, John Oates, Jr., Elizabeth Gilbert, Madge Hamilton, Clara Edwards, Wayne Coburn, Anita Lee Collier, Alvin Drusedow, W. J. McKnight, Alfred Bland, Flavious Kimbrough, Lucille Roberds, William Alvis, Ola Frazier, Lola Beryle Berry, Lucille Kendall, Alvie Chapman, Frank Welsh, Aletha Fay Davis, Willis Hamilton, Ora Bell Polk, Clinton Lee, Orland Dickenson, Francis Walling, Ovid Cobb, Natha Frey, Anna Maud Taylor, Louise Partain, Eloise Couch, Bob Herren, Mary H. Chitwood, Debreal Frazier, J. B. Marshall, Joe Smith, Virginia M. Jones, Doyle Eastland, Ruth Martin, Marie Hall. |
 | North Ward School, 1928. Thanks to Cindy Radway, daughter of Byron Albert Smith, granddaughter of Ben Smith. |
 | Rochester High School, Class of 1935 Back: Floyd Taylor, Cecil Anderson, Carlton Mooney, Hubert Durst, Bill Bagwell, Carl Ray Alsobrook, Dalie Dean Wadzeck. Front: Modell Manley, Marjorie Sue Kay, Tempie Lee Bell, Rubby Davis, Lucy Hicks, Mary Frances Wyatt, Ruby Cornellious, Margaret Virginia Greenwade. Note: There are 9 young women in the photo but only 8 names listed for them. If you know the name of the 9th graduate, please contact the Haskell County Coordinator. Contributed by Betty Morton, the photo is from Ray Mooney, son of Carlton Mooney, who is in the photo. |
 | Haskell High Class of '39 as Freshman in 1936 |
 | North Ward, one of the 1937 classes. |
 | Top: Woodrow Gay ? ? Ruthie Sheets, Howard Miss Hunt 4th: T R Odell, Dayel? , ? Buster Gholson, ? Lan McMillen, Otis Hershey? ? 3rd: ? Theda Christian, Mavelda? ?, Fayette , Jack Conner?, ? ? Frances ??? Barnett? [2nd]: ? Janie Massisan?, Billie Ruger?, Lola Reynolds, ? Chapman, Margaret , Betty Stanton, ? Latrice ? Swinson Bottom row: Paul K???, Bob C???, H???, H??? H????, V B B????, Cad Lane. |
 | Artie Burkette, Haskell Educator, circa 1947. Photo from Judith Atkeison. |