Merchant, Kennedy and Holcombe Families
Photos, family information and comments provided by Chad Harris and posted with his permission

Caleb Horton Brinson Merchant and Margaret America Eve McGee, great-great-great-grandparents of Chad Harris.

These are my gr-gr-gr-grands, Caleb H. B. Merchant and Margaret America Eve McGee at their home in Haskell Co.

Children of Caleb H. B. Merchant and Margaret America Eve McGee.
Top row L-R: William Beary, Viola Caroline (my grandmother), Daniel Brinson and John Oliver (Jack).
Center: Richard Caleb, Margaret Ophelia and Robert Barton (Bob).
Front: Clabe Arthur, Ralph Theodore and Eva Lola.
I believe Eva is holding a picture of the house on which porch they are sitting on.

Caleb H. B. Merchant and youngest son, Ralph Theodore.

My gr.-gr. grandfather John Franklin Kennedy (tall gent. white suit and hat). His Texaco station, was located in the square, east of the Haskell County courthouse. I believe it is a furniture store now. The man at the gas pump is Frank Williams, husband of Hettie Rowena (white dress), John Franklin Kennedy's daughter.

L-R Margaret Nona Holcombe (my gr. grandmother), Luther Del Holcombe, Dee Roy Holcombe, Viola Caroline Merchant (my grandmother) and Bertha Amy Holcombe.
Margaret Nona married Robert Lowery Kennedy, after his death, she married Houston Edwards. Bertha Amy married William Atchison. Buried in Willow Cemetery, Haskell TX.

L-R Margaret Nona Holcombe (my Gr. Grandmother), Luther Del Holcombe, Viola Caroline Merchant-Holcombe (my Gr. Gr. Grandmother), Dee Roy Holcombe (WWI uniform).

These are my great grandparents: Robert Lowery Kennedy and Margaret Nona Holcombe.
Their only child, my grandmother, Margaret Viola Kenned, is in the buggy.

This is the Cottonwood Sunday School 1910 or 1911.
My great grandmother, Margaret Nona Holcombe is in the first row, near the center, white scarf on head, dark dress w/white trim. It is a profile of her face. She moved to Haskell in 1906 after the death of her father.