Montgomery Family Photos
photos courtesy of Elizabeth Cathey Maxson
Wm. Arthur Montgomery (1891-1962)

Olive E. Montgomery (1894-1959)

Olive Elizabeth (Welch) Montgomery
"Aunt Ollie", to the community, was the daughter of William Welch and the wife of William Arthur Montgomery. She taught school in Haskell County and was her own daughter's teacher at one time.

William Arthur Montgomery
Known as "Arthur", was the son of Joseph C. and Belva Louise (Matthews) Montgomery. He farmed for many years in the Paint Creek area of Haskell County.

William Welch (1858-1941)
Father of Olive Elizabeth Welch Montgomery

Joseph C. Montgomery
Father of Wm. Arthur Montgomery

Ollie and Arthur
About 1955, sitting on the front porch of their Paint Creek home.