Grand Forks North Dakota, The Daily Herald - Mar 07 1891
Sent by Bunny Freeman  CC of Henderson County, Texas



They Traveled Sixteen Hundred Miles Alone In A Light Wagon.

    There are two young ladies spending a few weeks in San Antonio who have recently made a remarkable journey.  They are Miss Mary Jacqnes, of Java Lodge, Hampshire, England and Miss emma Hartley, of Junction City, Tex.
    The town of Junction City is nearly 200 miles from the Mexican border, the entire distance to the City of Mexico from that place being about 1,600 miles.  A light wagon and a team of Texas horses were purchased, and all arrangements for the trip had been perfected early in last September.  In the wagon were stored a complete camping outfit and a small amount of provisions, it being the intention of the ladies to procure the necessary supply of eatables from people along the line of their journey.  The provisions taken along were only to be used in cases of necessity.  The only firearms carried by the ladies were a brace of pistols.
    The country lying between Junction City and Piedras Negros, where they crossed the Rio Grande river into Mexico, is a desolate mountainous region, the only inhabitations being at intervals of from twenty-five to fifty miles.  The journey to the Rio Grande river occupied four days.  It was at the Mexican border that the girls met with their first obstacle.  They found that the Mexican duties on their horses and wagons would cost them more than a new outfit.  They conferred as to what would be the best thing for them to do under the circumstances, and finally they decided to despatch their own team and wagon back to Junction City.  This was done, and they crossed over the bridge to Piedras Negras on foot and purchased another outfit in that city, and again set out on their journey of 1,400 miles overland to the Mexican capital.
    The journey to Monterey was made over mountain trails, but they were beset with no severe difficulties.  They were treated with universal courtesy and respect by the natives and were given every assistance by those whom they met.  They were mentally prepared for danger and adventure, but in this they were disappointed, the most thrilling incident of  the trip being the riding of a soldier into their tent by mistake.  The astonished, but courteous, Mexican quickly retired with profuse apologies for his intrusion.
    In the higher altitudes they experienced some discomforts, owing to the chilly nights and the scarcity of wood and coal for camping.  They passed through sections of the country which had never before been penetrated or traversed by any foreigner, and the astonishment of the natives was very amusing.  Every night of the journey, which occupied nearly three months, was spent in their camp tent alone and unprotected.  They traveled by the way of Monterey, Saltillo, San Luis Potosi and Pachuca.  At Pachuca they spent several days visiting the mines, iron works and reducers.
    They spent several days in the City of Mexico, and started to make their return journey overland, but owing to the severe weather experienced on the uplands they were compelled to abandon their team and wagon at San Luis Potosi and finish their trip by rail.  But determined to enjoy the unsurpassed climate and scenery of Mexico to the utmost.  They traveled a good part of the way to the city on the locomotive.
San Francisco Examiner.