Kimble County TX - Births, 1926 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: 7/10/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================================================================== Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ============================================================================================================================== Allen, Leona Mayda 9-30-1926 F Colimay Turner W. L. Allen Kimble Allison, Wilton Judson 10-10-1926 M Terressa Thomas Hop W. Allison Kimble Amberson, J. W. 10-16-1926 M Eva Eunice Strader Tom Johnson Amberson Kimble Amberson, R. T. 10-16-1926 M Eva Eunice Strader Tom Johnson Amberson Kimble Anguiano, Juan, Jr. 8-10-1926 M Adelaida Murillo Juan Anguiano Kimble Baugh, Lorrie 12-9-1926 F Lorrie Baugh Kimble Bierschwale, Carlton Aaron 1-16-1926 M Hazel Ruth Mangold Floyd Milton Bierschwale Kimble Boultinghouse, Arlie Leo 7-25-1926 M Bessie Boultinghouse Winslett John Boultinghouse Kimble Burgen, Charles Rosco 5-23-1926 M Nutie Speaks Charles R. Burgen Kimble Compton, Billie Purl 2-17-1926 F Ruth Lorraine Alexander Henry Purl Compton Kimble Crisp, William Greene 5-23-1926 M Meume Pearl Thetford John Matley Crisp Kimble Crumbly, Tommie Jean 12-3-1926 F Della Clara Morris Thomas J. Crumbly Kimble Cummins, Lola May 12-25-1926 F Clara May Walton Edward G. Cummins Kimble Curtis, Marie Jiwl 4-4-1926 F Erma Polrado Pee C Curtis Kimble Daharsh, Vivian Lorene 7-12-1926 F Lydia Alice Wagner Floyd V. Daharsh Kimble Davis, William Abner 7-28-1926 F Mary Alice Knoz Robert Henry Davis Kimble Deering, Elma Fay Imogene 12-6-1926 F Martha E. Lange John W. Deering Kimble Doran, Maida Louise 3-31-1926 F Mamie Tilley Robert Lee Doran Kimble Durst, John Goree 7-29-1926 M Ludize Tomberlin Kittrell Goree Durst Kimble Evans, Ralph Duard 4-19-1926 M Minnie Tennessee Collier Aquiller Evans Kimble Franks, Frederick Firwelden 8-14-1926 M Bula Mae Cromeaus Fred S. Franks Kimble Gary, James Philips 8-3-1926 M Eva May Phillips James Pierce Gary Kimble Gentry, Mary Eveline 7-10-1926 F Jessie Hammond Tony Gentry Kimble Gephart, Lee Daniel 1-27-1926 M Myrtle Dodd John L Gephart Kimble Gonzales, Heliado 2-18-1926 M Gregorie Miralles Herandey Gonzales Kimble Goodall, Ida Jean 6-28-1926 F Georgia Cleora Richardson Marion Alonzo Goodall Kimble Goodell, Ross Inf Of 12-11-1926 M Grady Parkes Ross Goodell Kimble Gooding, Loma Leverne 9-27-1926 F Nellie E. Winslett John Gooding Kimble Greenwood, Oscar Allen Inf Of 11-22-1926 F Mattie Elizabeth Tomberlin Oscar Allen Greenwood Kimble Gutiers, Mauro Inf Of 7-3-1926 F Miria Perez Mauro Gutiers Kimble Hardesty, Van Orman 7-17-1926 M Florence A. Chandler Larance C. Hardesty Kimble Harlon, Elton Fred 9-13-1926 M Martha Emily Smith William Steve Harlon Kimble Hight, Lillian Alberta 4-2-1926 M Fannie B. Jackson Edward D. Hight Kimble Hodges, Iris Annette 9-4-1926 F Clara Belle Boune Douglas Hodges Kimble Joines, Ben Inf Of 6-15-1926 F Ora Hammond Ben Joines Kimble Joy, Margaret Elaine 2-14-1926 F Maud Evelne Taylor J. D. Joy Kimble Kirkpatrick, Martin Vanburen J* 3-30-1926 M Jessie Lee Parker Martin Vanburen Kirkpatrick Kimble Love, Oscar Clifton 3-27-1926 M Zetta Graham William Bird Love Kimble Martin, Mary Gene 6-16-1926 F Johnnie Duderstodd Van Martin Kimble Mcdonald, Clarence Jackson 12-12-1926 M Winnie Drumnery Clarence Mcdonald Kimble Mcdonald, Leonard Inf Of 11-19-1926 F Bessie Blackstock Leonard Mcdonald Kimble Mcmillan, Leo Marie 8-5-1926 F Odell Solomon Jack Mcmillan Kimble Menchaca, Alfredo 1-6-1926 M Micaela Rodriquez Abraham Menchaca Kimble Menchaca, Armando 1-6-1926 M Micaela Rodriquez Abraham Menchaca Kimble Miller, Dora Juanita 10-10-1926 F Evelyn Brown Jessie G Miller Kimble Moriss, W. J. 5-18-1926 M John Leigh Dorley W. J. Moriss Kimble Murr, Mary Jane 8-16-1926 F Gertrude Anna Hunger Morris Braggins Murr Kimble Nicholes, Norman 10-8-1926 M Vinnie Mae Tomlinson T. B. Nicholes Kimble Parker, Dennis 1-19-1926 M Ida Bierschwale A. S. Parker Kimble Pearson, S. L. 8-29-1926 M Tempie Bell Walton Fred F Pearson Kimble Pettigrew, Lila Frances 6-29-1926 F Fannie Fay Solomon Henry Elmer Pettigrew Kimble Pettigrew, Lola Francine 6-29-1926 F Fannie Fay Solomon Henry Elmer Pettigrew Kimble Pippin, John Walter 6-20-1926 M Martha Jane Goins Lewis Henry Pippin Kimble Probst, Adolph Julius, Jr. 2-12-1926 M Bertha Gross Adolph Julius Probst,Sr. Kimble Richardson, Walter Richard 11-1-1926 M Jennie Story Kenm Dick Richardson Kimble Siez, Celia 6-30-1926 F Vergrina Rodengug Manuell Siez Kimble Simon, Honard Parkes 11-20-1926 M Lola Parkes Herbert Simon Kimble Smith, Carl B. 11-4-1926 M Ora Gentry Barney B Smith Kimble Smith, Ivy, Jr 5-12-1926 M Delice Gussie Lefeste Ivey Green Smith Kimble Smitherman, Cleo Clifton 11-3-1926 M Josie Ivey Albert Alfred Smitherman Kimble Spruell, Carmin Tinnie 9-1-1926 F Sarah C. Lollard Ollie G Spruell Kimble Stapp, Katherine 7-24-1926 F May Whitworth Lavay Stapp Kimble Surber, Gordon Archie 7-16-1926 M Ruth Elizabeth Brooks Walton Arch Surber Kimble Swartz, Clyde Lee 5-8-1926 M Dornelee Sellers Edgar Swartz Kimble Taylor, Henry David 11-26-1926 M Lila Mae Baker H. Taylor,I Kimble Taylor, Leonard Wilson 1-19-1926 M Ola Catherine Bowers Louie Alvie Taylor Kimble Taylor, Robert D. 7-27-1926 M Maggie Milam Dee Taylor Kimble Torres, Sucora 1-20-1926 F Betrice Santos Jose Torres Kimble Watters, Minnie Retta 5-16-1926 F Cora Lona Burleson Milton Robert Watters Kimble Weaver, Kathryn Rosalind 5-23-1926 F Vesta Dickson Bird Claude Eph Weaver Kimble Whitstone, Fred Inf Of 4-18-1926 F Martha Harltey Fred Whitstone Kimble