Kimble County, TX - Newspapers: 1894 Sunday, August 5, 2000 Submitted by: (Frederica Wyatt) ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* The Kimble County Citizen, Junction City, Texas Thursday, March 15, 1894 Mr. Joe Clements has finished his irrigating ditch and now feels more independent than he has ever felt before. Junction City Business Directory: Lawyers - Williamson & Wilson. Physicians - J. W. Burt, M.D.; Dr. Hall. General Merchandise - E. Holekamp; F. W. Richardson Livery and Feed Stable - Alliance Feed Yard, A. J. Allen; Livery Stable, Nat Sandherr. Drug Store - Burt's Drug Store, J. W. Burt; City Drug Store, J. J. Wilson. Saloons - Buckhorn Saloon, W. W. Taylor; Favorite Saloon, Chas. Dower; Royal House, E. J. Royal. Millinery & Dress Making - Mrs. Boone. Blacksmith - R. B. Pass. Meat Market - Ike Baker. Carpenter - C. A. Witt. House & Sign Painting - J. P. Schwarz. Saddle & Harness Making - L. E. Richardson. Barbers - Turman. The CITIZEN is one year old today. Our readers will notice a change in the advertisement of Mr. H. Welge, sen'r., this week. Mr. Welge has sold his business to his son Louis who will endeavor to continue to merit a fair share of the Kimble County trade. A report comes from Menardville to the effect that the old Spanish mines near there have been re-discovered. The rumor is getting to be a very familiar one. Prof. Milner's students visited the Sunbeam League Society Friday afternoon. Mr. J. W. Turman was a visitor at school Friday eve. Call again Mr. T. Messrs. F. Vickrey and N. C. Patterson were visitors at school Wednesday eve of last week. Some of the students were absent two or three days last week - cause, chronic cases of irregularity. Our public school closes Friday, March 23rd, but will be supplemented by a private term. The students are preparing a short drama, expecting to realize sufficient money to puchase a bookcase to be used in the academy. They will make a strenuous effort within the next year to obtain a small library. It is the duty of all patrons and friends to encourage them in this plausible effort. Ad: Junction City and Kerrville HACK LINE - I. C. Bagby, Proprietor. Fare, single trip $5; round trip, $8. Hack leaves Junction Monday, Wednesday and Friday returning the following days; gig runs every other day. Leaves at 6. a.m. AD: Junction City Livery Stable - Nat Sandherr, Proprietor. New Buggies, New Hacks, New Harness, and Good Teams. Special attention given to feeding horses. The best place in Junction City to get your team cared for. Prices reduced to suit the times. ========================================================================================