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Midland County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Civil War Pension Files

These files can ordered from Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC)
If an application was rejected, there is still a file full of information.
Applicant Name App # Husband Husband's App #
Alexander, J. P. 39162
Bell, I. H. 24816
Black, Mrs. E. P. 26105 Black, Benjamin Franklin
Bounds, Michael M. 39044
Carroll, Smith F. 2940
Cook, Hulda 2941 Cook, John Andrew
Cox, Melvina Jane 10423 Cox, W. B.
Daugherty, Mary A. 41291 Daugherty, William A.
Glenn, Rhoda L. 41164 Glenn, William Jones 12481
Hardin, Mrs. John Elias 41021 Hardin, John Elias 28107
Henderson, J. B. 2942
Holcomb, Belle 28900 Holcomb, James Joseph
Holcombe, Mrs. William Franklin 20925 Holcombe, William Franklin
House, Mrs. Samuel Cape 27916 House, Samuel Cape
Lundie, W. H. 41281
Lyles, Lucy P. 52037 Lyles, Richard 41395
Massey, A. H. 11049
Moore, J. S. 30825
Nutt, Mrs. L. A. 19474 Nutt, Paskel Bert
Patton, George Washington Rejected
Prendergast, Belle 41509 Prendergast, Andrew Thomas
Preslar, Mrs. William Joshua Rejected Preslar, William Joshua
Price, William Milton 21594
Price, Mrs. William Milton 36741 Price, William Milton 21594
Ray, Green Berry 2943
Ray, Mary A. 8183 Ray, G. B.
Rogers, Virginia A. 19637 Rogers, William Everett 16670
Smart, Brice Miller 18126
Smart, Mrs. M. J. 43479 Smart, Brice Miller 18126
Steen, Rebecca Francis 18127 Steen, John Andrew
Stegall, Frame W. 27076
Tucker, Mrs. J. F. 46300 Davis, William Jasper 13207
Vest, Mrs. N. C. 41803 Vest, Thomas Peyton 33905
Warren, John Rejected
Watson, Mary E. 32883 Watson, Barnett Owen
Wesson, J. D. 26610
White, David 30937
Wolcott, William H. 42411
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and temporarily coordinated by Carla Clifton.
This page was last updated on 24 February 2025.