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1928 Panther

(If I have a photo with the wrong name, please contact me!)

Orville Gilkerson, Forward

Captain Gilkerson was a very fast worker and his goal shooting was good. Jake has had four years of basketball, and we regret his loss, next year.

E. C. De La Moniere

E. C. came to us from Highland Park High School, Dallas. He filled the position of running guard very successfully. We expect him to be a valuable asset to the team next year.

Frank McSpedden, Guard

Mac was playing his third year on the team and his defensive work was outstanding. He broke up many plays before they were hardly started. We lose him by graduation.

Wright Reeves, Forward

Wright has served three years on the team and as a just reward, has been chosen Captain for next season. We expect great things of him.

Clifford Odom, Center

Cliff has served four years on the team. He played a good defensive and offensive game and was always working. He is lost by graduation.

Murray Johnson, Forward

Murray was a new man in school this year. His goal shooting and fast goal work helped to win many a game. He also has had four years of basketball.

Charles Rollins, Guard

Chile's work as a utility player was very good. When a fresh man was needed to send in to break up the opposition's play, Chile was ready.

Ronald Henderson, Guard

After many years of absence Ronald came back to show us that he hadn't forgotten how to play basketball, and he hadn't. He has two more years of basketball.


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