Welcome to Pecos County, Texas

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Prophecy of Class of '28

As I sat in my Antique Shoppe in Girvin, Texas, one bright May morning, there entered my door a gypsy wanting to read my future in his magic Crystal ball. However, I asked him to let me look into it myself, desirous of knowing what had become of the Class of '28.

When I gazed into the crystal depths, the first vision was a bride and groom, approaching their beautiful farm home, who proved to be Alene Frazier and Granville Moore.

Next, I beheld a scene in McCamey, Texas, and there appeared before me a sign which read "Milady's Beauty Shoppe." In the doorway stood the owner, Mary gibson.

A crowded courtroom in St. Louis, Missouri, was revealed and as the judge turned to instruct the jury, I recognized one of my former classmates, Ward Winter.

As the ball slowly revolved, I saw a Salvation Army group on a crowded street corner in San Antonio, Texas. To my great astonishment, I learned that James Ogle was the minister in charge and Helen McDowell was leader of the song service.

Here I was interrupted in my crystal gazing by the buzz of an aero-plane which was forced to light nearby. When I looked to see who the unfortunate one was, out hopped Nancy Moore. She was on her way around the world.

When I returned ot the fascinating future of the remaining members of the class, there came into view a printing office in Jal, New Mexico. Lois Gray was seated at the editor's desk.

The bright lights of New York City arose before me and I read on a sign above one of the leading theaters, "Nonis Reed, Starring in 'Way Out West'."

What is this? Oh, a singing and dancing school established by Micky Bell and Murray Johnson at Monahans, Texas.

I now saw a little group of carnival tents. Out of one stepped the tallest man in the world, measuring seven feet an eleven inches, whom I recognized as Frank McSpeddon.

Wait, do I recognize the little town of Belding, Texas, and the cowgirl approaching? Why it is Helen Dorr, owner of a sheep and cattle ranch near that place.


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