Welcome to Pecos County, Texas
Memory Garden Cemetery

Location: 1/2 mile east of Iraan on south side of Hwy 190/29
GPS Coords: 30.90941, -101.8862
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or pictures that you would like added to this page or would like to
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Barnes, Dewey G. (military) Oklahoma Corp. 20 Inf 10 Div December 8, 1898-February 9, 1939
Barnes, Zora Dove Oct. 18, 1897-Nov. 25, 1993
bricked square plot, unreadable marker, child size, between Dell Niederhoffer and Mery Ward
Dixon, Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. L. J. Dixon Died July 17, 1931
Donaldson, Charles E. Mar. 15, 1880-Feb. 18, 1934 Altho he sleeps, his memory doth live. And cheering comfort to his mourners give.
Gerald, Infant son of C.A. & T. B. Lattion Sept. 19, 1932
Harriet T Aileen Mayberry Jan. 25, 1932-Feb. 1, 1932 Our loved one.
Hatfield, Infant Son of O.D. & Lucille Hatfield April 8, 1939 (o.d.)
Hatfield, Lucille Aline Oct. 8, 1934 (o.d.0 (sunken in ground)
Hatfield, Marvin Kendall Oct. 19, 1933 (o.d.)
Humphrey, Alma T. Apr. 7, 1900-Feb. 18, 1942
Jackson, Travis Gordon Sept. 5, 1932-Feb. 15, 1933 A sunbeam from the world has vanished
Jennison, Infant twins of Madge & Russell Jennison Dec. 30, 1930 (o.d.)
McGinnis, Addie Fay 1894-1930 Mother. The Lord is My Shepherd
metal marker, no name, between Bobby Sanders and Hatfield Infant
metal marker, no name, between Jennison Twins and Zela Ryan
metal marker, no name, between Petty Infant and Jennison Twins
Nance, Jack Oct. 20, 1900-Nov. 22, 1929
Niederhoffer, Dell Barnes Dec. 4, 1923-June 27, 1981
Petty, Infant son of Mr. &Mrs. Roy Petty Jan. 6, 1946 (o.d.) Budded on earth, to bloom in heaven (broken)
Rhinehart, Lyle E. Dec. 11, 1933-Jan. 19, 1934 Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: For of such is the kingdom of God.
Rogers, Anna Margaret November 2, 1883-March 10, 1937
Rogers, Arles Arel September 6, 1875-February 24, 1938
Ryan, Zela Jane Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Ryan June 19, 1931-June 19, 1931 Of such is the kingdom of heaven
Sanders, Bobby Ray March 1930-Nov. 10, 1931 (same stone)
Sanders, Marceline V. Jan. 7, 1927-Nov. 10, 1931
small concrete enclosed plot metal marker, no name, between Alma Humphrey and Petty Infant
small enclosed metal fence, no name, between Mery Ward and Lyle Rhinehart
Turner, Jana Dell Oct. 8, 1973-Nov. 25, 1973
unreadable metal marker, 2 markers between Travis Jackson and Alma Humphrey
Ward, Mery E. Apr. 25, 1867-May 12, 1943 Mother. Beloved. How we miss you.
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