Reagan View Cemetery

Regan View News Article, Reagan County, Texas

The following are from letters sent to my father, Gordon E. Roach. He lived as a child a few miles from the Reagan View Community and attended school and church there. In 1926 he purchased a part of the family ranch there and continued ranching in that area until his death in 1981.

Dated August 17, 1959 from Mrs. J. E. Mills, 409 E Central Ave, Belton, Tx.

Mr Gordon Roach: I don't know if you remember me or not. I am Mollie Hyman. Used to live on the head of Middle Concho and went to church at the school house close to Twenty Foot Windmill in the Reagan View Community. My father Jim Hyman was buried close to the school house at Twenty Foot. and I have been trying for years to get in touch with someone out there to see about his grave for me. I have lost trace of all the folks out there. I have a nephew who was in Stiles, Tx., and asked a man there if he knew anything about his grave and he told him about you. I remember Mr. & Mrs. Roach very well that lived there but I can't remember how many children they had or their names. If you know or can find my daddies grave and fix the fence and tombstone on it I will pay you for your trouble ...... I married 47 years ago to Young Mills and we have one daughter. We are living in Belton, Texas. Mrs. J. E. Mills.

From a letter dated Dec. 14, 1970 from Mrs. W. R. Lynn. 55 West 34th St., San Angelo, Texas:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Roach ....... I have intended to write you ever since Earlyne and I went there in May and thank you for your kindness and help in making our trip so rewarding. I felt so grateful for finding Ida's childrens grave in such excellent condition and thank you for your part in that ......... Sincerely, Pyrl Thorton Lynn.

Submitted by Marian Sue Byrd on February 7, 2008

Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription/Description
J. M. Hyman Sept 20 1847 Aug 22, 1908  
Hilbun, Charles G. May 1, 1906 Jun 2, 1906 S/O C.F. and Ida Hilbun
Hilbun, Leo Gilmore Jul 16, 1899 Nov 3, 1908 S/O C.F and Ida Hilbun
Gonzolez, Eugenio 1908 Nov 30, 1997  
Reagan, William Ballard Lenoir 1838 1913  

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