M. G. Morales Obituary
M. G. Morales, age 88, died at his ranch nine miles south of Ft. Mc Kavett Friday morning. Mr. Morales has owned considerable ranch property in that section for many years, and has long been a Prominent ranchman.
Born in Mexico, he came to the United States when a child, and was soon after captured by Indians who held him in captivity nine years, carrying him as far north as Illinois. At the outbreak of the Civil War Mr. Morales enlisted in the Northern army and served through that bloody conflict. He has been highly influential member of his race in this section for about fifty years. And has commanded the respect of all his neighbors. He leaves eight children, two sons, Manuel and Daniel being ranchmen south of Ft. McKavett.
The burial was at the Manuel Morales ranch Saturday morning. Father Joe F. Dwan conducting the funeral service.
B. 4/3/1836 D. 1/ 25/1924