Lillian and Earla Teter, c. 1920
- Husband: Louis Curtis TETER
- Birthdate: 5 Nov. 1893
- Birthplace: Hood Co. TX
- Death date: 17 Oct. 1918
- Place of death: Scurry Co. TX
- Father: Thomas J. TETER
- Mother: Emma LOCKLIN
- Marriage date: Abt. 1914
- Marriage place: Scurry Co. TX
- Wife: Grace Luella JUSTICE
- Birthdate: 10 Apr. 1894
- Birthplace: Taylor Co. TX
- Death date: Aug. 1974
- Place of death: Hinton, Summers Co. WV
- Father: James Dawson JUSTICE
- Mother: Mary Etta SCALES
- Child No. 1: Lillian TETER
- Sex: F
- Birthdate: 1890
- Birthplace: Scurry Co. TX
- Death date: Unknown
- Place of death: WV
- Marriage date:
- Marriage place:
- Spouse's name:
- Child No. 2: Earla Louise TETER
- Sex: F
- Birthdate: 17 May 1917
- Birthplace: Scurry Co. TX
- Death date: 29 Dec. 1990
- Place of death: Maricopa Co. AZ
- Marriage date: Feb. 1938
- Marriage place: Hinton, Summers Co. WV
- Spouse's name: Clark Jackson Keffer
Submitted by: Sybil
Tom and Emma Teter