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(g) means ghost town
Bitrong Ranch
Camp Allison (g)
Fort Terrett (g)
Owenville (g)
Wentworth (Winkler's Well) (g)
Bitrong Ranch
Camp Allison (g)
Fort Terrett (g)
Owenville (g)
Wentworth (Winkler's Well) (g)
Newspapers, Past & Present
Devil's River News, 1890-currentThe Sonora Sun, 1902-19??
Odessa American

These awards were won by Tamara Stevens.
Thanks to Lola Withrow for all her work to make this such a great site!
In memory of Tamara Stevens TXGenWeb County Coordinator for Concho, Knox, McCulloch and Sutton counties 2003-2021.