If you have access to information that may help a researcher, please volunteer to help.Look-up Rules:
1. ONE look-up per email
2. Do not ask for "any information", be specific about what you want.
3. Do not ask the volunteer to search outside the references he has volunteered to search.
JoAnn Palmer of Sutton County Historical Society has offered to do look-ups from her files. She has cemetery, marriage 1889-1939, and access to court records. In addition she is trying to put the old newspaper files together. If you want a look-up, contact JoAnn Palmer.
JoAnn says: "We have over 1, 000 photographs in our archival storage room now along with over 100 years of the Devil's River News brand books, research on local families.
"We have the earliest yearbooks in existence and most from 49 to about 1970 in our collection now.
"I have a huge file on the outlaw Will Carver, true stories, actual newspapers of the day on his killing and his family tree. George Washington Carver was raised by one of his relatives.
"We also have a collection of items from the 1890's through the 1930's and are restoring the old ice house to turn it into a huge western museum of local history. Right now we have a small building, The Miers Home Museum, and a 1930 railroad depot that we rent out for weddings and parties to help support the Sutton County Historical Society. I am the secretary of the organization.
"My e-mail is schs@sonoratx.net and office phone number is 325-387-5084. We are open Monday, Friday and Saturday mornings except during holidays."
Thanks, Jo-Ann!
Bad Old Days in and around Sutton County 1889-1939, Murder, Mischief, Misery & Mayhem, compiled by Sutton County Historical Society, Sonora, TX. Indexed.Celebrating our Blessings, History of the First United Methodist Church, Sonora, Texas 1892- 1992 with excerpts from women's society and board. Copy of membership roll (handwritten), marriages (handwritten), baptisms (handwitten) from church records. Ends with list of current (1992) members.
John Eaton's Tales of Wild Bill Taylor Sutton County Historical Society, 2006. Compiled from notes of the late John Eaton, local historian, we spin a yarn about Bill Taylor and his part in the Coleman Train Robbery and his sooting of one of the participants to keep him from turning on them. This was written from interviews of people who were alive and there when all these incidents took place.
Johnny Ward Cowboy Jo-Ann & Richard Palmer for Sutton Co. Historical Society 2005. Biography of Johnny Ward, Sutton Co. ranchman tells about his adventures in the Big Bend and how Ward Mountain was named after him. Also includes his work in the American Angora Goat Raisers Asso. and items on his family life in Sutton Co.
Sutton County 1889-1890 Sutton County Historical Society, 1990, 2007. Actual newspaper stories of the day telling about the founding of Sonora, Wentworth after water is found in this area and any mention we could find in papers about the first year of Sonora history. Contributions by The Devil's River News and The San Angelo Standard Times.
Sutton County Marriage Records 1889-1949 Sutton County Historical Society 1995. Listing of marriages in Sutton County. A guide for people working on family trees.
The True Story of Will Carver Donna Ernst for the Sutton County Historical Society 2000, 2007. Life story of the outlaw William Richard Carver who rode with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and also Black Jack Ketchum. His life ended in a shootout on Concho Ave. in Sonora, TX, and is buried in the Sutton County Burial Park.