Tarrant County TXGenWebArlington Obituaries - 1916
Arlington Journal MRS. MARY BELL DEAD After a long illness, endured patiently and with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Mary Bell died last Sunday morning at 6:35, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B.B. McClanahan in Arlington. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. S.M. Bennett pastor of the Presbyterian church of which Mrs. Bell had been a member, at 3 p.m., at the residence, which a number of relatives and friends of the family attended, and also followed the remains to Fort Worth, where the casket was placed on the fast "Sunshine Special" en route to McKenzie, Tenn., accompanied by Miss Bell, for interment in the family burial lot at the old homeplace. The funeral was under the direction of Mr. J.C. Parker, of the Milton Undertaking Company. Mrs. McClanahan, because of her school duties here, was unable to accompany her sister back to Tennessee with the remains of their mother. Elsewhere will be found a suitable obituary, written by one who knew and loved Mrs. Bell. The entire community deeply sympathizes with Mrs. McClanahan and Miss Bell on their bereavement, for this splendid family is much beloved by all who know them.
Mrs. Mary Bell-A Good Woman Gone Home Mrs. Mary Bell was born in Henry County, Tennessee, March 21, 1831. She was a descendant of the Virginia branch of Dinwiddies. She was married to David Bell, an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and a lifelong Mason, in 1850. This good man preceded her to the spirit world thirty three years ago. To this union seven children were born, of whom four survive; Mrs. L. P. Yandell and Mrs. C.E. Darrance of Bishop, California; Mrs. B.B. McClanahan and Miss Martha T. Bell of Arlington. In 1907 she moved with these two daughters to Arlington. She was simple and unassuming in her life, but she possessed bed-rock principles of character, which she strove to inculcate in her children. She taught them to be honest, to love the truth, and to do earnestly their God-given work in the world. She often said that she was not afraid to die, for she had striven to live worthily. After months of illness, she quietly fell asleep on the morning of January 2nd, 1916. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Arlington, Texas, Jan 3, 1916
MASONIC NOTES Mrs. N.C. McKinney, aged 79 years, died at the home Dec. 31st 1915, very suddenly. She had been sick with stomach trouble only three or four days and her death was unexpected. Sister McKinney, was a good Christian woman, and had been a member of the Methodist Church since she was a girl and had served her Master through all the long years of her life. Arlington Journal MR. J. SAMUEL OWENS DEAD After suffering for several years with a malignant tumor of the face Mr. J. Samuel Owens died at his residence in West Arlington at 10:45 p.m. Tuesday night last, Jan. 11th, 1916. Mr. Owens had been a very prominent lumberman in Texas for many years and was a man of the highest Christian character. He has lived in Arlington for three years and leaves a family of children and his widow. Mr. Owens was a life-long member of the Methodist church and was buried from his home Thursday afternoon, Rev. J.B. Berry, pastor of the Methodist church officiating, the Methodist choir singing some of Mr. Owens' favorite old-time hymns. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Thursday--just as the Journal was going to press. Hence, a fuller notice will have to be reserved for next issue.
MRS. A.A. BARNES DEAD Last Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Mrs. A.A. Barnes, of Cleburne, died after a short illness, aged 72 years. Our good friend and esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. A. Cliff Barnes, left Sunday night to attend the funeral which took place from the family residence in Cleburne Monday afternoon. Mrs. Barnes was the widow of the late Capt. A.A. Barnes, of Cleburne, both pioneer citizens, he having been one of the first bankers of that city. Mrs. Barnes had been a life member of the Presbyterian church. She is survived, besides Mr. A. Cliff Barnes, of this city, by three other daughters, they being Mrs. Edgar E. Shumate, of Dallas; Mrs. J.T. Tysinger, of Columbus, Texas; Mrs. R.I. White, of Ft. Worth and Mrs. J.H. Douglas, of Cleburne. We express the sentiment of our entire city and section in assuring Mr. A. Cliff Barnes that we all deeply sympathize with him and his family in their irreparable loss.
MASONIC NOTES Sister McLemore, one of our most beloved members of the Home passed to her reward Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, having rounded out 84 years. Sister McLemore was a staunch Christian all her life, and her sweet and kindly disposition; her kind word and smiling face were always in evidence, and a source of comfort to many of us here in the Home. We shall miss her, but remember her as being one who loved us and one whom we all loved.
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