Petition of William Poe for letters of administration on the estate
of John Germany, who died in 1862 (month and day left blank). The widow and
consort has relinquished her right to administer decedent's estate in favor
of petitioner. Dated Feb. 14, 1862.
Relinquishment, by E. C. Germany, of her right to administer the estate
of John Germany, deceased. She wishes William Poe appointed in her stead.
Filed Feb. 23, 1962.
Bond of William Poe, adm'r; $10,000. Sureties: Julian Field and R. A.
Elliott. Approved Feb. 24, 1862.
Inventory made by Richard Bratton and Giles Watson; sworn 28 March 1862
before Silas Estes, J.P. Filed 24 March 1862.
Attached: "List of Notes and Accounts"
1. |
Jacob Back and wife. Bond to John Germany for deed to 50 acres land. |
2. |
Account on Jacob Back. |
3. |
Note on Jacob Back due 23 Feb. 1857. |
4. |
Note on Jacob Back in favor of Samuels & Elliott due Sept. 5,
1858. |
5. |
Note on Jacob Back in favor of N. B. Williams due 5 Aug. 1857. |
6. |
Note on Jacob Back and J. B. Hibbard in favor of Charlotte Couch due
13 June 1858. |
7. |
Note on Jacob Back in favor of J. B. Hudson due 15 Nov. 1858. |
8. |
Note on Jacob Back in favor of Dr. Hill due 15 Nov. 1858. |
9. |
Note on Rhuben Reed dated Oct. 22, 1861. |
10. |
Receipt on Capt, Berry for the following Johnson notes; one on John
Ray; one on Robert Carnes. |
11. |
1 Receipt of Sam Stiles for Thos Boles May 15, 1860. |
12. |
On W. D. and L. H. Stephens. Due April 20, 1862. |
13. |
1 on A. H. Roy in favor of C. J. Thain. |
14. |
On Joseph Field due Oct. 17, 1861. |
15. |
On Gilford Smith dated Oct. 17, 1860. |
16. |
1 Receipt on L. H. Stephens. |
17. |
1 Acct. on Hugh Davelin. |
18. |
1 on P. Davelin and him Gone. |
19. |
1 on Richard Bratton for Interest from 25 Dec. 1858. |
20. |
1 on Same for Dec. 3d Aug 1857. |
21. |
An acct, on Alford Perny orphan of C. Turner, dated April 24,1857.
[This name may be Perry; see below.] |
22. |
Note on A. Perny dated July 20, 1856. |
23. |
A Fee Bill on Alford Perry. December 14, 1857. |
Petition of John A. Hart, Mary E. Hart, J. M. Bayley, and Nancy L. Baley
(all heirs of John Germany, deceased) that court rescind or amend its order
regarding method of payment of one years provisions to Elizabeth C. Germany.
Rejected. Filed October 27, 1862.
Final Account, Estate of John Germany, deceased. William Poe, administrator,
reports money collected from Wm Stephens, Wm Johnson, Robt Carnes, Thos Bails,
Thos. O. Moody, Joseph Field note, A. H. Roy, R. Reed, Sam Mitchell, Abram
Howard, and Ragland. He has paid: the widow; Susan Hudson; R. L. Sulivan;
D. G. Hodges; R. M. Welch; F. A. Kirk; J. T. Wheeless; W. F. Davlin; Mr.
Bailey, T. J. Ragland; the Dallas Herald; and J. A. Hart on Giles Wilson
act. Dated 28 April 1863. Filed July 1863.
Vouchers showing payments made by guardian:
- |
to Shelton G. Grimsley for one days work in l861. |
- |
to J. H. Miller for cutting grass. |
- |
to R. M. Welch, for shoeing horses, repair of gun, buggy, plow, etc.
Account from August 2, 1860 to January 2, 1862. Sworn before J. B. Hibbert,
J.P., June 22,1862. |
- |
to F. A. Kirk, $10., for making coffin. Feb. 12, 1862. |
- |
Acct sworn by J. B. Hart before J. B. Hibbert, J.P., June 9, 1862. |
- |
to T. J. Ragland or Bowen; for note signed by John Germany "this the
27th 1859." |
- |
to J. A. Hust, taxes for the year 1861. |
- |
to R. W. Tannahill, C.J., court fees. 27 July 1863. |
- |
to Mrs. Germany, years allowance. June 1, 1862. |
- |
to Thomas J. Ragland, account. |
- |
to John Wheeler, for "lone" of $54. in the fall of 1860; $42. for
the hire of a Mexican in the spring of l861. (Signed/J. L. [or J. T.] (X)
Wheeler.) |
- |
to Susan J. Hudson, account dated Aug. 16, 1861, for ½ gal. whiskey,
one days work, and 24 yards fine Irish Linnen. |
- |
to W. F. Davlin, account. |
- |
to D. G. Hodges, for medical aid and prescriptions to wife from Sept.
22, 1860 to Nov. 1861; to deceased from Jan. 3 through Jan. 31, 1962 (daily
visits from Jan. 18 through 31). |
- |
to William Poe, admr, "for Expences a going to Fort Mason 25.00; for
my trouble 75.00; Commission on receiving $739. and paying out $578 65.85.
Total: $165.85. |