General William Jenkins Worth can finally rest in
an eight-year, $150,000 campaign, the hero of the
War of 1812, the Seminole Indian expedition and the
Mexican War, the man who put the Worth in Fort
Worth, now lies in a refurbished and restored tomb.
almost 140 years, General Worth has slumbered
beneath a 51-foot bronze encrusted obelisk at the
intersection of two of the most famous streets in
the world, New York City's Broadway and Fifth
Avenue. But over the years his rest has been
increasingly disturbed as transients and vandals
have torn down sections of the cast iron ornamental
fence, uprooted the plants around the monument and
defaced its granite base with graffiti. Time and
traffic fumes have also taken their toll and by
1987, the monument was becoming such an eyesore that
New York City's Parks and Recreation Department put
it up for adoption.
year before, the Department had established an
Adopt-A-Monument program to encourage public spired
citizens to underwrite the renovation and upkeep of
statues and monuments. General Worth's obelisk and
tomb was one of the first 20 monuments in the
program, which has since become a model for similar
campaigns in Dallas and other cities. But while
donors adopted almost 30 other pieces of public art,
the Worth Monument languished uncared for and all
but unloved. But last year, two major donors stepped
neither was from Fort Worth. The Society had hoped
some civic-minded Fort Worth resident would adopt
the general's tomb, but aside from $1,000 from the
Bass family and $1,000 from the late Bill Turner
[neither recent] contributions from west of the
Trinity have been nonexistent.
the Fort Worth connection is tenuous. In fact
General Worth never set foot there. He was dying of
cholera in San Antonio when the military outpost on
the Trinity was established and named in his honor.
But the general had no particular connection with
New York's 23rd Street either, yet a group of
merchants there have contributed money toward the
monument's upkeep. The largest donation was from the
Paul and Klara Porzelt Foundation which was
established by a German-born businessman with an
interest in Beaux Arts sculpture and architecture.
Since 1989, this Foundation has contributed $85,000
to the Worth Memorial.
second largest contribution is from a retired naval
commander, the great-great-grandson of General
Worth, who donated $63,000 and included an endowment
to take care of the monument.
87-year-old officer, who lives in Florida, says he
first saw the Memorial in the 1920s when [odd man
out in a family of West Point graduates] he was a
midshipman at the U. S. Naval Academy. Commander
Woodruff says he had heard tales of the General from
his Grandmother Sprague who was married to an aide
of General Worth's.
Woodruff says he first started donating small
amounts of money when he heard of its condition.
"But we never could get enough to do the job, so I
went all out to pay what was necessary to finish the
job. I'd had reports from friends who visited it who
said, ‘My God, the thing's coming apart.' The fence
was broken up. It's a marvelous fence." The
cast-iron fence is a virtual dictionary of 19th
century military ornamentation. The pickets are
replicas of the ceremonial sword presented to
General Worth by The State of New York. Binding the
swords together are bands of oak leaves, symbolizing
victory, plus swags and tassels. The fluted posts
rest upon replicas of Civil War-era mortars.
it's hard to tell from old photos what plants
originally graced the monument, floral bulbs and
English ivy are being planted. In addition, the
granite and bronze have been refurbished and the
area around the monument is being cleaned up. Where
original stone was missing, granite was obtained
from the original quarry and shaped to fit.
all work has been finished, the monument will once
again be an adornment rather than an embarrassment
to the neighborhood. A ceremonial dedication is
scheduled for November, 1995. In honor of General
Worth, Major General Robert J. St. Onge, commandant
of the corps of cadets of the U. S. Military Academy
at West Point and the Academy Color Guard will
Woodruff says he won't be able to attend. But the
family will be represented. General Worth will be
