Tarrant County
Yesterday's News
In Tarrant County
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Compiled by Barbara Knox
Fort Worth Gazette, 4 January
Snodon was buried in the old cemetery in February
1863. Yesterday his body was taken up and sent to
South Greenfield, Mo. to be re-interred. Snodon died
of old age, 80 years, and probably no one now living
here remembers him.
Fort Worth Democrat, 19
September 1874
T. Marshall and Miss Ella A. Orick were married last
Sunday night at the Christian Church. So many were
in attendance that people were standing in every
door and window. The ceremony was performed by Elder
Gough of the Baptist Church.
Fort Worth Democrat, 26
December 1874
Peaver and Miss Nannie J. Wesley were married
Tuesday, December 22nd, at the home of W.B. Tucker.
C.P. Edwards and Mrs. Sallie A. Wedington were
married December 24th at the home of the bride, J.S.
Morris, Esq. officiating.
Edwards and Mrs. Sallie A. Wedington were married at
the home of the bride December 24, 1874, J.S.
Morris, Esq. Officiating.
Fort Worth Democrat, 24 April
L.M. Haynes had a narrow escape from drowning last
Saturday when she was fishing in the stream near
Major K.M. Van Zandt's residence. She walked out on
a log above the water, about 19 feet deep, and lost
her balance. Master Kleba Van Zandt was near, and
with presence of mind that would have done credit to
one twice his age, rescued the young lady.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat, 24
October 1876
Southworth left yesterday for St. Louis where he
will be in business with his father. This is a
rather sudden departure and he will be greatly
missed by his many friends here.
Worth can boast the best regulated dairy in the
state. Mr. Norwood says that for one hundred
dollars, he can furnish more milk in any one day
than any other milk vendor in Texas.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat, 13
March 1877
Miller's Music Hall was robbed night before last.
Several accordions, violins, some fine paper, and a
box of Miller's electioneering cards were taken.
There is no clue as to who the thief may have been.
want the friends of Col. Roby to know that he has
suddenly become very rich. We learn from reliable
authority that large quantifies of genuine yellow
gold have been discovered on his farm in Johnson
Fort Worth Daily Democrat, 11
July 1878
Fitzgerald was in his back yard on Fifth Street
yesterday when his oldest son told him his
three-year-old was eating uncooked corn for the ear.
He took the corn away and cautioned the child not to
eat anymore, telling him he was "a little hog."
Without thinking, he shelled some kernels in his
hand and gave them to the child. When he began to
choke, he was rushed to the office of Drs. Burt and
Field where an anesthetic was given and three grains
extracted. However, efforts to save his life were in
vain. Of course the father is heart-broken.
Fort Worth Democrat, 10
September 1878
Johnson was in a fight at the Cattle Exchange late
last night and had a large part of his right cheek
bitten out by a man named Hardin.
C.C. Cummin's wife died last night. Services will be
held today at the Episcopal church.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette, 18
February 1879
bodies of Mrs. Mollie Gray and her three little
children, Alice, Johnnie and Jessie, were found
Sunday afternoon at the bottom of the Trinity River,
ending an eight-month search. Relatives were
immediately notified and Mr. Gray recognized some of
the clothing as that worn by his wife and children.
A stout rope was tied around the waist of each,
plainly showing the woman's determination to commit
the deed. The remains were buried last night.
Worth Daily Democrat, 7 January 1880
Judge C.C. Cummings and
Miss Mattie Wear were married at Brownwood January
1st, Rev. Robt. Wear officiating. The bride is the
daughter of Rev. W.D. Wear, formerly of this county.
A leap year ball is
being planned for next Friday evening at Evans' Hall.
Serving on the committee in charge are Mrs. Brewster,
Mrs. Swayne, Mrs. Loyd, Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Randall and
Mrs. Huffman. There are one or two crusty old
bachelors we know of who will no doubt enjoy the
pleasure of being asked to dance.
Worth Daily Democrat, 24 March 1881
"It is being circulated
by my opponens for the position of alderman in the
third ward that I am not a citizen of Fort Worth
because my family is not here....I reply that my
family will be in Fort Worth as soon as I deem it
prudent to bring them here. They left here in November
1880 and have been absent on account of their health.
All my interests are in Fort Worth and have been for
about five years....if elected I will transact the
duties of the office and myself faithfully....".s.
H.B. Pitts
Fort Worth is again
called to mourn the loss of a good citizen when Frank
Adams died yesterday.
Henry Elbert left
yesterday for El Paso - they have gained a good
Fort Worth Democrat-Advance 18
May 1881
Jesse Jones and Mrs. Sue R. Samuels were married
this morning at 4 o'clock, Rev. J.A. Murphy
officiating, and left on the Santa Fe for an
extended bridal tour. Mr. Jones is one of our best
citizens and we congratulate him on having won the
heart of so estimable lady.
Worth Daily Democrat, 31 May 1881
Belle Burchill, our newly appointed postmistress,
has returned to the city and will take charge of
postal affairs in a few days. Mr. Chilton, of Ellis
and Chilton, left yesterday for Denton. We regret to
lose this fine firm of dry goods dealers. Dr. R.M.
Banner and family left yesterday to make their home
in Jacksboro.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat, 8
November 1881
is not often that Justice McClung gets left out of
anything, but yesterday was an exception. While he
was in the country on official business, Mr. James
McBride and Mrs. Mary Brady came to his office as
candidates for holy wedlock. Fortunately, Justice
L.W. Jones of the 4th Pct. was present to tie the
Willie Beall Conner, son of H.M. And Sallie A.
Conner, died Monday, November 7th, aged 19 months.
was brisk in the Mayor's court yesterday as follows:
A.F. Thompson, disorderly,
Chas. Jackson, disorderly,
Sam Seales, disorderly,
Joe Collins, affray, $7.00
Dallas Pollard, disorderly,
Zack Johnson, disorderly
A. Stoln, drunk, $8.00
J. Bain, drunk, $8.25
R. Hamilton, disorderly,
McSweeney, disorderly $8.25
W.R. Brady, disorderly
Fort Worth Daily Democrat, 29
November 1881
will of James A. Walker was admitted to probate;
J.H. And A.J. Walker executors.
S.A. Hightower died Sunday night after a long
illness. The local lodges were in charge of his
services although he was a member of Damon Lodge in
Fort Worth Democrat Advance,
29 March 1882
time ago 34 head of cattle were stolen from John
Mooring, who lives near Veal Station in Parker
County. By a careful search, he has recovered
thirty-three of them - seventeen had been
W.T. Sherman passed by Cleburne and Fort Worth. Some
Georgians among us remember the time when they would
have been more than glad if he had passed them by.
Fort Worth Daily
Democrat-Advance, 26 April 1882
little son of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Boaz, died yesterday
evening. The services will take place from the
family residence today. James Edgar Lipscomb, 32,
died of consumption in Tampa, Florida, April 8,
1882. He was born in Hale County, Ala. July 23, 1850
and moved to Tampa in 1871. He is a nephew of Mrs.
W.P. Wilson of this city.
Fort Worth Democrat-Advance,
28 June 1882
ladies of the W.C.T.U. Will give a lawn party at the
home of Mrs. J.J. Byrne tomorrow evening, for the
benefit of the library and reading room.
Refreshments of all kinds will be available and a
band will furnish music. We hope there is a good
turnout since the cause is a worthy one.
Switt, the engineer who was wounded on the Missouri
Pacific road near Taylor last Sunday, were brought
home last Monday night. His right arm and left leg
are badly fractured and he suffered a severe
Fort Worth Daily Gazette, 15
February 1883
wanted concerning a man giving his name as Thomas -
has light eyes and hair and light moustache.,
address James Branch, City.
Masons turned out in full force yesterday to attend
the funeral of their deceased brother, Jeremiah
Asbury, at the Southern Methodist Church.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette, 21
February 1883
"Having retired from the Drug business, I am
prepared to devote my time to the practice of my
profession. My office will be on Fifth Street in the
rear of the City Drug Store. The latter is now in
the hands of Dr. T.C. Buffington, a gentleman of age
and experience in the practice of medicine and also
in the drug business." /s/ W.B. Brooks, M.D.
Lingenfelter informed this paper yesterday that
Frank McAnally died Friday from meningitis. He was a
sober, industrious, hard working mechanic and leaves
a family in destitute circumstances. It is only
necessary to direct the attention of the generous
warm-hearted people of Fort Worth to cases of
suffering to elicit a substantial response.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette, 25
January 1884
May disappeared mysteriously from his home two miles
west of Itasca about two weeks ago. He went to find
his horses which were tunning on the prairie and has
not been heard from since. Any information will be
appreciated by his widowed mother, Mrs. M.H. May
John A. Walker and Miss
Lidonia J. Hack last night at the residence of the
bride's father on Tucker's Hill. Rev. A.A. Johnson
officiated, after which guests enjoyed a very fine
morning at the home of Mrs. Smith on Lamar Street,
her daughter Miss Katie D. Smith and Mr. Ed. S.
Lockett. The bride is one of the most popular and
accomplished young ladies of the city and the groon
is a highly respected young gentlemen with the firm
of Bateman and Bros.
Sheriff Rowan Tucker caught a thief on Rusk Street
last night who had in his possession about five
pounds of tobacco, a pair of low quartered
three-button shoes, slightly worn, a gray undershirt
and two pair of new socks. The tobacco was restored
to its owner and the other articles can be had by
their owners if they will go by the jail and prove
their property. The thief, who gave the name of
Charles Mason, is locked up in the county jail.
Frank Johnson has accepted a position with the
Cleburne school and resigned as principal of school
No. 1, He is a good teacher and gentleman and Fort
Worth's loss is Cleburne's gain.
was received yesterday from Mayor J.P. Smith, now in
Washington, that he had an attack of pneumonia, but
is now recovering.
E. Lawson, who was recently assaulted in his saloon
at the corner of Main and Fourth Streets, is getting
along well, but keeps indoors by instructions of his
A. Fowler, who was murdered by a mob at Socorro,
will be buried tomorrow evening. Fowler had killed a
man named Cole, was arrested, tried and found guilty
and was waiting the result of an appeal to the
supreme court when lynched. Fowler was a desperate
man, having killed seven men prior to this time.
memoriam of Mrs. Ruth Smith: She was born in
Pendleton District, S.C. Sept. 24, 1791; was married
to Mr. Wm. Brown in 1807, at age of sixteen years.
They moved to Tennessee in 1810 and was left a widow
with six children in 1824. She moved to Missouri in
1830 and to Texas and Fort Worth in 1849. Two of her
children still live here, Mrs. Samuel Loving and
Mrs. Lytle Creswell. She left 7 grandchildren, 33
gr-grandchildren and nine gr-grgrandchildren.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette, 25
February 1886
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.N. Smith, was
married to Mr. F.E. Herrington on Wednesday,
February 24th, at the home of the bride's parents.
After Rev. Crisp pronounced the couple man and wife,
and the usual congratulations, relatives and friends
enjoyed an elegant supper.
Fort Worth Gazette, 7 March
quite wedding occurred last night at the home of
W.L. Malone on Peach Street when Mr. Rowland E.
Lewis and Miss Rebecca Vera Flantt of Mississippi
were married by Rev. W.F. Lloyd. The couple will
live at the Pickwick Hotel. The groom is one of the
rising young business men of Fort Worth.
Arthur and Miss [Tisha] Trimble were married March
1, 1893, at the home of the bride near Bedford, Ref.
B.F. Hall of Fort Worth officiating.
Fort Worth Register, 16 August
will be a complimentary ball at Grunewald Park
Monday night, August 21st, in honor of Miss Sadie
Vaughan. Admission 50 cents with ladies free.
is cordially invited to attend a Concert and Ball on
August 17th at Hermann Park - refreshments of all
kinds and the latest music by Conner's orchestra.
Coupons will be given to those attending and at 11
o'clock $3.50 in cash will be given away. No
disreputable characters will be allowed on the
was a standing room only audience at the
entertainment given at the Marine school house last
night by Miss Mattie Carder's class in music and
elocution. The entire evening was a big success, but
the favorite was the one-act comedy, "A Happy Pair,"
enacted by Mr. R.H. McDill and Miss Carter.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 24
September 1905
A.R. King, formerly of Waxahachie, is now associated
with Dr. J.N. McKnight in the practice of Medicine.
E.R. Edwards, pastor of the Methodist Church at
Collinsville will assist Rev. W.T. Gray in a revival
meeting this week at the Peach Street Church.
Worth Record, 15 July 1908
Charles Miller was
arrested last week for disturbing the peace at his
home on Belknap Street. On the way to the police
station, he told detectives his picture was in the
rogue's gallery. This started an investigation which
resulted in a Michigan sheriff taking him back to that
state. After her husband's arrest, Miller's wife
attempted to get work to support herself and her
2-year-old son until relatives could send for her, but
city detectives decided to use part of the reward
money to buy her a ticket back home to Michigan.
The Fort Worth Record, 8
September 1910
licenses: H.J. Kight and Miss Ethel Pearl Hendren;
Douglass Brockman and Leona Shelton; Richard H.
Nelson and Mary Christopher; George Gaughan, San
Antonio and Miss Alice Holland, of this city.
Divorces granted to J.A. Hogwell vs. Mary Hogwell;
Ella Justice vs. D.L. Justice, with custody of child
awarded to the plaintiff.
Fort Worth Record, 13 July
valued at $600 were stolen Sunday night from the
home of D. Brown on Broadway. The home of J.R. Sikes
on Hemphill was also entered during the evening and
a gold watch taken. The thieves were frightened away
when the family returned from church.
Fiedel, 40, bartender at the Avenue Hotel,
Seventeenth and Jones, was found dead in his bed
late Sunday, of an apparent heart attack. He was not
married and had been a city fireman at one time.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 4
October 1914
M. Collins, Jr. has been accused of being a party to
the recent assault on J.H. Green. Collins waived
preliminary hearings before Justice Maben Saturday
on a charge of burglary against him and his son.
Harry Beason is also accused of taking part in the
same robbery. It is alleged they broke into the
store of W.W. Miller on Hemphill Street. Bond for
Collins Sr. was fixed at $750; he failed to make it
and was returned to jail. Collins Jr. and Beason
have not been arraigned.
Fort Worth Record, 7 June 1917
joint meeting of the Polytechnic Y.M.B.L. and the
Women's Civic League will be held at the city hall
Thursday night to organize a cemetery association
for the purpose of beautifying the Polytechnic
Fort Worth Record, 29 January
nurses home in the City-County hospital was again
robbed Sunday night. The only thing reported missing
was a revolver belonging to one of the nurses. This
is the third time within a year that a prowler has
visited the home. On the former occasions clothing
and jewelry were taken.
a Fort Worth church Sunday the minister admonished
his congregation to "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
A young lady in the congregation, aged 18 months,
just as emphatically and as loudly responded "I
Fort Worth Record, 30 June
robberies have been reported here. The home of Mrs.
Reynolds on New York Avenue was entered and a
ladies' suit, fur muff and .38 caliber revolver
taken. All the closets and dressers were ransacked
and contents scattered on the floors. The home of
Mrs. H.W. Byars on Lipscomb Street was entered with
a pass key. A diamond and ruby lavaliere and a cameo
ring were taken. The residence of A.D. Holly on East
Second, was broken into Monday night. A watch,
diamond stud, check for $14 and $3 in cash were
taken. A suit of clothes was stolen from the home of
J.L. Keefe on Lipscob Street Thursday. Baker
Brothers, Houston Street florists, notified police
Monday night that their delivery truck was stolen
from Fifth and Taylor about 9 o'clock.
Fort Worth Record, 20 May 1918
patriotic service was held Sunday night at the First
Congregational Church when Rev. W.B. Jones delivered
an address on the members of his congregation now in
uniform. A service flag with twelve stars was
dedicated. Men represented on the flag: Major John
B. Hawley in France; Lt. Bothwell Hans in France;
Lt. George Hill, Camp Bowie; Lt. Paul Ray, Camp
Diez; Lt. Luke Ray, Boston; Caden Roy McNellis,
Ontario RFC; Sgt. Merrill Joy, Eagle Pass; Fred
Bush, Philadelphia; Arthur Paddock, Naval Air
Station, Long Island; Russell Paddock, Camp Travis
and Frank Bardon, Kelly Field.
Worth Record, 24 December 1922
A handsome "cow"
pony and a silver mounted saddle and bridle were
presented to Sheriff Carl Smith Saturday as a
Christmas present from his deputies. It was a
complete surprise to the sheriff who said it was
just what he needed to use on his ranch. The horse
was standing on the lawn of the criminal courts
building Saturday when Smith returned from lunch.
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