Tarrant County
Yesterday's News In Tarrant
Page 10-A
Tarrant County Early Birth
Abstracted by Rita Martin
Used with Permission
Unfortunately, birth
announcements were extremely brief in early
newspapers, but perhaps these may provide clues to
the researcher. It is interesting to note that
rarely is the mother of the child mentioned and
babies in this time period, for the most part,
weighed much more than those born today.
[Note: Terms "inst" and ult"
are very often seen in old newspaper articles.
"Inst" means that the event occurred in the present
month. "Ult" implies that the date referred to was
in the previous month.]
A daughter was born on the
31st ult. to the wife of Capt. J. C. Terrill [sic]
Fort Worth Democrat,
Sat. 19 June 1875
Dr. J. L. Randall's new
daughter arrived Oct. 4, 1875
Fort Worth Democrat,
Sat. 9 Oct 1875
J. M. Maddox has a nine
pound boy
Fort Worth Democrat,
Sat. 9 Oct. 1875
Gen. and Mrs. Peers have a
Fort Worth Democrat,
Sat. 23 Oct. 1875
Judge and Mrs. Cummings have
a nine pound boy
Fort Worth Democrat,
Sat. 19 Feb. 1876
Justice McClung has a baby
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 18 Aug. 1876
D. W. C. Pendery has a boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 7 Sept 1876
Policeman Thomas has a 10
pound girl
[Daily Fort Worth
Democrat, Sat. 21 Oct. 1876]
J. F. Beall Esq. has a fine
boy - his first. His name is Samuel J. Tilden Beall
Daily Fort Worth Standard,
Fri. 10 Nov. 1876
Frank Twombly has a ten
pound boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 28 Nov 1876
Mr. W. J. Crozier has a boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 27 Dec. 1876
I. C. Terry has a new baby
Fort Worth Democrat,
27 Dec. 1876
Sam Seaton has a boy born
Sunday night, weighs near 10 pounds
Daily Fort Worth Standard,
Tues. 9 Jan. 1877
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Waddell
have a son, Lee Tilden, born Feb. 1, 1877, weighs 12
Daily Fort Worth Standard,
Sun. 4 Feb. 1877
Dr. J. T. Stevens,
Mansfield, formerly of Fort Worth, has twins
Daily Fort Worth Standard,
Mon. 27 Feb. 1877
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gay
have a girl born yesterday, weights 15-3/4 pounds!!!
Daily Fort Worth Standard,
Fri. 9 March 1877
Mrs. Saunders gave birth to
triplets - two survive. She lives 4 miles east of
Fort Worth Democrat,
Wed. 2 Jan. 1878
Mr. Ben Elliott is the new
papa of a nine pound girl
Fort Worth Democrat,
Sat. 2 Feb. 1878
Lee Mortimer is the happy
papa of a bouncing 10 pound Fort Worth Belle
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 3 May 1878
An heir was born to the
Timberlake house last night - a boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 9 July 1878
A. S. Nicholson has a new
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 6 Aug. 1878
Ben Tarrant has a new baby
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 6 Sept. 1878
Jim Maddox has an 11 pound
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sat. 28 Sept. 1878
Dr. Mayfield has a 10 pound
baby girl
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 17 Oct. 1878
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Bibb have
a 9 pound boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 30 Oct. 1878
Mr. Peterson has a 10-1/2
pound baby girl
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 4 Dec. 1878
Judge Marklee has a nine
pound boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 17 Dec. 1878
Frank Twombly has a ten
pound boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
29 Dec 1878
Joe Meyer has a new baby
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 15 June 1879
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. D.
Andrews have a 12 pound boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 21 Jan. 1880
Geo. Davenport, police
officer, has a ten pound boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 21 Jan. 1880
Abe Schwartz has a new baby
girl born Tuesday
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 22 Jan. 1880
Tobe Johnson has an 11 pound
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 3 Feb. 1880
Mr. and Mrs. Hillingsworth
are proud parents of a girl
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 10 Aug. 1880
Judge C. C. Cummings has a
baby girl born Tuesday night
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 30 Sept. 1880
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Davis
have a baby boy. Mrs. Davis is daughter of Capt. O.
S. Kennedy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 13 Oct. 1880
John A. Williams has a boy
born Tuesday night
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 21 Oct. 1880
Tom Montgomery is a father
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 26 Oct. 1880
Mr. W. O. Stillman has an 8
pound girl
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 28 Oct. 1880
Mr. W. W. Dye has a 9 pound
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 26 Nov. 1880
Col. Ashby has a ten pound
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 26 Nov. 1880
Earnest Haywood is the
father of a boy born Thanksgiving Day - Nov,. 25
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sat. 27 Nov. 1880
Dick Wilkes, chief of the
Fire Dept., has a 10 pound girl
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sun. 12, Dec. 1880
Mrs. Gay has had her 17th
child - a boy weighing 12 pounds. Twelve children
are now living.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 17 Dec. 1880
S. M. Fry, book and shoe
man, has a new boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sat. 18 Dec. 1880
Mr. D. B. Kennedy has a new
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 20 Dec. 1880
Zane Cetti has a baby girl
born Dec. 26
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 28 Dec 1880
S. C. Gunn has a 10 pound
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 12 Jan. 1881
Mr. J. E. "Dick" Crum of Oak
Grove has a baby girl born Jan. 2, 1881
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 14 Jan. 1881
Rufe Isbell has a 2 day old
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sat. 22 Jan. 1881
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackson
have an eight pound girl
Fort Worth Democrat,
Sun. 31 Jan. 1881
Henry Bryne has a boy born
yesterday morning - weighs 12 pounds
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 20 March 1881
Judge Hanna and wife have a
bouncing baby girl born Wed. night
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 25 March 1881
Henry Bryne has a boy born
yesterday morning weighs 23 pounds
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
29 March 1881
Sam Furman has a baby girl
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
We. 30 March 1881
Mr. Frank Twombly has
another boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 26 April 1881
Mr. Kneeland [sic] has a
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sun. 20 May 1881
W,. P. Thomas has a 7-1/2
pound girl born sunday afternoon
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 28 June 1881
A. P. Ryan has a 0=1/2 pound
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sat. 16 July 1881
Mrs. Laramie gave birth
recently - her husband works for the T&P
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 20 July 1881
Sheriff Maddox has a boy
born last Saturday
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Tues. 2 Aug. 1881
J. W. "Slade" Putnam has a
boy born on the 2nd
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wed. 3 Aug. 1881
John T. Brown Park born
Wednesday evening Aug. 17, 1881
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 10 Aug. 1881
Mr. Glasscock has a 11-1/2
pound girl
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 22 Sept. 1881
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Elliott
have a 12 pound boy born Tuesday evening
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thurs. 23 Sept. 1881
Professor Ault and wife are
parents of a baby girl born yesterday
Fort Worth Gazette,
Mon. 1 Oct. 1881
Mr. Martell of the Tivoli
has a new baby boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Fri. 7 Oct. 1881
Bill Grigsby has a baby boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sun. 13 Nov. 1881
B. P. Fakes is a father.
It's a boy. News came by telephone.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sat. 19 Nov. 1881
Charley McDougall has a big
bouncing boy 10-1/2 pounds, born yesterday
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sun. 27 Nov. 1881
John Ramsey has a fine boy
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sun. 11 Dec. 1881
Joseph Williams is the happy
father of a 12 pound baby born yesterday morning
Fort Worth
Democrat-Advance, Tues. 12 Dec. 1881
Mr. and Mrs. George Eitleman
are parents of a healthy boy born Feb. 2
Fort Worth
Democrat-Advance, Sun. 5 Feb. 1882
Johnny Sullivan, prop. of
the Battle House, has a ten pound girl, born
Fort Worth
Democrat-Advance, Fri. 10 Feb. 1882
Mr. and Mrs. John Zinn - a
Fort Worth Daily
Democrat-Advance, Sat. 15 April 1882
Thomas Aston - a son
Fort Worth
Democrat-Advance, Sun. 30 April 1882
Henry Field is the happy
father of a new boy
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Thurs. 22 Feb. 1883
Julius Freeman has triplets
- three boys - born Monday. Two weighed 5 lbs and
one weighed 6 lbs. Mother and children doing well.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Wed. 4 July 1883
J. A. Sadler is the happy
father of a 10 pound boy born Sunday
Fort Worth Gazette,
Mon. 7 Jan. 1884
Professor Terrell and wife
have a fine boy
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Mon. 21 Dec. 1885
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twombly
have a baby girl - may be named Maude.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Fri. 10 March 1886
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Guiln
[sic] are parents of a baby girl
Fort Worth Gazette,
Thurs. 25 Oct. 1888
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Guiln
[sic] are parents of a baby girl
Fort Worth Gazette,
Thurs. 25 Oct. 1888
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kern
have a new girl.
Fort Worth Gazette,
Wed. 12 Dec. 1888
A daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Zinn last Sunday
Fort Worth Gazette,
Fri. 14 Dec. 1888
Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Matison
welcomed a baby girl on Sunday. She is a cherub of
10 pounds.
Fort Worth Gazette,
Tues. 15 Jan. 1889
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ellis
have a new baby girl
Fort Worth Gazette,
Sat. 4 Jan. 1890
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Golding
are proud parents of a boy one day old
Fort Worth Gazette,
Sat. 11 Jan. 1890
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Hendricks have a new baby girl
Fort Worth Gazette, 2
Feb. 1890
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Leach have
a new baby boy born Friday
Fort Worth Gazette,
Sun. 2 Feb. 1890
Capt. and Mrs. Julian Feild
have a new baby girl
Fort Worth Gazette,
Wed. 12 Feb. 1890
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bound
have a new boy
Fort Worth Gazette,
Fri. 21 Feb. 1890
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dumbeck
have a Valentine names Miss Mattie Fletcher Dumbeck.
She arrived on the 14th inst.
Fort Worth Gazette,
Fri. 21 Feb. 1890
This page was last modified
22 June 2019.
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