Tarrant County
Yesterday's News In Tarrant
Page 2-B
Articles from
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram Late Night Edition
Volume XXXIX, No. 181 Sunday, August 3, 1919
Price 5 Cents
Contributed by Jean Caddel
Seek Slayer of Bridgeport
Man; Robbed Too
Assistant County Attorneys
TOLBERT and PARKER Friday began an investigation of
the robbery and fatal attack upon F. L. SIMPSON of
Bridgeport. Simpson died of stab wounds Friday at a
local hospital.
Several nights ago he was
attacked and robbed of $16. He was found unconscious
near Fourth and Calhoun Streets about 11 p.m. His
story related after he regained consciousness was
that he was accosted somewhere on Belnap [sic] or
Weatherford Streets. The highwayman demanded that he
give up his money. When he reached into his pocket
he was attacked with a knife. He then walked to
Fourth and Calhoun where he fell unconscious. No
charges have yet been made in the case.
The body of Simpson was sent
to Bridgeport Saturday morning for burial by the
Fort Worth Undertaking Company. A brother of the
slain man, E. F. SIMPSON, who lives in Enid, Okla.,
accompanied the remains.
Hopped Freight for Oil
Fields, Caught; They're Farmers Now
The oil fields of Texas lost
two prospective youthful adventurers Friday, but a
farmer in Tarrant County gained two huskies through
the medium of the City Court. The two adventurers,
yet in their "teens," were picked up in the Rock
Island yards Thursday night, attempting to travel
via the "side-door Pullman" route.
"We're from Arkansas,
judge," one of the boys told the court. "Least wise
me and this here boy. The other fellow was with us
and we were startin' for the oil fields. Our money
gave out ‘cept $1.80 when we got to Fort Worth and
we thought we'd get there the best way we could. So
we clumb into a box car."
GOSSETT, who originally
hailed from Arkansas, looked at the guileless
youths. "You remind me of one of BRIGGS. When a
fellow met a friend [illegible] too. Then Gossett
went out and got jobs for the boys....$3.50 each per
day and board. The farmer came for them in an auto.
They hesitated a moment.
"That prison breakfast of two thin slices and
nothing else much is kinder light for a working man.
Can't we go over to a restaurant and get something
to eat?" They were granted permission and
ordered---yes, you've guessed it - $1.70 worth of
ham and eggs and two cups of coffee.
Hundreds of Paint Brushes
Scattered Along County Road
Several hundred paint
brushes were brought to the police station early
Saturday morning by E. O. BLAIR, who found them
scattered along the White Settlement road. The
brushes, it is believed by the police, are the
property of the Sherwin-Williams paint store, which
was robbed of a quantity of brushes on July 21.
Waco Woman Finds Dead
Body of Father
Waco. Aug. 2. Mrs. C.
Herbert GREEN of North Waco discovered the body of
her father, C. D. BULLOCK, 67, Friday afternoon with
a bullet hole in the left temple. A pistol lay
nearby. Bullock, a resident of Waco for twenty
years, had been in ill. health. His widow, two
daughters, Mrs. Green and Mrs. Harry SCOTT of
Dallas,.and a son in Chicago, survive.
$45 Watch Taken From His
A watch valued at $45 was
taken from the pocket of Frank KIRKLEN, 1313 Main
Street, Friday, according to his report to the
police. He did not report until he got home from
Funds Getting Low (Milk
for Poor Babies)
Dorothy BEYERS, Ora Mae
BLAIR and Dorothy MORRIS decided they wanted to help
buy milk and ice for poor babies. Ora Mae and the
two Dorothies are not much bigger than a Summer
day's cake of ice and it looked almost as hopeless
as an attempt to park 100 pounds in the center of
Houston and Ninth Streets at high noon. They
couldn't go uptown and earn money. So they started a
"show" in a back yard. An "audience" came and went
away. The little actors brought 85 cents to the Free
Milk and Ice Fund. A check from Mrs. V. D. FOX for
$1.25 came in the mail at the same time with a $1
bill. Both were for the Milk and Ice Fund.
Interurban Traveler Minus
Suit Case
B. H. GILES notified police
Friday of the theft of a suit case from an
interurban car between here and Cleburne. Detectives
believe that his suit case was taken by mistaken.
Giles says the contents were valued at about $200.
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22 June 2019.
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