Tarrant County TXGenWeb
Yesterday's News In Tarrant
Page 3-B
News bites from Fort Worth
Newspapers, 1877-1928
Bride of Three Weeks
The widow of Sam Meyers, the
wealthiest farmer in Johnson County [Texas], married
G. H. Hester three weeks ago. Last Friday night,
while the couple were sitting in the open door of
their farm house, an unknown man shot Mrs. Hester in
the head, killing her instantly. The victim was
about thirty years old and generally considered a
model wife and mother.
No positive clue to the
murderer has been discovered but public suspicion
has fallen upon a son-in-law of her first husband.
His name is Bowden, and he and his brother had
considerable trouble with the former Mrs. Meyers in
the distribution of property left by Meyers. Bowden
has probably been arrested by this time, and much
excitement prevails in the community over the
terrible crime.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Feb. 25, 1877
Shortly after 1 o'clock
Wednesday night, three pistol shots fired in rapid
succession were heard in the heart of Hell's half
acre - John GALLOWAY was found behind the bar, dead,
lying in a pool of blood - he was the proprietor of
the saloon; just outside on Main Street were three
police officers - one of them, William RUSHING, was
the slayer of the dead man. Galloway came here from
Georgia three years ago.
M. M. LESTER filed a suit
against the Texas and Pacific railroad to recover
$20,000 damages for carelessly killing her son east
of Hanly [sic] in this county in January 1884.
Fort Worth Gazette,
Aug. 1, 1884
Mrs. Sue E. JEFFRIES, wife
of J. N. JEFFRIES died Aug. 1, 1884 age 26. She was
baptized by Rev. J. S. GILLESPIE Dec. 7, 1879 of the
First Baptist Church of Fort Worth. at the time of
her death she was a member of the Baptist Church of
Wichita Falls. Having recently returned with her
husband to his father's, J. S. JEFFRIES, four miles
north of this city, and after several weeks of
suffering, died, leaving a daughter 4 years of age.
Fort Worth Gazette,
Aug. 5, 1884
Died. Benjamin SMITH, 26,
son of Dr. Smith of this county, and nephew of Col.
J. P. SMITH, our mayor. He had been working for the
gas company for some time and on Friday evening was
working on an exhauster through which is used to
force the gas through the purifiers. In making an
attachment, the pipe connecting hit Smith's head,
inflicting a severe wound. He was conscious for half
an hour and died yesterday morning. The funeral took
place from Major Smith's mansion. The young man's
mother died here four years ago.
Fort Worth Gazette,
Aug. 10, 1884
First Women Voters in
Tarrant County
Mrs. C. McPHERSON and her
daughter, Miss Hallie McPHERSON, are the first women
ever to vote in Tarrant County. They appeared at the
county clerk's office Friday afternoon to cast their
votes under provisions of the state absentee voting
law which was passed at the last regular session of
the legislature. They intend to be out of the county
on election day.
Fifteen persons voted Friday
afternoon and up to noon Saturday. Their ballots,
after being placed in a sealed envelope, will be
sent to their election judges two days before the
Fort Worth Democrat,
Saturday, July 20, 1918
Blind Musician Marries
After Brief Romance
Herbert Krumpellin, blind
concert artist, came to Fort Worth from Pittsburgh,
Pa. He and Miss Myrtle Williams, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. B. H. Williams of Terrell, were married Monday
at the Tarrant County Court House. The marriage
culminated a romance of only three weeks' duration
which included only one meeting, numerous letters,
telephone calls and telegrams.
Their headquarters for
future concert tours will be in Houston. Mrs.
Krumpelin is a pianist and her husband plays the
pipe organ, piano, violin and Scotch bagpipes. He
has given a number of concerts in Fort Worth
churches and before various luncheon clubs during
the month he has been here.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram,
June 27, 1922
Destroys Funeral Home
The Fort Worth Undertaking
Company lost some $50,000 in a fire believed to have
started when two cases of embalming fluid exploded
in the basement. Employees M. C. Vaughn and Carl
Smidts were the only two persons in the building and
were not harmed
Firemen from eight companies
answered a double alarm and were forced to use gas
masks to combat the blaze and use a battering ram on
the north wall in order to gain entrance into the
Vaughn, who lives with his
wife and small son in five rooms on the second floor
of the building, and who was in charge of the office
at night, turned in the call from an outside box
when he was unable to use the company's telephone
because of the dense smoke.
Roy Widner, an employee,
Harry Taylor, a roomer, and R. A. Cantrell, who owns
interests in the business, lost part of their
belongings in the fire. Possessions of the Vaughn
family were valued at $2500.00. Several thousand
persons jammed the streets to see the blaze and
police had a difficult time keeping order.
The business of the
Undertaking Company will be carried on temporarily
at the mortuary of Robertson-Mueller-Harper.
Fort Worth
Record-Telegram, Nov. 12, 1928
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22 June 2019.
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