Tarrant County
Yesterday's News In Tarrant
Page 6-B
Fort Worth News Briefs
Researched by Rita Martin
Mary LISCO were married April 28, 10:00 a.m. at the
residence of Rev. J. B. FRENCH. Mr. Tankersley is
the son of Judge B. G. Tankersley and is employed by
Swift and Company. Miss Lisco is a niece of G. W.
BARNHART. They will reside at 809 West Leuda Street.
Lake Erie, the popular
resort on the Interurban line, will open tomorrow
for the season. There will be two programs -
afternoon and evening. Music will be featured in the
afternoon and a vaudeville company will perform at
night. The company announces that souvenirs will be
Robert F. WILLIAMS, Fort
Worth, William ANDERSON, Holland, Texas, and Bruno
RIENHOLD of Prussia have enlisted through the local
army recruiting station. The first two will be sent
to Columbus, Ohio and the latter to Jefferson
barracks at St. Louis. Rienhold is a native German,
recently obtaining his naturalization papers for
this country.
Fort Worth-Record,
April 29, 1905
Rev. I. Z. T. MORRIS is
looking for homes for four good healthy boys -
Stephen PAINTER,11, Willie MEISNER, 14, Millard
IRVIN, 12, and Willie GOODWIN, 7. If you have
friends who are willing to take one of these boys,
you will help Rev. Morris and help an orphan boy to
good citizenship.
Fort Worth Register,
Wed. Jan. 8, 1902
Lone Star Camp No. 2,
Woodmen of the World, installed new officers last
night. They are: W. H. LENNON, Commander; T. G.
COTTAR, Lieutenant; J. A. TODD, Clerk; C. C.
CUNNINGHAM, Banker; H. G. COTTER, Attendant, Max H.
MAYER, Watchman; George GRANT, Sentinel and J. B.
JEFFERIES, Manager. John W. WALKER was in charge of
the installation and Commander LENNON delivered the
welcome address. An excellent program was presented
by: Prof. HEATHCOTE consisting of a song by Miss
Katie PARKER, recitations by Miss Lizzie May MOORE
and O. S. LATTIMORE, a shadow dance by Miss Selma
LENNON and a reading by Miss Gertrude McBRIEN.
Fort Worth Register,
Friday Jan. 10, 1902
A number of Odd Fellows met
last night and decided that Fort Worth should have
an Odd Fellows encampment. Messers R. H. TUCKER,
John D. NICHOLS, B. H. SHIPP, W. BOESSER and George
H. SCHOBER have made an application to Grand
Patriarch KINCAID for a charter and Fort Worth
lodges plan to build a beautiful stone temple.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Thurs. Jan. 8, 1902
A May Day party will be
given at the University tonight. There will be a May
Pole dance with refreshments and a large crowd is
expected to attend.
M. H. WOOD, prominent
business man of Shreveport, La. and Mrs. Lidia
DeMOTT of St. Louis, Mo. were married yesterday
afternoon at the parsonage of the First Baptist
Church, Dr. Luther LITTLE officiating. They will
make their home in Shreveport.
Fort Worth Record,
May 1, 1905
Four Tarrant County Pioneers
Die On Same Day
All Past 72 years - Services
Will be Held Today
E. B. STROUD, a member of
the family who once owned the old Mansion House, was
a retired banker and merchant. He was born in
Limestone County, Texas, came to Fort Worth in 1887
and married a daughter of the late W. W. DUNN. He is
survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Tom W.
SLACK, Fort Worth; two sons, T. M., Wichita Falls,
and E. B. STROUD, Jr., Dallas. Services will be held
at his residence on West Terrell with burial in East
Oakwood Cemetery.
George SHADDY, an uncle of
Deputy Sheriff WHITE, was a long time farmer in the
Grapevine area. He is survived by a son, James
SHADDY, Fort Worth, and a daughter, Mrs. Mollie
BEAVERS, with whom he lived. Funeral services will
be held at White's Chapel.
William TANNAHILL came to
this county with his parents when only 8 months old.
He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. G.
PREWETT at Keller. He is survived by his widow and
five children, W. S., Fort Worth, G. E., Lockney;
Mrs. Prewett and Mrs. A. J. ALFORD and L. P.
TANNAHILL, both of Saginaw. Funeral services will be
held at Keller Baptist Church with burial in
Greenwood Cemetery.
W. A. McCORSTIN came to
Texas from Tennessee in 1860 and moved to Fort Worth
25 years ago. where he had a horse and mule
business. He is survived by his widow; five sons, A.
P. and W. M. McCorstin, Fort Worth; Otis and R. R.
McCorstin, Milwaukee, Wis., and J. E. McCorstin,
Loving, N. M.; and three daughters, Mrs. E. T.
JENKINS and Mrs. Sid WHITLEY, Fort Worth and Mrs. R.
U. MORLEY, Maysville, Wis. Funeral services will be
held at the home, Rev. C. V. Edwards, pastor of
College Avenue Baptist Church, officiating. Burial
will be in Dallas.
Fort Worth
Record-Telegram, Wed. March 24, 1926
Samuel STEEL, 74, one of the
first settlers of Fort Worth, died early this
morning at the residence of Dr. J. S. RAY where he
had been brought from Weatherford for medical
treatment .Twenty years ago, Mr. Steel was a well
known citizen here, owning the property on Third and
Lamar, his home occupying one half of that block. He
had been living on a farm some ten miles from
Weatherford with his son, Alexander, for the past
ten years, and had recently moved to Weatherford.
Fort Worth Gazette,
Tues. Jan. 9, 1894
Note: Records of G. L.
Gause Funeral Home give his name as "Laurence Steel"
who was a well-known early settler in Fort Worth.
A boy six years old, was
found last night wandering around the Union depot
with a little dog in his arms. He says his name is
Frank HOUSTON and he was either going to or coming
from a sheep ranch. The driver of the Missouri
Pacific hospital wagon is taking care of him.
Capt. Daggett's home, in
1868, was considered to be "in the country." J.
Bush, one of the old time cattlemen who was a
frequent guest of the Daggetts, paid a visit
yesterday and was impressed with the "great strides
our city has made."
Captain Julien FEILD will
take office as postmaster today.
The Fort Worth Building and
Loan Association has elected officers for the
following year: President, K. M. VAN ZANDT,
vice-president, S. M. FRY; secretary, J. J. MELTON,
treasurer, George MULKEY and attorney, J. F. COOPER.
The Teachers' Institute for
District No. 1, Tarrant County, met on Saturday Nov.
7th with a good attendance. Officers elected for the
coming year: R. F. MOORE, president; J. N. JOHNSON,
1st vice president; A. B. BROWN, second vice
president; W. C. HALBERT, secretary. The next
regular meeting will be at Keller Dec. 12, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
SILLIMAN of St. Louis are visiting Dr. George
JACKSON and family. Mrs. Silliman, the former Miss
Lilly THORN, is a niece of Dr. Jackson and has many
friends here.
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Wed. Nov. 11, 1885
In November the American
Poultry Journal of Chicago offered $50 for the three
best articles on poultry topics and some 175
articles were submitted. Among them was one by C. M.
BROWN of Fort Worth, on the subject, "Artificial
Incubation and Management of Incubators." Yesterday
Mr. Brown received a check, having been chosen as
one of the three winners in the competition.
Fort Worth Register,
Thurs., Jan. 9, 1902
The annual election of the
Epworth League was held recently at Trinity
Methodist Church. C. L. RICHHART, Central Methodist,
succeeded Charles Ray PATTERSON, Broadway Methodist,
as president. Other officers elected were Ray JONES,
Miss Venus CHEEK, Miss Lena MOORE, Paul BANNER and
Miss Carolyn CARTER. Installation will be Thursday
night at St. Paul's Methodist Church.
Fort Worth
Record-Telegram, Wed. March 24, 1926
"Mother of Texas"
Mrs. Rebecca Jane Fisher,
"Mother of Texas," and the last woman pioneer of the
Lone Star State who lived under the Mexican flag on
Texas soil, died in Austin. The body lay in state in
the Senate Chamber while Boy and Girl Scouts formed
an honor guard. Aged Confederate veterans,
descendants of Mexican War veterans, college
students and State employees filed by the
flag-draped casket. At the request of Governor
Miriam A. Ferguson, all departments of State closed
at noon out of respect and the halls were silent
except for the footsteps of the mourners. Services
were conducted by Bishop James E. Dickey, Methodist
Episcopal Church, assisted by Rev. Sterling Fisher,
grandson of Mrs. Fisher, Rev. W. F. Bryan, First
Methodist Church, and Rev. Casper Wright, former
pastor. In reviewing Mrs. Fisher's life, it was
noted that her career culminated on March 2nd when
she observed the ninetieth anniversary of the Texas
Declaration of Independence.
Burial was beside her late
husband, Rev. Orcemith Fisher in Oakwood Cemetery in
Austin. The Daughters of the Texas Republic, which
she headed for many decades, placed a Texas flag on
her grave among the many floral offerings.
Fort Worth
Record-Telegram, Wed. March 24, 1926
The Order of Railway
The O. R. T., organized in
1886, is different from all other orders in that its
main characteristic is conservatism. Its laws oppose
strikes and other methods of force and its success
depends on the intelligence and good sense of its
members. Yesterday representatives of the Order from
all over Texas met at the Pickwick Hotel in Fort
Worth. Mr. Hudgins, the host, had ordered a first
class dinner and after members and guests took their
seats, they were supplied with everything the most
fastidious palate could desire, and certainly did
full justice to the meal.
After dinner, delegates
adjourned to the parlors, where Grand Chief
Telegrapher Mr. A. D. Thurston of LaPorte City,
Iowa, was introduced. He explained the objectives of
the Order in a most impressive way, and his talk was
received with much enthusiasm and hearty applause.
He expressed his thanks for the reception and
promised a return visit. After the response by M. W.
Connolly of Fort Worth, the meeting became informal.
Delegates and guests
included: Mr. Thurston, J. A. Mayes, J. E. Smith, C.
G. Keeler, H. Worrall, J. G. Worrall, J. T.
Brigance, G. G. Willingham, W. C. Hudgins, J. R.
Marmion, W. H. Pieper, E. W. Craig, F. C. Boutz,
Frank Hughes, E. O. Rigsbee, E. A. Collins, Thomas
Mahoney, S. B. Brand, Wm Doherty, B. F. Darbyshire,
W. E. Woodson, Capt. J. J. Mullane, M. W. Connolly,
D. W. Lain and J. O. Porter. [cities represented
were not given]
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Monday, Jan. 23, 1888
Fort Worth Pan
Electric Telephone Company
Recent Subscribers:
Adams, J. M.,
Ackley & Stearns, plumbers
Aston, Thomas, meat market
Bradley, M. T., residence
Brooks, Duringer & Adams, doctors'
Buckman, I. W., cider manufactory
Brunswick Hotel
Central Saloon, R. Taylor
Groves, Mrs., residence
Hardcastle, H., meat market
Harry, H. W. & Bro., stoves
Hunter, Sam J., residence
Kahu, Mrs. Sol, residence
Kemper Bros., meat market
Kemper, David C.,
Loving, George B., residence
Miller, D. R., residence
Murphy, W. J., residence
Polk's Stockyards
Robinson's meat market
Ross & Ross
Sandegard, coffee roaster
Saunders, W. J., residence
Smith, A. B., residence
Stewart, Seth W., residence
Townsend & Lusher, contractors
Templeton & Kern, law office
[reported by
Company Manager Watkins]
Fort Worth Daily Gazette,
Sunday, Dec. 6, 1885
When Fort Worth Was Young
When I lived here there were
only a few business houses, small wooden structures,
located below Sixth and Main. I well remember when
the property at the corner of Fourth and Houston
Streets was considered the most valuable in the
city. Lots of soldiers from both Confederate and
Federal armies came to Fort Worth after the War. I
saw a number of the men who belonged to Quantrell's
gang. Many killings and robberies took place in
surrounding counties, and the men would come to Fort
Worth for supplies and to rest up. I knew Sam Bass -
he visited Fort Worth a number of times. The city
has grown rapidly and it is interesting to see the
fine buildings and residences and think how it used
to be. The town was small but people, young and old,
had good times and I believe enjoyed themselves
more." [Interview with D. V. Valentine, former
resident, now living in Indian Territory]
Fort Worth Record,
Saturday, April 20, 1905
Bokagh – The funeral of Miss
Rosie Bokagh, 18, of Washington Heights, who died
Sunday night in a local hospital, will be held at 9
a. m. at All Saints Church, North Side, with
interment in Calvary.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram,
Aug. 16, 1915
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