Tarrant County
Yesterday's News
In Tarrant County
Page 2-A
Compiled by Barbara Knox
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Thursday, 14 December 1876
am anxious to learn the where abous of William Earle
or Jesse Russell, or any member of their families.
They migrated to Texas from Warren County, Mo. about
22 years ago and I have not heard from them since
the war. I would urgently request them to correspond
with me. James P. Wright, Fredonia, Kansas.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Sunday, 7 January 1877
case of the state vs. Jennie Thompson, charged with
publishing a libel, was ended last night. The jury
found a verdict of guilty and assessed a fine of
Fort Worth Democrat, Friday 4
October 1878
regret to learn of the death of our old Friend,
Daniel Getty, formerly of this city, who died last
month at his home in Jackson, Tenn.
A. Bridges died Tuesday morning at his home, 211
Taylor. Services for him were conducted by the R. E.
Lee Camp of Confederate Veterans, of which he was a
member. Services were delayed pending the arrival of
his daughter, Mrs. Charles Wheeler, of Philadelphia.
He is survived by three daughters and a son. Bridges
enlisted in the CSA in 1861, Co. I, 50th Virginia
Infantry, Jackson's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia
and participated in all battles of that army
including Gettysburg. He was taken prisoner at the
Wilderness and was in prison at Fort Delaware until
the surrender.
Fort Worth Democrat, 9 August
Thursday night, the neighborhood in the vicinity of
the Red Light was aroused by a woman's voice
screaming for help as well as the gruff tones of a
man. The woman got away and made tracks up town to
inform police. Her assailant left at once, but
happened to cross the path of Constable Maben who
knew his description. The man at first strongly
denied having beaten any woman, but when Maben
proposed to take him to her house, he admitted it
and is now in jail. He claims the woman was
threatening him with a knife and he had to knock her
down to save his own life.
Lewis, the barber who kept his shop open last Sunday
in violation of the Sunday law, was arrested and
brought before Justice McClung yesterday. He was
fined ten dollars and costs - the lowest fine the
law allows.
Daily Democrat, 13 August 1879
a meeting of the fire department Saturday, a
subscription was taken up and $5 raised to pay Rev.
W. W. Brimm for conducting funeral services of the
late George White. The gentleman declined to accept,
saying he felt only too proud of the honor conferred
on him in being selected to contribute to the last
rites of their brave brother.
Bradley, formerly of White Settlements, died at the
Battle House yesterday under rather strange
circumstances. He was taken ill several days ago and
it is said that had he been properly cared for, his
death could have been prevented. It is believed that
exposure to excessive heat first caused his illness.
He was buried in the afternoon.
Fort Worth Daily Democrat,
Wednesday 20 April 1882
F. Blaine and Miss Bessie G. Harris, both of this
city, were married last evening in St. Andrew's
Rectory, Rev. W. W. Patrick officiating. The happy
couple took the westbound train for California.
Fort Worth Record, Thursday,
31 August 1905
Myrtle Cook, age 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Cook, died suddenly yesterday morning. Mr. Cook is
the manager for Monnigs and is away in the east on a
buying trip. Services will be delayed until his
Fort Worth Record, Friday 14
February 1908
H. G. Deering, 53, died yesterday afternoon at her
home in north Fort Worth. Services will be held
today from the residence with burial in Oakwood.
Survivors include her husband, two daughters, Mrs.
D. G. Perkins and Mrs. J. J. Johnson of Oklahoma and
sons, Fred, Henry, Jr. and Dee, all of Fort Worth.
Fort Worth Record, Tuesday 22,
Dec. 1908
old fashioned housewarming, a first class Christmas
entertainment and a successful church social - all
in one - celebrated the completion of the new
pastor's (Kentucky Avenue Baptist Church) home last
night. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Boone moved into their
new home a few days ago and wanted to thank members
of the congregation who made it possible. There were
plenty of refreshments and a hearty exchange of
holiday greetings.
Fort Worth Record 30 June 1909
Maggie Cassidy, wife of Mike Cassidy, died suddenly
last Tuesday of heart failure at her home on Pecan
Street. She was only 38 years old and had been in
good health. The funeral was held Wednesday at St.
Patrick's Church with burial in Calvary Cemetery.
She is survived by her husband.
Fort Worth Record, 5 October
funeral of Mrs. B. A. Arnold, who shot herself at
her home Monday morning was conducted Tuesday from
the residence, with burial in Greenwood Cemetery.
She is survived by her husband.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram,
Saturday 16 October 1915.
M. Williford, a Royal Arch Mason, died at the
Masonic Home for the Aged in Arlington Friday. He
formerly worked for the T & P Railway. Survivors
include his widow, daughters Mrs. Cora E. Lewis of
Fort Worth and Mrs. Laura Hammill, Arlington, 4
grandchildren. Services will be conducted at the
Masonic home Saturday with burial in the Arlington
Fort Worth Record, 5 July
W. Gillespie was the chief speaker to the veterans
of the R. L. Camp at its meeting Sunday afternoon.
His subject was "The Fourth of July, Its
Significance and Celebration." He spoke of the
Revolutionary War, the Civil War and the recent
World War. W. T. Shaw, Camp historian, read the
ninth of his series on the Civil War. Mrs. W. L.
Langston and Mrs. James Binyon furnished the
entertainment for the meeting. State Commander
Wright of the Sons of Confederate Veterans gave a
short talk concerning increasing membership before
the Houston convention in December.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Sat.
16 Oct. 1920
H. McKay and Mrs. Mearl Tate announced their recent
marriage in Dallas and will leave immediately for a
honeymoon trip to New Orleans.
Fort Worth Record, Friday, 3
June 1921
Myers, employee of the Record and Miss Marie Darby,
popular young lady formerly of this city, now living
in Rogers, Ark., were married Thursday afternoon at
the courthouse, Rev. Thomas Reece officiating. For
the present they will live with Myers mother, Mrs.
Emma Pugh, and set up housekeeping on their own
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