Tarrant County
Yesterday's News
In Tarrant County
Page 7-A
Abstracts from
the Fort Worth Daily Democrat
September - December 1879
Originally published in Footprints, Aug 1990, v.33
Compiled by Barbara Knox
[Note: Terms
"inst" and ult" are very often seen in old newspaper
articles. "Inst" means that the event occurred in the
present month. "Ult" implies that the date referred to
was in the previous month.] |
4, 1879
Mr. E. J. Tyler
and Miss Lee Majors were married Thursday evening at
the home of the bride's father, Judge C. C. Cummings
9, 1879
Dr. M. N. B. Williams, old citizen of Fort Worth,
died yesterday. Funeral will be held with full
Masonic honors.
Col. E. M. Morton and Miss Maggie Redish were
married Sunday evening 6th inst.
10, 1879
Mr. G. F. Bell
and Miss M. C. Flanagan, both of this county, were
married last Monday, 12:30 p.m. at the Trans
Continental [Hotel], Rev. W. W. Brimm officiating.
Dinner was served in the dining room following the
11, 1879
E. C. Shugard
and Miss Ella Daugherty were married last evening at
the Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. W. Brimm
officiating. The bride, an orphan, is one of the
Fort's most favored daughters and the groom is a
salesman in the hardware house of Henry and
Underwood. A private reception was held at the
residence of R. F. Tackaberry following the
John Hood of
Tupelo, Miss. and Miss Sallie H. Daniels of this
county were married Aug. 17th at the home of J. R.
Daniel, Elder H. C. Renfro officiating. Mr. Hood
became ill with spinal meningitis on Aug. 19th and
died some 15 days later. [Item from Johnson's
Mrs. Mary, wife
of Rev. A. Fitzgerald, died Sunday, Sept. 7th at Red
Sulphur Springs. She will be buried in Fort Worth
city cemetery Monday morning.
12, 1879
The Grand
Military Ball, social event of the season, was held
on the 15th at Evan's Hall, with 400 attending. Want
was the caterer and the music was excellent. Serving
on the committee in charge were Surgeon A. D.
Ansell, Dr. J. P. Booth and Lt. T. H. McMahon.
13, 1879
Mr. C. C.
Slaughter of Dallas, one of the largest cattle
holders in the state, gave a wine and oyster supper
at the National Hotel for some of his many friends.
He will leave today for a two month visit to his
ranch in "the far west."
17, 1879
H. J. Stockett
and Miss Emma Berry were married last night at the
Southern Methodist church in the presence of a large
number of friends. The bride wore a beautiful steel
colored silk dress. After the ceremony, a sumptuous
repast was served at the home of the groom's sister,
Mrs. j. T. Melton. The bride is the adopted daughter
of Rev. M. H. Wells and the groom has been a
resident of this city for several years.
30, 1879
J. Cull Walton died of consumption last Sunday
morning, Sept. 28th.
2, 1879
John R. Leonard
died of Phthises pulmonalis [sic]. He was proprietor
of a store on Granbury Road, 6 miles from town and
leaves a wife and four children.
E. B. Test,
partner in the lumber firm of Williams and Test,
married Miss Alice Badger last evening at St.
Andrews Church, Ft. Scott Kansas. After a brief
trip, the couple will live in Fort Worth.
9, 1879
B. L. Samuels,
old citizen of Tarrant County, died at 10 o'clock
yesterday on his farm one mile northeast of the
city. He was born in Todd County, Ky., in 1803 and
came to Tarrant County in 1856. His first wife died
soon afterward and he married the daughter [name not
given] of Dr. J. P. Woods and sister of our county
clerk, Jim Woods. He is survived by his second wife
and two married daughters by his first wife. He had
one sister and three brothers, deceased, none of
whom married. The funeral will be held this morning
at 10 o'clock at his home on Samuels Avenue.
10, 1879
Miss Malinda
Bishop and A. G. Brooks were married last evening at
the Baptist church, Rev. Gillespie officiating. A
reception was held at the home of the bride
following the ceremony.
25, 1879
Miss Nettie E.
Harrell and Edgar W. Hope were married on the
evening of the 23rd at the home of the bride's
brother, C. L. Harris.
30, 1879
Miss Fannie
Darnell and Henry W. Tucker were married on the 29th
inst. at the residence of Thomas Whitten, Rev.
Burnett officiating.
4, 1879
After 25 years
of separation the eight brothers and sisters of
Steven Mulkey were reunited at his residence on
Saturday, Nov. 1st. Rev. McKenzie, his wife and
daughter, close friends of the Mulkeys' parents,
were also present. The oldest family member present
was Dr. Mulkey of Kaufman and the youngest, Mrs.
Orgain, wife of our postoffice clerk.
Miss E. Buford
and C. D. King, both of this county, were married
Oct. 30th, at the El Paso [Hotel]. They will go east
on the bridal tour.
William Preston
and Miss Mary Castele were married Friday evening,
7th inst. at St. Andrews Rectory, Rev. W. W. Patrick
12, 1879
Our county
commissioner, Tobe Johnson, received news yesterday
of the sudden death of his sister, Mrs. M. L. Lee of
Wise County. She will be buried on her farm about 15
miles from Fort Worth.
13, 1879
One of "the
most noted marriages ever in Fort Worth" took place
Tuesday evening when Mr. Hendrick Henderson, 34, was
married to Mrs. Caroline D. Witwa, 66. The ceremony
was performed by Judge McClung.
14, 1879
Miss S. E. Pugh
and G. H. Herrell, both of Arlington, were married
yesterday at the Trans-Continental Hotel. Deputy
Sheriff Isbell summoned the groom for jury duty
during the "sumptuous repast" following the
26, 1879
T. A. Howeth
and Mrs. S. J. Seasell, both of Alvarado [Johnson
Co. Tex.] were married by Rev. M. D. Fly.
27, 1879
G. T. Brewer
and Miss A. E. Renfro (another Alvarado) were
married early yesterday at the European Hotel, Rev.
J. W. Stone officiating.
2, 1879
E. M. Wells of
Fort Worth and Miss Willie A. Pollard were married
Thursday, 27th ult. at the home of the bride's uncle
in Lee's Summit, Mo.
9, 1879
Thomas R.
Sandidge, well known hardware man married Miss
Nannie A. Thornton "one of the Fort's finest,"
Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 6th, at the home of the
bride's father, J. A. Thornton.
11, 1879
Miss Rosa
Wenor, well known in society here, will be married
to Aaron Goldstein next Sunday. The groom, formerly
a resident here, now lives in Gailesville.
12, 1879
W. C. Fly and
Miss Fannie Waggoman were married last evening at
the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Rev. M. D.
Fly officiating. Attendants were Mr. John Lewis,
Miss Jennie Alford, Mr. Richard Wilkes and Miss
Nellie Buchanan. A reception was held after the
ceremony at the home of Capt. Lyles, brother-in-law
of the bride.
14, 1879
William H. Stahl and Mrs. Ann Genkins were married
on the 9th. On the same date, Dennis Mahoney and
Mary A. Wallace and John B. Graves and Octavia
Wallace were married in a double ceremony.
17, 1879
S. M. Fry and
Miss Annie S. Brooks were married last evening at
the Presbyterian Church, Rev. W. W. Brimm
21, 1879
William P.
Brazelton, "promising young lumberman," will be
married to Miss Hannah Jones of Cincinnati, Ohio, on
Christmas Eve. Miss Jones spent last winter here
with her brother, Major David Jones.
26, 1879
James S. Davis,
prominent young lawyer, and Miss Susie C. Kennedy
were married last evening at the home of Capt. O. S.
Kennedy, Rev. Allen officiating.
Dec. 27, 1879
Frank Leslie Fox, stepson of Col. J. P. Smith, died
yesterday morning at the Smith residence. He was
born in Carroll Co. Miss. July 7, 1862. A resolution
of respect was passed by A & M College and six
uniformed cadets were present at the large funeral
Dec. 30, 1879
F. W. Prewitt of Fort Worth and Miss Effie Emery
were married at the home of the bride's father
(Elder V. I. Stirman) near Kaufman, Texas.
page was last modified 22 June 2019.
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