Tarrant County TXGenWeb
Yesterday's News In Tarrant
Page 8-A
Abstracts from the Fort
Worth Democrat, 1873
Originally appeared in Footprints, Feb. 1992, v.35
As contributed by Nelita
[Note: Reel 1 of the Fort
Worth Democrat, housed in the Periodical Department
of the Fort Worth Public Library, contains the
earliest known Fort Worth newspapers. The Democrat,
B. B. Paddock, Editor, later became the Fort Worth
Gazette. This microfilm is cracked and taped, making
difficult reading. Some portions are missing and
some dates are out of order. No attempt has been
made to rearrange the order of filming.]
March 29, 1873
Mr. Willey was killed last
Wednesday when his horse fell on him. He lived near
Mr. Tandy on the Dallas Road, some five miles from
March 3, 1873
Grand Jurors serving in
District Court: J. P. Lipscomb, B. G. Lawrwence, E.
W. Farmer, Jesse McClure, Charles Neece, T. W.
Morris, Chas. Hardesty, C. Marques, J. D. Jefferson,
Hosea Green, J. A. Bergoom, J. W. Chapman, John
Flint, T. M. Ewing, P. B. Smallwood, H. C. Johnson,
Hugh Roberts, C. B. Daggett.
Capt. Wm S. Oldham of Fort
Worth and Clara O. Marshall, daughter of Col. John
Marshall, formerly editor of the Auton State Gazette
were married in Galveston by Dr. R. F. Bunting.
Capt. Oldham is a son of Judge Wm. S. Oldham, former
Senator from Texas in the Confederate State
Congress, and was formerly associated with Col.
Marshall as editor of the Gazette.
J. P. Alexander announced as
candidate for alderman.
May 3, 1873
Fifty-six droves of cattle
have passed through Fort Worth this Spring. Mr. J.
T. Litton kept a record of the number, names of
owners and countiy of residence. The largest number
is 6,000 and tghe smallest 550.
Capt. Sam Evans, Tuck Boaz
and Mr. Foitzgerald left for tyler to answer charges
of violating the Ku Klux Bill.
S. Terry was appointed
administrator of the estate of I. R. Worrell,
Julius Plaudke [sic] filed a
complaint against William Lehr, dated 11 April 1873
- owes L. Caperas and Co. $25.
Partnership of J. T. Litton
and M. A. Hearne has been dissolved.
James M. Gray filed in
District Court against Mrs. Uriah Burns regarding a
lost deed of conveyance of Peters Colony Certificate
No. 56. The land was patented to heirs of Alexander
Thompson and the defendant is Thompson's only heir.
March 1, 1873
The sheriff of Tarrant
County has been ordered to summon G. W. Crawford and
Robert Toombs, non-residents of the State of Texas,
to answer petition of E. G. Bower, administrator of
estate of George W. Guess, deceased, and Z. E.
Combs, administatos, administrator of estate of J.
K. P. Record, deceased. Alledgedly, Guess and Record
were partners on Aug. 16, 1866 and continue to
represent Crawford and Toombs in the land interests
in Tarrant, Parker and Wise Counties and have
March 8, 1873
The Hook and Ladder Company
was entertained by the DeVere Silver Cornet Band and
refreshments were provided by the Ladies Palace Ice
Cream Parlor. Miss Sallie Johnson was named the most
popular young lady. Others were Miss Ann T. Harper,
Nola Mackey, Kitty Andrews, Mrs. Ellison, Miss
Letitia Tucker and Miss Emma Knight.
Mrs. S. E. Ellison will give
a vocal and instrumental concert, with proceeds to
be given to the Company, which was named by Miss
Sallie M. Johnson in honor of her father, Col. M. T.
V. L. Benton, painter, left
Ft. Worth on the 19th, taking with him a Glazier's
diamond belonging to Geo. Jackson. The suspect is 45
years old with a "Flattened nose nestled in a bushy
mustache." A deadbeat and proven swindler.
Capt. M. B. Loyd, member of
the Board of Trustees of the North Fort Worth
Cemetery Association, has engaged the DeVere Troupe
for the benefit of the cemetery fund.
May 31, 1873
N. H. Wilson has returned
from an extended tour of the West.
Mr. Harch and Mr. Ransom,
injured when their vehicle overturned on the Dallas
Road, were treated by Dr. Isbell at the Prairie
Subscribers to the Hook and
Ladder Company who still owe amounts:
Field and Handley, Waterman,
Well and Starr, H. C. Holloway, Newman, Young and
Burrs, John Hamm, W. H. Overton, J. G. Smith,
Pendery & Wilson, W. A. Wilson, J. J. Jarvis, B.
C. Evans, D. Getty, A. B. Fraser, Frank Rutley, N.
M. Maben, J. C. Smith, J. C. Terrell, J. Dahlman and
Bro., Bowdry & Co., Davis and Overton, B. F.
Barkley, G. H. Day & Co., Pearson and Massie,
Geo. Jackson, Shiel and Coles, Z. E. B. Nash, Boaz
and Ellis, L. Steel, P. B. Smallwood
Desdemona Cheek and T. F.
Cheek, execotors of the estate of Pendleton cheek,
deceased, filed petition in District Court of
Tarrant County to sell certain lands belonging to
the estate.
June 7, 1873
Fort Worth is six years old;
population 2500; about 20 stores, four hotels, two
banks and three newspapers. The town is built in the
old Mexican style with the plaza and courthouse in
the square.
July 12, 1873
J. G. Smith, executor, filed
for letters of administration on the estate of
Virginia E. Smith in District Court July 4, 1873.
July 19, 1873
Guests present at the
festivities at Col. Moore's home: Mrs. Brewster,
Mrs. Maddox, Mrs. Ellison, Miss Katie Moore, Miss
Thomason, Miss Kittie Andrews, Miss Josie Gant, Miss
Boaz of Birdville, Miss Lillie Loving of Carrolton,
Miss., Miss Emma Knight, Miss Mollie Overton, Miss
Ann T. Harper, Judge Wilkins and lady, Dr. Verdier
and lady, Gov. Throckmorton and Capt. Daggett.
William Taylor has sold his
interest in the Ladies Ice Cream Parlot to W. W.
Captain Tarrant has gone to
Sulphur Springs for his health.
Mrs. E. Terry, an esteemed
early resident of Ft. Worth, died Monday p. m. of
July 26, 1873
The truck for the Hook and
Ladder Company will soon arrive from New York.
Strayed or stolen: A bay
horse formerly belonging to Dr. Cheek, dimly branded
P C on the left shoulder. Reward for any
information. P. J. Norwood.
August 2, 1873
Mr. Spart Marshall was
thrown from his horse but escaped serious injury.
L. B. Hudson and J. B. Brown
from the south portion of the county visited
A Mr. Hawkshaw, professing
to be the State Inspector of Hides and Animals, has
been in the County Jail for some time on charges of
theft. He and other criminals escaped Monday night.
W. G. Kirk, B. R. Booker,
Wm. S. Metcalf, and Jas. Prewett left on the 31st
for Galveston.
Dr. Van Zandt will pay a
liberal reward for the recovery of his stolen
Birdville. July 19, 1883.
The Democratic Executive Committee, met to elect the
delegate to the County Convention to be held in Fort
Worth on August 2. A. F. Leonard was called to chair
with E. Farmer secretary. Committee to draft
resolutions: I. D. Parker, Henry O'Neal, Jeff Earle,
C. B. Daggett, F. Smith and Dr. Wallace.
A meeting of Precinct 2 was
held at Johnson's Station on Saturday, July 2. Dr.
A. K. Middleton nominated S. H. Tummins Chairman and
Thomas Spruance Secretary. Delegates sppointed to
the Convention: John Ray, Dr. A. K. Middleton,
Walter Beale, L. L. Joplin, J. W. Ditto, J. W.
Sublett, T. N. Buchanan, C. H. Childers, Frank
Christman and J. W. S. Morrison.
In Precinct 1, Hon. K. M.
Van Zandt appointed Sam Furman secretary with the
following delegates: John Hanna, S. Terry, W. R.
Gause, J. P. Smith and P. B. Smallwood.
Citizens of Precinct 3, John
Trigg, President, met at Spring Garden. Delagates
nominated: S. D. Sanson, A. H. Boyd, C. W. Smith, A.
B. Clark, R. B. Sigler, W. W. McGinnis, J. C. Tharp,
J. S. Chapman, E. Crowley and James Joyce.
Seven prisoners escaped the
jail with the aid of an iron spike and pocket knife.
Geo Cooley and Boz Molden declined to leave. Sol
Bragg, a convicted murderer, would have been
sentenced at this term, but escaped.
This page was last modified
22 June 2019.
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