Tarrant County
Yesterday's News In Tarrant
Page 9-A
Abstracts from the
Fort Worth Register, 1902
Originally appeared in Footprints, August 1991, v.34
Compiled by Barbara Knox
Saturday April 6, 1902
The Sons of the Confederate
Veterans of Fort Worth entertained today at City
Hall auditorium with a rally such as never before
seen in Fort Worth. Committee in charge of
arrangements: Knox W. Anderson, Sidney Samuels, W.
B. Paddock, W. M. Massie?, George W. Clark, W. W.
Lane, W. W. Tolhart, John M. Adams, J. M. Ball, S.
S. Potts and J. Stockett.
Saturday April 12, 1902
Many prominent delegates to
the national reunion of Confederate Veterans at
Dallas will make Fort Worth their headquarters.
Judge A. W. Terrell of Austin and Dr. John G.
Terrell (surgeon general in General Lee's Army), of
Lynchburg, Va. will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Terrell. Major General K. M. Van Zandt, commanding
the Texas Division of Confederate Veterans, will
entertain General and Mrs. J. B. Robertson of Waco.
When the roll of SCV is called at Dallas at the
national convention, fort Worth will respond with a
membership of 1240 - which leads the entire South.
Capt. W. B. Paddock has been chosen as an additional
aide de camp on Commander Houghton's staff.
Sunday May 4 1902
The Confederate reunion
brought together many long separated friends and
relatives but possibly one of the happiest was the
reuniting for the first time in 25 years several
brothers and sisters of Mrs. Sam Davidson. For the
first time since childhood she had the members of
her family with her. A brother, Dr. H. C. Jones of
Asheville, N. C., W. H. Jones of Granbury, another
brother and a sister, Mrs. William Young of
Asheville, made up the family party. Two of Mrs.
Davidson's brothers were killed while in service for
the Confederacy.
Saturday, April 6, 1902
Miss Isabelle Cassidy and
Charles H. Bremer of Des Moines, Iowa were married
at her sister's home (Mrs. Frances McElwee) last
wednesday afternoon. They will live in Des Moines.
Miss Martha Barton Phillips
and Charles Street Dulin of Sherman were married
recently at the home of the bride;s parents, Capt.
and Ms. Mortimer Phillips, on Lamar Street. The
couple will visit Mexico on their bridal trip.
Sunday, April 13, 1902.
Robert H. Harkey of Fort
Worth and Mrs. Florida Josephine Cutchins Young of
Atlanta, Georgia were married yesterday in the
parlor of the Worth Hotel, Dr. Luther Little,
minister of the First Baptist Church, officiating.
Mrs. Young is a cousin of Mississippi Senator
Cockrell. Her first husband was a leading physician
in Atlanta. Mr. Harkey is a resident of Polytechnic
Hill and was formerly a banker and merchant at
Waxahachie [Ellis County, Tex. before retiring. "The
bride and groom are well along in years."
April 27, 1902
Miss Eloise McPherson and
John Marvin Boyd were married last Wednesday at
First Christian Church. A reception was held after
the ceremony attended by many out of town friends
and relatives. The bride is the daughter of one of
the most popular ministers in Texas. The couple will
live in Cleburne [Johnson Co. Tex.] after a trip to
North Carolina to visit friends and relatives.
Miss Rosa Laney and Mr.
Thomas Scott Haws were married last Wednesday
evening in Mulkey Memorial Church.
Saturday, May 4, 1902
Dr. Covert and Mrs. Virginia
Ford were married last Tuesday evening at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scoble,
in the presence of only immediate family and
June 1, 1902
The marriage of two former
Fort Worth residents, Martin B. Stubbs and Miss
Margaret Bentley, will take place June 5th at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E.
Bentley, in Thornberry, Texas. The couple met two
years ago when Mr. Stubbs held the chair of science
in the Fort Worth University and Miss Bentley was a
student. He is presently with the civil service in
Santo Domingo and they will return there immediately
following the wedding.
Miss Annie Callahan and Mr.
Zerrie J. Steel of Fort Worth will be married June
4th in Rusk, Tex. The couple will be at home in Fort
Worth after June 15th.
Mr. George R. Collett came
to Fort Worth from Chicago to work with Armours when
they began their business here. It was no secret
that his heart was left behind in the possession of
Miss Florence Herendeen. A few weeks ago, she came
with her father on a business trip to Dallas. Mr.
Collett had bought the Winthrop place in Arlington
Heights, looking forward to a September date. But
when Miss Herendeed arrived in Fort Worth it didn't
take him long to point out that there was no need
for her to return to Chicago. Since her father would
not give the final word of consent, a telegram
brought Mrs. Herendeen to Fort Worth and she
immediately sided with the young couple. The romance
had a happy ending when the wedding ceremony was
performed by Rev. Hyde in the new home in Arlington
Sunday, June 8, 1902
Miss Myrtle Ligon and Dr. E.
L. Miller were married at Broadway Presbyterian
Church. An informal reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents following the ceremony.
Jennie DeGoey Williams, oldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Frank Williams was married to E. P.
Reynolds, prominent cattleman. After a wedding trip
to Colorado, the couple will live in Fort Worth.
Sunday, June 15, 1902
Miss Willye Feild was
married to Mr. Joe M. Collins at the home of Dr.
Feild on June 10th. Attendants were Sam Henderson,
Miss Lottie Bartelle, J. W. Estes and Mrs. G. V.
Morton, sister of the bride. The couple are at home
at 416 West Daggett.
Miss Nan Delilah Spencer and
George F. Rozelle were married June 11, 1902 at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Spencer, 508 Adams Street. Attendants were Archer
Diboll and Miss Sallie Spencer, sister of the bride.
Rev. Luther Little officiated. Several hundred
friends were present and the gifts displayed bore
testimony to the love and esteem held for this
popular couple. They are at home at 906 West
Miss Agnes Haas and James H.
Cheatham were married Wednesday Morning [June 11] at
the home of the bride, Father Guget officiating.
Among the many gifts received was a handsome suite
of furniture from the Fort Worth National Bank,
where the groom has been employed for the past few
years and two rockers from the "boys."
Mr. and Mrs. Keeler, Mrs. C.
D. Brown, Mrs. Winfield Scott and Mr. J. W. Mitchell
were guests at Decatur Wednesday for the marriage of
Miss Electra Waggoner and Albert Buchman Wharton of
Philadelphia. The couple met while touring the
Eastern hemisphere. The ceremony was performed at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Waggoner. After an extended European tour the couple
will live in Philadelphia.
The apron sale for the
benefit of All Saints Hospital will be held on the
lawn at the residence of mr. and mrs. Harry Shelton,
corner of Florence and Third Streets next Thursday
June 17, 1902.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Winner
gave a dance at Gruenwald's park honoring Miss
Rosenbaum of Texarkana and Miss Winner of Palestine.
Sunday, June 22, 1902.
H. Greathouse, prominent
citizen of Decatur, died last night, aged 79. He
leaves a wife, two sons and a daughter.
Miss Anna A. West of Waco
and Dan A. Kelly were married Wednesday at high
noon, Rev. Carrol officiating. The bride wore a
brown suit with a touch of blue and a piece of hand
embroidery which had been worn by three other
brides. After a trip to New Orleans, the couple will
live in Waco where the groom is a prominent
Miss Mary Edith Bowman and
Richard R. Beck were married Wednesday evening at
Trinity Chapel by Rev. Cotton. The bride was given
in marriage by her father and the groom's attendant
was Ed Hoffman.
Sunday June 29, 1902
Miss Abbye Johnston and John
Douglas Walker were married last Wednesday evening
at St. Andrews Parish house. After the ceremony, a
brief reception was held at the home of the bride's
grandmother, Mrs. L. J. Clayton.
Miss Nellie Hadsell and John
Brady were married last sunday afternoon at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Y. Carey.
The couple will live in Temple [Texas].
Miss Feeney Marie Murphy and
Mr. Bert Stanley were married last Tuesday,
surprising friends and relatives, since the date was
set for next September. The couple left for a
wedding trip to Colorado and other western states
and will live on Cannon Avenue. Rev. Dr. Murphy,
formerly pastor of the fourth Street Methodist
church, is the bride's paternal grandfather and she
is related on the maternal side to the Winston and
Pettus families of Alabama. She is the granddaughter
of the well known Capt. John H. Feeney of Texas, for
whom she is named.
This page was last modified
22 June 2019.
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