Traylor Family and Friends
Bluff Creek, Taylor Co. Texas
Taken about 1923 at the Traylor homestead beside Bluff Creek in
southern Taylor County, TX. Buried at Bluff Creek Cemetery is Lizza, Ella, Joe, Frank, Annie Herrington
and Eura.
Standing: l >r Ott Elam, Z. Lizza Traylor, boy, Ella Griffith
with knitted hat, Homer Traylor, Cora Traylor Elam, Joe Saunders, child.
Sitting: l>r boy, E. Frank Traylor, child, Eura Traylor Saunders with
hat and Annie Traylor Herrington with dark jacket. Youngest toddler is Annie's.

Nannie Kelly, Ella Griffith (center) and Homer Traylor about 1919
near Bluff Creek.

Stained with alkali, sand, and mud
Smeared by grease and crimson blood,
Battered and bent from constant use.
Still you have stood the dang abuse.
A true companion through all these years,
Fanning broncs and longhorn steers,
I dedicate this old gray lid,
For the useful things the old hat did.
Used to decoy some rustler's lead,
Or as a pillow beneath my head;
Coaxing a smoldering fire in the cold.
Panning just in search of gold.
Pushed up big and knocked down flat
Has been the lot of my Stetson hat.
For carrying oats to a piebald bronc.
Security for drinks at the Honky Tonk.
Mistreated, abused on a roundup spree.
Walked on, tramped on, old J.B.
Fighting fire in a clapboard shack,
And stopped wind in an open crack,
Been everywhere that a hat can go.
In forty-eight states and Mexico.
I've grown old as we trailed along.
While you, old hat, are going strong.
You have been a good pal through all of that
You dirty, old gray Stetson hat.
Author unknown |