
TXGenWeb Project
Titus County, Texas


Last Updated:
05 October 2024

Cookville Cemetery

Cookville Cemetery is located in Eastern Titus County in the town of Cookville. Cookville has an interesting history and the cemetery attests to some of it. The town was once thriving with multiple business establishments and industries. Tradition has it that A. B. Cook donated the land for the cemetery and it and the town derived their names from him. The cemetery is fenced and kept in good condition. There are two wrought iron enclosures in the cemetery. One has no identification of the person buried there. There are also two graves that are covered with concrete and rock. Neither are identified.

To reach the Cookville Cemetery from the Titus County courthouse, take Jefferson Avenue (US 271) North for 0.9 miles to the intersection with US 67 (16th Street). Turn right (East) on US 67 and proceed 7.0 miles. At the Cookville Cemetery Road that runs to the West of the Phillips-Taylor Cemetery turn right (South) for 0.1 miles. The Cookville Cemetery lies on the left. Coordinates: 33o11.120'N 094o51.424'W

NameBirthDeathNotes, inscription
AdkinsInfant Girl19351935
AdkinsJerry M.19401942
BarrierE. M.December 14, 1884March 15, 1905WOW # 735 Husband of Ada Barrier To him we trust a place is given among the saints and Christ in heaven
BarrierRebeccaDecember 6, 1842September 4, 1915Our darling mother has gone before to greet us on the golden shore
BellAddieJuly 5, 1862February 28, 1951Mother
BellJ. P.August 5, 1846January 14, 1931Father
BellLouisApril 12, 1896January 29, 1900Rest sweet rest
BellMaggieFebruary 22, 1900October 1, 1900In heaven there is one angel more
BellnfnAugust 25, 1914August 26, 1914Infant son of W. I. And Laura Bell
BellOliver19031922Son of J. P. & Addie Bell Gone but not forgotten
BellViolaNovember 27, 1892January 14, 1907
BlackmoreJohnnie LeeAugust 1, 1904August 11, 1998
BlalockEberleeMarch 13, 1912February 14, 1925Beloved son & brother
BlalockKathleen AnnJanuary 7, 1951September 13, 1966A fairer bud of promise never bloomed
BlalockNoma DaleNovember 27, 1880August 22, 1972A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised Prov. 31:30
BlalockNorman R.April 17, 1906February 23, 1913His toils are past, his work is done. He fought the fight the victory won
BlalockRobert DaleJune 17, 1923March 5, 1973Let her works praise her in the gates Prov. 31:31
BlalockRobert ToombsAugust 1, 1879May 10, 1923WOW
BlalockRoland W.August 13, 1911April 2, 1912Jesus has come and called thee home beyond life’s stormy----
BroadstreetAggie V.September 12, 1893October 16, 1893Dau of S. C. & A. V. Broadstreet She sweetly sleeps
BroadstreetAggie VirginiaAugust 28, 1870October 4, 1893Wife of S. C. Broadsteet
BroadstreetDon AlvinMay 13, 1890May 21, 1891Son of S. C. & A. V. Broadstreet Thy hands are clasped upon thy breast. We have kissed thy lovely brow and in our aching hearts we know we have no darling now.
BrownHenryNovember 12, 1903December 8, 1906Son of J. H. & T. L. Brown Our darling one has gone before to greet us on that golden shore
BrownJohn H.18671953
BrownJohn P.March 3, 1871August 1, 1951Father The peace of God that passeth all understanding
BrownThelma A.September 4, 1910December 22, 1912Dau of C. A. & Pludie Brown
BufordHattie M. GarnerAugust 1, 1872February 18, 1940
BurfordClaudeusNovember 24, 1861January 20, 1901
BurfordHovie IndiaAug 1890June 10, 1891Dau only child of Dr. T. S. & Hattie M. Burford Sweet baby so young, so fair, called-------paradise could bloom
BurfordJoseph ThomasJanuary 28, 1865October 12, 1891
BurfordT. S. Dr.August 3, 1857December 17, 1911
BynumD. W.January 29, 1832August 17, 1920Co. A. 22 Regt Tx Inf CSA
BynumJ. W.----CO A 22 TEX Inf CSA
BynumJesse E.December 6, 1872February 19, 1919A loving husband, a father dear, a faithful friend lies buried here
BynumLouisaSeptember 9, 1840January 12, 1926Wife of D. W. Bynum
BynumRuby R.March 4, 1873February 17, 1899Lead kindly light
BynumT. S.September 10, 1866January 12, 1912Husband of Mary E. Bynum WOW Farewell my wife and children all. From you a father Christ doth call
ByrdWilliam W.18541933
CarpenterHattie MaeJanuary 23, 1925April 30, 1983not found
CavenderMary D.May 2, 1857December 1, 1895Wife of G. L. Cavender She was a kind affectionate wife, a fond mother, and a friend to all
ChestnutLillian BynumOctober 23, 1905October 15, 1923
ChestnutRobert L.February 16, 1872March 30, 1934Texas Pvt 140 Inf 35 Div Tho lost to sight in memory dear
CodyMichaelJune 17, 1843January 27, 1894God in his wisdom has recalled the boon his love had given and though the body slumbers here, the soul is in heaven (Inclosed in a wrought iron fence)
CoffeyJames H.December 27, 1883October 12, 1939Someday we will understand
CoffeyMaggie JohnsonOctober 22, 1885December 8, 1983
ConnersBeulah A.December 26, 1871December 5, 1891My wife At rest
ConnersnfnOctober 25, 1891October 25, 1891Infant son of B. A. & J. Conners
CookAndrew Barney18361902Father Pvt CO I 27 Regt Texas Cav CSA
CookSamuel A.April 26, 1866April 26, 1894Mason Son of A. B. & S. G. Cook For I know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth
DavidsonAliceMay 18, 1860July 14, 1914Wife of M. B Davidson Gone but not forgotten.
DavidsonMinor B.October 28, 1851October 12, 1919An angel called father and mother home
DavisAnnieNovember 4, 1886July 28, 1887
DavisBerdie AlmaMarch 30, 1900September 2, 1900Dau of T. J. & S. A. Davis A fairer bud of promise never bloomed
DavisJamesJuly 12, 1903October 16, 1905
DavisJames Alexander "Bud"March 7, 1859September 26, 1950(Sunken monument - unreadable)
DavisMargaretFebruary 4, 1868May 3, 1913Wife of J. A. Davis Come Ye Blessed
DavisMariettaJanuary 10, 1894March 7, 1894Dau of T. J. & S. A. Davis How soon fades the tender flower
DavisNora EdnaMarch 18, 1895September 29, 1906She was the sunshine of our home
DavisWilliam ThomasDecember 19, 1890April 30, 1911He died as he lived trusting in God
de la CruzTeresaOctober 15, 1883May 26, 1918Aqua Empreza Su. Espozo, M. Munoz
DennyJohn R.May 8, 1831August 19, 1904To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die
DooleyJohn L.18671901
FlingThomas HensonJanuary 22, 1903December 13, 1905Son of H. H. J. & Tommie Fling
FordCornelia Magnolia18531910
FordWilliam Henry18511905
FountainA. E.December 17, 1845November 11, 1896She was too good and too gentle to dwell in this cold world
FulceCynthia----Grandmother of John H. Fulce
GambrellEzekial M.December 25, 1834March 4, 1899Corp Co G Tx Inf CSA Gone but not forgotten
GarrettJ. O.August 13, 1866April 18, 1901Weep not papa and mama for me for I am waiting in heaven for thee
GarrettKattie LeeJuly 14, 1866January 13, 1953
Garrettnfn18901890Infant son of Ben B. & Louise Garrett
GentryBossAugust 31, 1902November 11, 1905Safe in the arms of Jesus
GentryPerlieAugust 1, 1904August 14, 1904Safe in the arms of Jesus
GilbreathCharley C.September 25, 1900April 29, 1902not found
GilbreathEllenFebruary 3, 1880June 1, 1959Returned to God - My mother
GilbreathEthelAugust 15, 1898August 15, 1898
GilbreathSallie RebeccaJuly 15, 1898July 23, 1898
GratehouseJ. W.January 15, 1889September 13, 1905Son of P. E. & L. Gratehouse
GratehousenfnAugust 14, 1903November 24, 1903Son of P. E. & L. Gratehouse
GregoryMinnie E.18771919At rest
HallNannie E.--September 14, 1900Wife of J. K. Hall 34 years as a wife devoted, as a mother affectionate, as a friend ever kind and true
HarveyLittle JuneMay 29, 1926May 30, 1926Dau of T. G. & E. F. Harvey
HollowayMary SueAugust 17, 1919March 20, 1993not found
HudspethFrankSeptember 4, 1883August 18, 1899A precious boy from us is gone, a voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home that never can be filled
JohnsonAmanda C. C.April 10, 1830January 23, 1917Wife of Joshua F. Johnson He took thee from a world of care an everlasting bliss to share
JohnsonClarence P.October 2, 1849May 22, 1922At rest
JohnsonDavid MyersJanuary 16, 1897February 8, 1907Son of G. F. & M. F. Johnson How much hope, sunshine and joy is buried with MYERS our darling son
JohnsonGeorge F.October 25, 1864January 17, 1909WOW To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die
JohnsonGeorge FloidAugust 20, 1895August 10, 1897Son of G. F. & M. P. Johnson Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep from which none ever wakes to weep
JohnsonHouston PaulApril 8, 1901June 13, 1904
JohnsonIda BellJune 20, 1909March 15, 1910
JohnsonJacob ElijahFebruary 13, 1835January 3, 1909Here is one who is sleeping in faith and love with hope that is treasured in heaven above
JohnsonLydia EuniceDecember 6, 1898March 1, 1897Dau of I. T. and L. E. Johnson A little flower of love that blossomed but to die. Transplanted now above to bloom with God on high
JohnsonNettie R.October 8, 1859September 22, 1905
JohnsonnfnDecember 31, 1891March 20, 1892Infant Dau of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Johnson
JohnsonPastoria ElizabethMarch 9, 1893Spring of 1894
JohnsonPollyan LouvinaDecember 2, 1841March 19, 1926
JohnsonSalome A.June 15, 1880February 13, 1890Dau of C. P. & A. R. Johnson
KeithAmanda C. HightowerSeptember 20, 1854June 26, 1888Wife of Daniel N. Keith Aged 33 ys 9ms 6ds
KeithAnnieMarch 18, 1872December 27, 1944Mother
KeithBelleOctober 27, 1889January 7, 1990
KeithEdna E.March 30, 1854March 10, 1923
KeithGeorgeMay 15, 1867January 13, 1956Father
KeithHenry PerryApril 13, 1889April 22, 1890Son of J. M. & L. F. Keith Thou art gone-----sweet child of our love
KeithJohn M.September 6, 1861November 6, 1931Married September 28, 1881 Gone but not forgotten
KeithJonathanNovember 5, 1837July 31, 1920Having finished life’s duty he now sweetly rests.
KeithLizzie F.July 16, 1866September 16, 1916
KeithMargaretJune 6, 1811December 24, 1884Wife of W. C. Keith Gone but not forgotten
KeithMary J.November 13, 1842December 9, 1920Wife of Jonathan Keith
KeithOrvis DurwardOctober 19, 1894January 11, 1918Thy will be done The angels called him
KeithThomas FordApril 20, 1918September 12, 1983PFC US Army WWII
KeithW. A. "Dock"July 14, 1850November 7, 1930
KeithWarren OscarMay 11, 1884January 7, 1950
KeithWarren Oscar Jr.September 28, 1915September 25, 1988Sgt US Army WWII
LillyCalvinDecember 4, 1896February 28, 1912Son of Mr. & Mrs. J. N. Lilly
LillyJ. N.April 17, 1868January 3, 1913WOW To him we trust a place is given among the saints with Christ in heaven
LillyMary F.November 2, 1869August 9, 1904Wife of J. N. Lilly Her happy soul has winged its way to one fine bright eternal day
LillyNonaJuly 22, 1904August 11, 1904Twins Daus. of Mr. & Mrs. J. N. Lilly
LillyOnaJuly 22, 1904August 20, 1904
LillyRayfordMarch 17, 1902August 5, 1905Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. J. N. Lilly
MastersNancy J.February 8, 1858February 19, 1912WOW #809 She was a kind affectionate wife, a fond mother and a friend to all
MastersnfnJuly 26, 1895September 30, 1895Infant Son of T. T. & N. J. Masters Sleep on thy beauty, thou sweet angel child
MastersTipton T.June 4, 1862November 23, 1947
MastersUlaApril 1, 1893November 16, 1899Dau of T. T. & N. J. Masters Weep not momma and poppa for me for I am waiting in heaven for thee
McAnallyFlora JaneJanuary 5, 1887February 20, 1976Rest in peace
McAnallyWilliam J.January 13, 1892April 19, 1917Hus. Of F. J. McAnally WOW A loving husband, a father dear, a faithful friend lies buried here
McCowanHerbert LSeptember 18, 1909January 5, 1910Son of S. A. & A. J. McCowan He took thee from a world of care an everlasting bliss to share.
MundenAndrew J.December 15, 1865August 26, 1907WOW Christ came to redeem Death is only a dream Rest sweet rest
MyersCalvin LoyDecember 7, 1892June 24, 1893Son of D. C. & A. J. Myers Though lost to sight to memory dear
MyersD. C. ElderNovember 24, 1835January 16, 1894Born in Hardman County, Tenn
MyersJesse G.April 12, 1877January 4, 1886
MyersLaura C.June 17, 1862January 16, 1884Dau of D. C. & M. M. Myers A precious one from us is gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home that never can be filled. Aged 22 yrs 29 dys
MyersMargaret A.October 4, 1836September 13, 1919Wife of Rev. D. C. Myers Dearest mother thou hast left us. Here thy loss we deeply feel but tis God who has bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal
MyersnfnJanuary 20, 1894January 20, 1894Infant son of D. C. & A. J. Myers Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
NoblettFannie SmithMay 10, 1868August 5, 1928In loving memory of grandmother
NorrellOllieJuly 19, 1901June 26, 1902Safe in the arms of Jesus
NorrellRossleeJune 6, 1854August 29, 1893Wife of W. H. Norrell A tender mother and faithful friend
ParsleyFannie May ReesOctober 6, 1911August 12, 1998Dau of William C. & Mollie Rees Francis Ann, Mollie May, William Robert, Charles Rees
PateC. G.April 12, 1868February 7, 1902Although he sleeps his memory doth live and cheering comfort to his mourners give
PateD. A.August 22, 1902January 13, 1906Son of W. M. and S. A. Pate
PhillipsJ. B.December 17, 1874June 14, 1964not found
PoolJames W.February 3, 1909November 1909son of W. C. and M. A. Pool
PoolLesterDecember 21, 1896December 21, 1896Son of W. C. & M. A. Pool
PoolMartha A.March 11, 1889February 11, 1913Wife of W. C. Pool She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond mother and a friend to all
Poolnfn19081908Little infant of W. C. & M. A. Pool
PoolWilliam ConnerJanuary 3, 1880November 11, 1952Father
ReesLoy DaleFebruary 28, 1907July 21, 1975Son of William E. and Mollie Rees Father of May Rosalie
ReesMollie MayMarch 23, 1878June 24, 1955Mother
ReesnfnOctober 24, 1922October 24, 1922Infant son of W. E. & Mollie Rees
ReesThad CurleeMay 9, 1914August 3, 1929
ReesWilliam EliasDecember 13, 1863February 13, 1926Father
ReynoldsBabyFebruary 7, 1963February 7, 1963not found
ReynoldsCarrie BelleSeptember 10, 1899July 9, 1982not found
ReynoldsEligaMay 6, 1884October 14, 1886Son of J. & J. Reynolds
ReynoldsOrville NeilMay 26, 1959July 28, 1971not found
ReynoldsTom PenceJune 11, 1888January 1, 1961
RheaLula A.August 24, 1876September 24, 1904Wife of L. T. Rhea She was a kind and affectionate wife a fond mother and a friend to all
RoachGeorge Ross18441918Sgt Co A 12 Regt S. C. Inf CSA
RoachMaggieFebruary 15, 1841April 18, 1900Wife of G. R. Roach
RoachRobbie RossAugust 5, 1883July 3, 1887Son of G. R. & M. J. Roach Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep from which none ever wake to weep
RoundtreeSarah G.18411915Mother His wife If God be for us, who can be against us
RyanHenry J.March 29, 1835November 8, 1887Husband of Rebecca A. Ryan Death is a path that must be trod if man would ever pass to God
RyanRebeccaFebruary 8, 1857April 11, 1899Wife of Henry J. Ryan Mother thou hast from us flown to the region far above. We to thee erect this stone consecrated by our love
SmithAllie FosterJanuary 1872November 1895
SmithBeulah18931896Dau of Allie & Lizzie Smith
SmithIda C.March 23, 1848November 20, 1925Wife of A. C. Smith Born of Josh & Amanda Johnson
SmithJames JosephSeptember 25, 1859April 16, 1920
SmithJoyceOctober 18, 1906March 4, 1907Children of Mr. & Mrs. Josh J. Smith
SmithMargaretMarch 12, 1912March 10, 1914
SmithMollyMarch 2, 1866March 18, 1918Wife of J. A. Smith Rock of ages At rest
SpencerBunnNovember 26, 1885July 8, 1886A little flower of love that blossomed but to die transplanted now above to bloom with God on high
SpencerMaryOctober 9, 1876March 18, 1893Dau of J. W. & M. E. Spencer She has gone to that bright land of love where death and sickness never come. Where only bliss with those above who dwell within that peaceful home
SpencerWillieMay 31, 1882November 22, 1885A little flower of love that blossomed but to die transplanted no above to bloom with God on high
TabbJames A.January 1, 1839November 30, 1925Kings Reg Walkers Div 18th Co Tx Inf Vol CSA Feb 1862 to 1864
TabbMary F.October 9, 1842March 13, 1896Wife of J. A. Tabb In my Father’s house are many mansion
TateCharlieMay 7, 1899March 28, 1968Our Daddy
TateL. J.1866February 1, 1902Age 36 yrs, Wife of W. D. Tate She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond mother, and a friend to all
TaylorIra EarlAugust 29, 1898July 17, 1998An inspiration to all who knew him
TaylorJohn EmmetOctober 1, 1860December 4, 1904WOW Remember man as you pass by, as you are now so once was I. As I am now, so you must be, prepare for death and follow me
TaylorLorena MaeJune 12, 1896June 18, 1899
TaylorPorter EmmetMay 1, 1893March 25, 1912In my Father’s house are many mansions
ThompsonH. L.18731936
TraylorLucilleJuly 15, 1911April 10, 1918Dau of Mr. & Mrs. Bunn Traylor
WallaceBert Killingsworth18701902
WallaceC. H. (Bessie) Witt1880November 27, 1967
WallaceCharles H. MD18621935
WallaceDowman Edmon18911969
WheatAugustus G.November 2, 1862February 25, 1911WOW He died as he lived
WilliamsAlbert P.March 8, 1860April 3, 1917Hus of M. A. Williams In my Father’s house are many mansions
WilliamsC. H. "Cal"18781901Our loved ones
WilliamsElizabethAugust 18, 1826June 16, 1915In my Father’s house are many mansions
WilliamsZ. T.18481895
WittBirdie N. CobbFebruary 4, 1880November 9, 1960
WittFredJuly 31, 1876July 14, 1961
WittFred Jr.July 17, 1918July 17, 1918
WittGeorge WashingtonFebruary 14, 1853December 7, 1943Husband of Lou Rebecca Cook. Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal
WittLeonard Dalton1918--Age 7 months
WittLillianJuly 30, 1903August 25, 1905Weep not Papa, Mama and Dama for me for I am waiting in heaven for thee
WittLou Rebecca CookNovember 1, 1857January 19, 1920Wife of G. W. Witt Peacefully our dear mother and wife is at rest with our savior
WittMary LouNovember 10, 1906January 19, 1994
WittThomas F.January 20, 1921October 29, 1995Lt. Col. US Air Force WWII Silver Star
WrightBelinda JewelJanuary 25, 1898June 7, 1898Dau of W. A. & L. J. Wright
WrightElizabethMay 18, 1866February 4, 1885Wife of W. A. Wright

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