Indianola Immigrants

The port of Indianola was founded in August 1846 by Sam Addsion White and William M. Cook. During the period between 1844 and 1886 , Indianola grew from a plague-infested immigrant camp to a cosmopolitan port city. Two major hurricanes dealt serious and fatal results and after the second one in August 1886, the survivors left the port and moved inland and Indianola became a ghost town.The birth of Indianola was the direct result of calamitous difficulties encountered by early immigrants from Germany who were brought to the shores of the Republic of Texas. Since there were fewer rivers to cross going west, Indianola proved to be a favored point of landing for the Germans who were headed for the Texas "Hill Country". It was also favored by the US government sending supplies to its forts in West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona and adventurers headed overland to the West. Most historical accounts relate that there were thousands of people who immigrated through this port but there were NEVER any official passenger lists for the Port of Indianola.
Since 1820 the immigration laws stated that the ship's manifest (passenger lists) were turned over to the port officials at the port where the ship FIRST made port. For the immigrants coming to Indianola, this was usually New Orleans or Galveston. It could even have been a port on the East coast, such as New York. The passengers were then placed on smaller vessels to complete the final stage of their long journey.
Here are three books dealing with Indianola if you might be interested in learning more about the history of this ill-fated port and prosperous city.
- Indianola Scrapbook, reprinted with an index, compiled by Leonard Joe McCown, published by the Calhoun County Historical Commission. The Jenkins Publishing Company, San Felipe Press, Austin, TX, 1974 [originally compiled and published by The Victoria Advocate, Victoria, TX. 1936.
- Indianola, the Mother of Western Texas, by Brownson Malsch, published by Shoal Publishers, PO Box 9727, Austin, TX. 1977 ISBN 0-88319-033-8
- New Braunfels: The First Founders by Everett Anthony Fey, published By Eakin Press, PO Drawer 90159, Austin, TX 78709-0159 1994 ISBN 0-89015-987-4 This publication represents research on the lives of the 240 First Founders and their families who came in the very first wave of immigration who founded New Braunfels, Texas.
Indianola German Immigrants Treated in Victoria by Dr. Felix B. Webb
The following article first appeared in STRIPES, Volume XXV March 1985 and is an excerpt of that article. Permission has been given for use of this material by the Texas State Genealogical Society.Legislative Records, Memorials and Petitions Series Archives Division, Texas State Library
Dr. Felix B. WEBB had a medical practice in Victoria, Tex in the 1840's. In 1846 he was approached by a number of German emigrants who had arrived at Indianola, where illness and disease were spreading through their colony. Dr. WEBB treated a great number of the colonists, but it appears that he was not paid for his services, despite the apparent promise of the colony's leadership. This petition from Dr. WEBB to the Legislature in 1870, seeking payment for medical services rendered to the Germans, is unique in that it contains a list of names those who were treated by the physician. It is possible that some of these names, especially in those cases in which the patient did not survive, do not appear in any other records, therefore making this record potentially invaluable to the genealogist. (Cynthia J. BEEMAN, Research Assistant)To the Hon. the Senate and House of Representatives members of the Legislature State of Texas:
Your petitioner Dr. F. B. WEBB respectfully represents that in the year A.D. 1846 he was a resident of the town of Victoria in this State and a practicing physician. At that time large numbers of German Immigrants under the charge of the Colonization Company becoming fatally sick at Indianola many of them were sent to Victoria. My medical attendance was then necessary and requested and in as much as I treated them more kindly perhaps than others, Mr. MILLER. resident Agent of said Immigration Company at Indianola visited me at Victoria and in consequence I was by him employed to furnish medicine and give my medical advice and attendance to all the sick Immigrants, to communicate with whom I was also obliged to engage an interpreter, they had to make proper proof that they belonged to said company. I was to receive a very moderate pay for my services whenever my term of employment should expire, the same not being definitely agreed upon.... Being in need of money and making a demand for same I did not receive any; I made out my accounts and presented them for approval and payment to the agent MILLER who approved the account but did not pay me anything and advised me to call on the chief Agent at New Braunfels, the Baron von MEUSEBACH to get my money. But upon my rival at New Braunfels said Agent MEUSEBACK refused all payments or payments stating that there was a new agent who was absent. I went shortly afterwards to see him again but was told he had gone to the Colonization Farm 16 miles east of LaGrange. I followed, but upon nearing the said farm I was told that the Germans had been attacked by marauders and all fled in consequence. The agent soon after left the country, and your petitioner did not and has not to this day received a cent for all his labor and expenses and by this time has given up all hope that he ever will from that source. Although the company was scarse of funds I had reason then to believe that they would at some future day settle their debts until I learned that the Legislature had interfered with their claims against the immigrants by restoring the moiety of land the Company were to receive from each family of emigrants or every single person they would bring into this country etc. which rendered the company powerless and dissolved the same. Now, your petitioner, seventy four years of age, weak in body and his eyesight much impaired and dim, unable to make a living by labor, my claim being a just one and the Legislature having power at any time to take from the said company every vestige of their Land Claims, that they or FISHER & MILLER the original contractors with this Government may have. Therefore I pray that this Legislature will consider and order to pay your Petitioner's claim and so shall ever pray, etc.
(signed) F. B. WEBB
Henry SPANGENBERG for medical services and medicines | $12.25 |
Conrad SECK or ZECH for med. services Etc. | 2.25 |
Ludwig MYER for medicine | 1.25 |
Widow of Christoph TAEX, visits & medicine | 13.12½ |
WEAVER for medicine | 2.25 |
Frank HAHNA & Brother for visits & med. | 9.25 |
Christoph STILEN for visit & medicine | 1.62½ |
Henry DECHERT for visits & medicine | 5.25 |
Joseph FRINDSAMEN for medicine | 1.25 |
Ludwig BOCHMAN for visit & medicine | 2.00 |
Christian MALLER for visits & medicine | 14.25 |
Widow of John BAUER for visits & medicine | 17.75 |
Theodore NOELKE for visits & medicine & burying child after father's death | 24.87½ |
John GEISLER for medicine | 1.87½ |
Yergan PURHOP for medicine | 2.12½ |
Joseph FISHER Dec'd. for visits & medicine | 19.71¼ |
Christian SCHORER Dec'd. widow for visits & med. | 25.12½ |
Henry HART for medicine | 1.81¼ |
John Casper STITLER for medicine | 8.75 |
Francis SPANGER for medicine | 2.12½ |
Widow of John LUDWIG for visits & medicine | 10.12½ |
Wilhelm SCHULTE Self & Children for visits, medicine, and their support, etc. | 66.62½ |
Christian WEISHEIT for visits & medicine | 14.31¼ |
Mararetha E. VOLKMAR Dec'd. & children for visits & med. | 48.37½ |
Christoph KNOLLE for visits & medicines | 19.00 |
Thedor Fritz PETER for visits & medicines | 5.50 |
Widow of John Philip GERMAN | 2.00 |
Nicholas RODEN for visit & medicine | 1.62½ |
Carl VALENTINE for visit & medicine | 3.12½ |
Christoph KOLLER & Johann BICKELMEYER for visits & medicines | 21.25 |
George SCHIWITZ for visits & medicines | 7.75 |
Michael KRIES or KRAIES visits & medicines | 22.97½ |
Peter ZABEL for visits & medicine | 12.62½ |
Adam Val. GROSS & servant for visits & medicine | 20.50 |
Christian GEFFERS for medicine | 1.37½ |
KORUS or KURUS for visits & medicine | 8.87½ |
John BOEGGER visit & medicines | 1.87½ |
Valentine HOHMANN for visits & medicines | 36.56¼ |
Francis & Amen STERLER for visits & med. | $33.12½ |
Jacob SCHIWITZ for visits & medicine | 12.62½ |
Heirs of Antonio FABER for visits & medicine | 15.31¼ |
Heirs of David KENSING for visits & medicine | 32.00 |
"John George MENZ for visits & medicine | 53.60 |
John Adam MORIL for visits & medicine | 5.50 |
Mauritz VON OSTERHAUSEN for visits & medicine | 19.25 |
John Theodore PRICE for visits & medicine | 2.75 |
Henry LESAKA for medicine | 1.25 |
Johann KREISLE Widow & heirs for visits & med. | 19.46¼ |
Michael SONDERGELD for medicine | 3.37¼ |
Valentine MULLER for visits & medicine | 12.31¼ |
Family of John JATH for visits & medicine | 10.00 |
Wm. WAGNER & family for visits & medicine | 39.25 |
John Casper SCHELLER for visits & medicine | 3.25 |
Peter KNAPP for for visits & medicine | 20.12½ |
Philip Joseph FREI for visit & medicine | 4.00 |
Johann SCHIBEL for visits & medicine | 9.25 |
Anton LENTZ for visits & medicine (S7.93-3/4) | 7.93 |
John BARGOFF for medicine | .75 |
Wm. GEFFERS for visits & medicine | 46.02½ |
Wm. WEDEMEYER for visits & medicine | 14.72½ |
Christoph HORNBERG for visits & medicine | 21.75 |
August SCHULTZ & Gossleit KAULFERS for visits & med. | 10.12½ |
Susanna M. BEK for visit & medicine | 5.00 |
Wm. WALSCHMIDT & family for visits & medicine | 10.62½ |
George HAPGEN or HOPGEN for visits & medicine | 17.87½ |
George Andreas STRAUS for medicine | 6.25 |
Henry HORNBERG for medicine | 4.37½ |
Christian LUTTERBROT for visits & medicine | 13.20 |
V. KERNER for visits & medicine | 19.70 |
Estate of Frederich SCHAPER for visits & medicine | 25.37½ |
German at E. SCHNEIDER's was supposed to be T. MILLER for visits & medicine | 24.37½ |
Frank SCHNEIDER for visits & medicine | 3.75 |
Sundry persons called for aid after my book was posted to the amount of | 16.12½ |
Subtotal | $1,014.64½ |
To cash paid Interpreter $ 42.00 | |
To cash rightly due Interpreter $ 70.00 | |
Total | $1,126.64½ |
Committee Room
Feb. 1, 1871
Hon. Ira H. EVANS
Speaker, House of Representatives
Austin, Texas
Your Committee on Claims & Accounts to whom was referred "Petition of F. B. WEBB, for special relief" ask leave to report that they have carefully examined the same, and recommend that it be laid on the table.
W. G. Robinson, Chairman
C. L. Abbott
Van Noy
J. C. Weaver
J. R. McKee
J. O. Abbott
Affidavit of Anna WILLMEN (WILLIMEN)
In the year 1846, I was living in the family of Dr. F. B. WEBB. A number of German colonists who had left Indianola, Texas, on account of sickness came to Victoria in Victoria County and called on me to aid them in getting medicine from Dr. Webb. Stating that other Doctors refused to do for them, wherefore Dr. Webb told me to tell them not to die without medicine but to call at his office and get it, and as I spoke German and English, I interpreted for both, and in a few days he was employed by a Mr. MILLER, German Agent at Indianola, for the German Immigration Colonization Company, to practice and furnish medicine for any of the Colonists that might call on him for medical aid; which they were to demonstrate by the exhibition of their collonial book; And as they could get no other person to interpret for him, I had to do so towards which he paid me six dollars per month out of his own funds on which business I was closely engaged for seven months or more expecting to receive an additional. sum from the Company but have never rec'd. anything from the said company. I also assisted in keeping and marking up the accounts and I know he paid great attention and gave general satisfaction and took many to his own house and fed and nursed them without charge as far as I know much of which labor I had to perform he also had a hired black woman and she and myself carried suitable food for the sick to many outsiders some of whom were nearly supported by his aid.(signed) Anna Willmen
The State of Texas
County of Victoria
Before me W. J. NEELY, Clerk of the County of Victoria and State aforesaid personally came Anna WILLMEN to me known and who signed the above in my presence and upon oath declared the facts set forth in the above affidavit and statement were true and that she signed them as such.
Witness to my hand and Seal of office this 20 day of May A.D. 1870.......W.J. NEELY, Clerk, C.C.V.C