1850 Slave Census, pg 12

SCHEDULE No. 2 - Slave Inhabitants in _____ in the County of Walker State
 of Texas enumerated by me, on the 30th day of September 1850. S. A. Moore Ass't Marshal.

MICROFILM ROLL #M432-918 - Page: 12

Note: Some of the pages are too faded to read and have a lot of ages of 0 (zero).
Names of Slave Owners Number of Slaves Description Fugitive from the State Number Manu-mitted Deaf & Dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic Names of Slave Owners Number of Slaves Description Fugitive from the State Number Manu-mitted Deaf & Dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic
Age Sex Color Age Sex Color
LN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LN LN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LN
1 Peter Roner 16 Male Mulatto D G Campbell 13 Male Black 1
1 Eli F Ross 10 52 Male Black Mary Maury 12 Male Black 1
2 Eli F Ross 48 Female Mary Maury 7 Female 2
3 Eli F Ross 28 Mary Maury 4 Male 3
4 Eli F Ross 18 Male Jesse Evans 6 48 Female Black 4
5 Eli F Ross 8 Female Jesse Evans 40 Male 5
6 Eli F Ross 2 Male Jesse Evans 22 Female 6
7 Eli F Ross 10 Mulatto Jesse Evans 22 Male 7
8 Eli F Ross 18 Black Jesse Evans 14 Female 8
9 Eli F Ross 16 Jesse Evans 7 Male 9
10 Eli F Ross 12 Mat Mcmellon 1 17 Female Black 10
11 Jas Dean 2 25 Female Black John Stubblefield 34 56 Male Black 11
12 Jas Dean 7 John Stubblefield 28 12
13 A J Crane 3 28 John Stubblefield 28 13
14 A J Crane 6 Male John Stubblefield 23 14
15 A J Crane 2 Female Mulatto John Stubblefield 21 15
16 John Carman 14 45 Female Black John Stubblefield 21 16
17 John Carman 38 Male John Stubblefield 55 17
18 John Carman 26 John Stubblefield 18 18
19 John Carman 22 John Stubblefield 18 19
20 John Carman 16 John Stubblefield 16 20
21 John Carman 11 Female John Stubblefield 21 21
22 John Carman 38 John Stubblefield 12 22
23 John Carman 6 John Stubblefield 50 Female Black 23
24 John Carman 22 John Stubblefield 17 24
25 John Carman 5 Male John Stubblefield 14 25
26 John Carman 2 John Stubblefield 10 26
27 John Carman 10 John Stubblefield 8 27
28 John Carman 9 John Stubblefield 55 28
29 Jas Hemphill 10 18 Male Black John Stubblefield 55 29
30 Jas Hemphill 35 John Stubblefield 60 30
31 Jas Hemphill 35 Female John Stubblefield 24 31
32 Jas Hemphill 40 John Stubblefield 0 32
33 Jas Hemphill 9 John Stubblefield 0 33
34 Jas Hemphill 8 Male John Stubblefield 0 34
35 Jas Hemphill 5 John Stubblefield 0 35
36 Jas Hemphill 3 John Stubblefield 0 36
37 Jas Hemphill 2 John Stubblefield 0 37
38 Jas Hemphill 0 John Stubblefield 4 38
39 Mary Maury 0 John Stubblefield 0 39
40 Mary Maury 0 John Stubblefield 0 40
41 Mary Maury 28 Male John Stubblefield 0 41
42 Mary Maury 22 John Stubblefield 0 42