Walker County Texas, A History

Early History of Walker County Texas

An unpublished account of early Walker County, Texas written in 1954 or 1955 by John W Baldwin as partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Arts degree at Sam Houston State Teachers College in Huntsville, Texas.

Acknowledgements: The author wished to express his grateful appreciation to his father, L. B. Baldwin, without whose encouragement, suggestions, and assistance, this thesis could never have been prepared, and to the many persons who so kindly and willingly cooperated in the gathering of this material.

Table of Contents

I Introduction
Statement of the Problem
Methods of Investigation
Related Studies
II The Land And Its Early Inhabitants
Geography and Topography
Indian Inhabitants of Walker County
Spanish and French Exploration of the Walker County area
III Creation and Organization
IV Early Transportation and Industry
Roads and Stage Lines
Trinity River Traffic
Coming of the Railroad
Industry in the County
V Huntsville
Social Life in Huntsville
The Texas Prison System
Huntsville's Early Newspapers
Churches of Huntsville
Baptist Church
The First Methodist Church
The First Presbyterian Church
First Christian Church
Schools of Huntsville
Austin College
Andrew Female College
Mitchell College
Bishop Ward Normal
Sam Houston Normal Institute
VI Other Walker County Settlements
New Waverly
VII Ghost Towns of Walker County